Determining path in Express router routes - node.js

I've set up an express app and using the routing middleware to abstract some routes into a separate include.
I reference them using this style in the app.js:
app.use('/foo', my_urls);
This means "/foo/bar" in the browser is handled as if it's "/bar".
The problem though is that in the router.get("/bar"...) section in the included router file, I need to know the value of the preceding (foo) part. I've set up the route that this "foo" could be anything from an array of values.
Is there any way to know the context of the routing middleware, the preceding part of the path that the routes are acting within? In other words, can I do something like (pretend code here):
router.get('/bar', function(req, res, next) {
res.send(req.path[0]) // foo
Solved: Thanks for the answer. I can get the value using this:
router.get('/bar', function(req, res, next) {
res.send(req.baseUrl.splice(1)) // foo

express has req.path property so you can know the path but is shows path after parent Router's path (if you have one), so to get parent router path you can use req.baseUrl and req.originalUrl to get full url with queryparam.


How do I access URL parameter after i've routed my express app to another file?

My main express server is called app.js in Node.js.
app.use("/login", require(./routes/login));
app.use("/:id", require("./routes/users"));
When I try to access the URL parameter, it returns undefined.
I tried logging req.params:
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
router.get('/dashboard', (req, res) => {
res.send(`Current Ornament Status and Data for ${req.params}`);
module.exports = router;
It gives me an empty array.
I suppose that it the parameter is inaccessible in another file after routing. Could you suggest a workaround?
I think you're missing some fundamental bits about express.js routing for this to make sense.
The requires line means it is loading another piece of code. So you need to show us that too.
The :id thing requires a longer explanation.
Let's say I want the server to process the URL /finduser/23
Where 23 can vary, could be just about any number. I am NOT going to write 99 different versions of router.get, right?
No, what we do is turn that into a parameter
Then whatever number we pass turns into, assume router passes req,res
EX: If we pass URL /finderuser/15, then = 15
If you just pass /finduser then gets NOTHING.
Full details are available here
Your example:
router.get('/dashboard', (req, res)
Doesn't have ANY parameters. so has nothing.

Node express api routes for multilingual directory like url

Does any one knows an example or could explain here how node.js and express would have to route for a multilanguage site? I'm using i18n-node for translation and folder like routing ( /es/, /de/ , etc ) for different languages. This all are static routes but I also have routes like apiRoutes.route('/user/profile') using 'app' at the begining ( app.get('/app/user/profile') so please consider this in your answer so is NOT necesary route to : app.get('/es/app/user/profile') .
having 15 routes like this now:
app.get('/terms', function(req, res) {
how it have to be set for routes like:
app.get('/es/terms', function(req, res) {
Should I duplicate this routes and add for example a locale for
each like:
app.get('/es/terms', function(req, res) {
Or Should do something like:
if cookie['lang'] && cookie['lang'] is in locales
// then redirect to /:lang/terms
// show default language in /terms
if req.headers["accept-language"] && req.headers["accept-language"]
// then redirect to /:lang/terms
//show default language in /terms
Or there is another way I should approach this that follows good practices or is better respecting standards?
Miro's Answer in :
How can I get the browser language in node.js (express.js)? says I should use app.all('*', ...
Is this all I need?, ..still, it might have a syntax error or i'm not understanding well this two parts
var rxLocal = /^\/(de|en)/i;
app.get(/\/(de|en)\/login/i, routes.login);
thanks in advance
You need to consider 2 things :
1. How get the local :
The HTTP protocole define the Accept-Language header to manage the local. This is a normalized method. You can access it with the req.acceptsLanguages method of express.
+Natively support by brower
-Not easy to by passe by the end user
Path / Cookies
You can get the local from the path. In express it can be do with a parameter patter like /:local/rest/of/path and retrieve in the request object with the req.param method.
You can also get the information from the cookies with the req.cookies properties (don't forgot to set it).
To increase the user experience you can mix the both method. For exemple get the default language from the HTTP header send by the browser but permite to the user to override this in you application and store this parameter in the cookies.
2. Use the local:
Each methods to get the local can be used from different way. I will
use random of them in exemple but they are all compatible.
Top level configuration.
In case of you use a template Engine and you controller can be local agnostic. You can use a middleware to get the local information and configure the render engine.
app.use('/:local' (req, res, next) => {
let localKey = req.param('local');
res.locals = // Some ingenious method to get the locales from localKey
Check res.locals and your engine documentation.
Use it in controller.
If the local is part of the contoller process. You can get directly is value in controller.
In case of you use a complexe method to determine the final value of the local, you can also use a middleware to determine this value and enrich the request with it.
app.use((req, res, next) => {
let local = req.cookies.local;
if(!local) local = req.acceptsLanguages();
if(!local) local = 'en-US';
req.local = local;
You can use both method too. It depend of what you need. Find the best way to get a maintainable code and avoid replication for your use case.
When you use middle where witch impact the controllers, be sure you declare them before your routes.
You can use a route parameter to get the locale from the URL, like this:
app.get('/:lang/terms', function (req, res) {
if (req.params === 'es') {
else {
The colon character tells Express to put whatever is between the first to slashes of the path in req.params.lang.
See express routing documentation for details.

