Amazon SES vs Node Mailer - node.js

With nodemailer npm, I am able to send email notifications. Found Amazon SES, another transport facility for email notifications. I can push messages using nodemailer and SMTP or can use AWS-SES as transport facility. In both the cases, I am pushing messages from my system.What is advantage of using Amazon SES over nodemailer.

NodeMailer is a utility by using which you can send email but they will not provide the email facility itself.
but AWS SES is a service(SMTP) by which you can send the emails.
You can use Nodemailer with AWS SES.

Amazon SES is like a email service. You can also use Outlook 365 as a email service. NodeMailer is just a utility to send emails.
Amazon SES has its own API. You could use NodeMailer like utility and configure it with Amazon SES API's to send emails.

NodeMailer requires Node.js while AWS has multi-language API.


how to send a no-reply email using SendGrid and nodemailer

am using sendgrid and nodemailer transporter to send emails to users, is there I way for me to turn the no-reply policy to the email am sending? I don't want users to be able to reply to the mail sent to them.
can I set to-reply field in nodemailer to null?
and can nodemailer and sendgrid help me achieve that, or do I need to use another package?

Can I send mail to users from nodejs contact page using nodemailer?

Is it possible to send messages to the usere from my gmail account using nodemailer in my Nodejs website?
Yes... it's possible. If you are a beginner, then I would request you to follow the official docs for complete assistance.

Receiving custom data from AWS SES webhook events as we do in sendgrid?

I need to get custom data as part of email events (open, click, etc) sent from AWS SES.
For sendgrid I do (Java)
Personalization personalization = new Personalization();
personalization.addCustomArg("event_type", "SubscriptionDeliveryEmailEvent");
personalization.addCustomArg("event_source_type", "SubscriptionDelivery");
How can I do the same for AWS SES? I couldn't even find a mention to it. (Java preferred pls :D)
AWS SES doesn’t provide any type of webhook out of the box for any type of event (open, click...)

Setup Email Receiving AWS SES

How can i setup email receiving
I have nodejs server I want to build endpoint for fetching all emails
My Options are:
save all incoming email to mongodb then I'll fetch it on Mongodb
Possible Problems:How? I have local server for now.
Save email on aws (if Possibe) then fetch it
The easiest thing for you to do will to setup aws ses to save incoming emails to a designated s3 bucket. Once it is in the bucket you can do what you want with it, or even better, set up an s3 event notification that triggers another call (a lambda function for example), each time the email is put in the bucket for you to do your downstream processing of it.
As part of the AWS infrastructure, Amazon SES can also take action on
your mail, such as delivering it to an Amazon S3 bucket, publishing it
to an Amazon SNS topic, calling your custom code through AWS Lambda,
integrating with Amazon WorkMail, or bouncing the mail back to the

AWS SES Email reply call the node api

I am developing an application on Nodejs-MongoDB and using AWS SES as mail server. In one case, the application has to send email to the user what I did perfectly using nodemailer plugins. But If the user replies on that mail, it will save to my database. I already created an api in nodejs which save the reply in database.
But I need to know the procedure how the replied mail calls my api with replied information.
I found AWS SES Receipt rule where one can set the rule for the receipt mail. Is there any proper approach to reach my requirement?
