How to use Magento2 with RequireJS? - requirejs

I'm just migrating from Magento 1.x to Magento 2.x. I found that Magento2 uses RequireJS for handling JavaScript files. So I learnt what RequireJS is, and how to use it.
I found that most of the examples uses data-main="main" to define the configuration file.
In Magento2's default_head_blocks.xml file, I found the script tag like this:
<script src="requirejs/require.js"/>
Here they did not specify any data-main.
These are my questions:
How Magento2/RequireJS knows which JS should be loaded for configuration? (I found requirejs-config.js for this in multiple places)
By default Magento2 loads lots of JS (more than 20), how can I limit them?
I could not find enough documentation on this.

The best place to get all your answers for Magento 2 JS development is the Magento 2 docs, it really is a useful resource on this. explains in detail about component initialisation.
To answer your two questions above -
Q.1. How Magento2/RequireJS knows which JS should be loaded for
configuration? (I found requirejs-config.js for this in multiple
In each Magento 2 module there is a requirejs-config.js file to load all that modules configuration. i.e.
var config = {
map: {
'*': {
compareItems: 'Magento_Catalog/js/compare',
compareList: 'Magento_Catalog/js/list',
relatedProducts: 'Magento_Catalog/js/related-products',
upsellProducts: 'Magento_Catalog/js/upsell-products',
productListToolbarForm: 'Magento_Catalog/js/product/list/toolbar',
catalogGallery: 'Magento_Catalog/js/gallery',
priceBox: 'Magento_Catalog/js/price-box',
priceOptionDate: 'Magento_Catalog/js/price-option-date',
priceOptionFile: 'Magento_Catalog/js/price-option-file',
priceOptions: 'Magento_Catalog/js/price-options',
priceUtils: 'Magento_Catalog/js/price-utils',
catalogAddToCart: 'Magento_Catalog/js/catalog-add-to-cart'
This is telling requirejs where all the required JavaScript files are located.
There are multiple way to tell Magento when to use your JS file -
data-mage-init on a HTML element. e.g. <div class="block upsell" data-mage-init="{"upsellProducts":{}}" data-limit="0" data-shuffle="0">
script tag on the page e.g
<script type="text/x-magento-init">
"[data-role=tocart-form],": {
"catalogAddToCart": {}
within a JS file e.g. $('.yourSelector').yourPlugin();
Q.2. By default Magento2 loads lot's of JS (more than 20), how can I
limit them?
The sheer number of JS files that are loaded as a result of multiple modules is one of the downsides, however, with the correct usage of full page caching with a reverse proxy like Varnish the performance reduction is negligible, even in a development server.


Ignoring a specific file when using require.js [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
RequireJS: Set path to 'ignore'
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
requirejs parses JS files as text and builds a tree of all the requires...
It then injects includes into the head of an HTML file.
In a particular context I need to ignore a particular file so e.g. if it sees this it won't be added to the HTML file:
const { mixinService } = require("devtools/shared/mixinService");
I need to know how to do this because in one context I need the file but in another it will break all of my components.
Let me describe the different contexts: I work at Mozilla on the Firefox browser. Scripts can run in a privileged JS environment, where they have access to special APIs or they can run in content (like a regular webpage).
The mixinService uses some of those privileged APIs so it is incompatible with content scripts so the contexts are privileged and content. We need to ignore the require when running in the content process.
Turns out that you can use define for this so in my case it looks like this:
define("devtools/shared/mixinService", {
mixinService: {
mixins: []
baseUrl: "resource://devtools-client-jsonview/",
paths: {
"devtools/client/shared": "resource://devtools-client-shared",
"devtools/shared": "resource://devtools/shared",
? "resource://devtools-client-shared/vendor/react-dev"
: "resource://devtools-client-shared/vendor/react"
// Load the main panel module
Easy when you know how.

