TFS Server Side Plugin no longer works in 2013 - visual-studio-2012

I had created (modified an existing project) a server side plugin that has been working (on TFS 2012) for quite awhile. When I upgraded the server to 2013, I copied the .dlls over to the same folder within the 2013 directory structure (Application Tier\Web Services\bin\Plugins), but it no longer works.
I installed remote debugging, attached my debugger to the w3wp.exe process (like here: Problem with Custom TFS Web Service Plugin), and performed check-ins. I'm pretty sure everything was in place because the first time I tried Visual Studio reported that symbols weren't loaded, but after copying up the .pdbs it looked
good. The ProcessEvent method never hit.
I can't find any new documentation on this stuff, guess this is just desperation, does anyone know what to do to make my plugin load?

You need to recompile the plugin against the 2013 assemblies (there are tricks using binding redirects, but if you have the sources, please just recompile). And you need to set the .NET framework version to .NET 4.5 in order for the solution to compile (the TFS 2013 binaries target that framework version, so your plugin must target either 4.5 or higher in order to reference these assemblies).


Prevent Visual studio 2017 from copying almost 100 unnecessary system dlls to output folder for dll project

I made a new .NET Class Library solution if TFS, and added a bunch of preexisting classes that were developed for a windows forms application. Basically just dumped the old folder in. The forms app worked fine and the folders in bin were expectedly barren, apart from the exe and the required nuget references. The dll build however copies over libraries all the way from Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll, to System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.dll for no apparent reason. I have removed unused references with ReSharper and commented out unnecessary using statements. No difference whatsoever. I don't think it's a problem from the deployment perspective, it's just annoying to have so many files copied over each build. Could it be that the initial presence of Forms just poisoned the new project forever? Any help whatsoever would be much appreciated.
Prevent Visual studio 2017 from copying almost 100 unnecessary system
dlls to output folder for dll project
Please check if your VS2017 is very old and also check if the framework version of your project targets to 4.6 or 4.7.1.
If so, there is an known issue about this issue.
This is a .net standard 2.0/net 4.6/4.7.1 issue which was improved in 4.7.2. You can check this similar issue.
1) you should first update your VS2017 in case some updates fix it.
2) change the framework version of your project to net framework 4.7.2.(if you do not have net frameowork 4.7.2, you should install it in the VS Installer)

Unable to connect to IIS express, using DNX beta5

After I updated VS2015 yesterday and I cannot run my project (singla page app) anymore... Visual Studio says: Unable to connect to IIS express
I am using Solution DNX SDK version: 1.0.0-beta5
And my project.json is:
My references:
So everything should be ok ??
What am I doing wrong ?
You have to understand that direct IIS hosting is no longer supported (and probably never will be again)! This is a decision by the ASP.Net team at Microsoft to completely concentrate on the kestrel server which is anyway required for Mac/Linux/Docker. By concentrating on one server the quality rises for everyone. Like Node, Kestrel recommends to use a reverse proxy in front of it. For that you can use your IIS/nginx/Apache.
I would urgently recommend you setup your project with RC1 and change to kestrel with HTTPPlatformHandler (in VS2015 Update 1 that works transparently with IIS Express for you). Beta5 is very outdated for many things.
It might be possible that your project could take a few hours before being able to run again.
First, you skipped beta6, beta7, beta8 and we are now at RC1.
Check which runtime you can use in Visual Studio and make sure you run with the latest one.
Once this is done, ensure that all your dependencies branded beta5 are renamed to the proper version that is in your Visual Studio. Some packages may have been removed, classes moved and many other things.
Check here for breaking changes:
Changes in beta6
Changes in beta7
Changes in beta8
Changes in rc1

Visual Studio 2012 ASP.NET Empty Web Application LESS support

Ok, so I'm using Visual Studio 2012, with web essentials 2012, and I just created a new ASP.NET Empty Web Application. I added a LESS file to my styles folder and referenced it accordingly. Now, as it seems, this new ASP.NET Empty Web Application doesn't support LESS compilation right out of the box.
What I wanted to know is if that assumption is correct, and, if so, which is the best option to bring in support for LESS compilation on the server? Less.js? dotLess.js?
I'm still kinda confused when it comes to LESS compilation on the server, because I don't want to compile it on the client, like just adding the less.js script to the HTML file.
Mindscape have a vs plugin which allows support of less files. It's called web workbench
They offer a free version. I've used it in a few projects to good effect.

Developing applications for Windows Embedded Compact 2013

Today I stumbled over the Application Builder for CE 2013 in Microsoft's download center. As of the description, with this pack I should be able to develop apps that target Windows Embedded Compact 2013 with Visual Studio 2012.
After downloading and installing the Application Builder I found the new framework assemblies in C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\WindowsEmbeddedCompact\v3.9, but there are no project templates targeting Embedded Compact 2013 in Visual Studio 2012.
I tried to create a blank WinForms or WPF project and to retarget it to 3.9, but that doesn't seem to be possible as well. There are no online templates that could be installed.
How do I create a CF 3.9 application using Visual Studio 2012?
All I can do here is sigh. Here's the state of things as of this writing (Mid May, 2013) and it could change in the coming weeks and/or months.
The Application Builder does not ship with device templates. Templates, instead, are shipped with the device SDK. Yes, this is different than in the past. It means that to do any device development, you'll need an SDK.
Windows Embedded Compact 2013 is currently not publicly available, so no one can currently ship an SDK. The net effect of this is that, for now, for the general public, the Application Builder install is completely useless.
Once WEC 2013 is public, I don't believe Microsoft will be shipping any "generic" SDKs. I very likely will. Once we have SDKs in the wild, you'll have templates and be able to build projects.
I also downloaded the Application Builder, and found it quite useless, hey where are the compact project templates! (thanks for the confirmation ctacke) after reading this today and discovering the .net assembly folder posted by Gene, I figured I at least try to use the object browser - and found you can browse the objects by using the Windows Embedded Compact 3.9 filter - figure others might want to at least look at what's new like I am attempting to do..
It is possible to create new SDKs from OS Design projects.
Create one from CEPC.

Visual Studio 11 complains about one namespace import in web.config

I have a .NET 4.0 web site which was coded in Visual Studio 2010.
I installed the VS11 beta last night, and am using that to work on the web site today. I did NOT change the web site to be .NET 4.5, it is still 4.0.
I have a number of custom libraries which I've written, and use in most of my projects (db access, LINQ extensions, etc.). I have them all <system.web><pages><namespaces><add/>ed in the web.config of my project so that I don't need to put an Import line at the top of every file where I want to use things from them.
This all works fine and as expected in VS2010, and in VS11 it all works fine, ... EXCEPT for one single exception. ONE and ONLY one of my custom libraries, when I have it included in the web.config, the design-time compiler outputs an error message to the Error List window stating:
Error: The namespace 'MyLibraries.LIB' is not a valid identifier.
All my other libraries continue to work fine, just as they did in VS2010. I thought maybe there was an invisible character embedded in the file or something, so took out the whole <add/> line for that namespace and retyped it from scratch. No joy. I've also tried removing the DLL (and associated files) from the bin directory and re-adding them, also with no change.
Turns out this wasn't so much a problem with VS11 itself, but with the Framework 4.5.
I uninstalled VS11 and VS2010 still had the same problem.
I then saw that uninsting VS11 did NOT uninstall .NET 4.5, so I uninstalled that, and then 2010 was good.
