Spark and RDD partitioning - apache-spark

As in spark we can load data directly from HDFS and number of partitions of RDD will be equal to number of partitions of file. HDFS as known for keeping duplicate chunks of files, so question is how spark deal with this and how RDD partition being governed.
Correct me if I went wrong in asking question.

You want to bring computation to data, so depending where the task will be performed (which physical node will keep the persistent data), you will use the closest available replica (same rack, etc) or perform the scheduling based on where the data is available. This part is handled by the YARN scheduler.

As you can check from spark user guide there are some configuration regarding the data locality that you can set (extracted from spark 1.6 user guide ) :
default : 3s
How long to wait to launch a data-local task before giving up and launching it on a less-local node. The same wait will be used to step through multiple locality levels (process-local, node-local, rack-local and then any). It is also possible to customize the waiting time for each level by setting spark.locality.wait.node, etc. You should increase this setting if your tasks are long and see poor locality, but the default usually works well.
default : spark.locality.wait
Customize the locality wait for node locality. For example, you can set this to 0 to skip node locality and search immediately for rack locality (if your cluster has rack information).
Customize the locality wait for process locality. This affects tasks that attempt to access cached data in a particular executor process.
Customize the locality wait for rack locality


Why caching small Spark RDDs takes big memory allocation in Yarn?

The RDDs that are cached (in total 8) are not big, only around 30G, however, on Hadoop UI, it shows that the Spark application is taking lots of memory (no active jobs are running), i.e. 1.4T, why so much?
Why it shows around 100 executors (here, i.e. vCores) even when there's no active jobs running?
Also, if cached RDDs are stored across 100 executors, are those executors preserved and no more other Spark apps can use them for running tasks any more? To rephrase the question: will preserving a little memory resource (.cache) in executors prevents other Spark app from leveraging the idle computing resource of them?
Is there any potential Spark config / zeppelin config that can cause this phenomenon?
After checking the Spark conf (zeppelin), it seems there's the default (configured by administrator by default) setting for spark.executor.memory=10G, which is probably the reason why.
However, here's a new question: Is it possible to keep only the memory needed for the cached RDDs in each executors and release the rest, instead of holding always the initially set memory spark.executor.memory=10G?
Spark configuration
Perhaps you can try to repartition(n) your RDD to a fewer n < 100 partitions before caching. A ~30GB RDD would probably fit into storage memory of ten 10GB executors. A good overview of Spark memory management can be found here. This way, only those executors that hold cached blocks will be "pinned" to your application, while the rest can be reclaimed by YARN via Spark dynamic allocation after spark.dynamicAllocation.executorIdleTimeout (default 60s).
Q: Is it possible to keep only the memory needed for the cached RDDs in each executors and release the rest, instead of holding always the initially set memory spark.executor.memory=10G?
When Spark uses YARN as its execution engine, YARN allocates the containers of a specified (by application) size -- at least spark.executor.memory+spark.executor.memoryOverhead, but may be even bigger in case of pyspark -- for all the executors. How much memory Spark actually uses inside a container becomes irrelevant, since the resources allocated to a container will be considered off-limits to other YARN applications.
Spark assumes that your data is equally distributed on all the executors and tasks. That's the reason why you set memory per task. So to make Spark to consume less memory, your data has to be evenly distributed:
If you are reading from Parquet files or CSVs, make sure that they have similar sizes. Running repartition() causes shuffling, which if the data is so skewed may cause other problems if executors don't have enough resources
Cache won't help to release memory on the executors because it doesn't redistribute the data
Can you please see under "Event Timeline" on the Stages "how big are the green bars?" Normally that's tied to the data distribution, so that's a way to see how much data is loaded (proportionally) on every task and how much they are doing. As all tasks have same memory assigned, you can see graphically if resources are wasted (in case there are mostly tiny bars and few big bars). A sample of wasted resources can be seen on the image below
There are different ways to create evenly distributed files for your process. I mention some possibilities, but for sure there are more:
Using Hive and DISTRIBUTE BY clause: you need to use a field that is equally balanced in order to create as many files (and with proper size) as expected
If the process creating those files is a Spark process reading from a DB, try to create as many connections as files you need and use a proper field to populate Spark partitions. That is achieved, as explained here and here with partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound and numPartitions properties
Repartition may work, but see if coalesce also make sense in your process or in the previous one generating the files you are reading from

SparkDataframe.load(),when I execute a load command where actually my data get stored?

If I am loading one table from cassandra using spark dataframe.load().Where will my data gets loaded.Is it in spark memory.Or in datanode blocks ,if I am using yarn resource manager.
It will try to store in memory per number of partitions on the Worker Nodes / which in this context is a slightly better term than Data Nodes.
It will spill to disk if not enough memory on the Worker Nodes.
Per number of Cores / Executors, processing will occur. E.g. if you have, say, 20 Executors with 1 Core each, your concurrency of processing is 20 and spilling will occur via eviction. If you run out of disk, an error will result.
Worker Nodes is a better term here compared to Data Nodes, unless you have HDFS and processing locally, then Worker Node is equal to Data Node. Although you could argue what's in a name?
Of course, an Action will need to have been initiated.
And repartition and join or union latterly in the data pipeline affect things, but that goes without saying.

