Haskell chain of functions - haskell

I have a composition of functions, many of them operators, to raise a constant to the power of a constant minus the size of the ith set in a list. Here's my code:
(k^).(n-).size.(phi !!) i
When I tried it on a test case I got
Couldn't match expected type ‘a -> Set a0’
with actual type ‘Set a1’
Relevant bindings include
it :: a -> c (bound at <interactive>:64:1)
Possible cause: ‘phi !!’ is applied to too many arguments
In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘(phi !!) 3’
In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘size . (phi !!) 3’
(k^)$(n-)$size$(phi !!)$i
works. What's wrong? Why does composition not work but application work? Also, is composing the operators in parentheses the most idiomatic way to do it? It feels weird.

Rather than f . g . h x, you want f . g . h $ x: the former calls h x immediately and then composes that, as a function, with f and g The latter composes together f, g, and h into a new function and then calls that on i.

Note that you can use parenthesis to group function compositions,
((k^).(n-).size.(phi !!)) i should work.


cannot construct the infinite type

I want to use applicative function and tried as follow:
*ReaderExercise Control.Applicative> (+4) <*> (+3)
then got following error message:
<interactive>:51:11: error:
* Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ a -> b
Expected type: (a -> b) -> a
Actual type: a -> a
* In the second argument of `(<*>)', namely `(+ 3)'
In the expression: (+ 4) <*> (+ 3)
In an equation for `it': it = (+ 4) <*> (+ 3)
* Relevant bindings include
it :: (a -> b) -> b (bound at <interactive>:51:1)
What do I expect is a return function with one argument.
What does it mean an infinite type?
The error "Occurs check: cannot construct [an] infinite type" results when Haskell determines that a type variable (explicitly given by the programmer or implicitly introduced by Haskell) must satisfy a condition that implies it would need to be recursively defined in terms of itself in a way that would lead to an infinitely "deep" type (i.e., the type variable "occurs" in its own definition).
It normally results from either a typo or conceptual error on the part of the programmer related to confusing two different "levels of structure" in a program.
As a simple example, a list of ints (type [Int]) is a valid Haskell type, and so is a list of lists of ints ([[Int]]) or a list of lists of lists of lists of lists of ints ([[[[[Int]]]]]) but only a finite number of list levels are allowed. You can't have a list of lists of lists of lists of lists, etc. all the way down -- that would be an infinite type. If Haskell thinks you want it to construct such a type, it'll give you an "occurs check" error.
The following definition:
yuck (x:xs) = x == xs
gives this error for exactly this reason. Haskell knows from the left-hand side that yuck takes a list of some unknown element type a where variable x is the head of type a and variable xs is the tail of type [a]. From the RHS, the operator (==) forces x and xs to have the same type -- in other words, it implies the constraint a ~ [a] where the tilde indicates "type equality". No finite type (no type with a finite number of list levels) has this properties, only the invalid infinite type [[[[...forever...]]]] could allow you to remove the outer list level and still have the same type left over, so you get the error.
The issue here is that the programmer has confused two levels of structure: the list xs and an element x.
In your specific example, the reason for the error is similar, but harder to explain. The operator:
(<*>) :: (Applicative f) => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
takes two applicative actions with different underlying types: the left-hand side has type given by the applicative functor f applied to the underlying type a -> b; the right-hand side has type given by the same applicative functor f applied to the underlying type b.
You haven't told Haskell which applicative functor f you meant to use, so Haskell tries to infer it. Because the LHS has type:
(+4) :: (Num n) => n -> n
Haskell tries to match the type n -> n with f (a -> b). It may be clearer to write these types using the prefix form of the (->) type operator: Haskell is trying to match (->) n n with f ((->) a b) where f is an applicative functor.
Fortunately, there's an applicative functor instance for (->) t for any type t. So, Haskell reasons that the applicative functor you want is f = (->) n, and it successfully matches (->) n n = f n to f ((->) a b). This implies that n is equal to ((->) a b). Haskell then tries to match the types on the RHS, matching (->) n n = f n with (->) n a = f a. This works, and it implies that n is equal to a.
Now we have a problem. n is simultaneously equal to a -> b (from the LHS) and a (from the RHS). This implies creation of an infinite function type, something that looks like:
(((... forever ...)->b)->b)->b)->b
which is the only way you could remove an outer ...->b and be left with the same type. This is an impossible infinite type, so you get the error.
The underlying problem is that you've made a conceptual error. Given that you are working on a ReaderExample, I think you intended to use the (->) n applicative functor instance, so you and Haskell are in agreement on this point. In this context:
(+4) :: (Num n) -> n -> n
is a reader action that reads a number from the reader and adds four to it. Similarly (+3) is a reader action that reads a number from the reader and adds three to it.
However, (<*>) is an operator that takes a reader action on the LHS that reads from the reader to produce a function (not a number!) that is then applied to the result of using the RHS to read from the reader to produce a number. For example, if you defined:
multiplyByReader :: (Num n) -> n -> n -> n
multiplyByReader readerNum input = readerNum * input
multiplyByReader <*> (+4)
or the simpler version:
(*) <*> (+4)
would make sense. The intended meaning would be: Construct a reader action that (1) uses the LHS to read a number from the reader to create a function that multiplies by the reader; and then (2) applies this function to the number that results from applying the RHS to the reader.
This would be equivalent to \r -> r * (r + 4), as you can see:
> ((*) <*> (+4)) 5 -- same a 5 * (5 + 4)
When you write (+3) <*> (+4), you're mixing up two different structural levels: the LHS reader yields a number but should instead yield a function that can be applied to a number.
My best guess is that you want to create a reader action that applies (+4) to the reader to get a number and then applies (+3) to that result. In this case, (+3) isn't a reader action; it's just a function you want to apply to the result of the reader action (+4), which is equivalent to fmapping over the reader action:
(+3) <$> (+4)
Of course, you could equivalently write it directly as:
(+3) . (+4)
Both are composite reader actions that add seven to the number read:
> ((+3) <$> (+4)) 5
> ((+3) . (+4)) 5

