SLK - Assignement List Web Part is missing - sharepoint

I deployed and activated the SharePoint Learning Kit (SLK) to my SharePoint 2013 Foundation according to this video. In the video there is a Web Part called "Assignment List Web Part". But I don't have this one in my Web Part Collection.
I have all SLK Features activated but the Web Part is still missing.
Is my solution corrupted or is SLK not capable with SharePoint 2013 Foundation?

You have to activate the WebPart on Site Collection level.
Select Site Actions | Site Settings to get to the site setting page.
Under Site Collection Administration select Site Collection Features.
Activate the feature.
This will add the "Assignment List Web Part" to the WebPart gallery.
For further questions regarding SLK, you might ask them on the Codeplex SLK Discussion Board.
There you have the chance to discuss your questions with other people facing the same problems and even the developer himself.


SharePoint 2010 v4.master Content Type

I'm taking over a SharePoint portal and noticed the previous developer used SharePoint Designer for all of the development whereas I use Visual Studio custom solutions/features for development.
NOTE: Site Publishing Features are enabled on a Team Site template for some web applications.
The issue I've noticed is the v4.master content type was changed from "Master Page" content type to "Page Layout" content type. This must have been done through the "Edit Properties" on the publishing site. When opening the site in SP Designer, the v4.master shows up in Page Layouts instead of Master Pages.
The v4.master also has the blue icon next to it meaning the page is customized and content is stored in the database which is causing performance issues. SharePoint is so slow that users are very frustrated. Also there are script tags in the masterpage pointing to jquery in the top level scripts directory. Personally, I would of created a delegate control for this instead of customizing the v4.master. NO Copy was made. (I totally dislike SP Designer, this tool gives too much power to inexperienced power users that like to put sharepoint developer on their resumes. I am definitely disabling SP Designer)
So, with all that said, what are the best practices or suggestions if any in fixing this issue?
What issues will this cause for future applications or site collections?
Should I develop and deploy a custom master as a feature then "Reset to Site Definition" on the v4.master?
Why does SharePoint allow users to change the Content Type on a Master Page to "Page Layout"? Why is this even an option, it doesn't even make sense?
All you need to do within the SharePoint Designer is publish the master page in the page layouts folder and approve it in the Master pages and page layouts in site settings. The master page will appear in the master pages section in SharePoint designer.

Sharepoint 2010 web parts not displaying on one website, but are on the other

I'm working on remolding my companies current exsisting Sharepoint site. I installed the SP ZAP Slideshow webpart and went to the sharepoint site to insert it, and absolutely no webparts were listed. I went into the provided Sharepoint 2010 central administration and realized that everything seems to be listed as
When the website were hosting, and it should be listing is
I went to the /sitepages website and all the webparts exsisted and worked, however i need to get them working on the /sites page. Is there some way to switch it so it will not default all the webparts and content i'm uploading to the wrong page? I feel as though the wrong default page is listed? sorry new to all this!
Web Parts, which you see listed and are able to insert on a page when you edit it, come from the Web Part Gallery in the site collection. They are usually installed to the gallery when you activate their site collection-scope feature. Check what features you didn't activate in the new site collection - I suspect that one of them is responsible for the installation of Web Parts you are looking for. (The scope of the feature can be site collection or site - check both.)

