setting up variables in alias is not working - linux

I want my alias to pick up variables that I pass in commandLine:
For example, startdocker 004 should execute the following
docker run -d -t -p 8080:8080 -v /var/source:/source -P mydockerregistry:5000/foo/bar:004
(004 is the tag I am passing in commandLine).
I tried the following in my .bashrc (sourced after the change).
alias startdocker='function dockerStartTag(){ echo "docker run -d -t -p 8080:8080 -v /var/source:/source -P mydockerregistry:5000/foo/bar: $1";};dockerStartTag'
when I run startdocker 004, It is not picking up 004.
It is empty and hence defaults to "latest" by docker.
what is the correct way to do it? what am I doing wrong?
I don't want to echo but execute the command.
The correct answer is provided below

There's no reason to put a function inside an alias. Just do
function startdocker(){ echo "docker run -d -t -p 8080:8080 -v /var/source:/source -P mydockerregistry:5000/foo/bar: $1"; }
This now works on my system:
$ startdocker 004
docker run -d -t -p 8080:8080 -v /var/source:/source -P mydockerregistry:5000/foo/bar: 004
And to actually run it, we just need:
function startdocker(){ docker run -d -t -p 8080:8080 -v /var/source:/source -P mydockerregistry:5000/foo/bar: $1; }


gitlab ci/cd ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1 on chmod og= $STAGE_ID_RSA

This is my ci.yml
stage: deploy
image: alpine:latest
- chmod og= $STAGE_ID_RSA
- apk update && apk add openssh-client
- ssh -i $STAGE_ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $STAGE_SERVER_USER#$STAGE_SERVER_IP "docker stop $CI_PROJECT_NAME || true"
- ssh -i $STAGE_ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $STAGE_SERVER_USER#$STAGE_SERVER_IP "docker rm $CI_PROJECT_NAME || true"
- ssh -i $STAGE_ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $STAGE_SERVER_USER#$STAGE_SERVER_IP "docker image rm $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest || true"
- ssh -i $STAGE_ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $STAGE_SERVER_USER#$STAGE_SERVER_IP "docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_BUILD_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY"
- ssh -i $STAGE_ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $STAGE_SERVER_USER#$STAGE_SERVER_IP "docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest"
- ssh -i $STAGE_ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $STAGE_SERVER_USER#$STAGE_SERVER_IP "docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name $CI_PROJECT_NAME -p 8882:4000 -e "variableData=Docker-Run-Command" $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest"
I get this error:
BusyBox v1.35.0 (2022-05-09 17:27:12 UTC) multi-call binary.
Usage: chmod [-Rcvf] MODE[,MODE]... FILE...
MODE is octal number (bit pattern sstrwxrwxrwx) or [ugoa]{+|-|=}[rwxXst]
-R Recurse
-c List changed files
-v Verbose
-f Hide errors
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
And this my variable:
And I enter breakline end of STAGE_ID_RSA value
First, you can use chmod og= -- $STAGE_ID_RSA to make sure chmod will not consider $STAGE_ID_RSA as an option, but a parameter.
Second, chmod [OPTIONS] [ugoa…][-+=]perms…[,…] FILE... means the chmod applies to a file.
If $STAGE_ID_RSA represents a value, that would not work.
You would need to redirect its content to a file.
Yet, I do see STAGE_ID_RSA here, used as you do in .gitlab-ci.yml, but using the kroniak/ssh-client rather than alpine:latest.
The chmod in alpine:latest might not behave like a chmod in a more traditional image.
See "Linux commands in Alpine docker image +755 invalid mode".
That is most likely your issue.

