Git checkout untracked issue - linux

I'm collaborating with a few other people on a Drupal website which we are version controlling Git. We setup a local Git repository containing our commits.
After a colleague pushed some updates and I fetched and merged into my local dev branch, I began experiencing the following problems:
user#server:/var/www/Intranet/sites/intranet/modules/custom$ git checkout dev
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please move or remove them before you can switch branches.
The issue above typically shows up when I try to checkout into other branches which fails and I am effectively trapped in my current branch.
Referring to this question, there is a suggestion my issue is related to the gitignore file. However, my .gitignore file has nothing indicating any part of my themes directory should be ignored as the following shows:
# .gitignore for a standard Drupal 7 build based in the sites subdirectory.
# Drupal
# Sass.
# Composer
# Migrate sourec files
As mentioned above, my attempts to execute git checkout into any branch fails with the message above. I decided to force it with the -f switch and successfully switched into my target branch but I lost a couple of hundred lines of code - which I'd love to avoid going forward.
I work on a Linux-Ubuntu VirtualBox which my colleagues prefer working in a WAMP setup and use the Git Bash terminal emulator for executing the Git commands. Could the difference in environments be causing these serious issues?
How can I resolve this issue?

Well, the situation is rather simple. You, in your current branch, don't have certain files under the control of Git, but at the same time, you have those files in your working tree. The branch you're trying to switch to, has those files, so git would need to override files in the working tree to perform checkout.
To prevent possible data loss, Git stops the process of switching the branches and notifies you that you should either add those files under the control of Git in a separate commit in your current branch, and only then perform the switch, or simply remove those files from the git way.
Likely you have chosen the second way. Generally you should "force" any operation only if you really understand what you're doing.


Git Update Files on Repo Change

I have a VPS running a Node.js / React app.
I want to update the files in the vps each time I push data to the git(hub).
I found out, using this answer, that I can add some hooks in git, executing commands on "post-receive".
What I didn't quite understand :
Why did he init another git ? Couldn't he have done this in the .git directory and create the hooks/post-receive file?
Why git checkout -f ? If the goal is to update local files, so nodemon / create-react-app restarts the server / app, why not execute a git pull instead ?
Is there a better way of doing this ?
In the recommended answer there, nobody is using GitHub and there is no other Git repository yet. So the answer to your question:
Couldn't he have done this in the .git directory and create the hooks/post-receive file?
is: No, there was no .git directory in the first place. The target machine had nothing at all, no Git repository, no working tree, etc. The git init --bare created the Git repository (the ".git directory").
The git checkout -f is a poor-man's / low-quality implementation of push to deploy. A receiving repository is normally "bare", and this one is no exception.
why not execute a git pull instead ?
That would require creating a third Git repository. That would have been an option.
"Better" is in the eye of the beholder. There are many ways of doing this, each with its own pluses and minuses. See also Deploy a project using Git push, which notes that since Git 2.3, receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead is available; it was not available prior to 2015 (and in 2015, many people had older versions of Git installed).
Note further that if you're using GitHub as a hosting system, this changes a number of variables. The questions and answers you and I have linked here are aimed at those not using GitHub.

How to go back to the Working Directory that was not committed

I forgot to commit on the directory where I was working and then I checkout to the previous commit and now I want to back to the directory where I used to work. What can i do ?
If your checkout of the previous version somehow deleted your folder, which was not added/committed, then you would need to rely on a file recovery utility, as detailed in "Can I restore deleted files (undo a git clean -fdx)?", or on your IDE. Some of them keep a local history (IntelliJ IDEA, VSCode through an extension, ...): you might get back some of your files content that way.
In the end, it depends on the exact git checkout command you did, considering this command can update files and/or branches.
That is why it is recommanded to use git switch (branch only) or git restore (files only), instead of git checkout.

Moved local git folder and now its asking to stage most of my project files?

I reinstalled my OS (KDE neon) and I thought why not backup my project git folder, before I reinstalled I made sure I commited any code and everything in my git project folder was up-to-date.
So after reinstalling, I moved my project back onto my PC from my backup drive and ran git-status and it wants to stage nearly all of my project?
What do I do? I don't want to commit all these files again when I have not editing any of them? Its nearly 800 files it wants to stage?
You could reset your project using:
git reset --hard branch_name
This would lose any unstaged files.
Or you could stash the changes:
git stash save 'msg'
This works like the previous one, but instead it saves the unstaged files in a separate "memory" (in case you need them later on).
Now, I may assume that the reason you got that situation in the first place is maybe when you restored your data back from the drive, the OS changed some properties on those files, stuff like creation/modification dates, permissions...etc. While the content of the files has not changed but the properties are. Still, git sees them as modified files.

