Asciidoctor parametetrized template - asciidoctor

I am using asciidoctor using asciidoctor-maven-plugin. In my document (actually documentation), I have one block repeated many times. Is there any way to do include with parameters.
What I want in pseudocode, I can't find how to write it:
=== HTTP request
=== HTTP response
include template[variable=customer]

I think you can redefine attributes. With this tree:
| main.adoc
| template.adoc
| http-request.adoc
| http-response.adoc
My main.adoc file looks like this:
:snippets: code
== First Chapter
:variable: first
== Second Chapter
:variable: second
== End
This is the end.
The previous example works, but I have the feeling that this is not exactly what you want.
If you are looking for a Macro example, have a look at this maven & java example: java-extension-example.


Generate hyperlink in Sharepoint

I have to generate an hyperlink in sharepoint based on sql table like this:
| ID | path |
| 1 | file://test/9932323.pdf |
| 2 | file://test/1653156423.pdf |
Actually there is this code to generate html link:
<asp:Label runat="server" id="ff1{$ID}" text="{$thisNode/#PATH}" />
I cannot modify SQL table (dinamically generated) but I have to substitute:
/test/ with /
displayed text with filename only ("path" field substring after last '/')
How can I to that without creating new view or calculated fields?
I tried with:
<a href="{REPLACE($thisNode/#PATH),12,1,'.abc.local/')}"><asp:L ...
but with no success. (I'm really newbie in Sharepoint)
I'm not going to remove the previous answer because it still valid and it is pretty handy if somebody comes across the same issue, so the RegEx() expression you will have something like this:
Using the expression above you can find the string you want, so the example below gives you all the LABELS on a page, and from there you can use the following:
.replace( new RegExp("/(file\:\/\/test)","gm"),"/")
Using the expression above you can find the string you want, so the example below gives you all the LABELS on a page, and from there you can use the following:
console.log(' text: ' + $(this).val() + ' replace: ' + $(this).val().replace( new RegExp("(file\:\/\/test)","gm"),"/") );
If I understood your question correctly, I would strongly suggest you to use RegEx(), it is possibly the most handy thing ever created to handle string find/replacement.
You can put a JavaScript function to perform the RegEx() substitution on the page inside of a <script language="javascript"></script> , then on your <asp:label> you will replace the output for calling this function by passing the string #thisNode/#PATH to the JavaScript function you wrote, which will find and replace the substring for the desired output

Pycassa: how to query parts of a Composite Type

Basically I'm asking the same thing as in this question but for the Python Cassandra library, PyCassa.
Lets say you have a composite type storing data like this:
[20120228:finalscore] = '31-17'
[20120228:halftimescore]= '17-17'
[20120221:finalscore] = '3-14'
[20120221:halftimescore]= '3-0'
[20120216:finalscore] = '54-0'
[20120216:halftimescore]= '42-0'
So, I know I can easily slice based off of the first part of the composite type by doing:
>>> cf.get('1234', column_start('20120216',), column_finish('20120221',))
OrderedDict([((u'20120216', u'finalscore'), u'54-0'),
((u'20120216', u'halftimescore'), u'42-0')])
But if I only want the finalscore, I would assume I could do:
>>> cf.get('1234', column_start('20120216', 'finalscore'),
column_finish('20120221', 'finalscore'))
To get:
OrderedDict([((u'20120216', u'finalscore'), u'54-0')])
But instead, I get:
OrderedDict([((u'20120216', u'finalscore'), u'54-0'),
((u'20120216', u'halftimescore'), u'42-0')])
Same as the 1st call.
Am I doing something wrong? Should this work? Or is there some syntax using the cf.get(... columns=[('20120216', 'finalscore')]) ? I tried that too and got an exception.
According to, I should be able to do something like this...
If know all the components of the composite column then you should the 'columns' option:
cf.get('1234', columns=[('20120216', 'finalscore')])
You said you got an error trying to do this, but I would suggest trying again. It works fine for me.
When you are slicing composite columns you need to think about how they are sorted. Composite columns sort starting first with the left most component, and then sorting each component toward the right. So In your example the columns would look like this:
| 20120216 | 20120216 | 20120221 | 20120221 | 20120228 | 20120228 |
| finalscore | halftimescore | finalscore | halftimescore | finalscore | halftimescore |
Thus when you slice from ('20120216', 'finalscore') to ('20120221', 'finalscore') you get both values for '20120216'. To make your query work as you want it to you could change the column_finish to ('20120216', 'halftimescore').

