How do I, in nodejs, set up a Mongo viewer (like Mongo-Express) on the same port as my main app? - node.js

I'm new to just about everything with regards to nodejs and Mongodb but I managed to get a simple app up and running and now I want a database viewer. I found Mongo-Express and installed it on my localhost where it works fine. The viewer is configured in a config file with host a baseUrl and port.
The problem is on the live server (AppFog) where I only have one port available which is occupied by my main app. How do I solve this issue? Can they run on the same port or is there another viewer available that doesn't need to run on a separate port?

I can recommend MongoMate which can either run as a standalone MongoDB Browser or (what you want) it can be mounted within an Express app. See the webpage for more info.
PS. I built MongoMate :P


How to not show PORT from Nodejs API Requests

I was working in a project and sudden noticed that while react is calling node api, i can see port number also in console network, which i think is not secure.
So is there any tool, settings whcih we can use to hide ports from api calls.
I am using apache as server, node api and react frontend.
Tried virtual host settings but not worked

HTTP requests between two docker services works fine but I don't know why [duplicate]

I have a ReactJS project with its own Dockerfile, exposing port 3000:3000.
I also have a PHP project with its own Dockerfile, exposing port 80:80. The PHP app also has containers for MySQL, Redis and Nginx
For the PHP app, I have a docker-compose file that creates a network (my-net) for PHP, Nginx, MySQL and Redis to communicate on. However, I now want the ReactJS (which is in a separate project) to be able to communicate with the PHP app.
I added a docker-compose file to the React project, and added it to the network from the PHP project my-net and declared it as external so that it doesn't try to create it.
This seems to work: From the ReactJS container, I can ping app (the name of my backend service) and it works properly. However, from the ReactJS code, if I use something like axios to try and hit the backend API, it can't resolve app or http://app or any variation. It can however access the underlying IP address if I substitute that into in axios.
So there seems to be some issue with the hostname resolution, and presumably this is on the axios / JavaScript end. is there something I'm missing or a reason this isn't working?
When the JavaScript runs in a browser (outside of Docker) you can not use app because that is only available inside the Docker network (via the embedded DNS server).
To access your PHP server from outside use localhost and the exposed port (80) instead.

database settings in reactioncommerce

I installed reactioncommerce and I would like to access the database settings to check the name that the installation created in my mongodb server. I checked the information on the website but I cannot find any details about it.
in mongodb: when I use "show dbs" in mongo I cannot see any new db in my server. on the other hand, the demo application is running on port localhost:3000.
any guidance appreciated.
well it seems the mongodb for meteor always runs at one port above the meteor port. So by default the db is running at 3001. While you can have Meteor running you can also run meteor mongo and get a db console that way.

Starting Node js app

So I created a node app that uploads pictures and the app works locally, I can upload stuff from all of my home devices and they end up in my designated upload folder. Next thing is to go global, so I moved the app to an FTP server and... I don't know how to start it. I can't go
node server.js
like I do on my PC in cmd, can I? I open my index page but when I upload something I get: Server responded with 0 code. Just like when I open my index.html without starting the node app trough cmd on my PC. I'm a front-end guy and I don't know almost anything about servers and I've searched quite a bit around the internet, but to little avail.
One fairly quick way to get this set up would be to sign up for a virtual server on Amazon using their EC2 server instances. Just choose the basic instance (whichever one is free for the first year) and then install Node and run npm install on your root directory once you have uploaded the files. Also if you are going to want this site accessible with your own domain you will have to set up an elastic IP address also available via Amazon (AWS). Furthermore if you want to have your url accessable via the standard port 80 (meanning that you don't have to type your url:[port number]/path then you might want to look into setting up a reverse proxy using something like nginx.
I know this sounds like a lot and i won't lie to you this is kind of complicated but there is a lot more to getting a node application up an running that you might expect.
Before a node app can run on a server you need to make sure that:
Node is installed
npm install has successfully run / or all dependencies must be transferred to the app directory in the right place
The port of the node server should be reachable, so the routing must be set up correctly.
Also, you can't start a program from an ftp prompt usually.

Why does ec2 instance not display my website? Using nodejs

I am running a m1.microinstance of aws, using CentOS. I downloaded Yeoman, git, npm and all of the dependencies are present. I am trying to run a MEAN stack on this server, so, mongo, express, angular and node. However, when I visit my public DNS, my site gives me this error: "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to". On my admin control panel, I see my instance status, and it says it is running. I understand that if I had used apache, the page that displays is in the /var/www/html directory.. So, how do I get a directory similar to apaches, to display my html files, or whatever I would like the public to see? I have my security groups configured, for inbound, to listen to SSH port 22, for everyone, as well as HTTP port 80, for everyone.
Yeoman set up a nice app folder for me, but for some reason it does not display. I thought maybe I was missing a server.js, but that does not seem to have fixed anything when I added it. Any advice? Thanks!
Make sure you are matching the port all the way through - your browsers URL:PORT, the EC2 routing rules and your NodeJS settings. It looks like you might be listening to a port higher than 80 on the server.
As you mentioned in your comment, if you want to listen on a port below 1024 you will need to run the command as a privileged user.
I didn't run node as root on my AWS server, so it was not setting up my nicely built app that Yeoman made for me. was where I realized my mistake. I am new to linux OS soo, I am learning. :)