Handling line endings for git

Here is what I messed up so far,
I copied (not cloned) a rails project from windows to linux pc
Then created a new branch and made lots of changes
At last commited twice whole project and pushed it to a remote repository with windows line endings.
Problem: so my problem is that, since I copied the project from windows to linux, when I run git status whole project shows modified. I don't see the changes I made specifically. Since I committed and pushed whole project, I lost history of files change.
What is needed: So I want to remove my last two commit but I want to keep my changes that I made. Then I want to convert the line endings from windows to unix of whole project so that when I run git status I see only the files that I changed, not whole project. And then I want to commit and push to remote.
It would be nice if there is a solution for this mess.
I am not sure if this will be helpful, I am working on a rails project and my IDE is rubymine.
To undo your last two commits run this:
git reset --soft HEAD~2. This will put the files involved in the commits into your working directory.
Run git status and they will show as staged changes (ready for commit).
Edit your files.
Stage and commit your changes. Important: Don't push
Run git pull.
Run git push
Make sure you commit your changes and do a git pull prior to git push, otherwise your attempt to push will cause conflict and will be rejected.
You can use git filter-branch.
Similar question here.

Bare Git repo cannot add files or commit files

So I have been plagued with this weird git problem that myself and a few other developers have not been able to solve. Here it is:
I created a bare repo for managing website changes using git on test server.
For this example the repo is here: /home/website/website.git
The website public root would be here: /home/website
I created the repo by doing this command: git init --bare
inside the git repo directory "website.git"
Next I have my local repo on a machine elsewhere. This is a standard git repo. I build the site get it ready to deploy. When its ready I push it to the bare repo. From my local repo.
There is a post-receive hook that checks the latest file tree out into the public root of the website. So when I change things on the local repo and test them in the localhost environment, once satisfied I can push them to the live server.
Here is the problem I face:
I can push fine. No issues. All works as expected. Code gets checked out to public root. Everybody is happy and goes on with their life.
The site is a CMS site. Users log in to it and upload things. Files get created on the public root of the website which is the GIT_WORK_TREE.
So NBD right?! I can just commit the files every now and then from the live bare repo and pull them back to my local environment like I have before. So I log into SSH on the server. Navigate to /home/website/website.git
Then run this command:
GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/website/ git add ../
I get this mess:
error: unable to create temporary sha1 filename ./objects/cb: No such file or directory
error: error_log: failed to insert into database
error: unable to index file error_log
fatal: adding files failed
I have done this before on other servers and it worked fine from what I remember. So I was like WTF, must be something strange on this server. I went to another server I have and replicated the EXACT same steps. Got the EXACT same problem. So now I fear I am loosing my sanity and maybe these previous git experiences are all made up in my head.... *Well, lets not go that far yet.... :)
Maybe somebody can help me out here. I have used git plenty and can't seem to crack this one.
Oh, some other maybe useful specs:
running CENTOS 6.2
I double checked all permissions. I even tried changing everything to 777 recursively just to make sure Im not loosing it somehow. Made sure all the files are owned by the correct user. chowned recursively. I also tried the standard solution to this problem which is described here:
That didnt work either. Not sure where to go from here.
I feel like Linus is playing cruel tricks on me right now.
You have a bare git repository in /home/website/website.git which is inside of a git repository in /home/website? And then you try to trick the bare git repository into having a working tree using GIT_WORK_TREE?
Maybe it is worth understanding this setup but only if you intend to be a git developer. As you are a user focused on delivering website functionality, I suggest using a standard git setup.
Move the bare git repository elsewhere:
$ mkdir /home/repo
$ mv /home/website/website.git /home/repo/website.git
$ cd /home/website
$ git remote set-url origin /home/repo/website.git
I got the solution. This is it. I was running the above command from the git repo.
Turns out the command should be run from the work tree and altered to look like this:
GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/website/ git --git-dir="./website.git/" add ./
