How to Pass Url parameter in velocity custom web content template - liferay

I'm creating a url to other page in my portal and passing a parameter in it, I want to get that parameter in a velocity template on other page, what I'm doing is
#set($recordingLinks = [])
#foreach ($cur_Event_Recordings in $Event_Recordings.getSiblings())
#set($result = $recordingLinks.add($cur_Event_Recordings.getData()))
how to get "recordingLinks"
on next page, I'm using #set($links = $request.getParameter("recordingLinks")) in assetpublisher template but no success


Kodi addons : how to correctly set an URL using xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems and xbmcgui.ListItem?

I'm trying to update a plugin for Kodi 19 (and Python3).
But! Hell! Their documentation is a mess, and when you search the internet, a lot of code is outdated.
I cannot understand how correctly create a virtual folder with items using xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems.
here's my (simplified) code:
this is my KODI menu function
def menu_live():
#this is were I get my datas (from internet)
datas = api.get_live_videos()
listing = datas_to_list(datas)
sortable_by = (xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE,
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(common.plugin.handle, listing, len(listing))
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(common.plugin.handle, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL)
this builds a list of items for the virtual folder
def datas_to_list(datas):
list_items = []
if datas and len(datas):
for data in datas:
li = data_to_listitem(data)
url = li.getPath()
list_items.append((url, li, True))
return list_items
this create a xbmcgui.ListItem for our listing
def data_to_listitem(data):
#here I parse my data to build a xbmcgui.ListItem
label = ...
url = ...
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label)
return list_item
I don't understand well how to interact with the media url.
It seems that it can be defined within xbmcgui.ListItem using
which seems ok to me (an url is set to the item itself)
but then, it seems that you also need to set the URL when adding the item to the list,
li = data_to_listitem(data)
list_items.append((url, li, True))
This looks weird since it means you have to know the URL outside the function that builds the item.
So currently, my workaround is
li = data_to_listitem(data)
url = li.getPath() #I retrieve the URL defined in the above function
list_items.append((url, li, True))
That code works. But the question is: if I can define an URL on the ListItem using setPath(), then why should I also fill that URL when appending the ListItem to my listing list_items.append((url, li, True)) ?
Thanks a lot !
I'm not exactly sure what your question is. But Video/audio add-on development is thoroughly explained in these guides:, and Have a look at them, especially the video-add-on guide (as pointed out by Roman), and try to adapt to your case.
But the question is: if I can define an URL on the ListItem using setPath(), then why should I also fill that URL when appending the
ListItem to my listing?
I'm far from an expert, but from my understanding and in the context of tutorial, the url in
list_items.append((url, li, is_folder))
is used to route your plugin to your playback function, as well as passing arguments to it (e.g. video url and possibly other useful stuff needed for playback). That is, the list item passed here doesn't need to have its path set.
on the other hand, is for resolving the video url and start the playback after you have selected an item.

Liferay 7 apply programmatically a template to a journalArticle

I would like to apply a DDMTemplate pro-grammatically to JournalArticle. This is my code:
String prevDDMTemplate = articleDisplay.getDDMTemplateKey();
articleContent = articleDisplay.getContent();
articleTitle = articleDisplay.getTitle();
My expectation is that articleContent view is related to MY_SIMPLE_TEMPLATE template. But it doesn't work, the result is the content with the original template.
I need this change of view to print and to send the content by email. Is another way to do it?

How to request JQuery array in Liferay velocity template variable

I have this code in .vm file
var attr = attr0[i].id;
#set($attr1 = $request.getParameter("attr"))
How to get the jquery attribute (which is clientside) to velocity template variable which is serverside?
As I suggested in my comment you can use a parameter, something like this:
In your template get the entire current URL (URL + parameter)
Check for your parameter (es. attr)
If ther is the attr parameter and it has a value do something in your template
In your script create a variable with your current URL and append your parameter to it (es. var url = {$currentURL} + '?attr=attrValue')
Now you have just to call this URL.

how do we add url parameters? (EJS + Node + Express)

