JointJS manhattan router has lines that are not vertical or horizontal - jointjs

I'm using links defined with the Manhattan router. According to the documentation, the lines should be vertical and horizontal, but for some of them they start or end oblique. I can't find how to fix them.
On the following picture, the red and green lines are correct, while the orange lines are not as expected.
The code is the same to draw all the lines. Here is the code for the orange lines:
var link = new joint.dia.Link({
source: {
x: rects[item.StatusId].mOut.x,
y: rects[item.StatusId].mOut.y
target: {
x: rects[item.ModifyStatusId].mIn.x,
y: rects[item.ModifyStatusId].mIn.y
router: {
name: 'manhattan',
args: {
startDirections: ['top'],
endDirections: ['right']
attrs: {
'.connection': { stroke: mColor, 'stroke-width': 3 },
'.marker-target': { fill: mColor, stroke: mColor, d: 'M 10 0 L 0 5 L 10 10 z' }


Link overlap, on target port

I have an issue with link, on target port device, it unusually overlaps the target port.... check my fiddle . I also have attached a screenshot overlap image. Someone have any suggestions? Thanks!
I think JointJS is calculating that your source and target should be considered an obstacle. Adding the excludeEnds option in your fiddle seems to resolve the issue. You can see the option in the following docs.
Your code example could be the following:
var link = new joint.dia.Link({
// source: { id: },
// target: { id: },
router: { name: 'manhattan', args: { excludeEnds: ['source', 'target'] } },
connector: { name: 'rounded' },
attrs: {
'.connection': {
stroke: 'red',
'stroke-width': 5
'.marker-target': {
fill: 'red',
d: 'M 10 0 L 0 5 L 10 10 z'
'.marker-source': { /*stroke: '#fe854f',*/ fill: 'red', d: 'M 10 0 L 0 5 L 10 10 z' },

How to make a end in a circle?

I'm migrating an old piece of code that used jointjs v0.9 to the most recent version (2.2.1). There is this part of the code which creates a simple link with a little circle at the end (target marker) but in the most recent version, this code is not working:
link = new Joint.dia.Link({
source: { x: x, y: 0 }
target: { x: x, y: y }
markup: '<path class="connection" d="M 0 0 0 0"/><circle r="5" />'
attrs: { '.connection': `connection ${this.getStyleClass()}`
How can I create a link a with a circle as the target marker?
var link = new joint.dia.Link({
source: {
id: srcId
target: {
id: destId
router: { name: 'manhattan' },
connector: { name: 'rounded' },
toolMarkup: "none"
'.marker-target': { fill: 'red', d: 'M 0, 0 m -5, 0 a 5,5 0 1,0 10,0 a 5,5 0 1,0 -10,0', stroke: 'none' },
'.connection': { stroke: 'red', 'stroke-width': '1px' },
'.marker-arrowheads': { display: "none" }
In this d:'M 0, 0 m -5, 0 a 5,5 0 1,0 10,0 a 5,5 0 1,0 -10,0' sets the circle to the end of link.
If you want any other shape you can write its path code and set it here.

Can you remove the hover-coordinate-lines in Plotly Python Scatter3d

When using Plotly Scatter3D , the default mouse hover-over effect displays a kind of coordinate crosshairs. Is there a way to remove this effect and just show the tooltip?
The hover effect causing the lines to show up on the axis are called spikes in Plotly. You can disable them via layout = {'scene': {'xaxis': {'showspikes': False}}}.
Interactive Javascript example:
Plotly.d3.csv('', function(err, rows) {
function unpack(rows, key) {
return {
return row[key];
var trace = {
x: unpack(rows, 'x2'),
y: unpack(rows, 'y2'),
z: unpack(rows, 'z2'),
mode: 'markers',
marker: {
color: 'rgb(127, 127, 127)',
size: 12,
symbol: 'circle',
line: {
color: 'rgb(204, 204, 204)',
width: 1
opacity: 0.9
type: 'scatter3d'
var data = [trace];
var layout = {
scene: {
xaxis: {
showspikes: false
yaxis: {
showspikes: false
zaxis: {
showspikes: false
Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="myDiv" style="width:100%;height:100%"></div>

Change color of JointJS Rappid object (via modifying different instance in the left-nav menu and also modify via Rappid Inspector color picker)?

