Sitecore 8.1 Lucene not updating - how to indentify if index has been fullly built? - azure

We are using Sitecore 8.1 with LUCENE search provider, 1 CM and 2x CDs. The solution is hosted in Azure Web Apps.
We noticed that when content author publishes or updates the article, the changes is seen my some users/browsers and not for others.
I suspect this is due to index not being built on one of CDs (as history engine is not enabled). In the past I could troubleshoot this by RDP to Azure Web Role VM or similar and analyse the lunene index files data time.
Above is not possible with WEB APP as you can't RDP or FTP to specific instances.
Is there a way in Sitecore to find out whether index has been 100% built for N number of CDs?
Is it true that History Engine MUST be turned on if we have more than 1 CDs?
If there are N (where N > 1) number of CDs, does one of the CD gets rebuilt instantly after publish end? This is what we have noticed and it confuses me.
Any reason why History Engine section might be missing out of box?

Don't know.
My understanding that you need to have History Engine "on" if you have ANY CDs.
The combined instance (that has CM and CD on the same instance) does not need a History Engine as it gets updated instantly.
I would expect it to be missing, as the default installation is not intended for scaling. Also, I would mention, that you need all your CD instances that you publish to explicitly listed in a web.config (or added through Include). Please see this post from Alen Pelin:


Smart search index issue – Kentico 9

Our team of developers have been having an ongoing issue with smart search functionality not working as expected in our PROD website. UAT site works as expected. We use Kentico 9 CMS.
We have created a page in Kentico and added some information to the smart search field. We followed the same process in UAT and PROD but only UAT comes back with search results when you use this functionality on the website.
Image 1
Below - search results in UAT – PROD does not come back with anything related:
Image 2
What we have done so far to try and solve the issue:
• We noticed the PROD site needed an index status rebuild. We processed the rebuild but it did not solve the problem. After a while, it requested another rebuild.
Image 3
• PROD site is linked to Azure Portal and is scaled out to a minimum of 2 instances while UAT is scaled out to only 1 instance. We tried to reproduce the same issue in UAT (where we can debug it) by increasing its number of instances to 2. It did not make any difference; the search functionality still works fine in UAT but not in PROD.
• We saved scheduled task – Execute search tasks again to make sure this is running as expected. The scheduled task is running fine but It did not help solving the problem.
Image 4
Does anybody have any idea or experienced the same or similar issue before?
You have to make sure that your scheduled task is run on each web farm server individually.
Take a look at the documentation (Check the Tip: Executing search tasks via the scheduler on a web farm). Anyway to me it looks like more a web farm synchronization issue than issue with smart search

Sitecore template items reset after IIS restart / application pool recycle

I have a uCommerce package installed for my sitecore. The problem exists when you start editing template items under sitecore/templates/User Defined/uCommerce definitions/. When you restart IIS or recycle application pool (apparently this happens after solution rebuild) the template items reset their values to the fixed one. What could be causing the problem? Is there any cache mechanism which could be causing this?
update: have checked the sitecore database, the field values are being saved and stored in database properly after iis reset/pool recycly, so there is pretty much confidence that it has to do something with caching
The UCommerce DataProvider (UCommerce.Sitecore.SitecoreDataProvider.DataProviderMasterDatabase) automatically adds the templates under sitecore/templates/User Defined/uCommerce definitions at start up so they will always be reset after each recycle.
First off, make sure that you are making your changes in the Master database and not the Web database. If that is not the issue, then try the following while logged into Sitecore as an administrator:
Go to
Clear the Sitecore cache
Go to the Master database's content editor and look at your templates
Make any changes necessary, save and publish
Do your IIS restart / application pool recycle (the latter occurs on every build)
Go back to
Clear the cache again (just a base-case)
Go back to the Master database's content editor and look at your templates again
If the issue occurs after trying those steps, then you should open a Sitecore support ticket and see what they say. You may also want to try making a clean install of Sitecore and trying to reproduce the issue there (Sitecore Support is likely to do this as well).
The problem was that the standard values template presentation layout I have been updating was the english version. However, there was another language version set and the layout for that version was different. When uCommerce is resetting the template on application pool recycle it doesn't take into the account the multilanguage support, so the last retrieved language version of that fieldvalue is used as reset template and that different language version with different layout was used. A partial workaround is to use the same layout for all the language versions.

Where is Umbraco.config stored in Azure cloud services?

I've got an existing Umbraco install on Azure cloud services (not Azure web sites), and although the web.config tells me that it should be found at ~/App_Data/umbraco.config, it isn't there.
Does anyone know where this would be stored? Is there a chance it is writing to a db table perhaps?
I need to edit some nodes as I suspect that at least one is owned by a user which no longer exists, hence no nodes at that level are visible in the admin system (JS error).
The site was set up with Umbraco Azure Accelerator, if that offers any clues.
It is worth noting that Umbraco hasn't needed the Umbraco Accelerator for Azure in the latest versions due to the use of Azure Web Sites. I am wondering which version of Umbraco you are running? The Accelerator projects are being deprecated and have ceased updates, as you can see here by the lack of recent updates. You can read more about the reasoning behind this, and about how the Accelerator's functionality is now a part of the Azure core itself, over here.
So - assuming that your site is an old one and you cannot just reinstall it as an Azure Web Site, can you firstly please confirm that you have the config enabled through the following setting in /config/umbracoSettings.config?
If this is false (as is best during all hosting environments except live) then we know that Umbraco will not use the cache. Can you please also check that the following section doesn't list any other machine IP addresses in umbracoSettings.config? Note that this is only relevant if the enabled attribute is true as in the example below.
<distributedCall enabled="true">
Next, we need to check that Umbraco is still set to use the location /App_Data/umbraco.config through the web.config file.
<add key="umbracoContentXML" value="~/App_Data/umbraco.config" />
We should consider the way that Umbraco works on Azure and whether it could have any effect on your site. The Umbraco Accelerator used to be necessary to synchronise the umbraco.config file between Azure instances. With each instance running a separate Umbraco website, there has to be a way that they can talk to each other. The accelerator mirrors that cache file between instances.
Assuming that your code is a default install, and not having been worked on by someone else before you, then it could be an idea to reduce your site to a single instance. Now see if it generates the cache after restarting the website. Finally, you can upgrade the site to see if it regenerates the cache.
These issues are usually always caused by some kind of configuration issue. I also remember that you can simulate Azure deployment using the Windows Azure SDK which you can use to examine for signs of the cache. Good luck.
I'm not sure about the Umbraco Accelerator or a non Web Site project, but we currently are running Umbraco on an Azure web site and App_Data\umbraco.config comes and goes when it pleases and the website unexplainably works. I would like to find the reason behind this if anyone has an answer??