sails.js use different layout with different js libraries

I'm creating my first nodejs/sails.js project, I want to use 3 different layout for 3 different occasions:
In frontend_layout.ejs, I want to load bootstrap.css, jquery.js and
In admin_layout.ejs, I want to load bootstrap.css, angular.js and
ui-bootstrap-tpls.js(angular-ui js library).
In mobile_layout.ejs, I want to load ionic.css and ionic.bundle.js
I have created 3 folders in sailsProject/views/ which are admin_pages, mobile_pages and frontend_pages, the 3 layout.ejs files reside in each of these folders respectively, but no matter which layout I load, it always include all the css/js files in assets/js and assets/styles. I know I need to do something to pipeline.js, but how exactly? I'm not efficient at grunt, so I would really appreciate if anyone could point me which config files need to be modified and how... Thanks!
I wanted something very similar in my project, except I also wanted to take advantage of Sail's cool built-in ability to auto minimize/uglify javascript files for "sails lift --prod" in various layouts with different sets of javascript files. This answer only deals with the JS files, but you can make similar changes to support the same concept with your CSS files.
In my project I had 2 different layouts -- layout.ejs and layoutadmin.ejs. I created a new /assets/jsadmin folder which holds my admin javascript files. I left the sails existing /assets/js folder as-is to hold the javascript files for the public web pages.
My goal was for the /assets/js folder contents to be inserted between these tags (sails does this by default and these tags are used in the layout.ejs file):
While the /assets/jsadmin folder contents was to be inserted between these tags (I made up these "custom" tag names and they are used in the layoutadmin.ejs file. I will add add support for this new tag in the rest of this answer):
I created a full code sample demo of this here.
For development...
(sails lift), I modified so sails would populate my custom tags with the assets/jsadmin js files upon lifting.
I modified tasks/pipeline.js by adding a new variable called jsAdminFilesToInject which is very similar to the existing jsFilesToInject except it collects the js files from the jsAdmin folder.
var jsAdminFilesToInject = [
// Load before everything else
// Dependencies like jQuery, or Angular are brought in here
// All of the rest of your client-side js files
// will be injected here in no particular order.
Note: I also had to export this new variable at the bottom of the pipeline.js file.
module.exports.jsAdminFilesToInject = {
return '.tmp/public/' + path;
I modified tasks/config/sails-linker.js by adding a new devJsAdmin task where it looks for tags and calls the new .jsAdminFilesToInject added in the pipeline.js file above.
devJsAdmin: {
options: {
startTag: '<!--SCRIPTS_ADMIN-->',
endTag: '<!--SCRIPTS_ADMIN END-->',
fileTmpl: '<script src="%s"></script>',
appRoot: '.tmp/public'
files: {
'.tmp/public/**/*.html': require('../pipeline').jsAdminFilesToInject,
'views/**/*.html': require('../pipeline').jsAdminFilesToInject,
'views/**/*.ejs': require('../pipeline').jsAdminFilesToInject
I Added a new task step to the tasks/register/linkAssets.js file which calls the devJsAdmin added above.
To test, run sails in demo mode:
sails lift
Browse to http://localhost:1337/home - you will see it is using the layout.ejs template and viewing the source will show the following at the bottom (files pulled from js folder):
<script src="/js/dependencies/"></script>
<script src="/js/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
Browse to http://localhost:1337/admin - you will see it is using the layoutadmin.ejs template and viewing the source will show the following at the bottom of the source (files pulled from jsAdmin folder):
<script src="/jsAdmin/dependencies/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script src="/jsAdmin/knockout-3.3.0.debug.js"></script>
For production...
(sails lift --prod), I wanted to do the same as development except I first wanted to concat and uglify the production javascript that goes in my new SCRIPTS_ADMIN tags.
I added a new jsAdmin section in the grunt tasks/config/concat.js file which pulls in the files from the previously added jsAdminFilesToInject in the pipeline.js to produce a concat/productionAdmin.js output file.
jsAdmin: {
src: require('../pipeline').jsAdminFilesToInject,
dest: '.tmp/public/concat/productionAdmin.js'
I added a new distAdmin section in the grunt tasks/config/uglify.js file which makes the concat/productionAdmin.js "ugly" by producing a new min/productionAdmin.min.js file.
distAdmin: {
src: ['.tmp/public/concat/productionAdmin.js'],
dest: '.tmp/public/min/productionAdmin.min.js'
I added a new prodJSAdmin section in the tasks/config/sails-linker.js file which adds the min/productionAdmin.min.js file between the SCRIPTS_ADMIN tags.
prodJsAdmin: {
options: {
startTag: '<!--SCRIPTS_ADMIN-->',
endTag: '<!--SCRIPTS_ADMIN END-->',
fileTmpl: '<script src="%s"></script>',
appRoot: '.tmp/public'
files: {
'.tmp/public/**/*.html': ['.tmp/public/min/productionAdmin.min.js'],
'views/**/*.html': ['.tmp/public/min/productionAdmin.min.js'],
'views/**/*.ejs': ['.tmp/public/min/productionAdmin.min.js']
Finally, I called this new prodJSAdmin from the prod grunt task by adding a line in the prod.js file.
Run sails in production mode:
sails lift --prod
Browse to http://localhost:1337/home - you will see it is using the layout template and viewing the source will show the following at the bottom (using production.min.js):
<script src="/min/production.min.js"></script>
Browse to http://localhost:1337/admin - you will see it is using the layoutadmin.ejs template and viewing the source will show the following at the bottom of the source (using productionAdmin.min.js):
<script src="/min/productionAdmin.min.js"></script>
By default, Sails automatically insert all your css files (assets/styles) into tags between STYLES and STYLES END and js files (assets/js) into tags between SCRIPTS and SCRIPTS END.
This is set in pipeline.js file. By default it has set to get all css files from assets/styles. You can find it in cssFilesToInject section.
You can change it as you wish. you can comment or delete it simply. (keep in mind if you want to put some css files common to every layout you can put them in here.)
Same for the js files. By default it has set to get all js files from assets/js. You can find it in jsFilesToInject section. Remove or add js files according to your requirement. You can find more information about grunt globbing patterns in here which helps to understand filtering pattern.
So easiest thing you can do now is put your layout specific files out side those tags(STYLES and SCRIPTS)
For example look following code sample,
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/some_layout_specific.css">

