Asp.NET Web API : Help Description not generated for classes in referenced project -

I am able to setup Web API Help and it does generate the Help page. However, the response and request class types which have properties of types that are defined in different project do not get documented.
This is the sample code:
/// <summary>
/// Add New Product
/// </summary>
/// <param name="productRequest">The new Product Request to be added</param>
/// <returns>Operation status and information of the new product request</returns>
// POST api/InventorySystem/Products
public InsertProductResponse Post([FromBody]InsertProductRequest productRequest)
InsertProductResponse response = null;
// Some code goes here
response = new InsertProductResponse ();
return response;
The Help page does contain description "Add New Product". However when drilling down into "InsertProductResponse" object there is no description.
InsertProductResponse is defined in a separate class library and XML document is defined for this class. But it is not seen on Help page.
I am thinking that the XML documentation generated by the class library is not merged with the XML documentation generated by Web API project (App_Data/XmlDocument.xml). How do I get this to work?

Got it - Some code in Help Area needs to be changed. Refer this post
How can Xml Documentation for Web Api include documentation from beyond the main project?


ASP.NET Core 6 Create data in the database with swagger

As it says in the title, I want to save data in the database by entering the data in the swagger, for this I made a service layer and controller and in the backend is the model and in frontend the dto.
Service Class
public async Task<SuperHeroDto> Create(SuperHeroDto dto)
var saveChangesAsync= await _firstAPIDatabaseContext.SaveChangesAsync();
I have the problem here:
enter image description here
I want to learn it on my own, but need tips on how to do it.
I also created a profile for folders
I don't know the difference between SuperHeroDto and SuperHero in your code.
But obviously the code you provided is wrong to store SuperHeroDto objects in SuperHeroes.
Maybe you can write

Purpose of Error method in Core 2.0 MVC project template

I'm new to Core 2.0.
When you Create a new Core 2.0 MVC Project (Web Application (Model-View-Controller)), you get a HomeController with Index(), About() and Contact() methods as in MVC 5.
However you also get this:
public IActionResult Error()
return View(new ErrorViewModel { RequestId = Activity.Current?.Id ?? HttpContext.TraceIdentifier });
I can't find any documentation in Google or in any books as to what this is for and what the purpose of the single line of code is.
Can somebody please explain it? Is it some kind of best practice - should we be using this?
If time permit, I'll try to update my answer. But for now, the brief explanation is that every public method in your controller is callable as an http endpoint. For instance, the index method in your HomeController renders your index.cshtml view, the About renders the about.cshtml view and so on. In particular the public IActionResult Error() method is called if you redirect the user to the action when an error occurred. Consequently, it returns an Error View containing the information about the error, such as the RequestId and other values bonded with the ErrorViewModel.
I hope this help for now.

Why am I getting "A route named 'swagger_docs' is already in the route collection" after I publish my API App?

After publishing my API App I'm getting the yellow error screen of ASP.NET. The error message says "A route named 'swagger_docs' is already in the route collection".
How can I fix this?
This is not related to API Apps per se but more around Web API. What triggers the error is pretty simple:
You publish the API App which is based on Web API.
You discard your project and start working on a new API App based on Web API
You want to publish the new API App instead of the old API App you created at step 1.
You select the API App during "Publish.." and you get the publishing profile of the existing API App we deployed at step 1.
You deploy using Web Deploy and the publishing profile, the new API App on top of the old one.
That will trigger the issue I've explained before. That happens because there are two routes being registered by Swashbuckle when you try to start the app. One of the old one and one of the new one. That's because the old files are still present at the destination.
To solve this, during Web Deploy, click on the Settings tab and then expand the "File Publish Options". There is a checkbox there, called "Remove additional files from destination". This will fix the issue as it will only leave the files you deploy at the destination and not the old ones as well.
Hope it helps.
What if it happens when trying to debug the app locally ?
This happened for me, and the reason was, I renamed my assembly name. So the bin folder had two dlls for the same project with different names which caused this error. Once I deleted the old named dll all is well. Hope this helps.
This happens because You probally are configuring you route in your WebApiConfig class and SwaggerConfig class, as explained below:
WebApiConfig file:
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
SwaggerConfig file:
using Swashbuckle.Application;
[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(SwaggerConfig), "Register")]
namespace NEOH.Api
public class SwaggerConfig
public static void Register()
What you should do is remove the assembly call on SwaggerConfig file.
It should work.
My Solution & Cause:
I had the same problem when I renamed NamesSpaces,Refactored,etc.
After reading what everyone else did here's what I tried:
Cleaned the Solution in Visual Studio
Cleaned the Bin folder manually
Checked the nameSpace in the Project Properties (copied it just in case) >> Build tab >> Scrolldown to Output and ensure the XML documentation file is correct. You will need this name later.
Opened up: SwaggerConfig.cs >> fixed the name space in here (copy,paste) c.SingleApiVersion("vX","NameSpace")
Scrolled down until I found: GetXmlCommentsPath() copied and pasted the correct name space in the .xml file path.
Ran, smoke tested, finished this post.
My issue was that I was referencing another project that had the Swashbuckle extension.
Here is how I kept both projects without changing the anything in project that was referenced:
Remove the routes created by the project referenced under SwaggerConfig.cs > Register right before GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.EnableSwagger(...).EnableSwaggerUi(...);:
// Clears the previous routes as this solution references another Swagger ASP.NET project which adds the swagger routes.
// Trying to add the Swagger routes more than once will prevent the application from starting
Then, the application will be able to start, but you will see the operations/functions that are in both projects. To remove the operations from the project being referenced...
Create the following class
using Swashbuckle.Swagger;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Http.Description;
namespace yournamespace.Models
/// <summary>
/// This class allows to manage the Swagger document filters.
/// </summary>
public class SwaggerCustomOperationsFilter : IDocumentFilter
/// <summary>
/// Applies the Swagger operation filter to exclude the Swagger operations/functions
/// that are inherited by the other Swagger projects referenced.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p_swaggerDoc">Swagger document</param>
/// <param name="p_schemaRegistry">Swagger schema registry</param>
/// <param name="p_apiExplorer">Api description collection</param>
public void Apply(SwaggerDocument p_swaggerDoc, SchemaRegistry p_schemaRegistry, IApiExplorer p_apiExplorer)
IEnumerable<ApiDescription> externalApiDescriptions = p_apiExplorer.ApiDescriptions
.Where(d => d.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerType.Module.Name != GetType().Module.Name);
IEnumerable<int> externalApiDescriptionIndexes = externalApiDescriptions
.Select(d => p_apiExplorer.ApiDescriptions.IndexOf(d))
.OrderByDescending(i => i);
IEnumerable<string> externalPaths = externalApiDescriptions.Select(d => $"/{d.RelativePathSansQueryString()}");
foreach (string path in externalPaths)
foreach (int apiDescriptionIndex in externalApiDescriptionIndexes)
And add the following in SwaggerConfig.cs > Register > GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.EnableSwagger(...)
Alternative cause of this problem:
Seems like a lot of people have this issue resolved by deleting their "bin" and "obj" folders as per the other answers.
However the cause of the issue might be that you are configuring your Swagger Config in a referenced project, as per this comment:
I received this error when one project with Swagger referenced another
project with Swagger. Removing the reference fixed the problem.
This caused me to split some core functionality out into a Third project that both of my API's could reference, rather than them referencing each other.

How to use Custom Routes with Auto Query

Using the first example in the ServiceStack Auto Query documentation in a project structured similar to the EmailContacts sample project (i.e. separate projects for the ServiceModel and ServiceInterface), how would one register the custom route "/movies" defined by the Route attribute?
public class FindMovies : QueryBase<Movie>
public string[] Ratings { get; set; }
Normally, custom routes such as these can be register by passing the ServiceInterface assembly when instantiating AppHostBase:
public AppHost() : base("Email Contact Services", typeof(ContactsServices).Assembly) {}
However, the FindMovies request DTO does not have an associated service and therefore won't be included. No routes are registered.
If I pass typeof(FindMovies).Assembly instead of or in addition to typeof(ContactsServices).Assembly, then the pre-defined route will be registered (i.e. shows up in the metadata, postman, etc.) but the custom route is still not registered (i.e. does not show up in the metadata, postman, etc.).
What is the best way to register the custom route using attributes when there is no service and the ServiceModel and ServiceInterface are in separate projects?
These issues should be resolved in v4.0.24+ that's now available on MyGet.
There's a new AutoQueryFeature.LoadFromAssemblies property to specify an additional list of assemblies to scan for IQuery Request DTO's. This automatically looks in the assemblies where your other Request DTO's are defined so in most cases nothing needs to be done as it will automatically be able to find your query services.
The routes for Query DTO's should now appear on the metadata pages as well as Swagger and Postman metadata API's.

sharepoint event receiver never fire

I tried to follow a few examples on how to create sharepoint event receiver. Most examples are fairly straightforward in instructions. So I was able to create a sharepoint event receiver project (for example: item adding or site deleting) in visual studio 2010 and deployed to server and site. I checked the feature and it is activated. I ran some test like deleting a test site or even uploading a file. But the test error messages i put in the code never run. I cannot figure out why the events are never fired.
The following is an example of my code:
using System;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Security;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow;
namespace DeletingSite.EventReceiver1
/// <summary>
/// Web Events
/// </summary>
public class EventReceiver1 : SPWebEventReceiver
/// <summary>
/// A site is being deleted.
/// </summary>
public override void WebDeleting(SPWebEventProperties properties)
properties.Cancel = true;
properties.ErrorMessage = "You cannot ";
Under Event Receiver item, there would be element.xml file. This file defines how and where your event receiver is attached. Please check if everything is correct within that file.
