Disable highlighting of current line in Android Studio - android-studio

In Android Studio, the current line under the caret is highlighted:
Is there a way to disable this feature?

In Android Studio
go to File -> Preferences -> Editor -> Colors and fonts -> General
Select caret row
Uncheck Background checkbox.


How to change Indentation Line Color In Android Studio 4.0?

I don't know what the name of this setting is. It's the (grayish) line that appears when you unfold a method, if, for, etc.. statement (see attached image). I want to change the color but can't find the option in the Android Studio 4.0 settings menu. Does anyone know what's it called and how to change it's color?
Things have changed in android studio 4.0
In order to change the color of that indentation line do this
Go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> General
And inside that go to Editor -> Guides
You can set
Indent Guide
Indent Guide Selected
Output Image :

I have problem with the comment font in android studio

I want to write a comment with my code in android studio but the font style is not clear,
who can I change it?
pic for the problem
You should be able to change the font in settings
On Windows: File -> Settings
On Mac: Android Studio -> Preferences
IDE Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Font

Android Studio's Font is messed up after changing theme

My entire studio is like this after changing the theme to dark and changing it back. Does anyone have a fix for this?
Android Studio -> Preferences -> Editor -> Font -> Editor Font.
If you can't change the font, make a copy of a Scheme and change the font to whatever you like.

AndroidStudio mouseover warnings - need to Change key stroke for more info

In Android Studio, warnings aredisplayed when I move my mouse over the relevant bit of code, with instructions to press ctrl-F1 for more info.
I have ctrl-F1 mapped in the window manager.
Is there a way to change the required key-command in Android Studio?
You can change the Keyboard Shortcuts in:
File -> Settings -> Keymap
There you can search for "Error Description" to change the edit the Keyboard Shortcut.

how to remove Android Studio background line?

I've used android studio today, and I can't remove the background line:
How do I remove this line?
The line is the "Right Margin" marker line. It is set to wrap text at a specified character length, when turned on.
To turn on Wrap text at specified character length go to: File>Settings>Code Styles>General>Wrap when typing, and set character length amount.
To remove line go to: File>Settings>IDE Settings>Editor>Appearance>Show Right Margin. Uncheck it to remove.
Android Studio 3.0 on os x:
Preference -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show Right Margin
In Android Studio
Go to Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Uncheck the Hard Wrap Guide
You'll find the settings for this if you go to File -> Other Settings -> Default Settings. Choose Code Style from the list on the left, then General. Change the Right Margin attribute to be 0. This'll remove the line.
I'm using Android Studio 2.1.2 and it appears that the menus have been changed.
To remove the line, go to Settings > Editor > General > Appearance > Show right margin.
To adjust the right margin where text wraps, go to Settings > Editor > Code Style > Default Options and change the number in Right margin.