load js depending on url

I'm sure this question has been asked many a time before but I am having zero luck finding my 'question'.
I'm trying to figure out what the best solution is to loading a js file dynamically depending on the page/url. Should I handle this in controllers?
Am I right in assuming I should be using something like Browserify or requireJS? I do not understand how they are used in this manner, though...
I'm using Expressjs
I had something like this...
assets = {
js: {
validation: 'path/to/file'
res.render('example', {
scripts: [assets.js.validation]
view (using a view engine helper)
just an example of logic
each script in scripts
<script src="{[script}}">
This works but I'm wondering what's best practice.

Yeoman - Javascript loading error

This is my app structure.
Yeoman with angular and coffee server(node+express) which gets view and public files via /app/.
View files:
app.set("view_engine", "html").engine "html", (path, options, fn) ->
if "function" is typeof options
fn = options
options = {}
fs.readFile path, "utf8", fn
Public files:
app.use express.static(path.resolve(__dirname + "/app/"))
I do load a lot of components like bootstrap, theme files,etc. HOwever, Javascript inside a view file doesnt work. It does work normally.
For example, if i remove and replace with for morris charts, it works. The same with ng-app and a view file with does not load the chart.
I think the problem is loading the js files first, since when i tried logging, the javascript file sends message before the controller for the view. So i guess the js file loads before the view thereby making the id inaccessible for the javascript file.
Please tell me how to solve this. It has been bugging me for over two days.
Thanks in advance.
Probably answered here:
Are you including jQuery before angularJS? If not, angularJS is using jqLite, which won't handle a situation like that.

How to do navigation durandal.js?

i am trying to use durandal.js for single page architecture,
i already have application where i am loading all pages in div = old approach for single page architecture,
what i want to do is when i click on page i need to open hotspa pages,
for now i write something like this .,
where # details is my durandal view page!
when i put <a> herf ....#/details, i got error like this :
but when i refresh with same url, it is working fine, i am able to see view!
i do not know why i got this error
If you are using anything before version 2.0 of Durandal, you are getting this because in your Shell.js you are not defining router, or you have a bad definition of where the router module is, or possibly you are defining scripts in your index instead of 'requiring them' via require.js
1st - Check shell.js, at the top you should have a define function and it should say / do something like this, and should be exposing that to the view like so -
define(['durandal/plugins/router'], function (router) {
var shell = {
router: router
return shell;
2nd - Check and make sure the 'durandal/plugins/router' is point to the correct location in the solution explorer, in this case it is app > durandal > plugins > router. If it is not or if there is no router you can add it using nuget.
3rd - Make sure you aren't loading scripts up in your index or shell html pages. When using require.js you need to move any scripts you are loading into a require statement for everything to function properly. The 'Mismatched anonymous define() module' error usually occurs when you are loading them elsewhere -
