how to mail script output in table format - linux

I have the script output like below.
Current result:
Filename Destname rowcount bytesize
file1 default 1488 2248
file2 default 123 657
file3 default 123 456
file4 default 567 124
Actual result to be like below (if possible with borders):
Filename Destname rowcount bytesize
file1 default 1488 2248
file2 default 123 657
file3 default 123 456
file4 default 567 124
I need to mail above content in same format.

echo 'Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" ' > "$tmpfile"
awk 'BEGIN{print "<html><body><table border=1>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table></body></html>"}' "$input" >> "$tmpfile"
mail -s "test" < "$tmpfile"


How to obtain the query order output when we use grep?

I have 2 files
1 aaa
2 bbb
3 ccc
4 aaa
5 bbb
Desired output:
1 aaa
3 ccc
5 bbb
2 bbb
Command used : cat File1.txt |grep -wf- File2.txt but the output was:
1 aaa
2 bbb
3 ccc
5 bbb
Is it a way to return the output in the query order?
Thanks in advance!!!
Important Edit
On second thought, do not use grep with redirection as it's incredibly slow. Use awk to read the original patterns to get the order back.
Use this instead
grep -f patterns searchdata | awk 'NR==FNR { line[$1] = $0; next } $1 in line { print line[$1] }' - patterns > matched
paste <(shuf -i 1-10000) <(crunch 4 4 2>/dev/null | shuf -n 10000) > searchdata
shuf -i 1-10000 > patterns
printf 'Testing awk:'
time grep -f patterns searchdata | awk 'NR==FNR { line[$1] = $0; next } $1 in line { print line[$1] }' - patterns > matched
wc -l matched
cat /dev/null > matched
printf '\nTesting grep with redirection:'
time {
while read -r pat; do
grep -w "$pat" searchdata >> matched
done < patterns
wc -l matched
Testing awk:
real 0m0.022s
user 0m0.017s
sys 0m0.010s
10000 matched
Testing grep with redirection:
real 0m36.370s
user 0m28.761s
sys 0m7.909s
10000 matched
To preserve the query order, read the file line-by-line:
while read -r pat; do grep -w "$pat" file2.txt; done < file1.txt
I don't think grep has an option to support this, but this solution will be slower if you have large files to read from.

print a file content side by side bash

I have a file with below contents. I need to print each line side by side
Output desired:
hello 1223
man 2332
xyz abc
Is there any other alternative than paste command?
You can use this awk:
awk '{ORS = (NR%2 ? FS : RS)} 1' file
hello 1223
man 2332
xyz abc
This sets ORS (output record separator) equal to input field separator (FS) for odd numbered lines, for even numbered lines it will be set to input record separator (RS).
To get tabular data use column -t:
awk '{ORS = (NR%2 ? FS : RS)} 1' file | column -t
hello 1223
man 2332
xyz abc
awk/gawk solution:
$ gawk 'BEGIN{ OFS="\t"} { COL1=$1; getline; COL2=$1; print(COL1,COL2)}' file
hello 1223
man 2332
xyz abc
Bash solution (no paste command):
$ echo $(cat file) | while read col1 col2; do printf "%s\t%s\n" $col1 $col2; done
hello 1223
man 2332
xyz abc

Shell script to mail script output in table format [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
how to mail script output in table format
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am new to shell script. I need your help on below scenario.
Script: wc file1 file2 file3 file4
results :
1488 2977 2248 file1
123 345 657 file2
123 896 456 file3
567 987 124 file4
Now I need to mail this result in below format with header name
Here,2nd column is always default value.
Filename Destname rowcount bytesize
file1 default 1488 2248
file2 default 123 657
file3 default 123 456
file4 default 567 124
Please some one help me to write this script.
$ wc file1 file2 file3 file4 |
awk 'BEGIN{print "Filename Destname rowcount bytesize"}
{print $NF, "default", $1, $3}' file |
column -t |
mail -s "table" you#host.tld
Filename Destname rowcount bytesize
file1 default 1488 2248
file2 default 123 657
file3 default 123 456
file4 default 567 124

