Screen Sharing using OPensips ,Blink and Sylk server - voip

I want to implement screen sharing using opensips , Blink and Sylk server utilities.
When I use msrp relay and opensips setup i get following errors:
debug: session
y2tmlOfHnQHa3mBUxG50IzE0NTMyODY3OTcuNTQzOjE5Mi4xNjguNy4xNzU= for
1009# (UNBOUND): AUTH succeeded, creating new session
debug: session
y2tmlOfHnQHa3mBUxG50IzE0NTMyODY3OTcuNTQzOjE5Mi4xNjguNy4xNzU= for
1009# (UNBOUND): Connection lost: Connection was closed
debug: session
y2tmlOfHnQHa3mBUxG50IzE0NTMyODY3OTcuNTQzOjE5Mi4xNjguNy4xNzU= for
1009# (DISCONNECTED): bytes sent: 408, bytes received: 0
I suspect if we can use msrp relay for screen sharing as i just found IM and File share as the features in its documentation.
Can somebody help me with this implementation?
Can we use sylk server in the server setting option of blink client instead of msrprelay with 5061 port?


error Server terminates connection response=421 4.7.0 Try again later

response=421 4.7.0 Try again later, closing connection. (EHLO) vj23-20020a170907131700b0078db51bb303sm9553ejb.86 - gsmtp: 421 4.7.0 Try again later, closing connection. (EHLO) vj23-20020a170907131700b0078db51bb303sm9553ejb.86 - gsmtp Error: Server terminates connection. response=421 4.7.0 Try again later, closing connection. (EHLO) vj23-20020a170907131700b0078db51bb303sm9553ejb.86 - gsmtp: 421 4.7.0 Try again later, closing connection. (EHLO) vj23-20020a170907131700b0078db51bb303sm9553ejb.86 - gsmtp
I found a solution I hope it will help you I replaced nodemailer Smtp by emailjs and this will solve the problem.
I believe Nodemailer uses the computer's hostname in place of the name property when creating a transport. This can cause issues with some email relays such as Gmail. To fix this you can explicitly set the name property in the SMTP transport options to an arbitrary string.

Trouble connecting NodeMCU to Microsoft Azure IoT Hub

I am trying to connect my ESP8266, running the latest NodeMCU build, to a Microsoft Azure IoT Hub via MQTT Protocol.
It appears that this is possible, as it is shown here...
I am using the correct syntax as far as I can see from the MS Azure help...
Unlike the example in ThingLabs, which creates a SAS token using NodeMCU, I have followed the MS document and generated a SAS token using the Device Explorer, for testing purposes.
My LUA code is as follows...
-- Create variables
DEVICE = "testdevice"
PORT = 8883
USER = IOTHUB.."/"..DEVICE.."/api-version=2016-11-14"
PASS = "SharedAccessSignature"
-- Create an MQTT Client
azure = mqtt.Client(DEVICE, 60, USER, PASS)
-- Connect to IoTHub via MQTT
azure:connect(IOTHUB, PORT, 1, 0,
-- Callback for a successful connection
-- Error callback, if connection fails
function(client, reason)
print("Error Connecting: "..reason)
The response is always Error Connecting: -5 which translates to "There is no broker listening at the specified IP Address and Port".
I suspected that NodeMCU was struggling with the SSL (port 8883) connection. So I ensured that I was able to make HTTPS connections (after verifying the SSL root certificate) with the following code, this worked but did not help.
http.get("", nil,
function (code, resp)
print(code, resp)
I cannot seem to get this to work! #Marcel Stör - any thoughts?
Many thanks in advance.
I had the same error Error Connecting: -5 , I have set the time on the ESP and it fix this error.
You will find some information about sntp on (as you mention it).