Allow Content Editor Web Part

Using SharePoint 2007, how could I allow the adding of CEWP's to the selection menu of an "Add a Web Part" dialog while in Edit Page mode? As of the moment, I can only add Announcements, Calendar, Links, Shared Documents, Tasks but I do not have the ability to add a CEWP. I have full access to the site.
At Site Settings > Site Features > Site Collection Features, you will want to have the Office SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure set to active.
Then, on the site, go to Site Settings > Site Features, and activate the Office SharePoint Server Publishing feature. You should then be able to add the content editor web part to the site.
Quite often I see SharePoint 2010 websites without the Content Editor webpart (MSContentEditor.dwp)
To enable this web part you need to activate the BasicWebParts feature on that site. I did not find an option to do this by the web site admin; you can enable the feature however by using SharePoint powershell.
Execute the following statement in the SharePoint Powershell and the Content editor web part will be added to your site
Enable-SPFeature 00bfea71-1c5e-4a24-b310-ba51c3eb7a57 -Url [SharepointSiteUrl]
To get the SharePoint site url just run
Gertjanvanmontfooort blog
I ran into a similar issue in SharePoint 2010, but I couldn't see other webparts due to my user permissions on the Site Collection. After getting "Restricted Read" rights on the Site Collection I could see all of the different WebParts.
Here is what helped me fo Sharepoint 2013 Online (Office365):
Basically, I had to set flag DenyAddAndCustomizePages to 0 using sharepoint power shell.
Moreover, from time to time I had to reset the flag to 0 as the online sharepoint seems to reset it to deafult 1.
After trying all the above, and other proposed solutions, my eventual success was through PowerShell script. Admittedly I did check that Custom Scripts was permitted and I did have to Activate the two "SharePoint Server Publishing" features described above, but as I am using a sub-site I presmume something else must have been messed up. In the end the following script allowed me to see the Content Editor option when adding a Web Part:
SET-SPOSite -DenyAddandCustomizePages 0
The full article can be found here:

SharePoint 2007 web parts integration with Project Server 2007

To my knowledge, web parts have the ability to display portions of other Web pages.
Is it possible to integrate SharePoint 07 with Project Server 07 and display portions of a Web page from the Project Server via a web part that's on a SharePoint site. If it's possible, how difficult is it to do?
I found these pages (Integration with Office SharePoint Server 2007, and SharePoint Integration) explaining a bit about the integration but I'm no SharePoint expert, I'm actually new to SharePoint, so much of what is mentioned there doesn't help me much.
You may already be aware that Project Server actually is SharePoint, with additional components. A Project Web Access (PWA) portal is a SharePoint site collection that is aware of both the SharePoint content database and the four Project Server databases, and contains a boatload of web parts and pages that present Project data and manage processes within the SharePoint site collection
The simplest out-of-the-box web part for showing pages within a SharePoint page is the Page Viewer Web Part. Under the hood, it drops an IFrame on the page to give the effect of looking at a page within a page.
I'm not familiar with Project Server but I am familiar with SharePoint. Web Parts in SharePoint can contain any arbitrary code and are more or less identical to regular ASP.NET web parts - in fact SharePoint web parts inherit from ASP.NET web parts.
From the second article you mentioned, it looks like Project Server contains its own set of SharePoint web parts, so you are likely to get better integration with SharePoint using these than simply by displaying a web page inside another one (sounds to me more like an IFRAME).
As a quick SharePoint overview, there are 3 versions of SPT 2007 - Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, which ships alongside Windows Server 2003; Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 Standard, which adds portal, content management and enterprise search features; and MOSS 2007 Enterprise, which adds other tools for line-of-business app integration, including the Business Data Catalog (BDC). The BDC is meant to be an easy way of getting line-of-business data into SharePoint. It uses an XML definition file but don't try cutting one by hand!
However, SharePoint 2010 has now been released (I'm not an expert). SharePoint 2010 Foundation is roughly equivalent to WSS 3.0. SharePoint 2010 is 64 bit only. It looks like quite a nice step up from WSS 3 / MOSS 2007. Don't forget though that SPT 2007 is already 3 years old, so it's already well advanced down its support lifecycle.

Reusable Content List not showing in Sharepoint

I'm trying to get the Reusable Content List on my SharePoint site, for that i have activated the office sharepoint server publishing infrastructure feature, even when that feature is active the Reusable Content List is not being displayed. Does anyone knows what could be the reason of this?
Thanks in Advance, i really appreciate the help
Try activating the other publishing features, as well. The infrastructure feature is at the site collection level, but the "Office SharePoint Server Publishing" feature is at the site level. If that doesn't cut it, also ensure the "Office SharePoint Server Standard Site features feature" is enabled
Reusable Content shows up in the top level site collection.
Go to Site Setting>Go to top level Site collection > View all site contents > Reusable List.
