How to access hosted Beanstalkd server - node.js

Beginner in Beanstalkd here. I have a hosted Beanstalkd server elsewhere with the following URL : http://beanstalkdhost:1234/here.
- How would I be able to view the lists of tubes/jobs available? Note that this server is not hosted by me.
How do I put jobs into the tubes of this server, when specs says it requires a POST and custom headers for a request. The clients (in NodeJS) I have came across over the Internet at the moment, do not allow for custom headers, and also almost always requires a 'port number' parameter which messes up the whole URL. It will end up as 'http://beanstalkdhost:1234/here:1234'.
Do note that I am also running a Windows machine (I believe there might be some limitations).
Will appreciate if I can get some advice.
Thanks in advance!

Beanstalkd is not a webservice. It does not present as a web-URL, but as a TCP socket that a connection is opened to, and bytes are sent to.
Knowing who is running the server for you might help out a lot in assisting you, but it does not appear to be a standard Beanstalkd queue.


How to create a HTTPS tunnel on my vps for my twitch bot event listen

I found an example on how to use the twitch EventSub webhooks( but i'm struggling with finding out how to setup it up without having to install ngrok or other apps on my PC since i have a vps where i host the bot. I understood the GET method but POST is a bit difficult for me.
Hope i explained it well enough for someone to understand.
Twitch EventSub at time of writing only offers a "Webhook transport"
So you should be able to set this up no problem on your VPS, since your VPS is web accessabile.
To test this locally on your PC yes you will need a proxy/tunnel such as NGROK to make your PC web accessable.
A "webhook transport" (to over simplfy) operates in the same way a login from on a Website does. You fill in the form and hit submit, and the form is POST'ed to the server.
Webhook's it's the same thing, except the data isn't POST'ed as a form but a JSON blob in the body.
So you can use anything capable of receiving a HTTP POST. There are just a few NodeJS examples like the one you have linked kicking about.
TLDR: unless you are testing, skip setting it up on your PC and start with setting it up on your VPS, as the VPS doesn't need a tunnel, apache/nginx are the SSL Terminator that passes to your Node script, if you use a node script link the linked exmaple in the OP

node js send html to network rather than only localhost server

I'm using node js trying to send my web-page to my network, I successfully call localhost:port in my computer using express as server, the webpage loads fine trigger my webcam which I used to streaming in the webpage, and then im working to make a simple app in my phone to directly access my server, so my questions:
1.How do I able to access my server from different devices in the same wireless-network? by calling ip + port ? ? cause i've tried and it didnt work.
2.I've found https with .pem something like that, is that the answer ? is there also any other way ?
3.maybe any advice before i work to make my web-app to devices? using koa? i don't even really know what is that, but i'm happily take any advices.
EDIT: i've read How could others, on a local network, access my NodeJS app while it's running on my machine?
let's say I simply using random router, so i can't configure my router-port, my server in my pc and my phone join in the same network, trying to access the server in my phone
1.How do I able to access my server from different devices in the same wireless-network?
All you need to do is find your server's IP address in this same wireless-network, and find the Node.js application's port. Then access the following URL in other devices:
However, there are some points need to check:
Need to check firewall and confirm the port is not blocked, server IP is not blocked by test device, and test device IP is not blocked by server.
Need to check whether there is any Proxy setting in server and test device. If there is any, disable the proxy.
A computer may have many IP addresses at the same time, you need to find the correct one in the same wireless-network. For example, If you install a virtual machine software such as VMware and run a virtual system inside, your real computer will get IP address as 192.168.*.* -- this IP address looks like an intranet IP in wireless-network, but it is not, and can never be accessed by test device.
2.I've found https with .pem something like that, is that the answer?
No, HTTPS has nothing to do with this problem. HTTPS just add security (based on HTTP layer), it does not impact any HTTP connectivity. Actually, to minify the problem, it is better to only use HTTP in your scenario.
There is only one very special case that may bring your problem by HTTPS -- the test machine is configured and will block any non-HTTPS connection for security.
3.maybe any advice before i work to make my web-app to devices? using koa?
My suggestion is: As there is an HTTP connectivity issue, the first step is trying to find the root cause of that issue. Thus, it is better to make a simplest HTTP server using native Node.js, no Koa, no Express. In this way, the complexity of server will be reduced, which makes root cause investigation easier.
After the HTTP connectivity issue is fixed, you can pick up Koa or Express or any other mature Node.js web framework to help the web-app work.
4.let's say I simply using random router, so i can't...
Do you mean your server get dynamic IP address by DHCP? As long as the IP is not blocked by test device, it does not matter.

