How to get text from Shared file on Google drive using applescript - text

I'm trying to read text from a shared file on Google drive using applescript, but I don't want to show any window on screen. If the file is on my drive folder, I can read text from my google drive folder, but the shared file is on Shared with me folder.
I think there are 2 ways to do this.
1, Read text from the Shared with me file on web site.
2, Add shared file to my drive and read text from the file on file my drive folder
Thank you

Can you look at the file that is shared with you using your web-browser? If you can, copy the address at the top of your browser, something like Then start a Terminal on your Mac and run curl -L THE_COPIED_ADDRESS -o $HOME/Desktop/file.txt and see if the file arrives on your Desktop.


Download folder containing large files in the google drive to Linux

This is the error code I get. As suggested here, it is because the file size is too big. Probably some of the files in the folder are very large (images in raw format).
Access denied with the following error:
Cannot retrieve the public link of the file. You may need to change
the permission to 'Anyone with the link', or have had many accesses.
You may still be able to access the file from the browser:
Download ended unsuccessfully
Is there a command that I can download them to my linux machine?
This is the command I am using
gdown --remaining-ok --folder<id>?usp=sharing
Wild guess the download link you have came from the google drive web application.
Someone right clicked on a file and selected share.
They then entered the email address of someone to share that file with.
Somehow you were given the Link that was emailed to that email address
The only drive account that can download that file is the owner of the email address it was Shared with. So you will need to be logged in as that account to download it.
Option would be if the owner of the file had created a share with everyone link instead of having supplied an email address.
This error has nothing to do with Linux or the size of the file

Convert from .ZIP to .IPA

I have recently had a view of inside an IPA file from an app off the App Store and tweaked it slightly (nothing major).
I did this by converting the .IPA file to a .ZIP and then extracting that. When I do it in complete reverse (compress the folder to ZIP then change the file extension to .IPA), I can’t load it on to my phone and the apparent issue/error is:
This file doesn’t seem to be a valid app or has been tampered with
I tried another IPA and did the exact same thing without modifying any of the files inside and it still came up with the same error.
How can I convert an IPA file to a ZIP file and vice versa without damaging the file to where it can be accepted to load on the phone (I'm using a Mac)
I managed to add a file into the .IPA file by loading the .IPA file into WINRAR and importing a file into it that way. I then uploaded the file using 3uTools and it loaded perfectly onto my iPhone.

How do I reference a text file from an Azure WebJob?

I'm creating a web job on Azure that is going to be a c# console application (.exe). Inside this program I need to read a text file from the file system. Is there a way to include the text file I need in the executable? Where do I put the file and how do I reference it?
I also don't want anyone (via the website) be able to access the file.
Just deploy the text file alongside the executable, and you'll be able to open it in the current folder.
If deploying the WebJob from Visual Studio, make sure to mark the text file's properties as 'Copy if newer' to make sure it gets deployed.
Follow instead of putting a file location in the value as parameter
just put this as I show you here
Put it in Appconfig file for path as
to copy this text file into your bin/debug folder to
Make zip folder as usual, put that test file int ""

How chrome extension download images to extension root directory

I'm making a chrome extension for the first time.
For my extension, I want it can automatically download images to its extension folder. For example, if the extension folder is /xxxx/abc/, I want it can download images to /xxxx/abc/image/.
To make it, I don't know how to write file/ download image to this directory. I don't want users notice this.
I found an extension can make it. It's called Momentum. It can download images to /xxxx/<extension root dir>/backgrounds/.
Can anybody tell me what technique do I need? Thanks a lot!
No, you can't. An extension has only read-only access to own files.
Instead, you can download to a virtual HTML5 filesystem and use files from it. See this tutorial - the big red warning means no other browser uses this technology, but Chrome does.
You may want to declare "unlimitedStorage" permission to make sure you have the space to store the files.
This being a virtual filesystem, those won't actually be files you can open on your disk. If you need to give files to the user afterward, you can use chrome.downloads to write them to the downloads folder, but that's "write-only", you can't access the contents afterwards.

Copy file from ehternet-connected FTP - no internet

I have a device that stores data in an FTP-accessible folder. I can connect to it through windows (ftp: and map drive to it (C:\Users#ME#\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\MyDevice). There are no usernames or passwords - if the device is attached, you have access.
i can click and drag the file in Windows. I want to automate that in VBA so I can process the file.
The single file is located at the root (, and I want to copy it to a location on my C drive to process it in Excel. I've tried for hours using code snips found here to no avail. I don't access the internet to get it, and I think that might be the problem, since 99% of FTP activity is that way.
FileCopy doesn't work either.
Any help appreciated
If you can access it and map it to a drive, open up a cmd then type 'net use' and hit enter (when it's plugged in and mapped to a drive). You should then have the long location used by windows which you can use in your procedures to play around with the file?