I basically want to change the color of a JointJS shape in their RAPPID environment I'm trialing.
Here is some background on what I have so far and what I want to achieve:
I have a JointJS shape called ChristmasTree that extends joint.dia.Element.
Basically the svg string that builds this ChristmasTree object is a path of the tree (svg path element), and multiple ornaments on it (4 svg circles/ellipses which have id's and classes that I would assume I can use to modify the colors).
I set some initial values for the ornaments via the style attr inside the svg string.
Once I place that in the left RAPPID menu, the user can drag that one Christmas Tree with red balls on it, yay.
Question ###1:
But I would like to place a 2nd ChristmasTree shape in the left menu without creating another main object that has Green balls... How would I achieve this?
In my below code, christmas_tree_style_2 should override the .ornament class with
'fill': "#00ff00", but doesn't (in the left menu, its still red)?
In fact, christmas_tree_style_1, i also tried to override with a Blue ball 'fill': "#0000ff", but its still red.
How can I achieve a left-nav override of the shape?
Question ###2:
Pretend you help me resolve previous issue. You can drag and drop 2 multiple color ChristmasTree's from the left-menu nav into the main RAPPID content area.
I'd like to now change the colors dynamically through the inspector.
I added a color inspector that shows up in the RAPPID right-nav menu for every element with:
'ornament_fill': { label: 'Color of christmas-tree-ornament's fill', type: 'color', group: 'generalinfo', index: 2 }
But not sure how to create an event to dynamically change the color of the ornaments. Any idea? Thanks!
Here is the important part's of the code below.
And also here is an actual working example (but the left-nav initial override and right-nav Inspector color override dont work, hence my 2 questions):
(sorry i couldnt find a CDN for rappid.js to add to JSFiddle so it was easier to upload the folder to a site). The applicable files to my question are app.js and rappid-custom-shapes.js.
//svg for Christmas Tree + its ornaments... will be added to ChristmasTree shape/obj below
var ChristmasTreeSVGstr = "<g class="rotatable"><g class="scalable">
<path id="christmastreestrokeid" class="christmastreestroke" ... />
<circle id="ornament1" class="ornament" r="24" cy="350" cx="120"
<ellipse id="ornament2" class="ornament" rx="30" ry="25" cy="83" cx="231"
<ellipse id="ornament3" class="ornament" rx="28" ry="38" cy="343" cx="331"
<ellipse id="ornament4" class="ornament" rx="63" ry="54" cy="238" cx="230"
//default Christmas Tree
joint.shapes.basic.ChristmasTree = joint.dia.Element.extend({
markup: ChristmasTreeSVGstr,
defaults: joint.util.deepSupplement({
type: "basic",
name: 'Initial Christmas Tree label text',
size: {
width: 20,
height: 20
attrs: {
".christmastreestroke": {
stroke: 'green',
'stroke-width': '100px',
'fill-opacity': 1,
width: 10,
height: 15
".ornament": {
'fill': "#00ff00",
'fill-opacity': 1
"#ornament3": {
'fill': "#0000FF",
'stroke': "green",
'stroke-width': '5px',
'fill-opacity': .5
}, joint.dia.Element.prototype.defaults)
//RAPPID left menu christmas trees (2 variations of the initial ChristmasTree object, so I need to override some of the colors)
var christmas_tree_style_1 = new joint.shapes.basic.ChristmasTree({
position: { x: 0, y: 0 },
size: {
width: 40,
height: 50
attr: {
".christmastreestroke": {
stroke: 'green',
'stroke-width': '100px',
'fill-opacity': 1,
".ornament": {
'fill': "#0000ff",
'fill-opacity': 1
"#ornament3": {
'fill': "#0000FF",
'stroke': "green",
'stroke-width': '5px',
'fill-opacity': .5
var christmas_tree_style_2 = new joint.shapes.basic.ChristmasTree({
position: { x: 0, y: 0 },
size: {
width: 40,
height: 50
attr: {
".christmastreestroke": {
stroke: 'blue',
'stroke-width': '100px',
'fill-opacity': 1,
".ornament": {
'fill': "#00ff00",
'fill-opacity': 1
"#ornament3": {
'fill': "yellow",
'stroke': "yellow",
'stroke-width': '5px',
'fill-opacity': 1
//add to left menu
stencil.load([christmas_tree_style_1, christmas_tree_style_2], 'customchristmastrees');
//add it to the inspector
function createInspector(cellView) {
if (!inspector || inspector.options.cellView !== cellView) {
if (inspector) {
// Set unsaved changes to the model and clean up the old inspector if there was one.
//if(cellView.$el.hasClass('class')) // certain element should get certain things more in inspector?
//how to determine different shapes?
inspector = new joint.ui.Inspector({
inputs: {
'name': { label: 'Name of Christmas Tree', type: 'text', group: 'generalinfo', index: 1 },
'ornament_fill': { label: 'Color of christmas-tree-ornaments fill', type: 'color', group: 'generalinfo', index: 2 },
groups: {
generalinfo: { label: 'General Info', index: 1 },
cellView: cellView
Question #1: you need to remove style properties from the markup if you want to change them through the attr property on the element. I removed the fill, stroke, stroke-width from the markup:
var ChristmasTreeSVGstr = "<g class="rotatable"><g class="scalable">
<path id="christmastreestrokeid" class="christmastreestroke" ... />
<circle id="ornament1" class="ornament" r="24" cy="350" cx="120"
<ellipse id="ornament2" class="ornament" rx="30" ry="25" cy="83" cx="231"
<ellipse id="ornament3" class="ornament" rx="28" ry="38" cy="343" cx="331"
<ellipse id="ornament4" class="ornament" rx="63" ry="54" cy="238" cx="230"
then you can customize the shape as follows:
var rb = new joint.shapes.basic.ChristmasTree({
position: { x: 50, y: 50 },
size: { width: 100, height: 150 },
attrs: {
".ornament": {
'fill-opacity': 1,
stroke: 'pink',
'stroke-width': 5,
fill: 'blue'
Question #2:
in case you sorted out the issue #1 you can simply sync the values directly with the attrs:
inspector = new joint.ui.Inspector({
inputs: {
'name': { label: 'Name of Christmas Tree', type: 'text', group: 'generalinfo', index: 1 },
attrs: {
'.ornament': {
fill: {
label: 'Color of christmas-tree-ornaments fill',
type: 'color',
group: 'generalinfo',
index: 2
groups: {
generalinfo: { label: 'General Info', index: 1 },
cellView: cellView

JOINT JS orhtogonal links not working properly

I have set my links to be orthogonal in JOINTJS , but still i can see slanting lines. How can i rectify this ?
check the right end which is not vertical but slanting . my code is as follows
> defaultLink: new joint.dia.Link({
> router: { name: 'manhattan' },
> connection : {name: 'orthogonal'},
> attrs: {
> '.marker-target': { d: 'M 10 0 L 0 5 L 10 10 z', fill: '#fff', stroke: '#000' },
> '.link-tools .tool-remove circle, .marker-vertex': { r: 8 },
> '.connection': {
> stroke: '#000', 'stroke-width': 1
> //filter: { name: 'dropShadow', args: { dx: 1, dy: 1, blur: 2 } }
> }
> }
> })