Haskell recursive function example with foldr

I've taken up learning Haskell again, after a short hiatus and I am currently trying to get a better understanding of how recursion and lambda expressions work in Haskell.
In this: YouTube video, there is a function example that puzzles me far more than it probably should, in terms of how it actually works:
firstThat :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> a
firstThat f = foldr (\x acc -> if f x then x else acc)
For the sake of clarity and since it wasn't immediately obvious to me, I'll give an example of applying this function to some arguments:
firstThat (>10) 2000 [10,20,30,40] --returns 20, but would return 2000, if none of the values in the list were greater than 10
Please correct me, if my assumptions are wrong.
It seems firstThat takes three arguments:
a function that takes one arguments and returns a Boolean value. Since the > operator is actually an infix function, the first argument in the example above seems the result of a partial application to the > function – is this correct?
an unspecified value of the same type expected as the missing argument to the function provided as the first argument
a list of values of the aforementioned type
But the actual function firstThat seems to be defined differently from its type declaration, with just one argument. Since foldr normally takes three arguments I gathered there is some kind of partial application happening. The lambda expression provided as an argument to foldr seem to be missing its arguments too.
So, how exactly does this function work? I apologize if I am being too dense or fail to see the forest for the trees, but I just cannot wrap my head around it, which is frustrating.
Any helpful explanation or example(s) would be greatly appreciated.
But the actual function firstThat seems to be defined differently from its type declaration, with just one argument. Since foldr normally takes three arguments I gathered there is some kind of partial application happening.
You are right. However, there is a nicer way of putting it than talking about "missing arguments" -- one that doesn't lead you into asking where they have gone. Here are two ways in which the arguments are not missing.
Firstly, consider this function:
add :: Num a => a -> a -> a
add x y = x + y
As you may know, we can also define it like this:
add :: Num a => a -> a -> a
add = (+)
That works because Haskell functions are values like any other. We can simply define a value, add, as being equal to another value, (+), which just happens to be a function. There is no special syntax required to declare a function. The upshot is that writing arguments explicitly is (almost) never necessary; the main reason why we do so because it often makes code more readable (for instance, I could define firstThat without writing the f parameter explicitly, but I won't do so because the result is rather hideous).
Secondly, whenever you see a function type with three arguments...
firstThat :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> a
... you can also read it like this...
firstThat :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a] -> a)
... that is, a function of one argument that produces a function of two arguments. That works for all functions of more than one argument. The key takeaway is that, at heart, all Haskell functions take just one argument. That is why partial application works. So on seeing...
firstThat :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> a
firstThat f = foldr (\x acc -> if f x then x else acc)
... you can accurately say that you have written explicitly all parameters that firstThat takes -- that is, only one :)
The lambda expression provided as an argument to foldr seem to be missing its arguments too.
Not really. foldr (when restricted to lists) is...
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
... and so the function passed to it takes two arguments (feel free to add air quotes around "two", given the discussion above). The lambda was written as...
\x acc -> if f x then x else acc
... with two explicit arguments, x and acc.
a function that takes one arguments and returns a Boolean value. Since the > operator is actually an infix function, the first argument in the example above seems the result of a partial application to the > function – is this correct?
yes: (>10) is short for \x -> x > 10, just as (10>) would be short for \x -> 10 > x.
an unspecified value of the same type expected as the missing argument to the function provided as the first argument
first of all, it's not a missing argument: by omitting an argument, you obtain a function value. however, the type of the 2nd argument does indeed match the argument of the function >10, just as it matches the type of the elements of the list [10,20,30,40] (which is better reasoning).
a list of values of the aforementioned type
But the actual function firstThat seems to be defined differently from its type declaration, with just one argument. Since foldr normally takes three arguments I gathered there is some kind of partial application happening. The lambda expression provided as an argument to foldr seem to be missing its arguments too.
that's because given e.g. foo x y z = x * y * z, these 2 lines are equivalent:
bar x = foo x
bar x y z = foo x y z
— that's because of a concept called currying. Currying is also the reason why function type signatures are not (a, b) -> c but instead a -> b -> c, which in turn is equivalent to a -> (b -> c) because of the right associativity of the -> type operator.
Therefore, these two lines are equivalent:
firstThat f = foldr (\x acc -> if f x then x else acc)
firstThat f x y = foldr (\x acc -> if f x then x else acc) x y
Note: that you can also use Data.List.find combined with Data.Maybe.fromMaybe:
λ> fromMaybe 2000 $ find (>10) [10, 20, 30]
λ> fromMaybe 2000 $ find (>10) [1, 2, 3]
See also:

Dot Versus Dollar symbol

print $ concat ["abc", "bde"]
print . concat ["abc", "bde"]
The error thrown in second case is,
Couldn't match expected type ‘a -> b0’ with actual type ‘[Char]’
Relevant bindings include
it :: a -> IO () (bound at <interactive>:3:1)
Possible cause: ‘concat’ is applied to too many arguments
. (function-composition operator) is used because i thought it will take the output of concat function and pass it to the preceding function print? What is wrong in the code?
Just precedence, really; this will work fine:
(print . concat) ["abc", "bde"]
. composes two functions to create a new function, whereas $ is just a way of avoiding parentheses in this context.

