Use external cache provider for RazorEngine - razorengine

Currently RazorEngine, caches the template in memory.
Is there anyway to use an external caching provider?
We have 10 web servers in a webfarm, and now each of them needs to cache the template separately. That would be great if we can implement our own caching system and use something like Memcached.

Yes, you should now be able to do that in 3.5.0 (currently beta). You can provide your own ICachingProvider implementation that fits your needs. Documentation and an example implementation can be found here. What you want to do is saving the compiled assemblies and then loading the assemblies and the template-types when needed.
Disclaimer: I contributed that API to RazorEngine.


Can Core project in Clean Architecture depends on nuget package?

I have Core project where I need to do some cryptographic operations, e.g. verification of SHA256. What can I do if it's Core project, so it shouldn't depend on anything? I have to write my own cryptographic functions that are resistant to e.g. side-channel attack? This causes security problems.
So what to do? Can my Core project depend on a nuget package if I use Clean Architecture?
The guideline regarding dependencies is to keep the core project as simple as possible so that most of its logic is about solving the business problem.
By keeping it simple, it's much easier to express which part of the business domain the classes solve. It's also easy to write focused tests that prove that the code can solve the correct part of the business problem.
To me, preventing attacks is not a part of that. It's something that should be done on inbound API calls before the domain is called. I would put that logic in application services. Those services can, of course, live in the Core project but not in any of the bounded contexts.
In Clean Architecture we try to keep the domain and application logic as independent from external libraries and frameworks as possible so that we do not depend on their future development.
Nevertheless the application logic will have to interact with external libraries, services and other IO which is achieved via "dependency inversion": the application logic defines an interface which is implemented by the outer layers (infrastructure).
This was the application logic remains "clean" and can focus on decision making while you can still reuse external libraries and services.
A more detailed discussion of this topic you can find here:

Dynamic configuration and persistent storage for config

I have the following two requirements in my NestJS application:
Dynamic configuration - allow users to change configuration values at runtime and allow for observing changes in configuration and take some action based on it.
Database storage - Store configuration in persistent store like Redis.
I have been looking into the #nestjs/config library but I couldn't find anything regarding this.
I was wondering if anybody has used it for such purpose? In case it doesn't support these features, does the library provide any extension hooks? How easy or difficult would it be to implement it in the library or on top of it? Or it's simply not meant for such usage and I should look elsewhere?
I'm quite competent when it comes to NodeJS and JS/TS ecosystem, so wouldn't mind implementing it myself if I get some clues. Would appreciate any thoughts on it.

It is possible to cange the Twig Cache from Filesystem to Memcache?

i use Slim Framework 3 with Twig.
It works great but the Cache (compiled Templates) use the Filesystem to store the compiled Templates.
It is possible to speed up this by using Memcached?
With OPCache, you have already great performance.
You can do a custom cache but it's not documented, see this PR and this issue. Anyway, I don't think you will have better performance than PHP file with a good configured OPCache.

Recommendation on building web services on Linux with minimal dependencies

I need a recommendation for a framework/library for building web services on a Linux system. I have the following requirements:
It should have minimal dependencies, e.g. preferably not require any VM like Java or Mono.
My service implementation should have access to the native system APIs, preferably it should be possible to call C APIs directly.
If possible, the solution should not depend on a large web server installation. As I understand, Axis/C++ would require an Apache server, right? Is there anything that allows for writing some kind of "self-hosted" web service like in .NET (ServiceHost) on Linux? I would really like something that works as a standalone daemon in the end.
The resulting services should be standard-compliant as I need to make cross-platform calls. Most importantly, I need WS-Security.
The solution must be Open Source, the actual licence is less important.
If you have any suggestions, please post (web links would be nice ;-))
Thanks in advance,
What about Twisted?

How to deal with dependencies in shared libraries, unix

I have created a dynamic(.so) library which bundles some functionality for a storage backend that I need.
As it is, it offers a known interface and provides backends for things like memcached, mysql, sqlite... etc.
Now my problem is that my shared library depends on libmemcached, on libsqlite3, on libmysqlclient.. etc., and I don't know how to pack it since clients that only want sqlite wouldn't need to have libmemcached installed.
I've been thinking on splitting it on different libraries but it seems like I'll end up with almost 20 .so libraries and I don't like that idea.
Any alternative?
One alternative is to put an interface within the shared library you made, which allows it to load dependencies at runtime. So, as an example you can have separate
init functions for different components:
You implement these initialization functions using dlopen() and friends.
You can use dynamic loading using dlsym and dlopen.
The advantage of this approach is your application will run fine when the shared library is not found on client side.
You could load only needed shared libraries during run-time, but in my opinion, it is not so good approach.
I would split the shared library, but not into 20 libraries. See if you could group some common functionality.
