Setup preliminary site list information - sharepoint

I have many lists within a site. As a requirement the site owner should be prompted to add certain information via a form(to Set the prliminary list data). Once this information is filled in the form should dissapear forever.
I was thinking of creating a webpart that sits on the home page and checks if the group of fields requiring preliminary infomation had been filled if they hadn't then show the form.
Is there any other way of doing this than going down the route of creating a custom web part? I have infopath and wondering if it was possible using Infopath


Getting duplicate form while editting item in sp list

One of the user is getting duplicate form (same two form on one page) while editing item in SP2013 list but for other user it is coming fine.
Could anyone suggest me the cause of it.
Check if the form has been customized using InfoPath or SharePoint Designer. If it has, you'll need to examine the form customizations to see what might cause that behavior.
If it has not been customized, try opening the form in a new window and editing the page. There may be duplicate web parts on the page. Audience targeting may be preventing some users (yourself included) from seeing the extra web part.

SharePoint 2010, Upload Document Redirect to Page

I have a document library in SharePoint 2010 that several different teams are using for the same purpose. Each team has their own page that has a filtered view of the document library on it. The document library also has custom columns.
The issue I am running into is when a team member uploads a document from their page. They click "Add document" from their page, and then they browse to the document they want to upload. This part works perfectly - and the URL specifies the source as the team's page. However, after a user selects the document and clicks "OK", it takes them to the EditForm.aspx page that allows the user to fill in the meta data for the document. This is fine, but now the source URL specifies a view from inside of the document library, and no longer points to the team's page (where they came from).
Does anyone know how I can change this source URL to point to the team's page instead of the document library? Or, does anyone know a workaround for this issue so that a user can upload a document from a page (with document library web part on it) so that it returns to the page?
SharePoint 2010 should work the way you want out-of-the-box. I tried to reproduce your situation, but was unable to. What I did was set up a library with one custom column and two custom views. I then created two pages, one with a list form web part using one view and one with a list form web part with the other view.
When I click on the Add Document from either page, a modal dialog window opens to the Upload page. I first select the file (Upload.aspx) and then am redirected to the metadata properties (EditForm.aspx). After filling out the metadata, the dialog window closes, and the page behind it (the page we were originally on) refreshes to show the new document in the web part. So the user experience is that they stay on the page they want while adding the document as desired.
If you edit your question or provide comments with more details on your situation we can try to reproduce it, but the functionality you describe is exactly how it is supposed to work out-of-the-box.
Peter's correct - SharePoint's being SharePoint.
If I am reading this right, it may be that you should simply check out in-line editing. Using a view, you and edit the properties dynamically without leaving the page (each team getting their own view).
Alternately, I see many who simply want to redirect users back to the page they came from either edit or view of an item regardless of where that was (a link, etc.). Simplest way to do that is a little programming by adding a button to the forms replacing the OK/Cancel with your own code. Simply edit the forms using InfoPath to add the new buttons - you have the user context if you need to custom redirect to a team home page or some such.

Best way to create Sharepoint forms using Designer 2007 / WSS 3.0

My company is running its own server with WSS 3.0, and I am using Sharepoint Designer 2007 to make changes. I am new to the world of sharepoint (but experienced with webservers and web programming), but basically what I am trying to accomplish is this:
We are trying to automate forms that all employees must fill out (for example, our Employment Application). Since all employees have access to our sharepoint intranet, we will put it on there. It must do the following:
Display a form where users can enter their data. Once submitted, the data is stored in a database (sharepoint uses Lists for this I believe).
A user can go back to the form to edit things if need be (and their old data will be automatically loaded).
User’s should only be able to access their own form and not see everyone else’s. Only admin’s should be able to see everyone’s stuff.
What is the best way to go about accomplishing this? Can I create a standard list and modify it to suit my needs? Do I need to code some ASP forms to make this work? Is there an inexpensive web part that can do this sorta stuff?
I don’t think using Infopath is an option for me since I have wss 3.0 I would need the end user to have infopath as well, and many won’t have it, so that rules that out.
I think you want to adjust the Item Level Permissions setting of the list. (List Settings->Advanced Settings)
The form in SharePoint States:
"Item-level Permissions
Specify which items users can read and edit.
Note: Users with the Manage Lists permission can read and edit all items. Learn about managing permission settings."
There are settings for Read access and Create and Edit access:
Read access: Specify which items users are allowed to read
-Read all items
-Read items that were created by the user
Create and Edit access: Specify which items users are allowed to create and edit
-Create and edit all items
-Create items and edit items that were created by the user
This sounds like you simply need a custom list, possibly with custom forms (edited with SharePoint Designer) in case the default forms aren't adequate.

I need to have more information (an image and description) about a site in Sharepoint 2007?

I have a website in Sharepoint 2007 (it is a publishing portal).
I want to create a site with more specific info than what it comes with Sharepoint.
You know, when you create a new site, the only info you can enter is title and URL.
I would need an image and a description.
The solution is not a custom list, because i need to have pages inside and other lists.
How can i extend this site list?
Write an application page or web part that creates the new site. Programmatically update it with what users enter in your custom form.
Creating the site
The SPWebCollection.Add() method creates the site from a site definition. Create a custom definition that includes the site columns, content types and lists required. These will then be created as part of the site.
Further customisations
This won't perform all customisations however - for the rest develop a feature receiver. On activation it will run any arbitrary code on your new site.
For example as you are using a publishing site, retrieve its default page with the DefaultPage property. This is an SPFile object which has an Item property that can be edited like any other SPListItem. Update the image field and description field for the item based on its content type. The page will then render these properties.
All of the above can be wrapped in an SPLongOperation for a nicer user experience.
There are other options as well, for example the SPWebProvisioningProvider. The two separate steps above of creating a site definition and activating a feature receiver could be tied into one with this.
There is more information on the above techniques (plus others) and their pros and cons in part 3 and part 4 of this series by Raymond Mitchell.

Search Center on SharePoint Publishing site

Can someone give me some directions on how to setup SharePoint Search Center so I can get results from the list and that they have some custom (modified) link?
I have Forms authentication (and anonymous access) enabled with alternate access mapping.
Right now in the Default zone I get results from the data in lists and they all point to the AllItems.aspx. If try search from the Internet zone I don't get any results from the lists and I am guessing that this is because of some security settings. But if make them to show how will I customize resulting link so that list items are shown with some publishing page.
For example if I keep news in the News list and when I do search I want to get result with link in following format
where the itemID is he id of the news item.
Can I customize link in the result ?
You can customize the result link using the Core Search Results web part. It is all in the XSL which is available if you modify the shared properties of the web part.
The problem is that this page is meant to show search results of all types including documents in SharePoint, files potentially outside of SharePoint, web pages, business data, etc.
You may want to have a custom search results page that uses a specific scope or managed property query such that you can be sure the results will be list items. This can probably be done without any coding (if you don't consider XSL coding) and you could still use the Core Search Results web part.
Another option may be similar, but use the Data Form/View web part (through SharePoint Designer) or the Content Query Web Part (Publishing Infrastructure feature required).