Error reaching the Node.js server in drupal 7

I have installed node.js server on shared hosting.I have drupal site in which I am using node.js integration module to connect to node.js server.
But whenever I am trying to broadcast message from admin panel, I am getting this error message "Error reaching the Node.js server "Error reaching the Node.js server at "nodejs/publish" with {"data":{"somecustomdata":""},"channel":"nodejs_user_1","callback":"myowncallback","clientSocketId":""} "%{"data":{"somecustomdata":""},"channel":"nodejs_user_1","callback":"myowncallback","clientSocketId":""}": [404] Not Found." in db log.
Any help would be appreciated.
It is very likely one of two things:
Drupal server is accessing wrong URI.
Node.js Server is not listening to the URI you expect it to.
Of course something less obvious might cause errors, but please verify those two before proceeding.
Best would be to get your Drupal server print in error logs the URI it is trying to access, and manually verify you can access it within your browser, or another tool.
Thanks "alandrev" for your help.I have resolved that issue on the same day but I forgot to add my mistake.Actually I was not configuring the nodejs correctly.I was using the incorrect port number on backend settings in nodejs.config.js file.The correct settings mentioned below:
backendSettings = {
"port":"port number which is not already in use",
'sslKeyPath': 'key file path for ssl enabled site otherwise leave empty',
'sslCertPath': 'certificate path for ssl enabled site otherwise leave empty',
'sslCAPath': '',
"baseAuthPath": '/nodejs/',
"scheme": 'https or http',
"addUserToChannelUrl": 'user/channel/add/:channel/:uid',
"publishMessageToContentChannelUrl": 'content/token/message',
Solved this same issue by adding "polling" to the transport
backendSettings = {
"serviceKey":"SERVICE KEY",

web2py: sending email: lost connection after EHLO from localhost

I'm trying to send email in web2py using the postfix server on Centos. I can send it successfully using the gmail SMTP server, but when I change the settings to:
mail.settings.login = 'user:pass'
no email gets delivered. I checked the logs and I see this:
postfix/smtpd[31521]: connect from localhost[]
postfix/smtpd[31521]: lost connection after EHLO from localhost[]
postfix/smtpd[31521]: disconnect from localhost[]
I am able to send email successfully using the local mail command. I am new to linux, so please bear with me.
depending on your version of web2py try setting
mail.settings.tls = False

unable to connect to xmpp server using node-xmpp

Im working on getting node-xmpp working with a jabber server we have in house here. I was able to get it working with just fine, and i can connect to our internal server with adium or ichat just fine.
Node v0.6.14
CentOS 6.2 / 2.6.32
node-xmpp 0.3.2
OpenSSL 1.0.0
connect code
var j = new xmpp.Client({
jid : 'user#domain',
password : 'pass',
host : 'chat.domain'
After tracing through the code, it seems it gets stuck right after it tries to upgrade the connection to a secure connection. This occurs in starttls.js in the starttls function.
The pair.on('secure') event is never called, and even after i print out pair after a settimeout, its still not appearing to be authorized. At this point i dont see any data in or out.
After a long time sitting there (several minites) it prints out an error that looks like this
throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: 139644497663968:error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error:s23_clnt.c:674:
at CleartextStream._pusher (tls.js:508:24)
at CleartextStream._push (tls.js:334:25)
at SecurePair.cycle (tls.js:734:20)
at EncryptedStream.write (tls.js:130:13)
at Socket.ondata (stream.js:38:26)
at Socket.emit (events.js:67:17)
at TCP.onread (net.js:367:14)
The server is using a self signed cert if that matters.
Any ideas?
This looks like you're sending a TLS handshake when the server isn't expecting it, so the server isn't sending its handshake back.
One possibility is that you're talking old-style TLS (handshake-first) to a server that implements start-TLS. In your real code, are you setting the legacySSL parameter? Are you sure you're talking to an XMPP server on the target box?
A wireshark trace would give us the data to be able to tell for sure.
I was experiencing the same issue: connection hangs while trying to perform a TLS handshake with one particular Openfire XMPP server installation (though others worked fine).
After nearly losing my mind, I ended up modifying starttls.js that ships with node-xmpp to use tls.connect() and forcing SSLv3 and to my surprise it worked.
Gist here:
Hope this is useful to someone.
