Linux expect spawn can not find file - linux

I wrote a expect script named load_data.exp
spawn "osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm"
expect "Password:" {send "mysecretpassword"}
change access by
chmod +x load_data.exp
run it by
the file definitely exits, it gives me error
spawn osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm
couldn't execute "osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm": no such file or directory
while executing
"spawn "osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm""
(file "./load_data.exp" line 6)
osm2pgsql is installed and can be run directly in terminal the following sentence
osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm
so there is a problem with spawn, I guess

As the error suggests, it's trying to find a program not called osm2pgsql, but one called osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm including all the spaces and dashes as part of the executable name. Remove the quotes from the spawn command:
spawn osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H localhost -P 5432 --hstore /absolute/path/to/bruges_belgium.osm

Try specifying absolute path to osm2pgsql (acquired by command 'which osm2pgsql')


Kubectl with Bash command is always passed in LowerCase and not CamelCase

Consider the Bash code:
function dropMyDB() {
kubectl -n $1 exec -ti $1-CLUSSTER-0 -- psql -d MYDBNAME -U postgres -c "truncate table "$2";"
dropMyDB $1 "myTableNameInCamelCase"
When I execute the code it produces:
ERROR: relation "mytablenameincamelcase" does not exist
command terminated with exit code 1
Which means that the table name is not passed in its CamelCase form.
How can we fix this ?
Escape your "$2" because it is inside another double quote
postgres -c "truncate table "$2";"
# to
postgres -c "truncate table $2;"
# or
postgres -c "truncate table \"$2\";"
You can test that the issue is not bash
function dropMyDB() {
echo "kubectl -n $1 exec -ti $1-CLUSSTER-0 -- psql -d MYDBNAME -U postgres -c \"truncate table \"$2\";\""
dropMyDB $1 "myTableNameInCamelCase"
chmod +x
./ foo
kubectl -n foo exec -ti foo-CLUSSTER-0 -- psql -d MYDBNAME -U postgres -c "truncate table "myTableNameInCamelCase";"
IMO it's no kubectl's fault:
fun(){ k exec aaaaaaaaaaaaa -it -- echo "$1"; }
fun AdsdDasfsFsdsd
But probably psql's one, try it like this:
... psql -d MYDBNAME -U postgres -c "truncate table '$2';"

Executing a command inside docker shows wrong $PATH

I am trying to run a bash command inside docker from host:
$ docker exec -it -u weiss apollo_dev /bin/bash -c "rosbag"
/bin/bash: rosbag: command not found
So I tried:
$ docker exec -it -u weiss apollo_dev /bin/bash -c "echo \$PATH"
But when I run docker interactively:
$ docker exec -it -u weiss apollo_dev /bin/bash
weiss#docker$ echo $PATH
Any reason why I am getting different results for $PATH?
This path is most likely changed in your .bashrc file, and this file is not loaded when the shell is non interactive (see
So /bin/bash will load it, /bin/bash -c will not
Here you are getting de $PATH of your Host. Before you run the container the variable is replace for the host's $PATH.
$ docker exec -it -u weiss apollo_dev /bin/bash -c "echo \$PATH"
You need to pass the command without replace the variable, so when run the command in the container just invoke the $PATH variable.
$ docker exec -it -u weiss apollo_dev /bin/bash -c 'echo \$PATH'
Te 'apostrophe' is the key. Bye

bash list postgresql databases over ssh connection

I am doing some work on a remote Postgresql database.
When I log into the server this command works on bash:
$ psql -c "\l"
Remote login over ssh is possible using:
ssh user#server -C "cd /tmp && su postgres -c psql"
But why doesn't it work from this command?
ssh user#server -C " cd /tmp && su postgres -c psql -c '\l' "
→ bash: l: command not found
This is working, also "psql -l" but I don't understand why I have to use backslash 3 times here?
ssh user#server -C " cd /tmp && su postgres -c 'psql -c \\\l' "
Use several levels of quoting:
ssh user#server -C "cd /tmp && su postgres -c 'psql -c \"\\l\"'"
The double backslash is not strictly necessary since \l is no recognized escape sequence.

setting up variables in alias is not working

I want my alias to pick up variables that I pass in commandLine:
For example, startdocker 004 should execute the following
docker run -d -t -p 8080:8080 -v /var/source:/source -P mydockerregistry:5000/foo/bar:004
(004 is the tag I am passing in commandLine).
I tried the following in my .bashrc (sourced after the change).
alias startdocker='function dockerStartTag(){ echo "docker run -d -t -p 8080:8080 -v /var/source:/source -P mydockerregistry:5000/foo/bar: $1";};dockerStartTag'
when I run startdocker 004, It is not picking up 004.
It is empty and hence defaults to "latest" by docker.
what is the correct way to do it? what am I doing wrong?
I don't want to echo but execute the command.
The correct answer is provided below
There's no reason to put a function inside an alias. Just do
function startdocker(){ echo "docker run -d -t -p 8080:8080 -v /var/source:/source -P mydockerregistry:5000/foo/bar: $1"; }
This now works on my system:
$ startdocker 004
docker run -d -t -p 8080:8080 -v /var/source:/source -P mydockerregistry:5000/foo/bar: 004
And to actually run it, we just need:
function startdocker(){ docker run -d -t -p 8080:8080 -v /var/source:/source -P mydockerregistry:5000/foo/bar: $1; }

Spawn in expect script do not have access to environment variable

I have a expect script named load_data.exp placed in home directory
spawn osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H $OSM_DATABASE_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR -P 5432 --hstore $filename
expect "Password"
there is a environment variable OSM_DATABASE_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR with has the value of verified by
run the load_data.exp by ./load_data.exp, I got the error
can't read "OSM_DATABASE_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR": no such variable
while executing
"spawn osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H $OSM_DATABASE_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR -P 5432 --hstore $filename"
(file "../load_data.exp" line 4)
seems to be that spawn can not have access to environment variable DATABASE_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR
You can pass Bash variables to the Expect the following way:
set HOST [lindex $argv 0]
set FILENAME [lindex $argv 1]
set PASSWORD [lindex $argv 2]
spawn osm2pgsql -s -l -d postgres -W -U postgres -H $HOST -P 5432 --hstore $FILENAME
expect "Password"
send "$PASSWORD\n"
Then call your expect script like this:
