Resharper todo items wrong color - resharper

I have Resharper set to show Bug and Not Implemented as red in the todo list, and Todo as blue. Yet for some reason it doesn't seem to want to actually use those colors. Instead of red it uses orange, and instead of blue it uses pink...
Has anyone else ever dealt with this before?

It seems, colors are configured for light color scheme. For dark scheme, like your's, ReSharper tries to adapt colors to be visible in any circumstances...


autoLink text color

is it even possible to change the color of an "autoLink"ed label ?
Alloy :
<Label autoLink="Ti.UI.AUTOLINK_EMAIL_ADDRESSES" color="#fff" text="blabla">
The label is white but the email is kind of blue.
I tried everything (except "theme" stuff which I don't really know - I suppose solution may be there), and found no documentation.
For iOS you can use the tintColor property to change the color of the link. This may or may not work on Android though.

Do the colors of the "Zither strings" in VS 2013 signify something? If so, what?

I like the "zither strings" that Visual Studio 2013 displays, that help visually align the braces in try / using / while / etc. blocks of code. I also enjoy them aesthetically, as they appear in different visual representations of points along the electromagnetic spectrum:
But, are those colors "more than a pretty face"? In the screen shot above, I see, from left to right, gray, teal, midnight blue, grey, gray, grey, gray, purple, and grey again. Is this just to help differentiate one line from another? If so, why are several succeeding lines the same hue (as far as I can tell)?
Or, do the colors signify something, such as teal for classes, midnight blue for methods, purple for while, and gr[a,e]y for everything else?
These are part of the Productivity Power Tools for VS2013 (see here). Specifically they are part of the Structure Visualizer feature.
There does seem to be some meaning in the colours. I haven't been able to find a definitive list of colours, but I've noticed the following:
Grey for general blocks, like namespaces, try / catch blocks and using
blocks. The grey for namespaces seems to be a bit darker than other block types.
Teal for classes
Blue for methods
Green for conditional blocks (if / then, switch)
Purple for looping blocks (for, foreach)
You can turn the lines on and off in the Productivity Power Tools section of the Options dialog.

Sublime Text2 spell check color variation

I'm experiencing that Sublime Text 2 (ST2) changes colors of the words that are marked by the spell checker with a red snakeline underneath them. This behaviour happens as I scroll or type words, and the color switches between pitch black or radioactive green. It doesn't seem to be a pattern in the variations.
Before color behaviour occurs:
The radioactive green color behaviour:
Anyone else experiencing this? It's quite freaking annoying. I'm on a 2012 Macbook pro retina with Mountain Lion, using the Solarized Dark colour scheme for ST2 (I've tried multiple, but same behaviour for all), and would love a fix! I've tried the forum, but nobody has a fix.
There may now be a viable workaround -- a spell check alternative.
The default syntaxes will need to be defined within the user configuration files. It now defaults to Markdown, Text, and Tex.
The built-in spell check of ST2 should be turned off when enabling the CheckBounce package.
The dictionary of words added in Mountain Lion is stored in:

firebug:object inspection

In firebug it is so easy and very handy to inspect an object.
However, I don't have any clue about the color code used there.
Some properties are in red, some others in green, some in black, some with bold font, etc...
When you hover over some properties, they change to blue
Anyone can explain this or give a reference.
I am using version 1.7 with FireFox 4.0.1
Here you go
What do the FireBug DOM colors mean?
its hard to find information about that. Maybe this can help you:
Bold Black are objects
Not so bold Black are DOM objects
Get in Gray in front means "getter"
Bold green are user functions
Not so bold Green are DOM functions
Bold Red are constructor functions

practically most used background colors in web design

I'm customizing a color picker's default showing colors which will be used as background colors. I'm wondering if there is a collection of the colors that are particularly useful in practical web design. Like nobody(hopefully) would use #f00 as a 100%-width page's background color while #fff is a universally usable one, there's DO'S and DONT's when it comes to picking background colors. So what are the candidates in your opinion?
I know this could be subjective, but generally I believe there IS a solid set of them.
[edit] : I kinda have an idea to customize the color picker in a logic way, first pick a buch of hues, them for each hue, start from the possible lightest of saturation to the possible heaviest. A bit demenstration:
gray [ #eee, #ccc, #ddd, .... ]
green [ ... .... ... .... ]
blue ....
brown [
As for a realistic answer, #fff won the race, right? Sometimes you'll see shades of gray, #eee, #eaeaea, and an occ. #000.
If you want to mix things up, I'd recommend checking out to get an idea for what's popular, but perhaps slightly different. It's fun to experiment with the palettes up there.
I don't think there is a universal standard for picking up colors for your site. It entirely depends on the nature of the site and the kind of users that visit the site.
For eg: it would be nice to give a greenish color for a site that's theme is nature.
Here is a nice site in which you can choose color combinations and get a preview of that in a single click.
Color Scheme Designer
Never choose a color that will distract the user from seeing the actual contents of the site.
If you allow users to select the color then it would be nice to show them a preview of the site with the colors they have chosen.
Contrast is what really matters when choosing background/foreground colours, so they're likely to be very light, or very dark
so you'll need light and dark variants. i'd probably opt for:
light red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
and dark as above
maybe the same for some earthy type tones, browns, greys, etc.
If you like colours like I do, you might visit ColourLovers. They've got some great ways of choosing colours, and colour schemes. The website trends section might be interesting to you.
I personally like schemes where the lighter colour is not pure white. Pure white can be sometimes harsh when reading lots of text.
Creativity is BREAKING the rules.
It is possible that a seemingly bad color combination, if used in right proportions, can actually look good, so there is no such thing as a bad color combination, it also matters on the shades, difference in colors.
Believe it or not, i own a site ( where user can change the background color to many different choices and it still manages to look good *ahem in most of the cases.
There are a few things that i suggest you to look into:
Color wheel
Color harmonies
Triads and Tetras
Mono chromes (with contrasting shades)
I find that #000 messes up my eyes. After looking at mainly #FFF pages/applications, then switch to #000, then when I go back to anything else, it take a while for my eyes to adjust. I vote "no" to #000.
