AWS SES Email reply call the node api - node.js

I am developing an application on Nodejs-MongoDB and using AWS SES as mail server. In one case, the application has to send email to the user what I did perfectly using nodemailer plugins. But If the user replies on that mail, it will save to my database. I already created an api in nodejs which save the reply in database.
But I need to know the procedure how the replied mail calls my api with replied information.
I found AWS SES Receipt rule where one can set the rule for the receipt mail. Is there any proper approach to reach my requirement?


create outbuond smtp server using smtp-server nodejs

I was trying to create a SMTP server using nodejs module "smtp-server" and referred this: When I tried to send mail using nodemailer to server it went properly but when I tried to send mail to gmail account it was never receiver there.
I set up dkim and SPF for my smtp server and checked them using online checkers and my code is same as before as I mentioned here: Could not send mail to users email using my smtp server on website
For sending mail to gmail account I assumed that server automatically redirects mail to gmail server if I put my gmail account in "to:" section of message. Later I studied multiple article and found that there is some thing like outbounding which is used to redirect mail to other server. Kindly tell me how can I set it up for smtp-server module.

Receiving custom data from AWS SES webhook events as we do in sendgrid?

I need to get custom data as part of email events (open, click, etc) sent from AWS SES.
For sendgrid I do (Java)
Personalization personalization = new Personalization();
personalization.addCustomArg("event_type", "SubscriptionDeliveryEmailEvent");
personalization.addCustomArg("event_source_type", "SubscriptionDelivery");
How can I do the same for AWS SES? I couldn't even find a mention to it. (Java preferred pls :D)
AWS SES doesn’t provide any type of webhook out of the box for any type of event (open, click...)

Amazon SES vs Node Mailer

With nodemailer npm, I am able to send email notifications. Found Amazon SES, another transport facility for email notifications. I can push messages using nodemailer and SMTP or can use AWS-SES as transport facility. In both the cases, I am pushing messages from my system.What is advantage of using Amazon SES over nodemailer.
NodeMailer is a utility by using which you can send email but they will not provide the email facility itself.
but AWS SES is a service(SMTP) by which you can send the emails.
You can use Nodemailer with AWS SES.
Amazon SES is like a email service. You can also use Outlook 365 as a email service. NodeMailer is just a utility to send emails.
Amazon SES has its own API. You could use NodeMailer like utility and configure it with Amazon SES API's to send emails.
NodeMailer requires Node.js while AWS has multi-language API.

How to receive emails with mailgun in Node.js?

I'm already using mailgun to send some data to an email (my gmail account). Now I want to receive emails using
I saw this other question with 2 answers that seem useless.
I have already set a Route so I receive any msg send to ** and to forward them to my personal email at gmail:
So I tried sending an email to my personal gmail but I'm not receiving any emails.
I have my website on a VPS in digital ocean in case that is important.
So I just needed to add the MX records to DigitalOcean provided by mailgun here:
(link for more info:
Now I send data from another email to and then I recieve it.
When I try sending data to from the same domain that is set in the forward rule it does not work so try with a third party email it you have any problems.

Mails for verification using Nodemailer

I want to use node-mailer module to send emails to registering users on app for verification and other purposes also. I am not sure which transport mechanism to use so that emails I send are not a spam and also get delivered.
I also want to use the same domain to receive emails regarding support and bugs(i.e lets say on email on I am planning to set-up google apps account for this. Basically I will set-up the google apps account with me being an user and having an alias So can I also set-up an alias with say and send the emails using nodemailer from my app using this email address? But obviously I don't want to store my email id and password for google apps in the code for security reasons. So how Should I do it?
Other option is to Amazon SES, I believe its a good service and would be very useful. But can I use the same domain name for serving email from AMAZON SES and google apps also being able to host my app? So how to send emails from AMAZON SES by authenticating SPF and DKIM so that these emails reach the inbox of the user.
You absolutely can use the same domain and email address with both Google Apps and AmazonSES without any issues. When it comes to receiving emails, all messages have to be directed to a single server (your MX records). But sending email is very different in that you can send email from many different sources without any issues.
To ensure your messages don't go to the SPAM folder just be sure to properly authenticate all your messages with SPF and DKIM. I'm not sure how this works with AmazonSES, but it was really easy with the provider that I chose for my email