How to falsify commutativity of function composition with QuickCheck

What is ex that should be pass to CoArbitrary of the following code?
How to use Function in Test.QuickCheck.Function to represent f and g in proposition?
is it correct to write , if not, how?
where types = [f, g] :: [Function]
Can variant accept Function ? as i know generate function often use >< or variant which stated in the source code of QuickCheck
The error:
No instance for (Eq (b0 -> b0))
arising from a use of `prop_commutative'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Eq (b0 -> b0))
In the first argument of `quickCheck', namely `prop_commutative'
In the expression: quickCheck prop_commutative
In an equation for `it': it = quickCheck prop_commutative
but it is not implemented CoArbitrary http://www.google.com.hk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=QuickCheck+meiser.pdf&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.st.cs.uni-saarland.de%2Fedu%2Fseminare%2F2005%2Fadvanced-fp%2Fslides%2Fmeiser.pdf&ei=hhfHTo_ZDdCciAethMjqDw&usg=AFQjCNFF467CXacWGMkN8jvgqatkcLcVcg
Another writing mimic the example in Function, parse error at '='
in ghci let prop_commutative (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) = (f.g) == (g.f) can run
The code:
import Test.QuickCheck.Function
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Test.QuickCheck
let prop_commutative (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) = (f.g) == (g.f)
main = quickCheck prop_commutative
QuickCheck looks for counterexamples. So you need to provide a negation of the property you seek:
prop1 f g x = not $ (f . g) x == (g . f) x
This particular property don't specify function type - any function of a -> a could work. So you need to specify types for f and g, or for whole function prop1.
You cannot compare f . g and g . f for equality because they are both functions and you cannot have a sensible definition of Eq for functions with infinite domains in Haskell. You need to randomly generate the argument too and compare the f . g and g . f functions by comparing their results
by passing a random argument to both.
Read the documentation on the type of Fun _ f. f there is a monomorphic function. QuickCheck cannot generate random functions of different types - it can only generate functions of some particular type. But . is polymorphic, so the particular type of f cannot be inferred from the context. So you need to choose some arbitrary types for f and g and specify it in the type signature for your property.
Also, you don't need let for top-level definitions. Let can be only used inside of expressions in the form of let..in and inside do blocks without in.
Taking a note from nponeccop, I'd suggest this template:
import Test.QuickCheck
prop_commutative f g x = ...
main = quickCheck $ prop_commutative f g
where f x = ...
g x = ...
This approach requires you to come up with a counterexample. It's simple: think of two functions that, when composed both ways, do not produce the same result. This approach also makes use of partial application. I've handed two functions to prop_commutative, leaving it with just the x for quickCheck to generate and test.
This might be too simple, though. If you can do this, then the next step is to remove the specific counterexamples and figure out how to make quickCheck generate functions for you.

