XMPPHP Could not connect after timeout - gmail

I am trying to create a web based PHP application which can allow chat to my Gmail friends. Something like meebo.com. I downloaded XMPPHP, and executed on localhost, and it is working fine, but when I uploaded everything to Yahoo Small business web hosting, it is throwing connection timeout error.
Do anyone else faced such problem. I heard many of them did, but no one have any solution yet.
Any suggestion will be very helpful. I am new to XMPP clients.

Just some ideas...
How are you trying to connect to the XMPP server? With XMPPHP you may use two classes which are
You might try both, since they work on different ports (XMPPHP for example on 5222 and XMPPHP_BOSH on 80). So if this is a port issue, trying XMPPHP_BOSH would be an idea. You will need to find out though if this is supported by the XMPP server you are trying to connect to. And if so, you need to know the url the server exposes the BOSH service on.
Anyways, I would recommend to check out what kind of 'restrictions' there are in Yahoo Small business web hosting and on the side of the XMPP server.
If you intend to check XMPPHP_BOSH out, consider this issue to make it work: Issue 47: Http-bind error. All in all XMPPHP seems very buggy and incomplete...


How can I access Heroku NodeJS server externally?

I have a websocket server running via NodeJS, and have deployed it to Heroku. There are two separate web applications I wrote that communicate with the websocket server. On localhost, I simply run the node server, load up the applications in a web browser, and all works fine. In Heroku, however, I can't seem to get anything to connect to the url ws://url:port - it just returns an err request timeout.
I don't want to deploy my html using Express per their example. Maybe I could, but this is a test case where some web applications get to be pretty huge.
Is my issue that I have to use wss instead of ws?
Or backing up further, is this a good use case for Heroku or is there something else I should use?
The easiest description of what I'm trying to do: Two websites hosted somewhere that isn't Heroku both communicating with a NodeJS-based websocket server hosted on Heroku.
Thanks for your help!
Alright, I feel pretty dumb because this is about as easy an answer as it gets. For anyone else trying to do the same thing, you don't need to specify the port (Heroku port is for internal use only, and the heroku url you are provided is on port 80). Simply connect using wss (e.g. wss://your-app.herokuapp.com)

Google App Engine - socket.io throws errors before successfully connect

Ok so... For a while web sockets have been implemented in the GAE flex environment.
I've got an app deployed there and everything works "sorta" fine except that sometimes
When Connecting or
After a random disconnect and it tries to reconnect
I get a couple of these errors:
POST https://XXX.appspot.com/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=N00Ml-1&sid=XuKv8-6R2TZrIERGAAAO 400
WebSocket connection to 'wss://XXX.appspot.com/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=websocket&sid=XuKv8-6R2TZrIERGAAAO' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established
GET https://XXX.appspot.com/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=N00Ml-2&sid=XuKv8-6R2TZrIERGAAAO 400
I've googled a lot and tried a lot of the stuff suggested to people that had similar issues (most of them BEFORE GAE introduced websocket support).
After a couple of these errors it just connects and everything is fine... I've tried forcing transport as websocket on the client side but it doesn't seem to change anything.
Is there any fix? Should i just change cloud provider?
Not posting any code since it's the basic socket.io nodejs implementation, in fact I've tested with an empty basic implementation and it's the same thing, my best guess is they havn't implemented the load balancer correctly? Anybody has these issues? Should i go aws instead?
I managed to fix this... I've posted on the socket.io github issues
And here's a link to a better explanation

How to access hosted Beanstalkd server

Beginner in Beanstalkd here. I have a hosted Beanstalkd server elsewhere with the following URL : http://beanstalkdhost:1234/here.
- How would I be able to view the lists of tubes/jobs available? Note that this server is not hosted by me.
How do I put jobs into the tubes of this server, when specs says it requires a POST and custom headers for a request. The clients (in NodeJS) I have came across over the Internet at the moment, do not allow for custom headers, and also almost always requires a 'port number' parameter which messes up the whole URL. It will end up as 'http://beanstalkdhost:1234/here:1234'.
Do note that I am also running a Windows machine (I believe there might be some limitations).
Will appreciate if I can get some advice.
Thanks in advance!
Beanstalkd is not a webservice. It does not present as a web-URL, but as a TCP socket that a connection is opened to, and bytes are sent to.
Knowing who is running the server for you might help out a lot in assisting you, but it does not appear to be a standard Beanstalkd queue.

Hide IP and Port when Connecting to Server

I am designing a website which uses a node server and socket.io as a middle man between the server and client. As far as I am aware, the only way to connect the client socket.io to the server is to write a line of code like the following:
var socket = io.connect("http://SERVER_IP:PORT");
With the obvious substitutions. I may be wrong in thinking this, but having this information on client code for all to see seems like a serious security risk. I was wondering if this actually the case, that there may be serious issues posed by displaying this information; if so, how would I go about not having it displayed on client code, since the client has to have some method of connecting to the server. I've looked into proxy ip's, but saw it only in php and didn't know if socket had another way of dealing with this.

Socket.IO Connection Not working on University Wifi

I have created an chat app using Socket.IO . It works fine on my home internet. But whenever I am at my university and connected to versity wifi internet, I can't get connected at all. Its facing 'net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT' error.
Here is the url: demo.codesamplez.com/ultrachat/demo.html (You will may get it OK, as I do on home)
I guess, this might be some kind of firewall issue or something?
Does anybody has any clue how to go forward for solving this? Thanks in advance.
Switching from HTTP to HTTPS should get around the problem with incompatible proxy server. That forces the proxy to use HTTP tunneling to maintain the connection instead performing whatever magic it does.
