Yeoman - Javascript loading error - node.js

This is my app structure.
Yeoman with angular and coffee server(node+express) which gets view and public files via /app/.
View files:
app.set("view_engine", "html").engine "html", (path, options, fn) ->
if "function" is typeof options
fn = options
options = {}
fs.readFile path, "utf8", fn
Public files:
app.use express.static(path.resolve(__dirname + "/app/"))
I do load a lot of components like bootstrap, theme files,etc. HOwever, Javascript inside a view file doesnt work. It does work normally.
For example, if i remove and replace with for morris charts, it works. The same with ng-app and a view file with does not load the chart.
I think the problem is loading the js files first, since when i tried logging, the javascript file sends message before the controller for the view. So i guess the js file loads before the view thereby making the id inaccessible for the javascript file.
Please tell me how to solve this. It has been bugging me for over two days.
Thanks in advance.

Probably answered here:
Are you including jQuery before angularJS? If not, angularJS is using jqLite, which won't handle a situation like that.


How to use Magento2 with RequireJS?

I'm just migrating from Magento 1.x to Magento 2.x. I found that Magento2 uses RequireJS for handling JavaScript files. So I learnt what RequireJS is, and how to use it.
I found that most of the examples uses data-main="main" to define the configuration file.
In Magento2's default_head_blocks.xml file, I found the script tag like this:
<script src="requirejs/require.js"/>
Here they did not specify any data-main.
These are my questions:
How Magento2/RequireJS knows which JS should be loaded for configuration? (I found requirejs-config.js for this in multiple places)
By default Magento2 loads lots of JS (more than 20), how can I limit them?
I could not find enough documentation on this.
The best place to get all your answers for Magento 2 JS development is the Magento 2 docs, it really is a useful resource on this. explains in detail about component initialisation.
To answer your two questions above -
Q.1. How Magento2/RequireJS knows which JS should be loaded for
configuration? (I found requirejs-config.js for this in multiple
In each Magento 2 module there is a requirejs-config.js file to load all that modules configuration. i.e.
var config = {
map: {
'*': {
compareItems: 'Magento_Catalog/js/compare',
compareList: 'Magento_Catalog/js/list',
relatedProducts: 'Magento_Catalog/js/related-products',
upsellProducts: 'Magento_Catalog/js/upsell-products',
productListToolbarForm: 'Magento_Catalog/js/product/list/toolbar',
catalogGallery: 'Magento_Catalog/js/gallery',
priceBox: 'Magento_Catalog/js/price-box',
priceOptionDate: 'Magento_Catalog/js/price-option-date',
priceOptionFile: 'Magento_Catalog/js/price-option-file',
priceOptions: 'Magento_Catalog/js/price-options',
priceUtils: 'Magento_Catalog/js/price-utils',
catalogAddToCart: 'Magento_Catalog/js/catalog-add-to-cart'
This is telling requirejs where all the required JavaScript files are located.
There are multiple way to tell Magento when to use your JS file -
data-mage-init on a HTML element. e.g. <div class="block upsell" data-mage-init="{"upsellProducts":{}}" data-limit="0" data-shuffle="0">
script tag on the page e.g
<script type="text/x-magento-init">
"[data-role=tocart-form],": {
"catalogAddToCart": {}
within a JS file e.g. $('.yourSelector').yourPlugin();
Q.2. By default Magento2 loads lot's of JS (more than 20), how can I
limit them?
The sheer number of JS files that are loaded as a result of multiple modules is one of the downsides, however, with the correct usage of full page caching with a reverse proxy like Varnish the performance reduction is negligible, even in a development server.

node.js/Jade - How to pre-compile jade files and cache it?

Framework: node.js / express.js / Jade
Question: in production env, when a jade file is rendered by express, jade cache's it so future renders are faster.
When I start node.js app, how can I pre-compile (or) pre-render (like warmup) all the jade files so its already in cache when requests start to come in...
I can use a folder recursion, I just need to know how to pre-compile (or) pre-render.
Is this possible?
Jade has template pre-compiling and caching built in.
Simply specify cache: true option to jade.compileFile, and iterate through all of your template files.
var options = {cache: true};
// iterate/recurse over your jade template files and compile them
jade.compileFile('./templates/foo.jade', options);
// Jade will load the compiled templates from cache (the file path is the key)
If you're not using any parameters, you can compile jade templates directly to HTML with grunt or gulp and make it watch for file modifications
Try it from the command-line:
jade view/map-beacons.jade -D
If you do need to use parameters I would use something like in Andrew Lavers answer.
compileFile returns a function which you can use to pass in parameters i.e. fn({ myJsVar: 'someValue' })
There is also a client option in the command-line but I didn't find any use for it :
jade view/map-beacons.jade -cD
i do this solution, this code outside http.createServer function
let cache_index=jade.renderFile('index.jade');
and when return view
res.statusCode = 200;
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
when use this solution server return index to 1ms
but without solution server return index between 150ms to 400ms
Picture 1 with cache
Picture 2 without cache

