Unable to connect to IIS express, using DNX beta5 - iis

After I updated VS2015 yesterday and I cannot run my project (singla page app) anymore... Visual Studio says: Unable to connect to IIS express
I am using Solution DNX SDK version: 1.0.0-beta5
And my project.json is:
My references:
So everything should be ok ??
What am I doing wrong ?

You have to understand that direct IIS hosting is no longer supported (and probably never will be again)! This is a decision by the ASP.Net team at Microsoft to completely concentrate on the kestrel server which is anyway required for Mac/Linux/Docker. By concentrating on one server the quality rises for everyone. Like Node, Kestrel recommends to use a reverse proxy in front of it. For that you can use your IIS/nginx/Apache.
I would urgently recommend you setup your project with RC1 and change to kestrel with HTTPPlatformHandler (in VS2015 Update 1 that works transparently with IIS Express for you). Beta5 is very outdated for many things.

It might be possible that your project could take a few hours before being able to run again.
First, you skipped beta6, beta7, beta8 and we are now at RC1.
Check which runtime you can use in Visual Studio and make sure you run with the latest one.
Once this is done, ensure that all your dependencies branded beta5 are renamed to the proper version that is in your Visual Studio. Some packages may have been removed, classes moved and many other things.
Check here for breaking changes:
Changes in beta6
Changes in beta7
Changes in beta8
Changes in rc1


Running Azure functions will result in .net 4.7.1 installation prompt dialog

When I try to run (debug) functions in Visual Studio 2017 on one of our machines, the following dialog pops up!
The target framework for the project is <TargetFramework>net461</TargetFramework>. For some reasons I am not able to install .NET 4.7.1 and now I am completely lost. I am sure it was functioning in the past on the same machine. Probably one of the updates caused it.
Any idea how to resolve it?
This is because the latest version of the Azure Functions Tools for Visual Studio now requires .NET Framework 4.7.1 (as of February 2018).
Note that this does not impact the target framework that you compile against - only the target framework your code runs against. Similarly, when you run in Azure, you can expect the .NET runtime version to be .NET Framework 4.7.1 (at the time of writing).
I tried implementing the solution mentioned in comment. However, it didn't work for me. However, reverting the Azure Functions Tools to previous version worked. Thanks Chris for pointing that it was Azure Tools and not any packages that caused it.
If anyone else should come across this.
For me, the issue was the actual func.exe config that needed to be upgraded.
Navigate to:
.. my version was 1.4.0
Modify the func.exe.config to match the .net version installed
.. it was 4.7.1

Nuget Server backwards compatibility

We are in the process of setting up new infrastructure for our dev team, one of the things that we are doing is setting up an internal nuget server.
We have followed the guide here https://docs.nuget.org/create/hosting-your-own-nuget-feeds and everything is working. However some of our dev team still rely on Visual studio 2012 which does not seem to work with this server, I assume that this is because the API has moved on and the client built into 2012 cannot connect to the server.
My question is what is the best way to deal with this, we have a mix of VS2012 and 2015 in use, It occurs to me that we could set up another server using an older version of the nuget server and point it at the same packages directory, however I am not convinced that this is the correct course of action?
If you need to support NuGet v2 clients, such as Visual Studio 2012 then you need to provide a NuGet v2 server. NuGet v2 clients cannot use a NuGet v3 server if it only provides the index.json endpoint.
Options are:
Use an older version of NuGet.Server that supports NuGet v2.
Use a file share instead of a server.
Use some other server instead that provides a NuGet v2 server, such as MyGet, or one that you can host locally such as Team City.
Update to Visual Studio 2015.

Our ASP.NET core RC1 application stopped working and then started working again

We have built an .NET application on ASP.NET core RC1 (release candidate 1) and deployed it on Windows Azure in an Web App container. By August the 2'nd the application stopped working over night. We found out it was caused by the fact that Microsoft stopped supporting RC1 (and RC2 for that matter) by that date.
The strange thing is that by today the application started working again without any change from our side.
Can anyone explain that behavior? I don't feel very comfortable with these kind of changes in the container environments.
NB: I should add that the error we saw in the log files was this one:
MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.MvcJsonOptions.get_SerializerSettings()'
I can explain what happened: a version of Json.NET v6.0.4 was mistakenly added to the GAC. Due to the way Json.NET is versioned, apps that had a different 6.x version in their bin folder ended up loading the one in the GAC. Your RC1 app probably has v6.0.7, and broke because v6.0.4 was missing APIs.
This assembly is not supposed to be in the GAC at all, so when we realized the issue, we removed it, which is when your app started working again. Apologies for the downtime.
That being said, you really should move away from RC1, which is not officially supported.

