error after reply to a thread in message boards portlet - liferay

In liferay portal 6.2 CE-GA2, I used message boards portlet. In this portlet I create a thread and then I reply to that thread. After every reply I have these messages in the catalina.out log file:
17:18:01,520 ERROR [http-bio-80-exec-575][IncludeTag:129] Current URL /web/knowledge-management/wiki/-/message_boards/message/109006 generates exception: null
at org.apache.jsp.html.portlet.message_005fboards.view_005fthread_005fmessage_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.liferay.portal.servlet.DirectRequestDispatcher.include(
at com.liferay.portal.servlet.ClassLoaderRequestDispatcherWrapper.doDispatch(
at com.liferay.portal.servlet.ClassLoaderRequestDispatcherWrapper.include(
at com.liferay.taglib.util.IncludeTag.include(
at com.liferay.taglib.util.IncludeTag.doInclude(
at com.liferay.taglib.util.IncludeTag.doEndTag(
at org.apache.jsp.html.portlet.message_005fboards.view_005fmessage_005fcontent_jsp._jspx_meth_liferay_002dutil_005finclude_005f0(
at org.apache.jsp.html.portlet.message_005fboards.view_005fmessage_005fcontent_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.liferay.portal.servlet.DirectRequestDispatcher.include(
at com.liferay.portal.servlet.ClassLoaderRequestDispatcherWrapper.doDispatch(
at com.liferay.portal.servlet.ClassLoaderRequestDispatcherWrapper.include(
at com.liferay.taglib.util.IncludeTag.include(
at com.liferay.taglib.util.IncludeTag.doInclude(
at com.liferay.taglib.util.IncludeTag.doEndTag(
at org.apache.jsp.html.portlet.message_005fboards.view_005fmessage_005fdefault_jsp._jspx_meth_liferay_002dutil_005finclude_005f0(
How an I solve this issue?

It depends on how deep you want to go: You can analyze where the NullpointerException happens and see if there's an issue that is easy to fix. You can also check the issuetracker and commits that have been made to the portal since then and backport any fix that has been made in a later version (if it's already fixed)
That leads me to my actual recommendation: I'd recommend to upgrade to the recently released GA6 and check if it still happens there. Chances are that the issue is long fixed and a simple update helps you to get rid of this message. If it's fixed: Party. If not: At least you're on the latest version and have probably fixed a few security issues (and definitely a few other issues) on the way.


Archive-path doesn’t work under ojs

Since the update of OJS to, OJS, if I want to reach the archive, throws an HTTP code 500 that the request could not be processed. There is nothing in the errorlog about this call, so I have no idea where this error occurs.
Now my question is whether this problem is already known and if so how I solve it.
The problem was the bootstrap3 plugin which was still running on an old version, an update to the new version solved the problem.

error 500 http web server: command not handled exception

I think this topic a lot of ppl post it already. I also look for lot of thread in stack overflow and some ibm page. They do give some comment of how to solve this problem. But i still facing the same problem, it still give this error.
Case start :
Actually one of my customer, they have facing this error during running on webpages and also notes ~
error 500 http web server: command not handled exception
Action taken but not solve:
The user id signing/creating the XPages allowed to run XPages in the
server document?
Do project clean, build automatically on designer
Do testing on creating new xpages page with simple lable " hello world" , this one can run successfully only.
Try to reload the http server by
tell http quit
load http
After do this the problem still same give the same error. May i know got any other way to solve it?
"Unresolved compilation errors: java.lang.String" points to a failed install as here. A class in java.lang or java.util should always be resolved. Ensure all services and any processes for Notes / Domino are stopped before the relevant install, jar files can get locked once used. Xpages can't load, Error 500; java.util cannot be resolved
Switch on "Display XPage runtime error page" in application's XSP Properties then you'll see a detailed error message which probably will lead you to the issue:
I frequently get this error when there is a mismatch/problem with access rights or the user login has expired and the app/database doesn't redirect to the login page. I suggest you double check the security basics first. (Might also explain why the app works locally, but not on the server).

How to use CDI Conversation Filter in JSF2.2 Application

In my JSF 2.2 bases application I created a wizard which is based on #ConversationScope. To deal with errors I added CDI Conversation Filter to my web.xml.
My first question is about the right url-pattern for the filter-mapping. My Wizard runs behind the url /report/*. If I use this as pattern, all other pages throw the following exception:
javax.servlet.ServletException: A request must be associated with the context in order to load the known conversations
So, i had to use "/*" as pattern, which worked fine so far.
But now, I want to integrate container-managed security. When requesting the restricted resource, the mentioned error is thrown, when redirecting to login-page.
Does anybody know, how to solve that?
Thanks in advance.

Liferay - Server has Not Found Anything Matching Request URI

I've had several different versions of Liferay including Liferay 6.2 EE which I'm using now, and I still haven't seemed to solve this problem.
Whenever I try to do certain things like save Web Content, create a blog, or change my theme, Liferay just resets and no changes are made.
This is the only noteable error I'm getting in my logs:
10:25:12,497 WARN [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'][code_jsp:154] {code="404", msg="Error 404--Not FoundError 404--Not FoundFrom RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:10.4.5 404 Not FoundThe server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address._", uri=/monitor/bigip.html} [Sanitized]
I'm fairly certain this is telling me the problem but I'm not sure how to fix it
Any ideas?

How do you figure out where happens?

HTTP JVM: Error while executing JavaScript action expression
We are using beans and expression language on our XPage and we get the above error from time to time, can anyone tell us if there is an easy way to find out which page is causing this and more importantly where in code? We are having to use trial and error methods and having to resort to remove code from page in order to find out where the problem is, which is not the most efficient way to do this.
Please check the XPages log files in the IBM_Technical_Support folder in the data directory in order to get more details on the error such as what xpage gave the error and specific details on the error.
If you can not get to the XPages log files on the server directly, then use XPages Log File Reader from OpenNTF to get easy access to the log files from a browser.
Like Fredrik Norling I will also recommend the XPages OpenLog Logger by Paul Withers as a solution to generating error log files automatically.
I would implement Paul Withers XPages Openlog implementation with the phase listening bean and error page.
That will help you find the problem. And if you deploy it as an osgi then you only have to set the error page, some xsp properties and add the bean to the faces config file on each database to point it to a central openlog error database.