when I execute the docker command I get "invalid reference format" error

How can I fix this problem?
docker: invalid reference format.
I have executed this command:
docker run -d --rm -p 3000:8000 -env port=8000 --name feedback-app -v feedback:/app/feedback -v "c:/workspace/d/data-volumes-07-added-dockerignore/data-volumes-07-added-dockerignore:/app:ro" -v /app/node_modules -v /app/temp feedback-node:env
I had forgotten something in my command!
I changed -env to --env
docker run -d --rm -p 3000:8000 --env port=8000 --name feedback-app -v feedback:/app/feedback -v "c:/workspace/d/data-volumes-07-added-dockerignore/data-volumes-07-added-dockerignore:/app:ro" -v /app/node_modules -v /app/temp feedback-node:env

ls sort order inside container

Running ls -d to list directories, print directories in different order if trailing / is present in file name. Why is that? What sorting rules apply? and why does this happen only with docker?
With trailing /
$ docker run --rm ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash -c "mkdir foo ; mkdir foo-bar ; ls -d foo/ foo-bar/"
Without trailing /
$ docker run --rm -it ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash -c "mkdir foo ; mkdir foo-bar ; ls -d foo foo-bar"
I found out I get the same behavior using sort command
docker run --rm ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash -c "echo -e 'foo/\nfoo-bar/' | sort"
But the sorting order changes when using sort -d
docker run --rm ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash -c "echo -e 'foo/\nfoo-bar/' | sort -d"
Thanks to David for pointing me in the right direction, this is caused by the locale settings as described here
On bare ubuntu container, POSIX locale is used which has different sorting rules then en_US.
I solved my problem by installing en_US locale in the docker image, and sorting works as expected again.

Bash - combine 2 ssh calls into 1 (with optional and mandatory commands)

I have a script with 2 ssh commands. The SSH scripts uses SSH to log into a remote server and deletes docker images.
ssh 'set -x &&
echo "Stop docker images" ;
sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -a -q) ;
sudo docker rmi -f $(sudo docker images -q) ;
sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps -a -q)'
Note use of ; to separate commands (we don't care if one or more of the commands fail).
The 2nd ssh command uses SSH to log into the same server, grab a docker compose file and run docker.
ssh 'set -x &&
export AWS_CONFIG_FILE=/somelocation/myaws.conf &&
aws s3 cp s3://com.somebucket.somewhere/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml . --region us-east-1 &&
echo "Get ECR login credentials and do a docker compose up" &&
sudo $(aws ecr get-login --region us-east-1) &&
sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-compose up -d'
Note use of && to separate commands (this time we do care if one or more of the commands fail as we grab the exit code i.e exitCode=$?).
I don't like the fact I have to split this into 2 so my question is can these 2 sections of bash commands be combined into a single SSH call (with both ; and && combinations)?
Although it is possible to pass a set of commands as a simple single-quoted string, I wouldn't recommend that, because:
internal quotation marks should be escaped
it is difficult to read (and maintain!) a code that looks like a string in a text editor
I find it better to keep the scripts in separate files, then pass them to ssh as standard input:
cat | ssh -T user#host -- bash -s -
Execution of several scripts is done in the same way. Just concatenate more scripts:
cat | ssh -T user#host -- bash -s -
If you still want to use a string, use a here document instead:
ssh -T user#host -- <<'END_OF_COMMANDS'
# put your script here
Note the -T option. You don't need pseudo-terminal allocation for non-interactive scripts.
ssh 'set -x;
echo "Stop docker images" ;
sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -a -q) ;
sudo docker rmi -f $(sudo docker images -q) ;
sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps -a -q) ;
export AWS_CONFIG_FILE=/somelocation/myaws.conf &&
aws s3 cp s3://com.somebucket.somewhere/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml . --region us-east-1 &&
echo "Get ECR login credentials and do a docker compose up" &&
sudo $(aws ecr get-login --region us-east-1) &&
sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-compose up -d'

Linux expect spawn can not find file

I wrote a expect script named load_data.exp
spawn "osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm"
expect "Password:" {send "mysecretpassword"}
change access by
chmod +x load_data.exp
run it by
the file definitely exits, it gives me error
spawn osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm
couldn't execute "osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm": no such file or directory
while executing
"spawn "osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm""
(file "./load_data.exp" line 6)
osm2pgsql is installed and can be run directly in terminal the following sentence
osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm
so there is a problem with spawn, I guess
As the error suggests, it's trying to find a program not called osm2pgsql, but one called osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm including all the spaces and dashes as part of the executable name. Remove the quotes from the spawn command:
spawn osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm
Try specifying absolute path to osm2pgsql (acquired by command 'which osm2pgsql')
