I am getting this problem all the time when trying to zipalign my apk even after the installation of libc++ and others required according to different post on this.How to solve this problem.Currently I am using Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit.
zipalign: error while loading shared libraries: libc++.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I recently installed the Scilab 6.1.0 on my Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine on my windows pc. I am able to use the editor but cannot seem to load the Fossee Optimisation Toolbox. It installs successfully but shows the following error when restarting and trying to load the toolbox. I have already tried reinstalling Scilab and ubuntu. Can someone tell me how to resolve this?
atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'FOT-0.4':
exec: error on line #61: "link: The shared archive was not loaded: libquadmath.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"1
FOT is built using gfortran, and the missing library is one of its libraries. Scilab uses also gfortran and is including the corresponding libraries. But there is likely a version number mismatch, i.e. FOT has been built with a more recent version of gfortran. Installing a system wide gfortran with sudo apt-get install gfortran will probably install the version you need.
I have created simple widget based GUI application in my CentOS 32 bit Linux. Now I'm trying to move binary to another fresh CentOS 32 system that has no QT installed.
Got error
:error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Widgets.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I was trying to fix that by installing qt libs:
sudo yum install qt-devel
But still got the same error
I have a project whit opencv on my machine that is running ok, it works and does what it should do. In my machine I installed the opencv libraries. The problem is that when I want to run the program on another Linux machine I get this error:
Error while loading shared libraries: libopencv_core.so.3.1
My question is, exist some way to compile the proyect and work in any machine with linux? whitout reinstall opencv libraries in those machine
How should I configure eclipse for packge all project?
I'm working on Raspberry Pi Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie).
I have installed
-Tesseract 4.00.00alpha
- leptonica-1.74.1
-libjpeg 6b (libjpeg-turbo 1.3.1) : libpng 1.2.50 : libtiff 4.0.3 : zlib 1.2.8
-OpenCV 2.4.11
Installed openalpr but I am not able to use it, only I can do is watch man alpr. Any other thing I try to do with this throws an error.
alpr: error while loading shared libraries: libopencv_xphoto.so.3.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I thought this was because I didn't have OpenCV3.1.0 installed, but installed it and the error is still there.
This file is inside /usr/local/lib, maybe I have to put it somewhere else but I don't know where, or do I have to reinstall Openalpr to get compile all of this from scratch?
Made it work..
After installing OpenCV3.1.0 just had to run sudo ldconfig command.
And thats all.
I'm attempting to use Darling directly built from source on Github, I ran in to a few issues with building and dependencies, but with the help of apt-file I got through all the little problems. Now, I'm trying to run Sourcetree From Atlassian (as Wine can't seem to handle the windows version) and am getting the following error. Would anyone happen to have an idea on why? Currently running Ubuntu 13.04 64bit.
dyld: Cannot execute binary file: Failed to load native library: libSimpleWebKit.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I just had this error myself. The error message tells you already everything you need to know: The appropriate library - libsimplewebkit - was not found and needs to be installed. Just search for simplewebkit with your distros package manager and install the appropriate package. If it doesn't find anything you will need to compile it yourself.