How to turn off Internet Explorer enhanced security settings in Azure

My site is hosted on Azure. I need to programmatically turn off Internet Explorer's default enhanced security configuration settings whenever I repave or redeploy a new box on Azure.
How do I do this?
I found this article on another site It included the following command line syntax, but on my local box I couldn't find the IEHARDEN.INF file it referred to. I also don't think this solution is Azure-specific.
rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection IESoftenAdmin 128 %windir%\inf\IEHARDEN.INF
I need to turn off these default hardening settings under Azure because I have a 3rd party IE screen capture DLL that needs to execute Javascript on webpages.
I think that this approach, shaped in a Windows Azure StartupTask running in Elevated execution context will help you.
Just remember that the .bat or .cmd file you create needs to be UTF8 encoded. There used to be some issues with the batch files if they are not UTF8.
I decided to update the answer, because it would have been too long for a second comment. I want to first make clear that I do not intend to offend anyone and the next is just mine personal view and thoughts.
Well, I mine vision might be (is) distorted through mine prism. But, I think that these specifics has nothing to do with Windows Azure itself.
These are OS related configuration specifics and the approach would be one and the same (with some variations) regardless of a (hosting/cloud) provider. If you had to deploy your solution to a dedicated (or virtual) server, you would had to create some kind of scheduled task, or startup task to make these configuration changes. Or even interactively login to make these changes.
Since Windows Azure offers the StartUp Task, it is up to us (developers) to decide what to do and how to shape the OS according to our needs.
The OS configuration changes that one can possibly need are only limited by the total ammount of all available Windows Server 2008/R2 configuration options. I personally do not believe that these needs to be reflected in Windows Azure documentation by any means. They have their place in Windows Server documentation. It is arguable which are "commonly used", because what might be common for one, might also be "never needed" for others ...

Best practices for applying changes to a SharePoint application

I feel like I need a better defined framework for updating my SharePoint (MOSS 2007) application with custom code changes. I am creating wsp solution files with features and new types and such, but once those get tested and deployed, I feel like it's a bit of a leap of faith, and that makes me nervous and occasionally reluctant to deploy changes. After deployment, it's difficult to correlate the current state of the SharePoint application with the specific code that is deployed on that SharePoint server. What features are actually installed and on which sites? Which features are activated or deactivated? Which version of this custom field or content type is really there? Things like this. If an error crops up, I have to rely on my assumptions about what code is there and actually running, or I have to spend time digging through deployed assemblies and the 12 hive -- not impossible, but pretty unpleasant.
What steps should I take to improve my ability to unambiguously determine the state of the application and find the code that truly represents that state? Are there third-party tools that can help with this?
I feel your pain... Application Developyment Lifecycle with SharePoint 2007 leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth.
To answer your question. We built our own deployment utility that does a few things for us.
Checks state of key Timer Jobs (too many times we would do a deployment to find one WFE that did not get deployment)
Checks state of key Services on all our web front ends (again we want to know health of farm before we start kicking off timer jobs).
Shows file version and date of selected assemblies from GAC (does this across all Web Front Ends). We have seen problems before where assemblies did not get installed correctly across the farms.
Updates web.config settings based on an custom XML scheme we provide. We ran into some problems with web.config updates so we have thought about creating a utility to validate the web.config (specifically make sure there are no duplicate entries for specific keys).
Push content type updates (first time content types are deployed via feature it works great, but as soon as you need to update that content type it gets tough).
Checks status of WSP package after deployment or upgrade.
This utility uses the SharePoint API to do most of this work. Some of it is done by checking WMI Events.
Unfortunately the SharePoint development experience is lacking in this regard. As long as you are "namespacing" all features deployed using solution packages, you can use solution management from central admin to keep track of versions, and what gets deployed to which site collection.
Features are scoped from all levels from the farm to an individual web; so maintenence from that level is a little tough. I just try to organize all deployed code from the (top down) solution level.
It gets even more complicated when deploying custom timer jobs, event handlers, etc; I really hope that version next will address a lot of these common developer concerns.
Isn't the only way that you have a planned/controlled deployment process and a version management system like TFS
In the current project I am involved in we have:
Continuous builds
Daily Builds on a development server
When we release something to test we merge the code to the Main bransch in the version management system (TFS)
When tested and ready for production then we merge the main bransch to the release bransch
Using this structured way we always knows what is deployed in what environment and can also track all changes based on environment or changes in requirements(are also tracked in TFS)
