Meteor always listens on port 3000 - node.js

I created a new Meteor project in WebStorm on Windows 8.
In "Run/Debug Configurations" I set the port value to 3008, but when I run the app, it always works on port 3000.
Does anybody know where Meteor defines the port number or how can I change it?
I've searched the words "3000", "PORT" and "listen" in the entire project but they don't exist.
I've also seen these questions which didn't help me because they use Express which defines the port number hard-coded:
Node.js/Express.js App Only Works on Port 3000 ,
Express is listening on port 3000 despite setting it to 80?
Any help will be profoundly appreciated!

Try passing -p 3008 as a program argument in Meteor run configuration:
http://localhost:3008 in Browser/Live Edit tab is just used for browser launching (i.e. it tells WebStorm to launch the browser with specified URL), it's not supposed to affect Meteor port in any way


Port not running but app wont stop running in browser - Windows - React - Node

So when I go to localhost:3001 it shows project I worked on before. I restart my computer, its still there, kill all node/vscode processes in task manager, its still there. I tried the npx kill port 3001 - seems ok says "port killed" but, the app still there in localhost 3001. When I use netstat findstr 3001 shows nothing there. When I use CurrPort or cmd to check all ports listening - 3001 doesn't show up.
If I listen in port 3000, everything works normal, but when I npm start another app in React itll take me to port 3001 and it doesnt give any error. Except when it opens on Port 3001 it doesnt display the app I npm started in, it still shows that ghost app that I cant get out of port 3001.
In the network tab of the ghost app/port 3001 it shows port 3001 there. I cant post screenshots cus low reputation but idk if something with the initiators in network tab might give a hint to what the problem is.
I could always just set it so React uses 3002 onwards or just run one app at a time in port:3000 buts its bothering that this ghost app has taken over a port.
Hopefully its just something stupid Im overlooking, but if anybody ever had a similar experience let me know!
TL:DR my port 3001 is showing not running listening everywhere I check but everytime I go to it it shows this old project and if I try to run another app at the port terminal says its running, everything ok ,but it is still that old app still there
So it seemed to be something with the browser not port, worked normal in another browser. So went into the inspector tools of the browser went in storage and deleted all cookies, cache, local&session storage and that fixed it. Also killing the service-worker.js process in the port worked for someone else who had the same problem from the project.

WebSockets request was expected error when using --inspect-brk option

When I run nodemon dist/server/app.js it works on default port 3000 and I'm able to reach my API. But if I run
nodemon --inspect-brk=localhost:3000 dist/server/app.js
I got error
WebSockets request was expected
What's wrong?
You can't run your web server and the debugger on the same port. They are each separate servers (the debugger is a server built into the node.js runtime).
So, you can either remove the port and host designation from the --inspect-brk option and just let it use the defaults (which is all I ever use) or you can select a different port for the debugger that doesn't conflict with your web server or anything else running on that host.

Running multiple instances of JHipster

I'm running two instances of JHipster. Each have its server port different. What do I else need to change to make the grunt serve and other stuff to work ?
You must change the ports for gulp browser-sync 3000 and browser-sync ui 3001 and spring-boot 8080.
It means that:
in application-dev.yml, you must change server.port from 8080 to another value (e.g 8081)
in Gruntfile.js, you must set browser-sync server to use another port (e.g 3002 not 3001 as it is used for BS UI) and also change browser-sync ui port (e.g 3003) . You must also change the proxy port to what you set in application-dev.yml

run multiple apps on different ports in nodejs express framework

I am running an application using node.js express framework on port 3000 (http://localhost:3000) in my windows machine. Also i want to run another(second) application on different port say like 3005 or 8080 etc. In my first application i didn't specified any port number and i believe expressjs by default runs on port 3000. But in second app i mentioned port number app.listen(8080) in my app.js. When i tried to start second application am getting port 3000 is already in use error. So i stopped first appliction and then only i can run second application and also it is running on both 3000 and 8080 ports. I didn't understand why it is still running on 3000 still i specified port 8080 number in app.js.
Could any one help to run both application on different ports in same instance
If you're using express generator also check the www file in the bin folder, which probably contains a part similier to this:
var port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || '3000');
app.set('port', port);
Change the '3000' part to the port you desire and it should run as intended.
Lastly to change port use "PORT=4000 node app/app.js" in cmd line.
Port no can be changed to any other port no. 5000,6000 etc ...
i believe expressjs by default runs on port 3000
It's true, but you can change it.
I think you run express default boilerplate app.
In this case you should update line var port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || '3000'); in bin/www.
It worked after changing port number in www file. www file is located in bin folder that was created during enviornment setup.

Heroku running a node module server

I am trying to create a node app that runs a module called noodlejs. This starts its own server running on port 8888 (on my local version). I have pushed the changes to heroku and no errors are caused. However how do I now access the noodlejs server on port 8888? Is this possible or does it need to run on another port?
I don't think you can run the app on port 8888 or any other port for that matter on Heroku. You can only choose between 80 or 443. And to do that, you use process.env.PORT environment variable that Heroku exposes.