Routing in locomotive using ejs

I'm trying out node and some frameworks for node atm, specifically locomotive. However, i seem to be stuck on routing using locomotive. A couple questions i can't find the answer to, so here goes:
why does the locomotive out-of-box install use index.html.ejs as a
filename? Why not just index.ejs? What's the benefit?
i'm trying to add a route to a view: searchName.html.ejs which i
added in the views folder. To achieve this i made a toolController
like this:
var locomotive = require('locomotive').Controller,
toolController = new Controller();
toolController.searchName = function() {
module.exports = toolController;
I also added a route in routes.js like so:
this.match('searchName', 'tool#searchName');
However, that doesn't work (and yet it's what the documentation says ought to work). The result is a 404 error. So how do i make that route work?
Suppose i want to make a route to eg, anExample.html? How do i go
about that? I notice that in the out-of-the-box app from
locomotive, you cannot enter localhost:3000/index.html . Nor even
localhost:3000/index This seems highly impractical to me, as there
are plenty of users who'll add the specific page they want to go to.
So how can i make that work?
PS: I went through all questions regarding this on stackoverflow and searched the web, but i still can't figure this out.enter code here
The benefit is that this naming scheme allows you to specify several different formats for a single route. So you could have search_name.html.ejs and search_name.xml.ejs, then respond with either view depending on what your client is expecting.
There are a couple issues with the example code you posted. You should be seeing a more descriptive error than a 404, so I'm not sure what's happening there, but here are the fixes to your code that work in my environment.
In the controller:
var locomotive = require('locomotive');
var toolController = new locomotive.Controller();
toolController.searchName = function() {
module.exports = toolController;
In routes.js:
module.exports = function routes()
this.match('searchName', 'tool#searchName');
Then, you'll need to change the view to this: views/tool/search_name.html.ejs. It's not clear from the documentation, but locomotive automatically lowercases and underscores actions that are camel-cased, like searchName.
Now start the app and browse to http://localhost:3000/searchName
If you just want to serve a static html file, the easiest way is to just drop it in the public folder. This folder is specifically for serving up static content like client-side js, css, etc. And it works just fine for serving static HTML as well.

How to do navigation durandal.js?

i am trying to use durandal.js for single page architecture,
i already have application where i am loading all pages in div = old approach for single page architecture,
what i want to do is when i click on page i need to open hotspa pages,
for now i write something like this .,
where # details is my durandal view page!
when i put <a> herf ....#/details, i got error like this :
but when i refresh with same url, it is working fine, i am able to see view!
i do not know why i got this error
If you are using anything before version 2.0 of Durandal, you are getting this because in your Shell.js you are not defining router, or you have a bad definition of where the router module is, or possibly you are defining scripts in your index instead of 'requiring them' via require.js
1st - Check shell.js, at the top you should have a define function and it should say / do something like this, and should be exposing that to the view like so -
define(['durandal/plugins/router'], function (router) {
var shell = {
router: router
return shell;
2nd - Check and make sure the 'durandal/plugins/router' is point to the correct location in the solution explorer, in this case it is app > durandal > plugins > router. If it is not or if there is no router you can add it using nuget.
3rd - Make sure you aren't loading scripts up in your index or shell html pages. When using require.js you need to move any scripts you are loading into a require statement for everything to function properly. The 'Mismatched anonymous define() module' error usually occurs when you are loading them elsewhere -

Object definition at top of client files in node.js

I am picking apart the demo code for this node.js game framework
all of the client js files in this folder, ,
start with a line similar to this
"__resources__["/app.js"] = {meta: {mimetype: "application/javascript"}, data: function(exports, require, module,__filename, __dirname) { ... " .
Many of them (maybe even all of them) have an "exports." or "module.exports" at the end of the "data" method. I found that "__resources__" is defined in the .jshintrc files in an array as the "predef" property. Does it have something to do with jshint? Can't seem to search out anything specific about this. Just pointing me in the right direction would be a great help.
For anyone wandering through here in the future.
I heard back from the Pomelo devs and they said this "This is our inner framework named colorbox ... it is a node.js style browser side module system derived from cocos2d-javascript"
