It is possible to cange the Twig Cache from Filesystem to Memcache? - twig

i use Slim Framework 3 with Twig.
It works great but the Cache (compiled Templates) use the Filesystem to store the compiled Templates.
It is possible to speed up this by using Memcached?

With OPCache, you have already great performance.
You can do a custom cache but it's not documented, see this PR and this issue. Anyway, I don't think you will have better performance than PHP file with a good configured OPCache.


Use external cache provider for RazorEngine

Currently RazorEngine, caches the template in memory.
Is there anyway to use an external caching provider?
We have 10 web servers in a webfarm, and now each of them needs to cache the template separately. That would be great if we can implement our own caching system and use something like Memcached.
Yes, you should now be able to do that in 3.5.0 (currently beta). You can provide your own ICachingProvider implementation that fits your needs. Documentation and an example implementation can be found here. What you want to do is saving the compiled assemblies and then loading the assemblies and the template-types when needed.
Disclaimer: I contributed that API to RazorEngine.

Development for Cloudant using local CouchDB

I'm planing on having my database stored in Cloudant.
Is it safe to use local CouchDB during development, testing and staging of our application with knowledge that everything works locally should also work on Cloudant?
Certainly. Cloudant is API compatible with the Apache CouchDB API with a few subtle distinctions, all of which are documented at Some highlights are:
we disable temporary views (they would be expensive for you at scale!)
for our distributed system, we have extend the update_seq from an integer to a string
your re-reduce code will nearly always be called, so we recommend using exclusively built-in reduce methods
we have fully integrated lucence indexing/search
we have multi-stage mapreduce processing via "dbcopy"
I do a very similar process. You don't need the same versions, it will actually be very different no matter how you look at it. Cloudant is very cool, and have made a lot of alterations and additions to their system. So, if you are looking at developing views, attachments, etc, then you can develop those locally on your dev project. Once your dev project looks good, I would have those checked into the staging/qa server, which I like to use Cloudant for as well. Thats where you need to get everyones code working together. after that is done, you can fire off a replicator to replicate your staging to production.
No matter how you look at it though, or how you envision the process being, you are going to want to take a close look at the going from dev to QA. There are ways to go about it so that everyone can dev on their own, and merge up. I personally like to use github. I hope this helps you out in your tasks.

cache distribute framework for PHP

Currently, looking for cache distribution framework for my php implementation.
mainly, for local or remote cache storage.
i have some idea about "Memcache" & "Apache Cassandra".
is there any more well framework ?
You should consider Couchbase, as it provides a distributed persistent cache that is quite performant and super easy to use. The problem with Memcached is that it's harder to scale to additional machines, and if a machine goes down you lose all those keys and have to rebuild the cache. Cassandra also has excellent caching support but is quite a bit more complex; if you don't need the complexity Couchbase is probably a better choice.

