Is there a simpler type system with the practical utilities of CoC? [duplicate] - haskell

The article Simpler, Easier! claims it could be possible to encode dependent type systems even without the presence of "Pi" - that is, you could reuse the "Lam" constructor for it. But how can that be true, if "Pi" and "Lam" are treated differently in some cases?
Moreover, could "Star" be removed? I think you could replace all occurrences of it by "λ x . x" (id).

That's just overloading like (a, b) in Haskell: it can be both a type and a value. You can use the same binder for Π and λ and typechecker will decide from the context which one you mean. If you typecheck one binder against another, then the former is λ and the latter is Π — and that's why you can't unambiguously replace * with λ x . x — because then the former binder could be Π and the latter is * (* as a binder doesn't make any sense to me). There is a bigger problem with ∀ = λ and * = λ x . x: by transitivity * = ∀ x . x, which is a common way to postulate False — this type must be uninhabited in a sound system, so you won't have any types at all.
There was a recent thread on Coq-club "Similarities between forall and fun" ( gives me "No such message", is it just me?), here are some excerpts:
Dominic Mulligan:
And here is another with a small bibliography pointing to similar work:
Ironically, according to that paper Coquand first presented the Calculus of
Constructions with a single, unified binder, following a convention
established by De Bruijn in AutoMath.
Thorsten Altenkirch:
A function and its type are very different concepts even if they have
some superficial syntactic similarity.
Especially for the newcomer this identification is very confusing and
completely misleading. I do think that one should understand type
theoretical concepts from what they mean and not how they look like.
Andreas Abel:
My student Matthias Benkard also worked on such a system, see "Type
Checking without Types"
Note that the system described at the first link has Π-reduction (i.e. you can apply pi-types just like lambdas) — your system will have it too, if you unify Π and λ internally (as opposed to syntactically). And the system described at the second link unifies types and values
One immediate consequence is the absence of any distinction between
types and their inhabitants: Every value is a type containing itself
and all of its parts; and conversely, every type is a composite value
consisting of its inhabitants.
so there is really just one binder (except for let and maybe fix).


How to make a partial function?

I was thinking about how I could save myself from undefinition, and one idea I had was to enumerate all possible sources of partiality. At least I would know what of to beware. I found three yet:
Incomplete pattern matches or guards.
Recursion. (Optionally excluding structural recursion on algebraic types.)
If a function is unsafe, any use of that function infects the user code. (Should I be saying "partiality is transitive"?)
I have heard of other ways to obtain a logical contradiction, for instance by using negative types, but I am not sure if anything of that sort applies to Haskell. There are many logical paradoxes out there, and some of them can be encoded in Haskell, but may it be true that any logical paradox requires the use of recursion, and is therefore covered by the point 2 above?
For instance, if it were proven that a Haskell expression free of recursion can always be evaluated to normal form, then the three points I give would be a complete list. I fuzzily remember seeing something like a proof of this in one of Simon Peyton Jones's books, but that was written like 30 years ago, so even if I remember correctly and it used to apply to a prototype Haskell back then, it may be false today, seeing how many a language extension we have. Possibly some of them enable other ways to undefine a program?
And then, if it were so easy to detect expressions that cannot be partial, why do we not do that? How easier would life be!
This is a partial answer (pun intended), where I'll only list a few arguably non obvious ways one can achieve non termination.
First, I'll confirm that negative-recursive types can indeed cause non termination. Indeed, it is known that allowing a recursive type such as
data R a = R (R a -> a)
allows one to define fix, and obtain non termination from there.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
data R a = R (R a -> a)
selfApply :: R a -> a
selfApply t#(R x) = x t
-- Church's fixed point combinator Y
-- fix f = (\x. f (x x))(\x. f (x x))
fix :: forall a. (a -> a) -> a
fix f = selfApply (R (\x -> f (selfApply x)))
Total languages like Coq or Agda prohibit this by requiring recursive types to use only strictly-positive recursion.
Another potential source of non-termination is that Haskell allows Type :: Type. As far as I can see, that makes it possible to encode System U in Haskell, where Girard's paradox can be used to cause a logical inconsistency, constructing a term of type Void. That term (as far as I understand) would be non terminating.
Girard's paradox is unfortunately rather complex to fully describe, and I have not completely studied it yet. I only know it is related to the so-called hypergame, a game where the first move is to choose a finite game to play. A finite game is one which causes every match to terminate after finitely many moves. The next moves after that would correspond to a match according to the chosen finite game at step one. Here's the paradox: since the chosen game must be finite, no matter what it is, the whole hypergame match will always terminate after a finite amount of moves. This makes hypergame itself a finite game, making the infinite sequence of moves "I choose hypergame, I choose hypergame, ..." a valid play, in turn proving that hypergame is not finite.
Apparently, this argument can be encoded in a rich enough pure type system like System U, and Type :: Type allows to embed the same argument.

What is predicativity?

I have pretty decent intuition about types Haskell prohibits as "impredicative": namely ones where a forall appears in an argument to a type constructor other than ->. But just what is predicativity? What makes it important? How does it relate to the word "predicate"?
The central question of these type systems is: "Can you substitute a polymorphic type in for a type variable?". Predicative type systems are the no-nonsense schoolmarm answering, "ABSOLUTELY NOT", while impredicative type systems are your carefree buddy who thinks that sounds like a fun idea and what could possibly go wrong?
Now, Haskell muddies the discussion a bit because it believes polymorphism should be useful but invisible. So for the remainder of this post, I will be writing in a dialect of Haskell where uses of forall are not just allowed but required. This way we can distinguish between the type a, which is a monomorphic type which draws its value from a typing environment that we can define later, and the type forall a. a, which is one of the harder polymorphic types to inhabit. We'll also allow forall to go pretty much anywhere in a type -- as we'll see, GHC restricts its type syntax as a "fail-fast" mechanism rather than as a technical requirement.
Suppose we have told the compiler id :: forall a. a -> a. Can we later ask to use id as if it had type (forall b. b) -> (forall b. b)? Impredicative type systems are okay with this, because we can instantiate the quantifier in id's type to forall b. b, and substitute forall b. b for a everywhere in the result. Predicative type systems are a bit more wary of that: only monomorphic types are allowed in. (So if we had a particular b, we could write id :: b -> b.)
There's a similar story about [] :: forall a. [a] and (:) :: forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]. While your carefree buddy may be okay with [] :: [forall b. b] and (:) :: (forall b. b) -> [forall b. b] -> [forall b. b], the predicative schoolmarm isn't, so much. In fact, as you can see from the only two constructors of lists, there is no way to produce lists containing polymorphic values without instantiating the type variable in their constructors to a polymorphic value. So although the type [forall b. b] is allowed in our dialect of Haskell, it isn't really sensible -- there's no (terminating) terms of that type. This motivates GHC's decision to complain if you even think about such a type -- it's the compiler's way of telling you "don't bother".*
Well, what makes the schoolmarm so strict? As usual, the answer is about keeping type-checking and type-inference doable. Type inference for impredicative types is right out. Type checking seems like it might be possible, but it's bloody complicated and nobody wants to maintain that.
On the other hand, some might object that GHC is perfectly happy with some types that appear to require impredicativity:
> :set -Rank2Types
> :t id :: (forall b. b) -> (forall b. b)
{- no complaint, but very chatty -}
It turns out that some slightly-restricted versions of impredicativity are not too bad: specifically, type-checking higher-rank types (which allow type variables to be substituted by polymorphic types when they are only arguments to (->)) is relatively simple. You do lose type inference above rank-2, and principal types above rank-1, but sometimes higher rank types are just what the doctor ordered.
I don't know about the etymology of the word, though.
