Material 3 Active indicator color - android-layout

The primary swatch of my app is Green, but the Material 3 Bottom Navigation bar has the active indicator of color light purple. I want to change it to light green. Can someone tell which property in XML should be changed?
enter image description here

the property that works for me to change the color of the indicator is the following.
<item name="colorSecondaryContainer">#color/your_color</item>
This you have to add in the style of your application as seen below.
I hope it helps.

Add new style on themes:
<style name="BottomNavigationView">
<item name="colorSecondaryContainer">#color/white</item>
Add theme information on BottomNavigationView


How to Change the Vaadin-Select Hover colour

Current Hover Color
I want to change the hover color when we move mouse over the items in the vaadin-select box, by default its coming in light blue color as seen in screenshot 1 but I want to change to some other color. How to do that ?
I have tried by adding
:host(:hover) {
background-color: #9cbdd6;
and importing as
#CssImport(value = "./styles/vaadin-select-items.css", themeFor = "vaadin-item")
Inspecting Vaadin Select
The below answer worked perfectly for the above problem,
However There is one problem happening the hover color is coming when the dropdown is closed also means the overlay is not opened. How to stop that ?
I need only to modify the hover color on the overlay as below which is happening correctly via the mentioned code but need to stop the above.
Hover color on the overlay items
Also applying theme like this is applied on all overlay items, how to apply these styles uniquely for some components.
You're on the right track, but you'll need a strong selector. If you're willing to use !important, this will work:
:host(:hover:not([disabled])) {
background: red !important;

Why FixedTargetTracking in Spark AR does not working with colored logo?

So. We do a promotional mask for instagram in Spark AR Studio. It should become visible when you hover over the company logo. A texture with a color logo has been added to FixedTargetTracker, but the mask only works when you hover over a black and white logo, if you hover over a color logo it does not work.
Try to use black and white target!

alloy appcelerator textfield font color not visible in android version 5

alloy accelerator textfield text font color is not visible.I have tried to change background color and color of the textfield but it still showing that error.
In tiapp.xml add custom theme.
You can refer here
<style name="Theme.NoActionBar" parent="#style/Theme.AppCompat.Light"> </style>

KML Icons coloring

I have a KML map with 3 different icons: red, blue and mixed. lately the icons in the map lost their red coloring. any idea what happened?
The index on the right reflects the right shape and color.
You've explicitly specified the colour for each style via the <color> tags:
This colour is applied as an overlay to your PNG icons. For example, if you use a neutral colour like AAAAAA00, you'll see that your icon will still be visible, but darkened.
Just remove the color tag, and your png icons will render correctly.

Chrome Extension Badge - Text Color

A quick question regarding the Chrome Badge/Browser Action API.
Is there a method to set the badge text colour? (much like you can with the back colour).
I'm sure I remember seeing a reference to a method such as SetBadgeTextColor() somewhere on the Internet (not sure where, mind).
Edit: Chromium Wiki - Browser Actions Proposal
The link above is where I saw a method to set the badge text colour. Was this proposal ever implemented?
You cannot change the text color directly.
What you can do is to paint the base image on a canvas, then draw the text using your desired color and finally use chrome.browserAction.setIcon to update the badge.
chrome ext detects badge bg color (light or dark) and set text color automatically (black or white). if your background color is around the boundary of those. try to increase or decrease your bg color code e.g your bg color is red #FF0000 then chrome will detects it as light but when you decrease the color code hex to #FE0000 it will detected as dark, and it's still solid red in our eyes