Wireshark dissector in Lua - userdata

I am new to Lua, and I am building a custom dissector for Wireshark. My situation is this:
The wireshark data consists of hex numbers such as 4321 8765 CBA9. What I would like to wind up with is (after it has been dissected) : CBA9 8765 4321.
What I have done so far is create a small function in Lua that will take these numbers individually, convert them to strings, and places them in the correct order.
function ReverseOrder3Numbers(hex_1, hex_2, hex_3)
local hex_1_int = hex_1:uint()
local hex_2_int = hex_2:uint()
local hex_3_int = hex_3:uint()
word1 = string.format("%04X", hex_1_int)
word2 = string.format("%04X", hex_2_int)
word3 = string.format("%04X", hex_3_int)
combined_string = "0x" .. word3 .. word2 .. word1
output = combined_string
return output
However, once I go to add this bunch to the tree, I get an error saying Lua Error: ...: calling 'add' on bad self (userdata expected, got string).
How can I get around this? Do I need a different approach entirely? I am not looking for anything complex or fancy. All I need to do is what I described. Any help would be appreciated.
There's nothing really wrong with ReverseOrder3Numbers (other than perhaps some missing local qualifiers). You should update your question to include the code that invokes add.
You might've accidentally used tree.add( ... ) instead of tree:add( ... ) (note the colon after tree).
Call tree:add() will send to the object 'tree' the direct link to 'tree' itself as first implicitly argument. And no matter how much args you will attach to this call or no one at all. Use tree.add() sintax if your 'add' method doesn't support self-link. In this case 'self' should be linked to the 'tree' object inside the 'add' method.
It's not clear what you pass to the function ReverseOrder3Numbers. But since you access theses parameeters with the uint method I assume that the parameters are tvb:range(x,y) results. If you want to change the order of the digits inside the individual values, you can use the endianess-aware methods:
function ReverseOrder3Numbers(hex_1, hex_2, hex_3)
local hex_1_int = hex_1:le_uint()
local hex_2_int = hex_2:le_uint()
local hex_3_int = hex_3:le_uint()
If you want to change the endianess of data that is added to the tree you should use the endianess-aware version of the add method.
tree:le_add(f_MyProtoField, tvb:range(x,y), ReverseOrder3Numbers(...))
I don't know the reason why le is suffix in the one case and a prefix in the other.