* You might wonder whether you can do something like this:
data FooTy a where
FooTm :: FooTy (forall a. a)
Then you would get a term (FooTm) whose type had something polymorphic as an argument to something other than (->) (namely, FooTy), you don't have to cross the schoolmarm to do it, and so the belief "applying non-(->) stuff to polymorphic types isn't useful because you can't make them" would be invalidated. GHC doesn't let you write FooTy, and I will admit I'm not sure whether there's a principled reason for the restriction or not.
(Quick update some years later: there is a good, principled reason that FooTm is still not okay. Namely, the way that GADTs are implemented in GHC is via type equalities, so the expanded type of FooTm is actually FooTm :: forall a. (a ~ forall b. b) => FooTy a. Hence to actually use FooTm, one would indeed need to instantiate a type variable with a polymorphic type. Thanks to Stephanie Weirich for pointing this out to me.)
Let me just add a point regarding the "etymology" issue, since the other answer by #DanielWagner covers much of the technical ground.
A predicate on something like a is a -> Bool. Now a predicate logic is one that can in some sense reason about predicates -- so if we have some predicate P and we can talk about, for a given a, P(a), now in a "predicate logic" (such as first-order logic) we can also say ∀a. P(a). So we can quantify over variables and discuss the behavior of predicates over such things.
Now, in turn, we say a statement is predicative if all of the things a predicate is applied to are introduced prior to it. So statements are "predicated on" things that already exist. In turn, a statement is impredicative if it can in some sense refer to itself by its "bootstraps".
So in the case of e.g. the id example above, we find that we can give a type to id such that it takes something of the type of id to something else of the type of id. So now we can give a function a type where an quantified variable (introduced by forall a.) can "expand" to be the same type as that of the entire function itself!
Hence impredicativity introduces a possibility of a certain "self reference". But wait, you might say, wouldn't such a thing lead to contradiction? The answer is: "well, sometimes." In particular, "System F" which is the polymorphic lambda calculus and the essential "core" of GHC's "core" language allows a form of impredicativity that nonetheless has two levels -- the value level, and the type level, which is allowed to quantify over itself. In this two-level stratification, we can have impredicativity and not contradiction/paradox.
Although note that this neat trick is very delicate and easy to screw up by the addition of more features, as this collection of articles by Oleg indicates:
I'd like to make a comment on the etymology issue, since #sclv's answer isn't quite right (etymologically, not conceptually).
Go back in time, to the days of Russell when everything is set theory— including logic. One of the logical notions of particular import is the "principle of comprehension"; that is, given some logical predicate φ:A→2 we would like to have some principle to determine the set of all elements satisfying that predicate, written as "{x | φ(x) }" or some variation thereon. The key point to bear in mind is that "sets" and "predicates" are viewed as being fundamentally different things: predicates are mappings from objects to truth values, and sets are objects. Thus, for example, we may allow quantifying over sets but not quantifying over predicates.
Now, Russell was rather concerned by his eponymous paradox, and sought some way to get rid of it. There are numerous fixes, but the one of interest here is to restrict the principle of comprehension. But first, the formal definition of the principle: ∃S.∀x.S x ↔︎ φ(x); that is, for our particular φ there exists some object (i.e., set) S such that for every object (also a set, but thought of as an element) x, we have that S x (you can think of this as meaning "x∈S", though logicians of the time gave "∈" a different meaning than mere juxtaposition) is true just in case φ(x) is true. If we take the principle exactly as written then we end up with an impredicative theory. However, we can place restrictions on which φ we're allowed to take the comprehension of. (For example, if we say that φ must not contain any second-order quantifiers.) Thus, for any restriction R, if a set S is determined (i.e., generated via comprehension) by some R-predicate, then we say that S is "R-predicative". If every set in our language is R-predicative then we say that our language is "R-predicative". And then, as is often the case with hyphenated prefix things, the prefix gets dropped off and left implicit, whence "predicative" languages. And, naturally, languages which are not predicative are "impredicative".
