GitHub commits not showing up on the calendar using ssh, but files get updated - linux

So I decided to switch and start using ssh key to commit my work on GitHub. However, after I created an ssh key and connected it to GitHub when I push it does not show up on my contributions calendar. But it does the push because I can see the changes on the repository on GitHub. Also when I check my settings and under ssh key it tells me that it was used in the past day, but still no commits on the calendar.
After it did not work with ssh key, I tied going back to https link, but now it does not work that way either. I am using the Virtual Box and I am running the Slackware machine on it, where I do all of my development. Only that machine has the problem I described above.
I tried finding the solution, but it seems people did not have this problem as I hoped. Can you explain what's going wrong and how to fix it?

You had pushed with another author's email.
You have a lot of commit and pushed. But when you did these commits some of them were with another email diff than yours at github. So github cant show as yours on the calendar.
Follow these steps to Changing author info history and pushed again to github and the commits will appear on calendar.


Adding Git Commit Message to Commit Reference Link in GitLab Issue Note

We recently migrated from using Subversion and Trac to Git and GitLab. We successfully migrated all of our old data.
I'm still trying to learn GitLab and generally like it better than Trac, but one thing I don't like as much is that when you reference a GitLab Issue in the git commit, it adds a reference and link to that commit under the issue, but you have to browse to the commit itself to see the associated Git commit message.
In Trac, we had it configured such that the Subversion commit messages were all displayed in the Trac ticket with the commit link, so it was easier to view all the relevant information for that ticket in one place.
Is there a way to configure GitLab to display the Git commit message with the Git commit link that shows up under Issues? The message does show up in the commit list, but not on a referenced Issue.
I thought about trying to use a server hook to generate a note with the Git commit message when a commit is made, but just wondering if there is an easier/better way to accomplish this?
There is no built-in way to show the commit message of a crosslinked commit in the issue log. After all, commits are handled the same way as any other mentions: in the issue's history/mention log.
While the example in GitLab's documentation unfortunately misses the opportunity to show an example of a mention in the commit, here's an issue from GitLab itself with a mention. This commit also shows how mentions often get used within commits—with keywords:
Merge branch '65375-broken-master-gitlab-svg-path-test-failing' into 'master'
Update failing jest snapshot
Closes #13186
See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ee!14933
These kind of commits close the specific issue and don't require any further user action. Adding that kind of noise to the discussion/comment section of an issue is, in my opinion, only cluttering the discussion between actual humans*. However, the commit still shows up in the log and is clickable and hoverable.
To get back to your question:
Is there a way to configure GitLab to display the Git commit message with the Git commit link that shows up under Issues?
If you hover over the linked commit, then you'll get the commit's subject. There's nothing more that can be achieved within GitLab itself.
I thought about trying to use a server hook to generate a note with the Git commit message when a commit is made, but just wondering if there is an easier/better way to accomplish this?
If you follow the usual commit/merge message based issue closing and use [Closes?|Fix(es)?] #issue in your commit message, you may end up with more noise in the comments than you would like too.
* well, except for some bots

How do I find the real user who pushed a commit in gitlab?

Is there a way to find out who pushed a particular commit to gitlab - In the commit log (I see the author set via the git client config) , I instead want to see which gitlab user's authentication was used to PUSH that code ?
PS: There are multiple git specific questions asked and there was no solution provided in the previous questions - want to see if gitlab has some specific implementation to solve this ?
2018: I answered "no" 5 years ago, but GitLab offers audit logs of its own: As mentioned here HTTP and SSH requests are logged in different files:
HTTP: nginx/gitlab_access.log
SSH: gitlab-shell.log
However, that won't give you the SHA1(s) pushed, only the push event date and IP: you still need to cross-reference that with a commit date, to get an idea of who did push a given commit.
GitLab 14.9 (March 2022) seems to include push events (but for Premium/Ultimate editions only):
New audit events
The GitLab 14.9 release adds support for auditing the following activities:
Creating a new merge request approval rule.
Deleting a merge request approval rule.
Approving a merge request. (Supported as streaming audit events only.)
Creating, deleting, or revoking a project or group deploy token.
Failed attempts to create a project or group deploy token.
Authenticated git push or git pull commands to a private repository performed over either SSH or HTTPS (Supported as streaming audit events only.)
See Documentation and Issue.
Only commit status can be known. But person who actually pushed cannot be known.
because of the confusing nature of your question, I am only able to provide simple answers.
If what you are asking is to see what authentication a particular user has used to PUSH a commit then you should be able to find it based on the remote URL for the repo.
If you are looking to find out who did a specific commit, you can search for it in the Web UI.
Hope this helps, reach out if you have additional questions.