CouchDB in-memory implementation

Is there a mock backend for CouchDB, i.e. same REST interface and semantics but purely in-memory? We have a testsuite that runs each test on a pristine database every time (to be reproducible), but running against real database could be faster.
Do you mean running against a mock database?
I do not think there is something right out of the box. Two ideas:
CouchDB on a memory filesystem. Set up a ramdisk, or tmpfs mount, and configure the CouchDB database_dir and view_index_dir to point to there.
PouchDB is porting CouchDB to the browser IndexedDB standard. You did not say which language and environment you are using, but if you can run Node.js, this might be worth looking into. PouchDB has good momentum and I think it will be running in Node.js soon (perhaps through jsdom or some other library. Note, this does not get you the full solution; but you have expanded your question to "are there in-memory IndexedDB implementations for Node.js" for which the answer is either "yes" or "soon," given its adoption trajectory.
Found this: - it supports different platforms and seems to be a serious effort.
Rather late to the party, but I've had great success using pouchdb-server, based on the aforementioned PouchDB project (a JavaScript implementation of CouchDB). It can run against a variety of back-ends, including an in-memory back-end. That means you can run
pouchdb-server --in-memory
to get an in-memory CouchDB-compatible server. There's several other command-line options to explore, too.
I think it is able to run the entire CouchDB test suite, so I'd guess it is fairly unlikely you'd run into too many implementation differences.
I have the same problem... for tests i just don't want to setup a couchdb... i just want to have some memory stuff, as easy as possible.
What did i do:
* I create a memory CouchDB Connector => it's just a very simple implementation of "org.ektorp.CouchDbConnector"
* By spring i wire the CouchDbConnection-Implementation which i need => when i use it for my dev-tests i wire my memory CouchDB Connector, if i want to connect to a real CouchDb i use the usual connector => org.ektorp.impl.StdCouchDbConnector
The only problem is, that "org.ektorp.CouchDbConnector" has more than 50 methods, which must be implemented. For my issues it was enough to implemented just a few of these methods. Depends on your testcases.
memorydb is a partial (in-progress) in-memory implementation of CouchDB to be used with Kivik, which can be run as a stand-alone server.
Not all functionality is implemented yet.

Is using Node.js or Ringojs safe for live websites?

As stated in the title, I would like to know if it's safe to develop a website using one of the actuals "omg" platforms that are Node.js and Ringo.js at their actual version.
Also, I would like to know if they support cookies/sessions and how do they deals with multi-fields post (fieldname[] in PHP).
Thank you
Thanks for all the links guys.
What can you tell me about Ringojs ?
Since I haven't figured which platform to start playing with. I must admit that the fact it can use Java seamlessly really impress me. The only available XSLT 2.0 library is in Java. I could use it as a templating system.
Is there anyone who had the chance to play with Ringojs?
From my experience using both, Ringo is more stable and "safer" for production use but you can comfortably deploy both. In addition to the ability to wrap existing Java libraries that you mention, you also get the benefit of being able to run it in an existing webapp container which manages the lifecycle of the application for you and ensures its availability.
That being said, it doesn't have to be an either or decision. By using my common-node package and assuming you don't use any Java libraries, it's perfectly feasible to maintain a project that runs on both without any changes to the code.
I've also included benchmarks that test the performance of Node.js vs. RingoJS the results of which you can find in the common-node/ To summarize: RingoJS has slightly lower throughput than Node.js, but much lower variance in response times while using six times the RAM with default Java settings. The latter can be tweaked and brought down to as little as twice the memory usage of Node with e.g. my ringo-sunserver but at the expense of decreased performance.
Node.js is stable, so yes it's safe to use. Node.js is capable of handling cookies, sessions, and multiple fields but are not as easy to manage. Web frameworks solve this problem.
I recommend Express.js, it's an open-source web framework for Node.js which handles all of this and more.
You can download it here:
I hope this helped!
Examples of some of the bigger sites running Node.js
Yes. It is.,-Applications,-and-Companies-Using-Node and
cookies/sessions/forms etc makes it easier
Ringojs is a framework developed by Hannes Wallnöver and uses rhino as it's scripting framework. There are webframeworks, templating-engines, orm-packages and many many more things already available. Have a look at the tutorial featuring a good subset of packages you may use for a simple web-application. It's not too long and straightforward.
Even thought some of those packages used within the tutorial (e.g. ringo-sqlstore]) are marked as 0.8 and come with the hint "consider this being beta" they are already very stable and bugs - if you find one - get fixed or commented on very fast.
And the power of uncountable java-libraries out there is at your fingertips - so if you already have java-knowledge this knowledge isn't wasted. Rhino - the scripting-engine - even enables you to implement interfaces and extend classes. It is possible a little more advanced but i've done it and i know of packages taking advantage of such features (like ringo-ftpserver which is a wrapper around Apache FtpServer written in java)
Another pro for me is - because ringojs is based on java - it works fairly well with multithreading with ringo/worker for example.