That's the old school etymology. Since those days the terms have gone off and gotten lives of their own. The ways we use "predicative" and "impredicative" today are quite different, because the things we're concerned about have changed. So it can sometimes be a bit hard to see how the heck our modern usage ties back to this stuff. Honestly, I don't think knowing the etymology really helps any in terms of figuring out what the words are really about (these days).

Stripping out let in Haskell

I should probably first mention that I'm pretty new to Haskell. Is there a particular reason to keep the let expression in Haskell?
I know that Haskell got rid of the rec keyword that corresponds to the Y-combinator portion of a let statement that indicates it's recursive. Why didn't they get rid of the let statement altogether?
If they did, statements will seem more iterative to some degree. For example, something like:
let y = 1+2
z = 4+6
in y+z
would just be:
y = 1+2
z = 4+6
Which is more readable and easier for someone new to functional programming to follow. The only reason I can think of to keep it around is something like this:
aaa = let y = 1+2
z = 4+6
in y+z
Which would look this this without the let, which I think ends up being ambiguous grammar:
aaa =
y = 1+2
z = 4+6
But if Haskell didn't ignore whitespace, and code blocks/scope worked similar to Python, would it be able to remove the let?
Is there a stronger reason to keep around let?
Sorry if this question seems stupid, I'm just trying to understand more about why it's in there.
Syntactically you can easily imagine a language without let. Immediately, we can produce this in Haskell by simply relying on where if we wanted. Beyond that are many possible syntaxes.
Semantically, you might think that let could translate away to something like this
let x = e in g ==> (\x -> g) e
and, indeed, at runtime these two expressions are identical (modulo recursive bindings, but those can be achieved with fix). Traditionally, however, let has special typing semantics (along with where and top-level name definitions... all of which being, effectively, syntax sugar for let).
In particular, in the Hindley-Milner type system which forms the foundation of Haskell there's a notion of let-generalization. Intuitively, it regards situations where we upgrade functions to their most polymorphic form. In particular, if we have a function appearing in an expression somewhere with a type like
a -> b -> c
those variables, a, b, and c, may or may not already have meaning in that expression. In particular, they're assumed to be fixed yet unknown types. Compare that to the type
forall a b c. a -> b -> c
which includes the notion of polymorphism by stating, immediately, that even if there happen to be type variables a, b, and c available in the envionment, these references are fresh.
This is an incredibly important step in the HM inference algorithm as it is how polymorphism is generated allowing HM to reach its more general types. Unfortunately, it's not possible to do this step whenever we please—it must be done at controlled points.
This is what let-generalization does: it says that types should be generalized to polymorphic types when they are let-bound to a particular name. Such generalization does not occur when they are merely passed into functions as arguments.
So, ultimately, you need a form of "let" in order to run the HM inference algorithm. Further, it cannot just be syntax sugar for function application despite them having equivalent runtime characteristics.
Syntactically, this "let" notion might be called let or where or by a convention of top-level name binding (all three are available in Haskell). So long as it exists and is a primary method for generating bound names where people expect polymorphism then it'll have the right behavior.
There are important reasons why Haskell and other functional languages use let. I'll try to describe them step by step:
Quantification of type variables
The Damas-Hindley-Milner type system used in Haskell and other functional languages allows polymorphic types, but the type quantifiers are allowed only in front of a given type expression. For example, if we write
const :: a -> b -> a
const x y = x
then the type of const is polymorphic, it is implicitly universally quantified as
∀a.∀b. a -> b -> a
and const can be specialized to any type that we obtain by substituting two type expressions for a and b.
However, the type system doesn't allow quantifiers inside type expressions, such as
(∀a. a -> a) -> (∀b. b -> b)
Such types are allowed in System F, but then type checking and type inference is undecidable, which means that the compiler wouldn't be able to infer types for us and we would have to explicitly annotate expressions with types.