TFS Server Side Plugin no longer works in 2013

I had created (modified an existing project) a server side plugin that has been working (on TFS 2012) for quite awhile. When I upgraded the server to 2013, I copied the .dlls over to the same folder within the 2013 directory structure (Application Tier\Web Services\bin\Plugins), but it no longer works.
I installed remote debugging, attached my debugger to the w3wp.exe process (like here: Problem with Custom TFS Web Service Plugin), and performed check-ins. I'm pretty sure everything was in place because the first time I tried Visual Studio reported that symbols weren't loaded, but after copying up the .pdbs it looked
good. The ProcessEvent method never hit.
I can't find any new documentation on this stuff, guess this is just desperation, does anyone know what to do to make my plugin load?
You need to recompile the plugin against the 2013 assemblies (there are tricks using binding redirects, but if you have the sources, please just recompile). And you need to set the .NET framework version to .NET 4.5 in order for the solution to compile (the TFS 2013 binaries target that framework version, so your plugin must target either 4.5 or higher in order to reference these assemblies).

Problems creating a Java Mobile Application project

I have installed the Netbeans 6.7 IDE with Java ME included, but cannot create a Mobile Application project from the Java ME category. When I select the project type the wizard stops at "Finding Feature" with the message:
Not all requested modules can be enabled:
[StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.mobility.end2end.kig jarFile:C:\Program Files\NetBeans 6.7\mobility8\modules\org-netbeans-modules-mobility-end2end-kit.jar.
I am attempting to run this on Vista Home Premium. I have tried to run the IDE as Administrator with no luck.
I am at a loss for where to go next as I cannot seem to find any information regarding this issue. Even if you don't have the solution any insight into this error message would be helpful.
I am unable so far to get the project running via the Netbeans IDE install. I have, for the time being, installed the Java ME SDK which includes a very stripped down version of the Netbeans IDE for mobile development.
I originally had some issues starting the SDK as well on Vista. The IDE reported that it could not connect to the device manager on localhost. After some searching I found this link: Java ME SDK Startup Problem which suggests changing the hosts file localhost entry from IPv6 to IPv4. The fix worked perfectly and I can now compile and run code in the emulator.
This is not an optimal solution as the SDK does not include the visual design tools, however I am able to get a basic project going in the mean time.
I have given up on the 6.7 version and have instead located and installed 6.5.1. This previous version has been working just fine and seems to do everything I need.
I ran into the exact same error today while installing NB 6.8 beta. To resolve it we need to install two plugins:
Java Web Applications (as mentioned by Ali above) and
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0
Note that these two are part of the Category called "Java Web and EE" hence the confusion that we need to install Glassfish App Server. But we need these two plugins because they are required for debugging using breakpoints in emulator. Netbeans runs a web server when we do breakpoint based debugging.
Also note that the Java Web applications needs SOAP Web Services and JavaScript Debugger plugins to run and so these plugins are also installed when you try to install it.
You also need to install "Java Web Applications" plugin.
Tools->Plugins->Available Plugins
If the module is present, you should try unzipping it to check its content makes sense.
You should also be able to rebuild it from Netbeans sources.
You can also try to figure out why this happens by debugging the module loader inside Netbeans from its sources, using another IDE, presumably the latest version of Netbeans you can find without the issue.
If the module is missing, you might want to get the missing jar file from an installation of a previous version of Netbeans, see if it is compatible.
6.5.1 isn't missing any module.
back in version 5.5, the mobility module had to be downloaded and installed separately from the main IDE.
If you want to consider using Eclipse for developing your J2ME app...I've written a post related to that some time ago: here.