Github API: How to get list of users who have starred a repo AND cloned it

I'd like to get a list of users who have starred my public repo and a number of fields related to them such as whether or not they have cloned it. Is this possible with the Github API?
The endpoint for stargazers is:
for eg, if you want to get users who starred the repo you can use:
The endpoint for stargazers (users who have starred a repo) is documented here in the documentation. You can follow with additional requests on those users.
Checking whether people have cloned a repo is impossible (you don't even need to be logged in to clone a git / GH repo). You can, however, list the forks of a repo.
Github webhook services are fairly detailed and you can really get a lot of information from them but gleaning if someone cloned your repo is a bridge too far. As far as I'm aware, there's no way to track that (you can track new forks). I'd recommend using a webhook to track new repo watches to accomplish at least some of what you're looking for.
Axibase has a tool which leverages Github webhooks, and notifies you via email or instant message (through the messenger of your choice) when someone stars your repository.
The underlying process is here:
It's a quick setup, the whole process takes less then 10 minutes. Basically you need to create a plaintext file with your email / messenger credentials on your local machine, launch an ATSD sandbox from the terminal, and paste the webhook generated at runtime into the appropriate field on Github. The full process is here.
Disclaimer: I work for Axibase

Commit message with Redmine Ticket

I would like to integrate Redmine with SVN in a manner that the commit message automatically gets posted in the Redmine Ticket ID. Kindly let me know if there are any plugins or hooks up which can be used for me to achieve the same
Such functionality is built in.
Go to Admin | Settings click on Repositories tab, and there you will see following section:
Referencing and fixing issues in commit messages
Referencing keywords
By default, there are:
So when you perform svn commit, and say
refs #23
such change will be displayed on issue no=23, once you refresh repositories and visit issue again.
There is also way to automate it, so svn or git, post-commit hook refreshes repositores for you...
Full doc here:
Such way if you track changes, you can see all code that was changed, regarding some issue...
For example:
And you can click on (diff) to see that particular code...
Then, furthermore, you can copy URL's when you click diff, so you can discuss code with your peers...
Cheers :)

SVN server hosting company shutting down, and I need a backup of repository

I just logged onto, that hosts my SVN repository. I have been paying monthly for hundreds of commits.
They're shutting down, and their support is nonexistent.
Can I get a backup of my repository from my machine? I’m using Windows.
If you have shell access:
If you don't have shell access (look at both the original answer and also the comments re: svnsync):
If you have access to run svnadmin on their server, it'll be no problem, and I see Dav has already linked to instructions for that.
Now, if you don't have access to run svnadmin, as far as I know it's not possible to use the SVN client itself (maybe TortoiseSVN for you) to copy the entire repository. (EDIT: never mind, I guess that was wrong. I'll leave the git info here just for the fun of it though.) But you can convert a whole Subversion repository to git, and here are instructions for doing that: From there, you might be able to convert the git repository back into an SVN repository on another server. I know it's not really the answer you were looking for but if nothing else works, it will at least let you save your project's history in some form. (And hey, you could take it as an excuse to switch to distributed version control, which is all the rage these days)
If you really want/need the full history of your repository, you'll have to either get a dumpfile from the provider or get it yourself - some of the responses so far have addressed this already.
Another option: if you are not concerned with past revisions, but want your repo at it's latest state, just checkout the head revision, and export it to a separate location on your computer. That way, you have all your work to this point. You could then keep that as a backup, or possibly create an SVN account elsewhere, and import the exported copy into a fresh repo, then you would be back in business.
