database settings in reactioncommerce - node.js

I installed reactioncommerce and I would like to access the database settings to check the name that the installation created in my mongodb server. I checked the information on the website but I cannot find any details about it.
in mongodb: when I use "show dbs" in mongo I cannot see any new db in my server. on the other hand, the demo application is running on port localhost:3000.
any guidance appreciated.

well it seems the mongodb for meteor always runs at one port above the meteor port. So by default the db is running at 3001. While you can have Meteor running you can also run meteor mongo and get a db console that way.


Procedure for creating a database locally using mongodb

I've connected to mLab using MongoClient.connect, but now I want to create a local database rather than use mLab. I've tried changing the URL to "mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb" to create a database locally as suggested, but I'm getting a failed to connect to server error. Is there anything I should install? Or am I just missing something?
First, install your mongoDB server:
After that, you should be able to start your local mongodb server:
sudo service mongod start //in case of linux
Here the docs to start the mongodb server
Then, you will type mongo and the client command line will start.
And when typing use yourDatabase, mongo will create the database if
it does not exist.
Then, your server will be up, and the database created. Anyway, check the docs if you need the guides for windows or other systems.
First you need to understand how server works and mlab works. mLab is a company who provide database as a services. Means you no need to handle server hurdles, they take care server , backups , infrastructure etc. They provide mongodb server , You just need to create database on mongodb server's and use them.
Now comes to main points.
If you want use mongodb on your local system then you first need to install mongodb on your local system and then connect it.

Changes need to run mongoose on server instead of localhost?

What are the changes I need to run my app on server instead of localhost
Since you are running your mongo in your local, you are using localhost. I am not familiar with heroku server, but in general case, you first need to make sure mongo db is running on your heroku server and than you need to put that IP instead of localhost in the above command.
Please refer in case you need login credentials to access the server or any other reference.

Storing information in meteor mongodb collection from outside nodejs file

I've got a mongodb collection that gets started with Meteor that I would like to connect to and edit from a nodejs file outside of meteor. From my understanding when I start meteor, I can open another terminal and type meteor mongo and it allows me to connect to the running mongodb instance that meteor is running. But how can I connect to this from a nodejs file? And add items to a collection in a database? What sort of security/authentication do I have to go through if any? (I don't remember having to set up a username/password for the mongodb, it just starts when meteor starts)
When running meteor locally, the mongodb is running on port 3001. There's no security or authentication, you simply have to connect to port 3001, and then access the meteor database.

I want to connect openshift mongodb database from my local client tools

I have my premium openshift account
I have all types of access in openshift
I have ssh key & user's credentials
I have MongoVUE & Robomongo & others client tools to open mongodb database.
when I try to open any local mongodb database then its working fine
but I want to directly connect my mongodb database of openshift server to mongoVUE or any else
so I can see which data is in my server database.
I have tried so many times to connect locally but it can connect to openshift but can not connect with mongodb database so please provide some good & exact steps so I can connect it.
I use mongovue also. Just do a
'rhc port-forward '
Then run mongovue using the Mongodb credentials that OPENSHIFT gave you.
rhc port-forward <app-name>
Wait a couple of seconds. You then should see something like this.
Then run Mongovue. Add a connection and enter in your Openshift Mongodb credentials like this:
Save, Select your connection, and press connect. It should work.
You should have been given you mongodb credentials when you added the mongodb cartridge. You can also ssh into your app and do a "env" and see your mongodb password and username.
Finally I got perfect tool for it to connect with mongodb with server database in which we can perform all kind of CRUD operations.
we can use Robomongo tool for it which doesn't require paid version to perform CRUD operation.
Robomongo is available here
mongoVUE requires paid version.
I use Robomongo. Just do a 'rhc port-forward '
Then run Robomongo using the Mongodb credentials that OPENSHIFT gave you.
rhc port-forward
Wait a couple of seconds. You then should see something like this.
port forward image
Then run Robomongo. Add a connection and enter in your Openshift Mongodb credentials:

How do I, in nodejs, set up a Mongo viewer (like Mongo-Express) on the same port as my main app?

I'm new to just about everything with regards to nodejs and Mongodb but I managed to get a simple app up and running and now I want a database viewer. I found Mongo-Express and installed it on my localhost where it works fine. The viewer is configured in a config file with host a baseUrl and port.
The problem is on the live server (AppFog) where I only have one port available which is occupied by my main app. How do I solve this issue? Can they run on the same port or is there another viewer available that doesn't need to run on a separate port?
I can recommend MongoMate which can either run as a standalone MongoDB Browser or (what you want) it can be mounted within an Express app. See the webpage for more info.
PS. I built MongoMate :P
