Cannot see VOIP calls in Wireshark 2.0.0 - voip

I received a pcap dump from a site who's VOIP traffic I need to analyse. I use Wireshark's VOIP calls analyser via the menu:
The conversations display fine in Wireshark v1.10.8, but when I upgraded to Wireshark v2.0.0, no conversations are shown for the same pcap file.
Is there a bug in WS 2.0.0? Or am I the bug? (as usual xD)
PS: I unfortunately cannot share the pcap file as it is sensitive client data.

File a bug at the Wireshark Bugzilla, so that the Wireshark developers can determine whether this is a bug and ask for more details.


How to view all the raw data that comes from a bluetooth device to your computer?

I have a gamepad with giroscope that works with Nintendo Switch, but there is no such feature for windows, but I think that the gamepad anyway send the information from giroscope but windows don't respond to it.
You could use Wireshark. has a Windows and Linux version.
Capturing Bluetooth isn't that complex. see the Wireshark site for the tutorial.
You can do so using the WebHID API. For your concrete question, maybe you can just directly use my WebHID Nintendo Joy-Con driver that makes gyroscope data available to the browser.

Is SIP required for webRTC calling to legacy VTC products

I am working on a webRTC application and would like to be able to support multiple calls and be able to call from the browser to legacy VoIP or Videoconferencing systems as well as browser to browser.
now that Asterisk has added websocket in their latest builds would you need SIP and a SIP proxy in order to communicate with VoIP systems or will Asterisk allow this?
now that H.264 has been open sourced by Cisco would you still need a transcoder in order to call a legacy VTC system?
Is Node.js the preferred technology for implementing webrtc client/server deployments? I've looked into Mobicents SIP Servlets a bit but that seems to be the only alternative technology available beside a node.js solution.
If needed I am planning on creating a SIP trunk between an Asterisk server and our Polycom VBP so the webrtc clients should be able to get presence information through that connection so if no media transcoding is required with the recent changes then media should be able to pass directly from polycom endpoint to browser with the asterisk handling the signalling.
Thank you anyone who is able to answer any of these questions, it is still early in the r&d portion of this project for me and i'd like to get as much information as possible.
also: i did see SIP over websockets to true SIP. I understand that "something" needs to stand in between the webRTC client and the VoIP phone or Legacy SIP endpoint. what I would like to know is if that can be just asterisk with the recent update. if asterisk is all that is required, is there a way to include a media transcoder like red5? I haven't seen anything in the webrtc API that would allow you to include a transcoder, asterisk has transcoding mods but none that will do vp8 to h.26x or Opus to anything as far as i know.
Answer on that question higly depend of destination "legacy" system. Cisco "legacy" systems use h323 and sip, which is not compatible with webRTC.
Sure there are alot of ways to setup asterisk, red5, opensips or other as translation level.
Webrtc goal is call from browser. It never supposed have any API for transcode. That have be done by server part(which require special knowledge and experience to be propertly setup)
There are alot of availible documentation in internet, no any way put answer in less then 30 pages of text.

OPOS receipt printer data sniffer / analyzer

I am adding some functionality to an application that prints to a USB connected OPOS receipt printer. The system runs xp.
I want to see the raw data that gets passed to the receipt printer as well as have the printer physically print.
Is there any way I can do that? I looked some port monitors such as Advanced USB Port Monitor but they only detect and monitor devices that are accessible by native Operating System and not OPOS devices.
Any ideas?
Download and install the "debug" version of the OPOS common controls, instead of the "runtime" version. They will emit trace information you're looking for.
Be careful not to deploy the debug version in your production environment, as you might violate some requirements for data security.
How about just setting the print queue to keep printed documents and use a hex editor, such as notepad++ with the hexeditor plug-in? (marked as unstable but it works fine. Other hex editors are available). It takes a while for your eye to adjust to the code but it's just like reading the matrix after a while.

Is there any telephony framework in linux?

I have a USB 3g modem, On windows it comes with software with which, I can use it for calling, sending and receiving SMS. Now, I want to write similar open source application in linux ( I also want to provide DTMF detection functionality ).
In windows, we can achieve this through TAPI, what are the similar technologies/frameworks in linux? Is there any similar opensource application ( I want to use as a reference )?
Yes it is is called ofono - project started by Intel/Nokia for Maemo/Moblin. From wikipedia:
oFono is a free, open source project for mobile telephony (GSM/UMTS)
applications. It uses high-level D-Bus API for use by telephony
applications. It uses 3GPP standard. It is free software released
under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.
And Asterisk and Freeswitch are PBX software and probably are not what you are looking for.
I'm not sure about a USB modem, but for VOIP telephony, Freeswitch is excellent. It uses a generic socket API to make it extensible via any number of languages. It can handle inbound and outbound calls, text-to-speech, voice recognition, etc.
My Vodafone Merlin card was recognized as a ttySx ant it was possible to interact by simple AT-commands like with old analog modems. There were also extra commands for reasing the sim card address book, sms and I believe also for sending sms.
We use sms tools:
The SMS Server Tools 3 is a SMS Gateway software which can send and receive short messages through GSM modems and mobile phones.
You can send short messages by simply storing text files into a special spool directory. The program monitors this directory and sends new files automatically. It also stores received short messages into another directory as text files. Binary messages (including Unicode text) are also supported, for example ring tone messages. It's also possible to send a WAP Push message to the WAP / MMS capable mobile phone.
The program can be run as a SMS daemon which can be started automatically when the operating system starts. High availability can be ensured by using multiple GSM devices (currently up to 64, this limit is easily changeable).
The program can run other external programs or scripts after events like reception of a new message, successful sending and also when the program detects a problem. These programs can inspect the related text files and perform automatic actions, for example storing information into a database (for example MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server), sending an automatic reply, forwarding messages via eMail (SMS to eMail gateway), ... and whatever you like."
Asterisk would be the usual suspect for what you want -

Bluetooth debugging tools

Linux has hcidump which is a very handy tool for debugging bluetooth problems.
Can anyone recommend similar tools for Windows? I'd also be interested in other tools for Linux if anyone knows anything good.
I'm trying to investigate why my BT device disconnects after a couple of seconds. I expect its a crappy mini-dongle, but would like to find out more about where the disconnection originated from.
You can capture the USB interface with a Windows USB sniffer, e.g. Usbtrace or Usblyzer and convert the captured output to btsnoop file format which can then be loaded and analyzed in Wireshark or FTS4BT viewer (free tool from
I don't think that you have something similar for Windows desktop, but for Windows CE there is a tool called BTDC Tool. If you read Wireshark wiki they say that there isn't something for Windows: and
You could capture the traffic, by going deep into the driver, but for this you should study the Windows DDK. It allows you to add extensions of your own.