Spark SQL slow execution with resource idle

I have a Spark SQL that used to execute < 10 mins now running at 3 hours after a cluster migration and need to deep dive on what it's actually doing. I'm new to spark and please don't mind if I'm asking something unrelated.
Increased spark.executor.memory but no luck.
Env: Azure HDInsight Spark 2.4 on Azure Storage
SQL: Read and Join some data and finally write result to a Hive metastore.
The spark.sql script ends with below code:
Application Behavior:
Within the first 15 mins, it loads and complete most tasks (199/200); left only 1 executor process alive and continually to shuffle read / write data. Because now it only leave 1 executor, we need to wait 3 hours until this application finish.
Left only 1 executor alive
Not sure what's the executor doing:
From time to time, we can tell the shuffle read increased:
Therefore I increased the spark.executor.memory to 20g, but nothing changed. From Ambari and YARN I can tell the cluster has many resources left.
Release of almost all executor
Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
I would like to start with some observations for your case:
From the tasks list you can see that that Shuffle Spill (Disk) and Shuffle Spill (Memory) have both very high values. The max block size for each partition during the exchange of data should not exceed 2GB therefore you should be aware to keep the size of shuffled data as low as possible. As rule of thumb you need to remember that the size of each partition should be ~200-500MB. For instance if the total data is 100GB you need at least 250-500 partitions to keep the partition size within the mentioned limits.
The co-existence of two previous it also means that the executor memory was not sufficient and Spark was forced to spill data to the disk.
The duration of the tasks is too high. A normal task should lasts between 50-200ms.
Too many killed executors is another sign which shows that you are facing OOM problems.
Locality is RACK_LOCAL which is considered one of the lowest values you can achieve within a cluster. Briefly, that means that the task is being executed in a different node than the data is stored.
As solution I would try the next few things:
Increase the number of partitions by using repartition() or via Spark settings with spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to a number that meets the requirements above i.e 1000 or more.
Change the way you store the data and introduce partitioned data i.e day/month/year using partitionBy

"total-executor-cores" parameter in Spark in relation to Data Nodes

Another item that I read little about.
Leaving S3 aside, and not in the position just now to try out on a bare metal classic data locality approach to Spark, Hadoop, and not in Dynamic Resource Allocation mode, then:
What if a large dataset in HDFS is distributed over (all) N data nodes in the Cluster, but the total-executor-cores parameter is set lower than N, and we need to read all the data on obviously (all) N relevant Data Nodes?
I assume Spark has to ignore this parameter for reading from HDFS. Or not?
If it is ignored, an Executor Core needs to be allocated on that Data Node and is thus acquired by the overall Job and thus this parameter needs to be interpreted to mean for processing and not for reading blocks?
Is the data from such a Data Node immediately shuffled to where the Executors were allocated?
Thanks in advance.
There seems to be little bit of confusion here.
Optimal Data locality (node local) is something we want to achieve, not guarantee. All Spark can do is request resources (for example with YARN - How YARN knows data locality in Apache spark in cluster mode) and hope that it will get resources, which satisfy data locality constraints.
If it doesn't it will simply fetch data from remote nodes. However it is not shuffle. It just a simple transfer over network.
So to answer your question - Spark will use resource which has been allocated, trying to do its best do satisfy the constraints. It cannot use nodes, which hasn't been acquired, so it won't automatically get additional nodes for reads.

Distributing partitions across cluster

In apache spark one is allowed to load datasets from many different sources. According to my understanding computing nodes of spark cluster can be different than these used by hadoop to store data (am I right?). What is more, we can even load local file into spark job. Here goes main question: Even if we use the same computers for hdfs and spark purposes, is it always true that spark, during creation of RDD, will shuffle all data? Or spark will just try to load data in the way to take advantage of already existing data locality?
You can use HDFS as the common underlying storage for both MapReduce (Hadoop) and Spark engines, and use a cluster manager like YARN to perform resource management. Spark will try to take advantage of data locality, and execute tasks as close as possible to the data.
This is how it works: If data is available on a node to process, but the CPU is not free, Spark will wait for a certain amount of time (determined by the configuration parameter: spark.locality.wait seconds, default is 3 seconds) for the CPU to become available.
If CPU is still not free after the configured time has passed, Spark will switch the task to a lower locality level. It will then again wait for spark.locality.wait seconds and if a timeout occurs again, it will switch to a yet lower locality level.
The locality levels are defined as below, in order from closest to data, to farthest from data ($):
PROCESS_LOCAL (data is in the same JVM as the running code)
NODE_LOCAL (data is on the same node)
NO_PREF (data is accessed equally quickly from anywhere and has no locality preference)
RACK_LOCAL (data is on the same rack of servers)
ANY (data is elsewhere on the network and not in the same rack)
Waiting time for locality levels can also be individually configured. For longer jobs, the wait time can be increased to a larger value than default of 3 seconds, since the CPU might be tied up longer.