How Express recorgonizes middlewares?

I'm novice in Express and a little bit confused about how it handles middlewares? So basically I have two middlewares which looks like:
var log = require('_/log')
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
log.warn('page not found', req.url)
var log = require('_/log')
module.exports = function (er, req, res, next) {
res.locals.error = er
So now I want to add my custom middleware app.use(require('_/app/middleware/shareLocals')) which looks like:
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
res.locals.base_url = req.protocol + '://' + req.get('host');
The main problem is that now when I try to use base_url I get 404 error...
So how Express understands what middleware do? That is between my middleware and 404 are no visual differences:
it receives same params
it doesn’t have any if's in it, just throws 404 error
Appears the feeling the middlewares in Express are made for errors (when excepts err as first param) and for 404 (when there is no first err)...
Is there any difference defining middlewares before or after routes?
P.S. Is there any difference defining middlewares before or after routes?
The order in which you register your middlewares (and routes) have a lot to say.
Image express as a giant list. Starting at the first element in the list, you have the first middleware OR route you have defined, next is the second, etc.
When express gets a request, it appears to be matching your route/name of route/middleware, and if it's a hit, it executes the middleware/route and potentially waits for a "next()" call.
So if you have a route "/test" it will only be executed if you have a request matching "/test". routes with different names obviously wont get triggered. middlewares can also have names: app.use("/test", middlewareA). This will also only trigger if "/test" is requested. The way you do it, all requests (within the routes namespace) will be triggered app.use(middlewareA). It's like a wildcard.
Now, to the implications of things being ordered:
Your 404 middleware should only be used AFTER all routes have been defined. that way, when the list reached the 404 middleware, no routes have actually been found.
returning/sending result/not calling next() at the end of a middleware will all potentially create problems in your flow. I wont go into details about this, but be aware of it.
I am guessing your own middleware is added after the 404 middleware. That is probably the problem. If not, you should surrender more of your code so we can take a better look. But remember, order is everything :)

Express 4 router.param doesnt fire

I have a node express 4 app and I want to mount a route (contacts) on a parent route. i.e
In my fund route I declare
var router = require('express').Router({ mergeParams: true });
var contactRoutes = require('./contacts');
router.use('/:fundid/contacts', contactRoutes);
In my contact route
var router = require('express').Router({ mergeParams: true });
router.param('fundid', function(res, req, next, id){});
The problem is that this param call does not fire. From what I can garner from the documentation these param calls are relative to the router they are declared on, but i would have thought mergeParams:true would affect this, but it doesn't. The route is otherwise working, and both routes are called. Am I missing something?
The reason I want to do this is because I want to mount the contacts route on multiple parent routes, and build a filter based on those parent parameters
This comment suggests that parameters are tied to the router they are declared with; so in your case, fundid can only be handled by the "fund" router. mergeParams serves a different purpose, namely to provide access to req.params.fundid from child routers.
You can always use a request middleware in your contact router to perform special operations based on the fundid, though:
router.use(function(req, res, next) {
var id = req.params.fundid;

404 when accessing new route

I'm trying to add a new route (/profile) to my NodeJS Express web application. I've modified my app.js file like this:
var routes = require('./routes/index');
var profile = require('./routes/profile');
app.use('/', routes);
app.use('/profile', profile);
The '/' index path works fine, my issue is with '/profile'. Whenever I try to access it, I get a 404. This is profile.js:
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
router.get('/profile', function(req, res) {
var username = req.session.username;
if(username) {
} else {
module.exports = router;
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong because in the example express application that is generated, '/users' works fine. I basically copied that format, but it's throwing a 404. Any ideas?
In my profile.js, I had to change my GET request path to this:
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
Otherwise, the router would be looking for /profile/profile. When I change it to /, it's just looking for the root of `/profile', or at least that's how I understand it.
To understand what you are doing wrong you should know that Node.js uses middleware functions to route your requests. To simplify you can think about it as a chain of functions.
Middleware is like a plumbing pipe, requests start at the first middleware you define and work their way “down” the middleware stack processing for each path they match.
So with the following statement you added a middleware function to handle any request starting with the root path /profile, and it is a common pattern in Node to use the use method to define the root paths.
app.use('/profile', profile);
The use method is doing part of the routing in your scenario and the statement above will match any route starting with that path, including /profile/all or /profile/12 or even /profile/go/deeper/inside.
However, you want to narrow down that routing to something more specific, so that is why you pass a router middleware function (profile in your case) to match more specific routes instead of all routes starting with /profile.
The profile middleware function is actually the next step in the chain of functions to execute, and it will start from the root path specified in the use statement, which is the reason why you need to start again with / and not with /profile. If you wanted to match a profile by ID you would do:
router.get('/:id', ...)
Which would be concatenated with the base URL (from the /use statement) and would match a request like /profile/2 or /profile/abc.
