UWP - Incorrect behaviour when Trial Expired - win-universal-app

According to documentation when trial is expired and user opens the app, a message would be shown. But my app closes after showing splash screen without any message in this case.
There is the same question on the Microsoft's forum, but I can't write anything there (it returns me unexpected error when I try to submit my question) and there is no answer.
I get the following line in my event log:
App failed with error: No applicable app licenses found. See the Microsoft-Windows-Twin/Operational log for additional information.
Additional information:
< Data Name="ErrorCode" >-1058406399< /Data >

This is Microsoft's bug and they promise to fix it. You can get more details on the msdn-forum.


"Too many opened conversations. Please close them and try again."

When accessing my application on mulesoft, I am getting the following error:
Message : 42|Application|Too many opened conversations. Please close them and try again.
Element : null # my-application-1:null:null
Exception stack is:
42|Application|Too many opened conversations. Please close them and try again. (org.mule.module.ws.consumer.SoapFaultException)
(227 more...)
(set debug level logging or '-Dmule.verbose.exceptions=true' for everything)
I am not sure where the error originates, is it because some limitation on the backend server, or should I look into internal limitations like "maxThreads"?
It looks like a SOAP fault is being received from remote web service. The description 42|Application|Too many opened conversations. Please close them and try again. seems to be sent by the web service and doesn't look to be generated by Mule.

"Your request failed to complete", but nothing in log: How to investigate further

In Liferay, I see the following error:
Problem: Absolutely nothing appear in the Liferay log
Question: How to investigate further?
For some obscure reason, Liferay has chosen to make some exceptions (even very serious ones) show up with the DEBUG log level.
So, the solution is to set the log level to DEBUG (The com.liferay package should be enough for most situations):
Don't forget to press "Save". Once set, try again (no restart needed), and you will probably see the exception appear, so that you can know exactly what is going wrong.
09:34:29,903 DEBUG [http-nio-8080-exec-5][LiferayPortlet:587] com.liferay.asset.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException: No AssetEntry exists with the key {classNameId=20015, classPK=36354}
com.liferay.asset.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException: No AssetEntry exists with the key {classNameId=20015, classPK=36354}
at com.liferay.portlet.asset.service.persistence.impl.AssetEntryPersistenceImpl.findByC_C(AssetEntryPersistenceImpl.java:3551)
This log level modification will be reset next time you restart Liferay.
To get more information on an unexpected "Your request failed to complete" error, you can activate the DEBUG traces for the category:
on the Control Panel => System => Server Administration => Log levels section.
After activating these DEBUG traces, every time an error is stored in the SessionErrors object, it will be written to the log file.
These traces were added by the LPS-135569 issue that was fixed as of DXP 7.4, so if you are using an older version, you will have to update or patch your installation.

Xamarin.Android & Azure Push Notifications Internal Server Error

I'm following the guide at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service-mobile/app-service-mobile-xamarin-android-get-started-push (as well as the original Xamarin one that this appears to have cribbed from), but I'm running into a problem registering my client.
I am successfully logging a user in prior to setting up the push notification service.
Both GcmClient.CheckDevice(...) and GcmClient.CheckManifest(...) succeed, and my PushHandlerService is being called.
Push.RegisterAsync(...) in my PushHandlerService is throwing a MobileServiceInvalidOperationException because it received an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error from the service.
Looking at FREB logs, it appears that the "error" is actually supposed to be a success, and interestingly is somehow related to the EasyAuthModule:
NOTIFY_MODULE_COMPLETION ModuleName="EasyAuthModule_64bit", Notification="AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST", fIsPostNotificationEvent="true", CompletionBytes="297", ErrorCode="The operation completed successfully.
(0x0)" 05:51:01.092
Warning ModuleName="EasyAuthModule_64bit", Notification="AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST", HttpStatus="500", HttpReason="Internal Server Error", HttpSubStatus="79", ErrorCode="Unspecified error
(0x80004005)", ConfigExceptionInfo="" 05:51:01.092
NOTIFY_MODULE_COMPLETION ModuleName="EasyAuthModule_64bit", Notification="AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST", fIsPostNotificationEvent="true", CompletionBytes="0", ErrorCode="The operation completed successfully.
(0x0)" 05:51:01.092
I take it the error is happening when you call client.GetPush().RegisterAsync()? This is currently an issue and we are deploying a fix on the Azure side to fix this. In the interim, you can see the fix for this here: https://adrianhall.github.io/develop-mobile-apps-with-csharp-and-azure/chapter5/android/

