MQTT-MQ data path load testing [closed] - multithreading

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Closed 10 months ago.
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We are implementing a communication system where client (mobile device) sends messages thru MQTT-MQ to the backend systems. I would like to benchmark the load performance of the MQTT-MQ data path.
Could you please recommend if there is any opensource (or commercial) performance test tool which could load test the MQTT-MQ data path.

Try out Apache JMeter, it provides the following test elements:
JMS Publisher
JMS Subscriber
JMS Point-to-Point
which should be quite enough to conduct your testing.
Just download appropriate MQ Java client libraries, drop them to JMeter's /lib folder, restart JMeter and you should be able to use the relevant classes to send messages to queues and read them.
See the following reference guides:
Building a JMS Topic Test Plan
Building a JMS Point-to-Point Test Plan
Building a JMS Testing Plan - Apache JMeter

Both mqtt-spy and mqtt-spy-daemon support concurrent messaging. You can define a script that sends messages concurrently, or multiple scripts which is normally easier. To have multiple concurrent MQTT clients connected to the broker/server, you can run multiple mqtt-spy connections or multiple mqtt-spy-daemon instances, each having their own configuration and scripts.


How to make load testing for web application that based on Webrtc [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Im trying to make load testing for web application that based on Webrtc,
does someone knows with whitch tool can I test that application.
also I`d like to know if i can use Jmeter and if so , how can i use it ?
thanks a head
When it comes to load testing, WebRTC is different. And that's because WebRTC is peer-to-peer and not client server.
What you can test is the client server part, more specifically the signaling server and the STUN/TURN server. For these, you can easily use JMeter as for any web server. For STUN/TURN just follow the specs (though if you're using an existing server, I would leave this into the authors hands, unless you want to involve in that project too). For the signaling server, it depends on how you build it.
What you can also do with WebRTC is try to test with a controlled limited bandwidth and delay/jitter. This will be more like a smoke test, than a load one. To do this automatically is a little bit more complicated. especially if you want to do it with audio/video, not data.

hazelcast client module for node.js [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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In my Node.js application I wanted to connect the Hazelcast node instance and access the Queue/Hashmap of Hazelcast Node. Is there any node.js module available to do this .
Thanks in advance.
Thought this question was asked over a year ago, some things have changed.
Hazelcast Node.js client in fact does exist and currently provides following features
implementation of Open Client Binary Protocol
Smart Client - clients connect to each cluster node.
Since each data partition uses the well known and consistent hashing algorithm, each client can send an operation to the relevant cluster node, which increases the overall throughput and efficiency. The client doesn't need to be restarted in case of adding or removing nodes from the cluster.
Distributed Object Listener
Lifecycle Service
Thank you
As far as I know, there is no node.js library for Hazelcast. Some of the functionality is exposed through Memcached btw.

Azure Blob storage (GUI) client for linux [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there a GUI based client for Azure Blob storage that can run on Linux?
I found many client that runs on Windows and couple of web based clients but I'm looking for something like Azure Explorer.
I don't think there's a desktop based client for Linux. I would recommend trying out ( This is a browser based storage explorer and has capability to manage blobs, tables and queues.
Well there's something close, that should work with no or very little code. I'm posting this since you mentioned Java.
Apache Commons VFS is a Virtual File-System library that supports multiple backends such as FTP, SFTP, S3, etc. etc. There is also a GUI for Apache VFS called Commons VFS - UI. This GUI uses Apache VFS to access a wide range of virtual file-systems.
I wrote an Apache VFS Provider for Microsoft Azure called VFS-Azure that you can find at .
There is no reason someone couldn't easily add VFS-Azure provider to the list of known providers in Commons VFS UI. I'll take a look when I have more time in my schedule but I suspect that's something that can easily be completed.
You can use it is cross platform.

Server Monitoring / Alerting application needed [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can anyone recommend a good (preferably free) application or service to monitor the uptime of a server? And possibly send out an alert by email or sms when it goes down? Statistics are not really needed, it's just about knowing when a server goes down.
It depends how "sophisticated" tool you'd like to have (and install of course). You can use simple cron script on another server, or software designed for server monitoring. I've got experience and I can recommend you Zabbix or Nagios, but you can choose another one.
Try this
It is open source, written in python for AppEngine, so you can just run it on your own AppEngine account. Alerts you with a Twitter DMs when server is down, content has changed or has not changed, if an API is returning an invalid JSON if it is supposed to return JSON.
These are a few monitoring tools that you can try out
Free solutions
System commands: Nothing beats default commands like top, vmstat, iostat, netstat etc when it comes to knowing the health of a system
SeaLion: It is a cloudbased monitoring solution. What it does is basically execute all default system profiling commands (like top, vmstat etc) and present it in a very intuitive timeline format. It installation procedure is one of the easiest I have come across
Nagios: Though very complicate to use and configure, it is very
robust and most deployed solution available
Paid solutions
New Relic
Server density
Copper Egg

Asynchronous message sender [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm looking for a library that can send messages from a process. It needs to be asynchronous, reliable and ordered. I don't care if it drops messages when the queue is full, but it has be able to report that. It cannot be blocking.
It should be possible to plug it into a standard app which already uses pthreads. (adding thread-safe to requirements)
I've looked at some possible solutions that could solve it... opening an erlang port and running an erlang vm for collecting messages seems to be promising, but I'm not sure if ports themselves can start sending data? It would be perfect, if I could create something like an embedded node with it's own sender.
I could of course implement something that keeps a queue in shm with a known key, or through a fifo, but that's error prone... I'd rather reuse some existing solution.
Can someone think of any (rather high-level) library that does that?
Message queues are implemented by many Unices.
POSIX message queues.
System V IPC message queues. (an older standard).
There are also many Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) platforms that provide distributed, reliable, transactional messaging.
There is Boost.MPI or you can use networking on the loopback interface. (Lots of libs for that.)