Haskell Monad bind operator confusion

Okay, so I am not a Haskell programmer, but I am absolutely intrigued by a lot of the ideas behind Haskell and am looking into learning it. But I'm stuck at square one: I can't seem to wrap my head around Monads, which seem to be fairly fundamental. I know there are a million questions on SO asking to explain Monads, so I'm going to be a little more specific about what's bugging me:
I read this excellent article (an introduction in Javascript), and thought that I understood Monads completely. Then I read the Wikipedia entry on Monads, and saw this:
A binding operation of polymorphic type (M t)→(t→M u)→(M u), which Haskell represents by the infix operator >>=. Its first argument is a value in a monadic type, its second argument is a function that maps from the underlying type of the first argument to another monadic type, and its result is in that other monadic type.
Okay, in the article that I cited, bind was a function which took only one argument. Wikipedia says two. What I thought I understood about Monads was the following:
A Monad's purpose is to take a function with different input and output types and to make it composable. It does this by wrapping the input and output types with a single monadic type.
A Monad consists of two interrelated functions: bind and unit. Bind takes a non-composable function f and returns a new function g that accepts the monadic type as input and returns the monadic type. g is composable. The unit function takes an argument of the type that f expected, and wraps it in the monadic type. This can then be passed to g, or to any composition of functions like g.
But there must be something wrong, because my concept of bind takes one argument: a function. But (according to Wikipedia) Haskell's bind actually takes two arguments! Where is my mistake?
You are not making a mistake. The key idea to understand here is currying - that a Haskell function of two arguments can be seen in two ways. The first is as simply a function of two arguments. If you have, for example, (+), this is usually seen as taking two arguments and adding them. The other way to see it is as a addition machine producer. (+) is a function that takes a number, say x, and makes a function that will add x.
(+) x = \y -> x + y
(+) x y = (\y -> x + y) y = x + y
When dealing with monads, sometimes it is probably better, as ephemient mentioned above, to think of =<<, the flipped version of >>=. There are two ways to look at this:
(=<<) :: (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
which is a function of two arguments, and
(=<<) :: (a -> m b) -> (m a -> m b)
which transforms the input function to an easily composed version as the article mentioned. These are equivalent just like (+) as I explained before.
Allow me to tear down your beliefs about Monads. I sincerely hope you realize that I am not trying to be rude; I'm simply trying to avoid mincing words.
A Monad's purpose is to take a function with different input and output types and to make it composable. It does this by wrapping the input and output types with a single monadic type.
Not exactly. When you start a sentence with "A Monad's purpose", you're already on the wrong foot. Monads don't necessarily have a "purpose". Monad is simply an abstraction, a classification which applies to certain types and not to others. The purpose of the Monad abstraction is simply that, abstraction.
A Monad consists of two interrelated functions: bind and unit.
Yes and no. The combination of bind and unit are sufficient to define a Monad, but the combination of join, fmap, and unit is equally sufficient. The latter is, in fact, the way that Monads are typically described in Category Theory.