ListView in sharepoint 2013

I am getting following error when I use pagination of view.
Unable to render the data. If the problem persists, contact your web
server administrator.Correlation
When I checked the Logs from ULSViewer I got these errors messages
Error while executing web part: System.ArgumentException: The
specified view is invalid. at
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPViewCollection.get_Item(Guid guid) at
strCmd) at
Forced due to logging gap, cached # 12/24/2015 10:59:32.88, Original
Level: Verbose] No data was found on the incoming client request
Proxy response returned error: 'The remote server returned an error:
Could you please check and let me know what is the issue? I am not able to resolve it.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Have you added the custom web parts or add custom code?
For troubleshooting the issue, you could check things below:
Create a new list view to check if the same issue will occur.
Do an IIS reset to check if it can work.

XBAP, Fulltrust application security / trust exception

There are alot of settings in all the versions of IE & windows, that may cause problems for users attempting to run xbap applications, particulary in fulltrust mode.
I seem to have gathered a long list of such cases during the last year.
However I'm pussled by this one exception, which occurs on a user on one of my systems, and was hoping that maybe someone here could point me in the right direction.
This application runs on all the used version of windows, and IE6 -> IE9, without problems so there is nothing wrong with the deployment/xbap it self.
The user gets the errorlog / stacktrace below. Have anyone of you encountered this vague trace, and know what the issue might be? This user is running IE8 & W7.
The user have the proper certificates installed in trusted root authorities & trusted publishers. The site in question has been added to list of trusted sites. Xbap has been enabled in IE.
URLs, publickeys, appname etc have been scrambeled.
Windows : 6.1.7600.0 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.4963
System.Deployment.dll : 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900)
mscorwks.dll : 2.0.50727.4963 (win7RTMGDR.050727-4900)
dfshim.dll : 4.0.31106.0 (Main.031106-0000)
Deployment url : http://someurl/someapplication.xbap
Application url : http://someurl/Application%20Files/someapplication_1_0_0_29/someapplication.exe.manifest
Deployment Identity : someapplication.app, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=sometoken, processorArchitecture=msil
Application Identity : someapplication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=sometoken, processorArchitecture=msil, type=win32
* Online only application.
* Browser-hosted application.
Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
* An exception occurred while determining trust. Following failure messages were detected:
+ User has refused to grant required permissions to the application.
* An exception occurred while downloading the application. Following failure messages were detected:
+ The AssertApplicationRequirements method failed. The application cannot be committed.
No transaction error was detected.
There were no warnings during this operation.
No phase information is available.
Following errors were detected during this operation.
* [01/11/2011 09:16:02] System.Deployment.Application.TrustNotGrantedException (Unknown subtype)
- User has refused to grant required permissions to the application.
- Source: System.Deployment
- Stack trace:
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationTrust.RequestTrust(SubscriptionState subState, Boolean isShellVisible, Boolean isUpdate, ActivationContext actCtx, TrustManagerContext tmc)
at System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentManager.DetermineTrustCore(Boolean blocking, TrustParams tp)
at System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentManager.DetermineTrust(TrustParams trustParams)
at System.Deployment.Application.InPlaceHostingManager.AssertApplicationRequirements(Boolean grantApplicationTrust)
at System.Deployment.Application.InPlaceHostingManager.AssertApplicationRequirements()
at MS.Internal.AppModel.XappLauncherApp.AssertApplicationRequirementsAsync(Object unused)
* [01/11/2011 09:16:37] System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentException (Unknown subtype)
- The AssertApplicationRequirements method failed. The application cannot be committed.
- Source: System.Deployment
- Stack trace:
at System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentManager.WaitForAssertApplicationRequirements()
at System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentManager.SynchronizeCore(Boolean blocking)
at System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentManager.SynchronizeAsyncWorker()
No transaction information is available.
I should have answered this one when I "solved" the issue.
In the case above there was an issue with the client computer, a change of disk, re-install of OS etc solved the trick.
What the issue was, remains a mystery ;)