(For long time the question of decidability of type-checking in System F had been open, and it had been sometimes addressed as "an embarrassing open problem", because the undecidability had been proven for many other systems but this one, until proved by Joe Wells in 1994.)
(GHC allows you to enable such explicit inner quantifiers using the RankNTypes extension, but as mentioned, the types can't be inferred automatically.)
Types of lambda abstractions
Consider the expression λx.M, or in Haskell notation \x -> M,
where M is some term containing x. If the type of x is a and the type of M is b, then the type of the whole expression will be λx.M : a → b. Because of the above restriction, a must not contain ∀, therefore the type of x can't contain type quantifiers, it can't be polymorphic (or in other words it must be monomorphic).
Why lambda abstraction isn't enough
Consider this simple Haskell program:
i :: a -> a
i x = x
foo :: a -> a
foo = i i
Let's disregard for now that foo isn't very useful. The main point is that id in the definition of foo is instantiated with two different types. The first one
i :: (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
and the second one
i :: a -> a
Now if we try to convert this program into the pure lambda calculus syntax without let, we'd end up with
(λi.i i)(λx.x)
where the first part is the definition of foo and the second part is the definition of i. But this term will not type check. The problem is that i must have a monomorphic type (as described above), but we need it polymorphic so that we can instantiate i to the two different types.
Indeed, if you try to typecheck i -> i i in Haskell, it will fail. There is no monomorphic type we can assign to i so that i i would typecheck.
let solves the problem
If we write let i x = x in i i, the situation is different. Unlike in the previous paragraph, there is no lambda here, there is no self-contained expression like λi.i i, where we'd need a polymorphic type for the abstracted variable i. Therefore let can allow i to have a polymorhpic type, in this case ∀a.a → a and so i i typechecks.
Without let, if we compiled a Haskell program and converted it to a single lambda term, every function would have to be assigned a single monomorphic type! This would be pretty useless.
So let is an essential construction that allows polymorhism in languages based on Damas-Hindley-Milner type systems.
The History of Haskell speaks a bit to the fact that Haskell has long since embraced a complex surface syntax.
It took some while to identify the stylistic choice as we have done here, but once we had done so, we engaged in furious debate about which style was “better.” An underlying assumption was that if possible there should be “just one way to do something,” so that, for example, having both let and where would be redundant and confusing.
In the end, we abandoned the underlying assumption, and provided full syntactic support for both styles. This may seem like a classic committee decision, but it is one that the present authors believe was a fine choice, and that we now regard as a strength of the language. Different constructs have different nuances, and real programmers do in practice employ both let and where, both guards and conditionals, both pattern-matching definitions and case expressions—not only in the same program but sometimes in the same function definition. It is certainly true that the additional syntactic sugar makes the language seem more elaborate, but it is a superficial sort of complexity, easily explained by purely syntactic transformations.
This is not a stupid question. It is completely reasonable.
First, let/in bindings are syntactically unambiguous and can be rewritten in a simple mechanical way into lambdas.
Second, and because of this, let ... in ... is an expression: that is, it can be written wherever expressions are allowed. In contrast, your suggested syntax is more similar to where, which is bound to a surrounding syntactic construct, like the pattern matching line of a function definition.
One might also make an argument that your suggested syntax is too imperative in style, but this is certainly subjective.
You might prefer using where to let. Many Haskell developers do. It's a reasonable choice.
There is a good reason why let is there:
let can be used within the do notation.
It can be used within list comprehension.
It can be used within function definition as mentioned here conveniently.
You give the following example as an alternative to let :
y = 1+2
z = 4+6
The above example will not typecheck and the y and z will also lead to the pollution of global namespace which can be avoided using let.