Jade: Links inside a paragraph

I'm trying to author a few paragraphs with Jade, but finding it difficult when there are links inside a paragraph.
The best I can come up with, and I'm wondering if there's a way to do it with less markup:
this is the start
of the para.
a(href="") a link
and this is the rest of
the paragraph.
As of jade 1.0 there's an easier way to deal with this, unfortunately I can't find it anywhere in the official documentation.
You can add inline elements with the following syntax:
#[a.someClass A Link!]
So, an example without going into multiple lines in a p, would be something like:
p: #[span this is the start of the para] #[a(href="") a link] #[span and this is the rest of the paragraph]
You can also do nested inline elements:
p: This is a #[a(href="#") link with a nested #[span element]]
You can use a markdown filter and use markdown (and allowed HTML) to write your paragraph.
this is the start of the para.
[a link](
and this is the rest of the paragraph.
Alternatively it seems like you can simply ouput HTML without any problems:
| this is the start of the para.
| a link
| and this is he rest of the paragraph
I wasn't aware of this myself and just tested it using the jade command line tool. It seems to work just fine.
It seems it can actually be done entirely in Jade as follows:
| this is the start of the para
a(href=';) a link
| and this is the rest of the paragraph
Don't forget an extra space at the end of para (although you can't see it. and between | and. Otherwise it will look like this para.a linkand not para a link and
Another way to do it:
| this is the start of the para
a(href="") a link
| this is the rest of the paragraph.
Another completely different approach, would be to create a filter, which has first stab at replacing links, and then renders with jade second
h1 happy days
p this can have [a link]( in it
<h1>happy days</h1><p>this can have <a href=''>a link</a> in it</p>
Full working example: index.js (run with nodejs)
var f, jade;
jade = require('jade');
jade.filters.inline = function(txt) {
// simple regex to match links, might be better as parser, but seems overkill
txt = txt.replace(/\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\)/, "<a href='$2'>$1</a>");
return jade.compile(txt)();
jadestring = ""+ // p.s. I hate javascript's non-handling of multiline strings
"h1 happy days\n"+
" p this can have [a link]( in it"
f = jade.compile(jadestring);
A more general solution would render mini sub-blocks of jade in a unique block (maybe identified by something like ${jade goes here}), so...
p some paragraph text where ${a(href="wherever.htm") the link} is embedded
This could be implemented in exactly the same way as above.
Working example of general solution:
var f, jade;
jade = require('jade');
jade.filters.inline = function(txt) {
txt = txt.replace(/\${(.+?)}/, function(a,b){
return jade.compile(b)();
return jade.compile(txt)();
jadestring = ""+ // p.s. I hate javascript's non-handling of multiline strings
"h1 happy days\n"+
" p this can have ${a(href='') a link} in it"
f = jade.compile(jadestring);
If your links come from a data source you can use:
each val in results
| blah blah
a(href="#{val.url}") #{}
| more blah
See interpolation
Edit: This feature was implemented and issue closed, see answer above.
I've posted an issue to get this feature added into Jade
Haven't had time to implement it though, more +1s may help !
This is the best I can come up with
-var a = function(href,text){ return "<a href='"+href+"'>"+text+"</a>" }
p this is an !{a("","embedded link")} in the paragraph
<p>this is an <a href=''>embedded link</a> in the paragraph</p>
Works ok, but feels like a bit of a hack - there really should be a syntax for this!
I did not realize that jade requires a line per tag. I thought we can save space. Much better if this can be understood ul>li>a[class="emmet"]{text}
I had to add a period directly behind a link, like this:
This is your test [link].
I solved it like this:
label(for="eula").lbl.lbl-checkbox.lbl-eula #{i18n.signup.text.accept_eula}
| #{i18n.signup.links.eula}.
As suggested by Daniel Baulig, used below with dynamic params
| <a href=!{}>link</a>
Turns out there is (now at least) a perfectly simple option
p Convert a .fit file using Garmin Connect's export functionality.
| At Times Like These We Suggest Just Going:
a(ui-sref="app") HOME
Most simplest thing ever ;) but I was struggling with this myself for a few seconds. Anywho, you need to use an HTML entity for the "#" sign -> #
If you want to in include a link, let's say your/some email address use this:
a(href="" target="_top")

cucumber testing for checking parent of an element with certain class

I have an element with id: #post and that element has parent <li>. Now I want to check whether the <li> has class .current or not.
The step might be like
Then the element "post" with parent "li" should have class "current"
If any body could help me with step_definitions, that'll be gr8!
With webrat you can search for an css selector. Maybe this solves your problem:
Then the element "([^"]*)" with parent "([^"]*)" should have class "([^"]*)" do |element_id,parent,css_class|
response.should have_selector "#{parent} .#{css_class}" do |matches|
matches.should have_selector element_id
I didn't try this code, but it should work for your purpose.
These suggestions should work for you, but you might also want to consider decoupling your selectors from your stories to make your test suite easier to maintain, and more expressive of business value. Eg: you might change the step to something like:
Then the post should be displayed as the current post
This becomes pretty easy to implement if you're using Pickle:
# /features/posts/viewing.feature
Given the following posts exist:
| post | title | slug |
| Lorem | Lorem Ipsum Dolor | lorem-ispum-dolor |
| Hello | Hello World | hello-world |
When I go to the post page for post "Hello"
Then post "Hello" should be displayed as the current post
# /features/step_definitions/post_steps.rb
Then /^#{capture_model} should be displayed as the current post$/ do |post_reference|
post = model!(post_reference)
page.should have_css("li.current ##{dom_id(post)}")
I used this, (which works):
Then /^"([^\"]*)" should have class "([^\"]*)"$/ do |id, parent_class|
assert page.has_xpath?('//a[#id="'+id+'"]/..[#class="'+parent_class+'"]')
