autoLink text color - colors

is it even possible to change the color of an "autoLink"ed label ?
Alloy :
<Label autoLink="Ti.UI.AUTOLINK_EMAIL_ADDRESSES" color="#fff" text="blabla">
The label is white but the email is kind of blue.
I tried everything (except "theme" stuff which I don't really know - I suppose solution may be there), and found no documentation.

For iOS you can use the tintColor property to change the color of the link. This may or may not work on Android though.


How to make the `CocInlayHints` background color transparent in `.vimrc`

This is a follow up question to Change the color of the type hint in coc.nvim's rust-analyzer
I'm wondering if it's possible to change the background color of inlay hints from Rust Analyzer in Vim. Adding a hex #ffffff00 doesn't seem to work, nor does just 0.
After some more experimenting I was able to find that if you just remove the option for a background color in the examples provided in the aforementioned question, it will not have a background as desired. For me, that looks like:
"For Types hint
hi default CocInlayHint ctermfg=71
The part to remove is ctermbg=0. I also removed other parts from the example provided but it seemed to have no effect so I've left them out here as well.

Unicode Font Color in Android TextView?

I am trying to insert Unicode characters into a TextView. In particular, I want to include a check mark and an "X". I found two Unicode characters to do this, namely \u2714 and \u2716. These show up as shown below. These are Ok I guess but I'm not crazy about the colors. Ideally, the check mark would be green and the cross red. Or at least both the same color. TextView.setTextColor doesn't help.
My guess is that these colors are baked into the font (typeface). I guess I could download a boatload of TrueType fonts and try them one-by-one, but that seems like cruel and unusual punishment.
Does anybody know a way to change the colors? (or otherwise do what I want)
I suppose I could re-architect the app to use images but that would entail unacceptably major re-structuring.
Well, no one responded, so I'm posting this answer to capture what I think I learned. From my reading, it appears that color in TrueType fonts is a non-standard, vendor-specific extension to the TrueType specification, which was added to accommodate emoticons. So I guess I'm out of luck. Fortunately, It works fine on my Samsung if I can tolerate the colors.

TextInputLayout hint color for various states

I have been trying to customize the Hint color in TextInputLayout and it works fine. But the problem is that I have to define color when there is an error, normal/Activated which is working and disabled state of the field.
So I tried creating three different styles with color normal, color activated and so on. But this doesn't seem to change the colour. I have indicated the Appcombat theme as the parent theme as well in my custom styles. I have tried applying these styles through java file as well.
Also let me know on how to define the size of the Hint text through style.
A bit late to the party, but here goes my solution to this:
Set the same style in errorTextAppearance and hintTextAppearance, both with the same color for the item android:textColor. When showing an error, set the error using a spannable with a ForegroundColorSpan with the color you wish to display in the error field, while the hint will remain in the color defined by the style set in errorTextAppearance.

Resharper todo items wrong color

I have Resharper set to show Bug and Not Implemented as red in the todo list, and Todo as blue. Yet for some reason it doesn't seem to want to actually use those colors. Instead of red it uses orange, and instead of blue it uses pink...
Has anyone else ever dealt with this before?
It seems, colors are configured for light color scheme. For dark scheme, like your's, ReSharper tries to adapt colors to be visible in any circumstances...

Easy way to change icons color in sprites

I have a set of blue icons in sprite png, is there an easy way to change the color of each icon using a tool like
What I've tried so far is changing pixels color one by one, but it's really troublesome
I've juste found an answer :
Use Photoshop, Paint.NET or similar software and adjust Hue.
You can use Photoshop to swap certain colors with colors of your choice. This way, you have more control, as you can replace each shade separately.
