alloy appcelerator textfield font color not visible in android version 5 - colors

alloy accelerator textfield text font color is not visible.I have tried to change background color and color of the textfield but it still showing that error.

In tiapp.xml add custom theme.
You can refer here
<style name="Theme.NoActionBar" parent="#style/Theme.AppCompat.Light"> </style>


Material 3 Active indicator color

The primary swatch of my app is Green, but the Material 3 Bottom Navigation bar has the active indicator of color light purple. I want to change it to light green. Can someone tell which property in XML should be changed?
enter image description here
the property that works for me to change the color of the indicator is the following.
<item name="colorSecondaryContainer">#color/your_color</item>
This you have to add in the style of your application as seen below.
I hope it helps.
Add new style on themes:
<style name="BottomNavigationView">
<item name="colorSecondaryContainer">#color/white</item>
Add theme information on BottomNavigationView

How to change the colour of bootstrap loader

I included a Bootstrap spinner in a web page, but it seems that only the colors from text color utilities can be used (primary, warning...), which is quite limited. I would like to be able to change the theme of the webpage, and therefore the color of the spinner too, to a color that is not in text color utilities. Is it possible to do that and how?
According to the docs:
Alternatively spinners can be custom
sized with the style property, or custom CSS classes.
Remove variant prop first as this applies !important styles. After removing variant, proceed to style with a custom class or like my example below a style prop - changing color should suffice in your case
<Spinner animation="border" style={{color: "green"}} />

How to change sidebar navbar color in SBAdmn bootstrap theme

I'm using SBAdmin bootstrap theme in my project
It's all good but i need to change background color of sidebar navbar nav item
What i've tryed:
Change color in this file Style/sccc/_navbar,
/vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css but unsuccesful
Changing css of bootstrap is not a good thing.
It's better to add a separate style sheet and override styles as you want.
background-color: gray;
Add above css to change background color of sidebar.
You can change background color by replacing "gray" with any color code you
Sometimes you need to remove class type in bootstrap like this

Progress bars with color and borders with common controls

I had colorful progress bars in my GUI that I liked:
However, I wanted the GUI to look be in the Windows 7 style when on Windows 7, so I added this pragma
#pragma comment( linker, "/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' \
name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' \
processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' \
But this resulted in monochrome (green), animated glowing toolbars that I don't like:
So I removed the styles by entering:
SetWindowTheme(hProgress, L" ", L" ");
The results where not bad:
However, note that there's no border around the progress bar though I rely on the same resource file.
How do I set the progress bar to the original look while retaining the Windows 7 look for the rest of the window?
When Visual Styles are enabled, a standard Win32 ProgressBar does not support custom coloring, it gets its coloring from the current theme instead. That is why your ProgressBars all turned green. However, you can use the PBM_SETSTATE message to set the ProgressBar's state to PBST_NORMAL (green), PBST_ERROR (red), or PBST_PAUSED (yellow).
Beyond that, to display a themed ProgressBar with custom colors, you have to owner-draw a custom control using DrawThemeBackground() directly, drawing the various components of the "PROGRESS" class as needed. The standard red, green, cyan, and yellow colors can be drawn by setting the iStateId parameter to PBFS_ERROR, PBFS_NORMAL, PBFS_PARTIAL, or PBFS_PAUSED (respectively) when drawing the PP_FILL portion (the colored bar showing the current progress). If you need any other colors, though, it gets a bit trickier. The following article shows an example of drawing a standard themed ProgressBar with a gradient color blend:
Gradient Bar Control
The technique demonstrated draws a standard ProgressBar first using the PBFS_NORMAL (green) state, then uses HSL saturation and intensity transformations to alter the color values of the PP_FILL pixels to make them into the desired colors.
Change style of progress bar with write this manifest:
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
<trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker"
<assemblyIdentity type="Win32"
publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*"/>
and this resource:
1 24"manifestname.manifest"
I've had the exact same problem but didn't manage to enable the borders.
However by changing the background of the bars it looks okay:
SendMessage(hwndPBAR, PBM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, 0x00DCDCDC); //grey

KML Icons coloring

I have a KML map with 3 different icons: red, blue and mixed. lately the icons in the map lost their red coloring. any idea what happened?
The index on the right reflects the right shape and color.
You've explicitly specified the colour for each style via the <color> tags:
This colour is applied as an overlay to your PNG icons. For example, if you use a neutral colour like AAAAAA00, you'll see that your icon will still be visible, but darkened.
Just remove the color tag, and your png icons will render correctly.
