how to convert arabic content to unicode format in nodejs? - node.js

I have arabic content that I need to convert to unicode in node.js. For example دبي, this text should convert to \u062f\u0628\u064a.
What must I do to achieve this within node.js? Are there any packages which might help?

Try this module -
This might help you too


How can I call convert a piece of SVG to MVG via RMagick?

I want to convert a piece of SVG to MVG. Could I do something similar to this convert msvg:pram.svg pram.mvg using RMagick methods? I don't want to save the output in a file, but I want to have it in a variable in Ruby.
In general, converting an image in one format to another format is as simple as making a copy of the image using a different suffix.
Use the to_blob method to get an image as a Ruby string:

Parsing xls files by a coordinates [Node.JS]

I've got a question. Is it possible to parse xls files by a coordinates? I've searched some npm modules but the biggest part of them are converting to json or csv. So does anybody know how to do that?
use node-xlsx
It will help you to parse ".xlsx" i.e.
const workSheetsFromFile=xlsx.parse(__dirname+'/myFile.xlsx');
Read the documentation for more functionality.

I am having weather data in grib2 format and i want to convert it into json format Is it possible to conversion using node.js?

I am having weather data in grib2 format and i want to convert it into json format or csv. I know the languages PHP , node.js. Is it possible to conversion using these technologies?
Using Nodejs try this package may help you

Laravel Excel Coordinate convert

Im looking for a method to Laravel Excel (or something else) to convert Coordinates [ddmm.mmmm S/W/N/E format] stored in CSV to normal GoogleMaps Format
Any help ?
Laravel have built-in Carbon package for dateTime manipulating. You can read more about it at:

Is it possible to read a standard etherpad as a text document over the api?

I have a public etherpad containing an yaml-file. Using php I would like read this yaml and convert it to a json-string.
There are some great libraries for converting yaml to json. for example:
What i'm looking for is an url that will return the contents of a pad as pure text.
You want the text export then. You can easily get the contents of a pad exported as raw text, using the following url:
