LibreOffice Basic: existing utilities for splitting strings? - string

I'm using the LibreOffice Basic language.
I'm wondering if there is any library anywhere I can use for splitting strings into arrays? For example, suppose I have the following string with items separated by an arbitrary number of spaces:
I'd like to split this string into an array called "item" with the following elements:
item(0) = "ABC"
item(1) = "DEF"
item(2) = "GHI"
I know how to produce these results in LibreOffice Basic using regular expressions or via iterating character-by-character through the original string, but I'm wondering if there are any existing functions or helper utilities I can use, so I don't have to "re-invent the wheel".
Internet searches have not yielded anything, but I could possibly have overlooked something.
Thank you in advance.

It looks like you will need to write your own function. There are several ideas at
If you will be doing a lot of string manipulation and the project is not too far along yet, then it might be worth considering another UNO-enabled language like Java or Python. In Python the code would be simply:
item = s.split()


How to lowercase first letter of each new line in python?

myString = "I Am New To Python,
Trying to learn Different things.
Need your help in this Case."
I want like this:
myString2 = "i Am New To Python,
trying to learn Different things.
need your help in this Case."
How can I do this?
A regular expression substitution matching the first character in a line and replaced with its lower-case version is pretty straightforward:
import re
myString = '''I Am New To Python,
Trying to learn Different things.
Need your help in this Case.'''
print(re.sub(r'^(\s*.)',lambda m:,myString,flags=re.MULTILINE))
i Am New To Python,
trying to learn Different things.
need your help in this Case.
Note you need to triple-quote your string to be valid. I included the leading white space in the replacement so the result would remove it. Use r'^\s*(.)' to leave it in.
The replacement is an anonymous function that receives the match object of the regular expression.
Using list comprehension you can do like,
myString = '''I Am New To Python,
Trying to learn Different things.
Need your help in this Case.'''
modified_string = '\n'.join([i.strip()[0].lower()+i.strip()[1:] for i in myString.split('\n')])
Hope this helps! Cheers!
If you don't know list comprehension yet, this might be an easier one to understand for beginners.
myString = """I Am New To Python,
Trying to learn Different things.
Need your help in this Case."""
for x in mystring1:
mystring2 = mystring2 + x[0].lower() + x[1:] +"\n"

How to compare Strings and put it into another program?

i´ve got small problem and before I spend even more time in trying to solve it i´d like to know if what I want to do is even possible ( and maybe input on how to do it^^).
My problem:
I want to take some text and then split it into different strings at every whitespace (for example "Hello my name is whatever" into "Hello" "my" "name" "is" "whatever").
Then I want to set every string with it´s own variable so that I get something alike to a= "Hello" b= "my" and so on. Then I want to compare the strings with other strings (the idea is to get addresses from applications without having to search through them so I thought I could copy a telephone book to define names and so on) and set matching input to variables like Firstname , LastName and street.
Then, and here comes the "I´d like to know if it´s possible" part I want it to put it into our database, this means I want it to copy the string into a text field and then to go to the next field via tab. I´ve done something like this before with AutoIT but i´ve got no idea how to tell AutoIT whats inside the strings so I guess it must be done through the programm itself.
I´ve got a little bit of experience with c++, python and BATCH files so it would be nice if anyone could tell me if this can even be done using those languages (and I fear C++ can do it and I´m just to stupid to do so).
Thanks in advance.
Splitting a string is very simple, there is usually a built in method called .split() which will help you, the method varies from language to language.
When you've done a split, it will be assigned to an array, you can then use an index to get the variables, for example you'd have:
var str = "Hello, my name is Bob";
var split = str.split(" ");
print split[0]; // is "Hello,"
print split[1]; // is "my" etc
You can also use JSON to return data so you could have an output like
print split["LastName"];
What you're asking for is defiantly possible.
Some links that could be useful:
Split a string in C++?

Checking if values in List is part of String

I have a string like this:
val a = "some random test message"
I have a list like this:
val keys = List("hi","random","test")
Now, I want to check whether the string a contains any values from keys. How can we do this using the in built library functions of Scala ?
( I know the way of splitting a to List and then do a check with keys list and then find the solution. But I'm looking a way of solving it more simply using standard library functions.)
Something like this?
Or even more idiomatically
The simple case is to test substring containment (as remarked in rarry's answer), e.g.
You didn't say whether you actually want to find whole word matches instead. Since rarry's answer assumed you didn't, here's an alternative that assumes you do.
val a = "some random test message"
val words = a.split(" ")
val keys = Set("hi","random","test") // could be a List (see below)
words.exists(keys contains _)
Bear in mind that the list of keys is only efficient for small lists. With a list, the contains method typically scans the entire list linearly until it finds a match or reaches the end.
For larger numbers of items, a set is not only preferable, but also is a more true representation of the information. Sets are typically optimised via hashcodes etc and therefore need less linear searching - or none at all.

Replacing or substituting in a python string does not work

I could almost solve all of my python problems thanks to this great site, however, now I'm on a point where I need some more and specific help.
I have a string fetched from a database which looks like this:
u'\t\t\tcase <<<compute_type>>>:\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (curr_i <= 1) Messag...
the string is basically plain c code with unix line endings and supposed to be treated in a way that the values of some specific variables are replaced by something else gathered from a Qt UI.
I tried the following to do the replacing:
tmplt.replace(u"<<<compute_type>>>", str(led_coeffs.compute_type))
where 'led_coeffs' is a namedtuple and its value is an integer. I also tried this:
tmplt = Template(u'\t\t\tcase ${compute_type}:\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif (curr_i <= 1) Messag...)
tmplt.substitute(compute_type = str(led_coeffs.compute_type))
however, both approaches do not work and I have no idea why. Finally I was hoping to get some input here. Maybe the whole approach is not right and any hint on how to achieve the replacing in a good manner is highly appreciated.
str.replace (and other string methods) don't work in-place (string in Python are immutable) - it returns a new string - you will need to assign the result back to the original name for the changes to take effect:
tmplt = tmplt.replace(u"<<<compute_type>>>", str(led_coeffs.compute_type))
You could also invent your own kind of templating:
import re
print re.sub('<<<(.*?)>>>', lambda L, nt=led_coeffs: str(getattr(nt,, your_string)
to automatically lookup attributes on your namedtuple...

MATLAB line continuation within string

In MATLAB, ... is used to continue a line to the next line. But if I want to continue a long string within quotation, what can I do? ... will be treated as a part of the string itself.
Using [] is not a perfect solution since in most cases I use sprintf/fprintf to parse a long string like sql query. Using [] would be cumbersome. thanks.
If you put the string in brackets, you can build it in several pieces:
s = ['abc' 'def' ...
You can then split that statement into several lines between the strings.
answer=['You can divide strings '...
,'by adding a comma '...
,'(as you probably know one year later).'];
You can use strcat or horzcat, which gives you somewhat more options than [], including the ability to mix in variables along with the hardcoded values.