Bind takes a non-composable function f and returns a new function g that accepts the monadic type as input and returns the monadic type.
Again, not exactly. A monadic function f :: a -> m b is perfectly composable, with certain types. I can post-compose it with a function g :: m b -> c to get g . f :: a -> c, or I can pre-compose it with a function h :: c -> a to get f . h :: c -> m b.
But you got the second part absolutely right: (>>= f) :: m a -> m b. As others have noted, Haskell's bind function takes the arguments in the opposite order.
g is composable.
Well, yes. If g :: m a -> m b, then you can pre-compose it with a function f :: c -> m a to get g . f :: c -> m b, or you can post-compose it with a function h :: m b -> c to get h . g :: m a -> c. Note that c could be of the form m v where m is a Monad. I suppose when you say "composable" you mean to say "you can compose arbitrarily long chains of functions of this form", which is sort of true.
The unit function takes an argument of the type that f expected, and wraps it in the monadic type.
A roundabout way of saying it, but yes, that's about right.
This [the result of applying unit to some value] can then be passed to g, or to any composition of functions like g.
Again, yes. Although it is generally not idiomatic Haskell to call unit (or in Haskell, return) and then pass that to (>>= f).
-- instead of
return x >>= f >>= g
-- simply go with
f x >>= g
-- instead of
\x -> return x >>= f >>= g
-- simply go with
f >=> g
-- or
g <=< f
The article you link is based on sigfpe's article, which uses a flipped definition of bind:
The first thing is that I've flipped the definition of bind and written it as the word 'bind' whereas it's normally written as the operator >>=. So bind f x is normally written as x >>= f.
So, the Haskell bind takes a value enclosed in a monad, and returns a function, which takes a function and then calls it with the extracted value. I might be using non-precise terminology, so maybe better with code.
You have:
sine x = (sin x, "sine was called.")
cube x = (x * x * x, "cube was called.")
Now, translating your JS bind (Haskell does automatic currying, so calling bind f returns a function that takes a tuple, and then pattern matching takes care of unpacking it into x and s, I hope that's understandable):
bind f (x, s) = (y, s ++ t)
where (y, t) = f x
You can see it working:
*Main> :t sine
sine :: Floating t => t -> (t, [Char])
*Main> :t bind sine
bind sine :: Floating t1 => (t1, [Char]) -> (t1, [Char])
*Main> (bind sine . bind cube) (3, "")
(0.956375928404503,"cube was called.sine was called.")
Now, let's reverse arguments of bind:
bind' (x, s) f = (y, s ++ t)
where (y, t) = f x
You can clearly see it's still doing the same thing, but with a bit different syntax:
*Main> bind' (bind' (3, "") cube) sine
(0.956375928404503,"cube was called.sine was called.")
Now, Haskell has a syntax trick that allows you to use any function as an infix operator. So you can write:
*Main> (3, "") `bind'` cube `bind'` sine
(0.956375928404503,"cube was called.sine was called.")
Now rename bind' to >>= ((3, "") >>= cube >>= sine) and you've got what you were looking for. As you can see, with this definition, you can effectively get rid of the separate composition operator.
Translating the new thing back into JavaScript would yield something like this (notice that again, I only reverse the argument order):
var bind = function(tuple) {
return function(f) {
var x = tuple[0],
s = tuple[1],
fx = f(x),
y = fx[0],
t = fx[1];
return [y, s + t];
// ugly, but it's JS, after all
var f = function(x) { return bind(bind(x)(cube))(sine); }
f([3, ""]); // [0.956375928404503, "cube was called.sine was called."]
Hope this helps, and not introduces more confusion — the point is that those two bind definitions are equivalent, only differing in call syntax.