Part of the reason Haskell's let looks like it does is also the consistent way it manages its indentation sensitivity. Every indentation-sensitive construct works the same way: first there's an introducing keyword (let, where, do, of); then the next token's position determines what is the indentation level for this block; and subsequent lines that start at the same level are considered to be a new element in the block. That's why you can have
let a = 1
b = 2
in a + b
a = 1
b = 2
in a + b
but not
let a = 1
b = 2
in a + b
I think it might actually be possible to have keywordless indentation-based bindings without making the syntax technically ambiguous. But I think there is value in the current consistency, at least for the principle of least surprise. Once you see how one indentation-sensitive construct works, they all work the same. And as a bonus, they all have the same indentation-insensitive equivalent. This
keyword <element 1>
<element 2>
<element 3>
is always equivalent to
keyword { <element 1>; <element 2>; <element 3> }
In fact, as a mainly F# developer, this is something I envy from Haskell: F#'s indentation rules are more complex and not always consistent.

What are inductive predicates?

How would you explain inductive predicates? What are they used for? What's the theory behind them? Are they only present in dependent type systems, or in other systems as well? Are they related to GADT's in some way? Why are they true by default in Coq?
This is an example from Coq:
Inductive even : nat -> Prop :=
| even0 : even 0
| evens : forall p:nat, even p -> even (S (S P))
How would you use this definition? Is it a datatype or a proposition?
I think we call inductive predicates objects that are defined inductively and sorted in Prop.
They are used for defining properties inductively (duh). The theory behind can probably be found in the literature for inductive constructions. Search papers about CIC (the Calculus of Inductive Constructions) for instance.
They are somewhat related to GADTs, though with dependent types they can express more things. If I am not mistaken, with GADTs each constructor lives in one particular family, whereas the addition of dependent types allows constructors to inhabit different families based on their arguments.
I do not know what you mean by "true by default in Coq".
even as you define it is an inductive datatype. It is not a proposition yet, as the type nat -> Prop indicates. A proposition would be even 0 or even 1. It can be inhabited (provable) as in even 0, or not as in even 1.
To answer another part of the question. Inductive predicates/definitions are not only present in dependent type systems (e.g., Isabelle/HOL also has them). In principle they are much older and just describe the least predicate (or set) that is closed under some given inference rules. Whether this is well-defined or not depends on the rules. There are sufficient conditions which are easy to check (e.g., that the defined predicate itself only occurs positively in premises of rules). Then the Knaster-Tarski theorem yields the desired result.
If I remember correctly the book The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages: An Introduction by Glynn Winskel gives an introduction to the mathematical foundations.

Given a Haskell type signature, is it possible to generate the code automatically?

What it says in the title. If I write a type signature, is it possible to algorithmically generate an expression which has that type signature?
It seems plausible that it might be possible to do this. We already know that if the type is a special-case of a library function's type signature, Hoogle can find that function algorithmically. On the other hand, many simple problems relating to general expressions are actually unsolvable (e.g., it is impossible to know if two functions do the same thing), so it's hardly implausible that this is one of them.
It's probably bad form to ask several questions all at once, but I'd like to know:
Can it be done?
If so, how?
If not, are there any restricted situations where it becomes possible?
It's quite possible for two distinct expressions to have the same type signature. Can you compute all of them? Or even some of them?
Does anybody have working code which does this stuff for real?
Djinn does this for a restricted subset of Haskell types, corresponding to a first-order logic. It can't manage recursive types or types that require recursion to implement, though; so, for instance, it can't write a term of type (a -> a) -> a (the type of fix), which corresponds to the proposition "if a implies a, then a", which is clearly false; you can use it to prove anything. Indeed, this is why fix gives rise to ⊥.
If you do allow fix, then writing a program to give a term of any type is trivial; the program would simply print fix id for every type.
Djinn is mostly a toy, but it can do some fun things, like deriving the correct Monad instances for Reader and Cont given the types of return and (>>=). You can try it out by installing the djinn package, or using lambdabot, which integrates it as the #djinn command.
Oleg at has an implementation of this. There is a short introduction here but the literate Haskell source contains the details and the description of the process. (I'm not sure how this corresponds to Djinn in power, but it is another example.)