script to join 2 separate text files and also add specified text

hi there i want to creat a bash script that does the following:
i have 2 texts files one is links and the other Recipie names
i want to creat a batch scrript that takes each line from each text file and do the following
<li>**Recipie name line 1 of txt file**</li>
<li>**Recipie name line 2 of txt file**</li>
ect ect and save all the results to another text file called LINKS.txt
someone please help or point me in direction of linux bash script
this awk one-liner will do the job:
awk 'BEGIN{l="<li>%s</li>\n"}NR==FNR{a[NR]=$0;next}{printf l, a[FNR],$0}' file1 file2
more clear version (same script):
awk 'BEGIN{l="<li>%s</li>\n"}
{printf l, a[FNR],$0}' file1 file2
kent$ seq -f"%g from file1" 7 >file1
kent$ seq -f"%g from file2" 7 >file2
kent$ head file1 file2
==> file1 <==
1 from file1
2 from file1
3 from file1
4 from file1
5 from file1
6 from file1
7 from file1
==> file2 <==
1 from file2
2 from file2
3 from file2
4 from file2
5 from file2
6 from file2
7 from file2
kent$ awk 'BEGIN{l="<li>%s</li>\n"};NR==FNR{a[NR]=$0;next}{printf l, a[FNR],$0}' file1 file2
<li>1 from file2</li>
<li>2 from file2</li>
<li>3 from file2</li>
<li>4 from file2</li>
<li>5 from file2</li>
<li>6 from file2</li>
<li>7 from file2</li>
EDIT for the comment of OP:
if you have only one file: (the foo here is just dummy text)
awk 'BEGIN{l="<li>foo</li>\n"}{printf l,$0}' file1
output from same file1 example:
if you want to save the output to a file:
awk 'BEGIN{l="<li>foo</li>\n"}{printf l,$0}' file1 > newfile
Try doing this :
$ cat file1
$ cat file2
$ paste file1 file2 | while read a b; do
printf '<li>%s</li>\n' "$a" "$b"
done | tee newfile

shell script for log analysis

I am getting the logs in a specific format on my linux server as
id \t IP \t login-id \t login-error Code \t attempts
I want to know all possible login-error codes which a user might have encountered.
The sample file is:
123 anshul 11 1
432 ra 11 2
342 anshul 12 1
445 yahoo 3 1
and the output should be:
anshul: 11,12
I have tried:
cat aaa | sort +2 -3 | grep anshul | awk -F"\t" {' print $4'}
This would print
But I want the output in the format as anshul: 11,12
Can we store the value in some variables and display as it is required.
Also the problem with this code is it was catch all the anshul whether it anshulg or anshuln or anshulp? Any suggestion to solve this.
I have done the sorting on login just to verify if the data I am getting is correct or not, since all the unique names would be sorted to single chunk.
1) Simple solution, but you will get extra , at the end:
cat aaa | grep "anshul" | awk '{print $4}' | tr '\n' ','
output: 11,12,
2) without extra ,:
tmp=`cat aaa | grep "anshul" | awk '{print $4}' | tr '\n' ','`
echo ${tmp%?}
output: 11,12
Of course you can easily convert this to a script that takes username as a parameter and output something like "user: anshul error(s): 11,12"
#% cat t
123 anshul 11 1
432 ra 11 2
342 anshul 12 1
445 yahoo 3 1
One line Perl.
perl -ane 'BEGIN{$x='anshul';}push #{$X{#F[2]}}, $F[3];END{print "$x: ",join(",",#{$X{$x}}),"\n";}' < t
anshul: 11,12
awk '{a[$3]=a[$3]","$4;next}END{for(i in a)print i,substr(a[i],2)}' <your_file>|grep anshul
Or you can directly use awk without a grep.
awk '{a[$3]=a[$3]","$4;next}END{print "anshul",substr(a["anshul"],2)}' <your_file>
Tested below:
> cat temp
123 anshul 11 1
432 ra 11 2
342 anshul 12 1
445 yahoo 3 1
> awk '{a[$3]=a[$3]","$4;next}END{for(i in a)print i,substr(a[i],2)}' temp
anshul 11,12
ra 11
yahoo 3
> awk '{a[$3]=a[$3]","$4;next}END{for(i in a)print i,substr(a[i],2)}' temp|grep anshul
anshul 11,12
> awk '{a[$3]=a[$3]","$4;next}END{print "anshul",substr(a["anshul"],2)}' temp
anshul 11,12
