cloud based / desktop based open URL load testing tool? - performance-testing

I am looking for a cloud based / desktop based free load testing tool which can test direct URLs for up to 1000 VUs and can provide at least 10 minutes of VU load time. I have a website which can be load tested by directly providing the URLs. I dont have enough time and knowledge of load testing to write the script and test my website. is one of such tools however they charge for more than 100 users.

Here you go:
Apache JMeter
Siege and Taurus are probably the easiest, however others offer record-and-replay functionality and JMeter has GUI, see Open Source Load Testing Tools: Which One Should You Use? for description, comparison and sample load tests with results.


Is there be a difference between ab testing on localhost and hostname?

I test my website using ab as ab -n 10000 -c 1000 and I got response as 160 #/second. But when i test it as ab -n 10000 -c 1000 http://localhost/path the response is totally different 1500 #/second.
Normally you should not be running load generator (ab or any other tool) on the same host where application under test lives as load testing tools themselves are very resource intensive and you may run into the situation when application under test and load generator are struggling for the same CPU, RAM, Network, Disk, Swap, etc.
So I would recommend running ab from another host in your intranet, this way you will be able to get more clear results without aforementioned mutual interference. Remember to monitor baseline OS health metrics using vmstat, iostat, top, sar, etc. on both application under test and load generator side - it should give you more clear picture regarding what's going on and what is the impact of the perceived load.
You may also want to try out a more advanced tool as ab has quite limited load testing capabilities, check out Open Source Load Testing Tools: Which One Should You Use? article for more information on the most prominent free and open source load testing solutions (all listed tools are cross-platform so you will be able to run them on Linux)
From what I understand, you are testing the same website in 2 different configurations:, which is testing the remote website from your local computer,
http://localhost/path, which is testing the a local copy of website on your local machine, or being tested directly in the machine where the website is hosted.
Testing your remote website involves the network connection between your computer and the remote server. when testing locally, all the goes through the loopback network interface which is probably several orders of magnitude faster than your DSL internet connection.

Browserstack runs does not update its capabilities

I was wondering if anyone else knows a good way to start individual browser stack tests sequentially using Capybara/Browserstack/Cucumber.
I'm having issues with using Capybara in the sense that browserstack doesn't get updated with my new capabilities for every run, even when I shut down my browser, i.e: The two test runs are started sequentually in Browserstack, but with the same browser and OS-settings.
Abstract Scenario: Run login tests
Given that I want to test x website with capabilities og
|browser|browser_version| os |os_version|resolution|
|IE| 11.0 | Windows |8.1 |1024x768 |
|Firefox| 45.0 | Windows |10 |1024x768 |
I've checked that every value successfully gets sent through to the next step, but it seems like Browserstack doesn't update its new capabilities that I'm trying to set.
I know I can probably manage to do parallell runs setting capabilities through settings instead, but we have a limit to how many parallell runs using Browserstack's license. That's why I want to run them sequantually and figured this could be a way to do it.
As per my experience, BrowserStack initiates a test on a particular OS/browser capability that it receives from your tests. Thus, it seems your setup is sending the same capability for both the runs of the test.
I believe you want to run tests sequentially and on different OS/browser combinations. In that case you can refer to the BrowserStack's documentation for configuring Parallel Cucumber tests using Rake file in the "Parallel tests" section. After creating all the files, you can run the following command to run tests sequentially:
rake BS_USERNAME=<username> BS_AUTHKEY=<access_key> nodes=1

How can I automatically start the JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder?

I am trying to automate the creation of JMeter scripts based on existing Cucumber tests to avoid maintaining two separate sets of tests (one for acceptance and one for load testing).
The Cucumber recording works great locally when I add the HTTP Recorder to the Workbench and start the recording, however I cannot figure out how I can automatically start it from the command line. Is this possible at all?
Why not run Cucumber from JMeter?
Because I'd like to avoid running multiple instances of Cucumber at the same time, and I'd like to be able to distribute the load generation (using jmeter-server)
This is not possible yet.
You should discuss this on user mailing list to give more details on your request.
If this looks useful, then you would create an Enhancement request on JMeter bugzilla and feature may be developed.

How to combine logs from two IIS servers to be fed into a Stat Report Generator like AWStats

I was given this interesting task in my new job of setting up an automated report on page hits for a site loadbalanced on seperate IIS servers. My first choice in terms of which software to use is AWStats as I am familiar with it from my Apache past but I wasn't sure what would be the best way of combining the stats between the two servers. Merging log files, pre AWStats with a script or 3rd party app? Possibly a setting within IIS? or maybe AWStats can do this itself? RegEx?
Forgive my ignorance, your answers are greatly appreciated, I would love to know your thoughts.
I just finished writing a console app that we will run nightly with the task scheduler to merge the log files from the different servers we have on the load balancer.
We ended up using Outlook in background mode on our azure server and ran a 3rd party app that processes attachments. Has been up for a week with no issues. I recommend if you go down this path you monitor it using an app such as Zabbix or Nagios.

DoS Attack my localhost tomcat

I'm using tomcat 6 on localhost and running an application site.
I want to stress test using DoS from cmd prompt.
Can any one help me with this?
that's my url.
Since you are using Tomcat, you are living in the Java world. The best Java-based tool I know of to perform load-testing is Apache JMeter.
It is honestly really great. You can set up complete workflows for a particular "user" to run-through, and then run lots of them in parallel. You can set up a bunch of different workflows to represent your various users and then launch an arbitrary number of them to run against your test site. You want 1 admin user and 5000 "regular" users? You got it. You want some users to be creating accounts and exploring the site while others continuously buy items in their shopping carts? No problem. Handles session-tracking, etc. You can even set the time interval between requests (or just go as fast as possible).
Unfortunately, JMeter is GUI-based, so not command-line. I'm not sure if you can use the GUI to create a testing profile and then launch it from the command-line.
If you want to stick with Apache, you can use ApacheBench (aka "ab") which comes with Apache httpd. It's pretty simple, and has some shortcomings due to its primitive threading-model: you can easily max-out ab's connection-making capabilities before you exhaust the server's resources.