There are cases where is no unique function:
fst', snd' :: (a, a) -> a
fst' (a,_) = a
snd' (_,b) = b
Not only this; there are cases where there are an infinite number of functions:
list0, list1, list2 :: [a] -> a
list0 l = l !! 0
list1 l = l !! 1
list2 l = l !! 2
-- etc.
-- Or
mkList0, mkList1, mkList2 :: a -> [a]
mkList0 _ = []
mkList1 a = [a]
mkList2 a = [a,a]
-- etc.
(If you only want total functions, then consider [a] as restricted to infinite lists for list0, list1 etc, i.e. data List a = Cons a (List a))
In fact, if you have recursive types, any types involving these correspond to an infinite number of functions. However, at least in the case above, there is a countable number of functions, so it is possible to create an (infinite) list containing all of them. But, I think the type [a] -> [a] corresponds to an uncountably infinite number of functions (again restrict [a] to infinite lists) so you can't even enumerate them all!
(Summary: there are types that correspond to a finite, countably infinite and uncountably infinite number of functions.)
This is impossible in general (and for languages like Haskell that does not even has the strong normalization property), and only possible in some (very) special cases (and for more restricted languages), such as when a codomain type has the only one constructor (for example, a function f :: forall a. a -> () can be determined uniquely). In order to reduce a set of possible definitions for a given signature to a singleton set with just one definition need to give more restrictions (in the form of additional properties, for example, it is still difficult to imagine how this can be helpful without giving an example of use).
From the (n-)categorical point of view types corresponds to objects, terms corresponds to arrows (constructors also corresponds to arrows), and function definitions corresponds to 2-arrows. The question is analogous to the question of whether one can construct a 2-category with the required properties by specifying only a set of objects. It's impossible since you need either an explicit construction for arrows and 2-arrows (i.e., writing terms and definitions), or deductive system which allows to deduce the necessary structure using a certain set of properties (that still need to be defined explicitly).
There is also an interesting question: given an ADT (i.e., subcategory of Hask) is it possible to automatically derive instances for Typeable, Data (yes, using SYB), Traversable, Foldable, Functor, Pointed, Applicative, Monad, etc (?). In this case, we have the necessary signatures as well as additional properties (for example, the monad laws, although these properties can not be expressed in Haskell, but they can be expressed in a language with dependent types). There is some interesting constructions:
which shows what can be done for the list ADT.
The question is actually rather deep and I'm not sure of the answer, if you're asking about the full glory of Haskell types including type families, GADT's, etc.
What you're asking is whether a program can automatically prove that an arbitrary type is inhabited (contains a value) by exhibiting such a value. A principle called the Curry-Howard Correspondence says that types can be interpreted as mathematical propositions, and the type is inhabited if the proposition is constructively provable. So you're asking if there is a program that can prove a certain class of propositions to be theorems. In a language like Agda, the type system is powerful enough to express arbitrary mathematical propositions, and proving arbitrary ones is undecidable by Gödel's incompleteness theorem. On the other hand, if you drop down to (say) pure Hindley-Milner, you get a much weaker and (I think) decidable system. With Haskell 98, I'm not sure, because type classes are supposed to be able to be equivalent to GADT's.
With GADT's, I don't know if it's decidable or not, though maybe some more knowledgeable folks here would know right away. For example it might be possible to encode the halting problem for a given Turing machine as a GADT, so there is a value of that type iff the machine halts. In that case, inhabitability is clearly undecidable. But, maybe such an encoding isn't quite possible, even with type families. I'm not currently fluent enough in this subject for it to be obvious to me either way, though as I said, maybe someone else here knows the answer.
(Update:) Oh a much simpler interpretation of your question occurs to me: you may be asking if every Haskell type is inhabited. The answer is obviously not. Consider the polymorphic type
a -> b
There is no function with that signature (not counting something like unsafeCoerce, which makes the type system inconsistent).