Node.js introduction

Please pardon my ignorance on node.js. I have started reading on node.js and have some perception which might be wrong. So needed it to clarify
When we use createServer() method, does it creates a virtual server. Not sure whether the term "virtual" is appropriate, but it's the best I can describe it :)
I am confused that how should I deploy my application having node.js + other custom js files as a part of it. If I deploy my application in the main server, does that mean I have two servers?
Thanks for bearing with me.
I will try to answer that:
createServer basically creates a process which listens on the specified port for the requests. So yes you can call it as a virtual server which constantly listens for request at the port.
Yes you can say that it has now 2 servers
For eg: you server had apache initially which listens to port 80 (you can access it as it by default looks for port 80)
and then you also start the node service listening on some other port for eg: port 8456 (you can access it as which will look for port 8456)
So yes you can there are two servers.
Q: So what would be the difference if the page is served by the physical server and the virtual server created by node.js?
Physical Server and Node Server are 2 different things and there is no way a single request is going to both the servers.
For eg:
I use apache server to host my website running on PHP. It serves all the html contents of my website (which involves connecting to mysql for data).
Some of the requests could be:
At the other end I might be using nodejs server for totally another purpose. For eg: I might use it for an API, which returns JSON/XML in return. I can use this API myself for some dynamic contents by making AJAX calls with javascript or simple CURL commands from PHP. Or I might also make this API available to public.
Some of the requests could be:
My choice for NodeJs Server used as an API would be for its ability to handle concurrent request and since its asynchronous for file operations it will be much faster than PHP.
In this case I have a website which is not only working on PHP but its the combination of 2 different technologies (PHP on Apache and Nodejs) and hence 2 servers are totally different running on same server but have there own execution space.
Third Question:
So what would be the difference if the page is served by the physical server and the virtual server created by node.js?
If I might add, it's a virtual server in the sense that apache is an virtual http server listening on whatever port. Of course apache had a lot more modules and plugins and configurations to it where as Node's is lighter (kind of like WEBrick for rails), non-blocking and agile for building on. Then again apache is more stable.. in other words, it's a decision of software, both sitting on the server listening to a particular port set by you.
That said there's deployment methods that allow you to place a node application in front of software such as nginx (another server-side software) or HAproxy (load handling with a lot of power), so really it's all up to how you choose to configure it.
Maybe I'm getting to far from your question, but I hope this helps!
Also, You should give the answer to the other guy, he came first ;)

Is pinging to a site a good way of checking whether it's down or not?

I'm trying to write a small website monitoring program, that can check my web hosts to see whether they are down or not, and to calculate the uptime or warn me if it's down. It's going to be a standalone app.
I wanted to know whether pinging is a good way of finding out whether a site is down or not?
Thanks in advance.
That's one thing that you can do but it's by no means a certainty either way.
Some sites will ignore ICMP packets so that no ping response is given. Some sites will respond to pings even when the web server (or whatever service you're after) is down.
The only way you can be certain that a given site will provide a service is to, well, use that service. Nothing else will be as accurate.
A better method would be to provide a series of steps which would detect where a fault lay, at least in the infrastructure that you can control. For example:
allow pings to be received and acted upon.
have a static web page in the web server.
have a dynamic page in the application server which delivers static content.
have a dynamic page in the application server which uses the database.
Then your tester client would simply attempt to "contact" those four points and report on the success. Since you would expect your site to be up most of the time, I'd just check the fourth option to see if everything was okay, and do the other checks only if a problem were found.
It depends on how you define ping. If you're talking about the "low level" ICMP echo, then no it isn't likely to be a good indicator of whether or not your site is down. You would be better off to actually have an application pull a page down from your site to ensure that the HTTP server is running. There are plenty of services for this and likely some code you could download from google as well.
ICMP can prove the server is alive.
TCP checking can show the web server is working, but not the site.
To perform site checking, you should do http GET request(even HEAD doesn't work sometimes) to make sure the page was fine.(return status 200)
You can write your own checking system or use some third party site like
ping gives you insight in latency from a specific location and also points to possible network issues (packet loss). As said in a previous answer, some servers don't respond to ping requests in which case ping is useless.
To check a server with ping from over 50 locations worldwide have a look at this free tool:

XMPPHP Could not connect after timeout

I am trying to create a web based PHP application which can allow chat to my Gmail friends. Something like I downloaded XMPPHP, and executed on localhost, and it is working fine, but when I uploaded everything to Yahoo Small business web hosting, it is throwing connection timeout error.
Do anyone else faced such problem. I heard many of them did, but no one have any solution yet.
Any suggestion will be very helpful. I am new to XMPP clients.
Just some ideas...
How are you trying to connect to the XMPP server? With XMPPHP you may use two classes which are
You might try both, since they work on different ports (XMPPHP for example on 5222 and XMPPHP_BOSH on 80). So if this is a port issue, trying XMPPHP_BOSH would be an idea. You will need to find out though if this is supported by the XMPP server you are trying to connect to. And if so, you need to know the url the server exposes the BOSH service on.
Anyways, I would recommend to check out what kind of 'restrictions' there are in Yahoo Small business web hosting and on the side of the XMPP server.
If you intend to check XMPPHP_BOSH out, consider this issue to make it work: Issue 47: Http-bind error. All in all XMPPHP seems very buggy and incomplete...