I understood how we parse the url parameters in express routes, as in the example
How to get GET (query string) variables in Express.js on Node.js?
But where do the url parameters come from in the first place?
Apparently, I can build such a query with jquery (i.e $.get). I can append params to this query object. It s cool, but still i m trying to understand how we achieve this in the query that renders the page as a whole.
An example : when i choose the oldest tab below, how does SO add ?answertab=oldest to the url so it becomes :
The string you're looking at is a serialization of the values of a form, or some other such method of inputing data. To get a sense of this, have a look at jQuery's built in .serialize() method.
You can construct that string manually as well, and that's pretty straight forward as well. The format is just ?var1=data1&var2=data2 etc. If you have a JSON object {"name": "Tim", "age": 22} then you could write a very simple function to serialize this object:
function serializeObject(obj) {
var str = "?";
for(var i = 0; i < Object.keys(obj).length; i++) {
key = Object.keys(obj)[i];
if (i === Object.keys(obj).length - 1)
str += encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]);
str += encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]) + "&";
return str;
Running seralizeObject({"name": "Tim", "age": 22}) will output '?name=Tim&age=22'. This could be used to generate a link or whatnot.
The page author writes them so. This is how they "come in the first place". The authors of an HTML page decide (or are told by website designers) where to take the user when he clicks on a particular anchor element on it. If they want users to GET a page with some query parameters (which their server handles), they simply add query string of their choice to the link's href attribute.
Take a look at the href attribute of the oldest tab you clicked:
title="Answers in the order they were provided"
When you clicked it, the browser simply took you to path indicated in href attribute /questions/30516497/how-do-we-add-url-parameters-ejs-node-express?answertab=oldest#tab-top relative to the base URL So the address bar changed. may have its own system of generating dynamic HTML pages. Their administrators and page authors have configured their server to handle particular query parameters and have put in place their own methods to make sure that links on their pages point to the URL(including query string) they wish.
You need to provide URIs with query strings of your choice (you can build them using url.format and querystring.stringify) to your template system to render. Then make your express routes process them and generate pages depending on their value.

Correct way to handle pagination with form submission?

I have a form for doing a search on a search page:
<form action="{{ url_for('searchresults') }}" method="get" name="noname" id="theform">
{{"hiddenpage") }}
... some form inputs
<button id = "mybutton" type = "submit" >Apply</button>
The form is a SearchForm, where
class SearchForm(Form):
page = HiddenField()
categories = SelectMultipleField(u'Text', validators=[Optional()])
# some other stuff...
The view for searchresults handles the form:
#app.route('/searchresults', methods=['GET'])
def searchresults():
form = SearchForm()
# handle the form and get the search results using pagination
page = int(request.args.getlist('page')[0])
results = models.Product.query....paginate(page, 10, False)
return render_template('searchresults.html', form=form, results=results, curpage=page)
The results in render_template will be the first 10 results of my query. In searchresults.html I display the results, along with a next and previous link for the other results. This page also contains the same search form which I re-instate as per the initial submission. Currently I'm handling the next and previous links using
So the next link re-submits the same initial form, but with the page value increased. I'm not really happy with this approach because when I hover over the next link I don't see the actual page I will be directed to. It also is starting to feel like a bit of a hack. Is there a more natural way to do this? When the form is initially submitted I could use it to create a long string of the desired parameters and use that string in the rendered page as href=" {{ url_for('searchresults') }}?mystring", but this also seems unnatural. How should I handle this?
You have your form configured to submit as a GET request, so you don't really need to force a re-submission through Javascript, you can achieve the same result by setting the next and prev links to URLs that include all the parameters in your form with the page modified to the correct next and previous page numbers.
This is really easy to do with url_for(). Any argument you add that do not match route components will be added to the query string, so you can do something like this:
One thing to keep in mind is CSRF. If you have it enabled in your form, then your next/prev URLs will also need to have a valid token. Or you can disable CSRF, which for a search form might be okay.
Take advantage of the fact that your form arguments are already present in the URL and use request.args to pass the URL parameters into your form:
form = SearchForm(request.args)
Then, if you make your page field an IntegerField with a HiddenInput widget instead of a string field:
from wtforms.widgets import HiddenInput
class SearchForm(Form):
page = HiddenField(widget=HiddenInput, default=1)
you can increment page before you pass the form off to your search results page: += 1
And then, in your page, you simply create the link to the next page:
