Using blob in expressjs - node.js

I have a project in which i have to provide the user with a pdf generated using pdfkit and allowing users to download the same using blob. I am getting an error on doing so. Any help would be appreciated.
TypeError: Blob is not a function
at BlobStream.toBlob (C:\Users\ws\node_modules\blob-stream\index.js:33:18)
Code Snippet:
var doc = new report();
var blobStream = require('blob-stream');
var stream = doc.pipe(blobStream());
doc.text('And here is some wrapped text...', 100, 300)
.font('Times-Roman', 13)
.text('lorem', {
width: 412,
align: 'justify',
indent: 30,
columns: 2,
height: 300,
ellipsis: true
blob = stream.toBlob('Blob/pdf');


NodeJS + Express + PDFKit + node-qrcode: Not able to add QR code to PDF

I am trying to implement a QR code in a PDF document using PDFkit ( and node-qrcode (
Implementing PDF document:
const doc = new PDFDocument({
margin: 0,
size: 'LETTER'
Creating QR code and adding it to the PDF:
var opts = {
errorCorrectionLevel: 'H',
type: 'image/png',
quality: 0.9,
margin: 1,
color: {
QRCode.toDataURL('', function (err, url) {
if (err) throw err
doc.image(url, 50, 45, { width: 50 })
Close the PDF:
Console output of the url from QRCode is correctly formatted and no error messages from PDFKit:
The problem is that no image is displayed in the produced PDF.
If I use any other functions (than doc.image), e.g. doc.text(), all elements works fine and added to the PDF.
Any idea how to solve this?
toDataURL() is a asynchronous method.
I didn't wait for it to complete.
Closed the PDF document after it completed, and that worked.

Node.js How to add wkhtmltopdf result to PDFKit page?

Is there a way to concat the result of an an html page converted with wkhtmltopdf-node inside a document page created with pdfkit in node.js, instead of just creating a pdf file from html?
const doc = new PDFDocument({
toc: true,
margins: {
top: 125,
bottom: 50,
left: 50,
right: 50
doc.text("HTML Content ")
// concat the result of this conversion inside doc instead of out.pdf
wkhtmltopdf(params.content, { pageSize: 'letter' }).pipe(fs.createWriteStream('out.pdf'));
Something like
doc.concat(wkhtmltopdf(params.content, { pageSize: 'letter' }));

FabricJs Cannot read property 'className' of null

I just upgraded fabricJs from 1.4.0 to 1.4.13 so that i can use SetSrc() of Image class and when i tried to run my application i got this error :"Cannot read property 'className' of null". Here is the line of code where the error originated from
const options = {
id: client.ProfileId,
class: 'img_wifiClient',
left: (transX + client_left) * canvasFabric.scale,
top: (transY + client_top) * canvasFabric.scale,
selectable: true,
hasBorders: false,
hasControls: false,
padding: 0,
perPixelTargetFind: true,
width: 24,
height: 24,
originX: 'center',
originY: 'center'
let image = new fabric.Image('');//*This is where the error originated from*
let src;
if (client.IconName === 'default.png' || client.IconName === null)
src = '/Icones/wifi.png';
src = `/Icones/${client.IconName}`;
image.setSrc(src, function () {
}, options);
Any help would be appreciated!!
I added an img element with id = "myIcone" under the canvas element in the Html file and added the following lines of code and everything works.
let image_element = document.getElementById('myIcone');
let image = new fabric.Image(image_element);
The rest of the code is the same as in the question snippet

How to add a (svg) image to mxGraph

I want to add a image to mxGraph.
At my try I see the frame at the gui and inside the frame is the image text instead of the image.
How can I add a image to mxGraph?
My code looks like that:
const newDiv = document.createElement('div');
const parent = drawIoUi.editor.graph.getDefaultParent();
const decodetSvg1 = btoa(this._svgTest);
let newChart: any;
try {
newChart = drawIoUi.editor.graph.insertVertex(parent, null, newDiv, 40, 140, 300, 200);
} finally {
const fullImg1 =
`<img alt="" style="width:100%; height:100%;" src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,` +
decodetSvg1 +
newChart.setAttribute('label', fullImg1);
And the result looks like that:
Use a shortened data URI in the cell style with an image shape, eg.
graph.insertVertex(parent, null, '', 20, 20, 80, 80,
You can use this tool to encode the SVG file.

Can't load SVG from URL

I want to load different shapes in FabricJS based Canvas using loadSVGFromURL(), but can't. Documentation is also not complete on this. I just want a complete example. I can load it from string, but string creates spaces which creates problems when rendering. Here is my code:
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas');
fabric.loadSVGFromURL('BlueFlower.svg', function (objects) {
var SVG = fabric.util.groupSVGElements(objects, options);
I have done an example on jsfiddle, that I create two objects and I load an svg image from url, you can take a look.
Here is an example
The snippet for load svg is this:
var site_url = '';
fabric.loadSVGFromURL(site_url, function(objects) {
var group = new fabric.PathGroup(objects, {
left: 165,
top: 100,
width: 295,
height: 211
