Google Speech Recognition API: timestamp for each word? - audio

It's possible to use Google's Speech recognition API to get a transcription for an audio file (WAV, MP3, etc.) by doing a request to
Example: I have said "one two three for five" in a WAV file. Google API gives me this:
{u'transcript': u'12345'},
{u'transcript': u'1 2 3 4 5'},
{u'transcript': u'one two three four five'}
u'final': True
Question: is it possible to get the time (in seconds) at which each word has been said?
With my example:
['one', 0.23, 0.80], ['two', 1.03, 1.45], ['three', 1.79, 2.35], etc.
i.e. the word "one" has been said between time 00:00:00.23 and 00:00:00.80,
the word "two" has been said between time 00:00:01.03 and 00:00:01.45 (in seconds).
PS: looking for an API supporting other languages than English, especially French.

I believe the other answer is now out of date. This is now possible with the Google Cloud Search API:

EDIT 2020: Now possible, see the other answers
It is not possible with google API.
If you want word timestamps, you can use other APIs, for example:
Vosk-API - free offline speech recognition API (disclosure: I am the primary author of Vosk).
SpeechMatics SaaS speech recognition API
Speech Recognition API from IBM

Yes, it is very much possible. All you need to do is:
In the config set enable_word_time_offsets=True
config = types.RecognitionConfig(
Then, for each word in the alternative, you can print its start time and end time as in this code:
for result in result.results:
alternative = result.alternatives[0]
print(u'Transcript: {}'.format(alternative.transcript))
print('Confidence: {}'.format(alternative.confidence))
for word_info in alternative.words:
word = word_info.word
start_time = word_info.start_time
end_time = word_info.end_time
print('Word: {}, start_time: {}, end_time: {}'.format(
start_time.seconds + start_time.nanos * 1e-9,
end_time.seconds + end_time.nanos * 1e-9))
This would give you output in the following format:
Transcript: Do you want me to give you a call back?
Confidence: 0.949534416199
Word: Do, start_time: 1466.0, end_time: 1466.6
Word: you, start_time: 1466.6, end_time: 1466.7
Word: want, start_time: 1466.7, end_time: 1466.8
Word: me, start_time: 1466.8, end_time: 1466.9
Word: to, start_time: 1466.9, end_time: 1467.1
Word: give, start_time: 1467.1, end_time: 1467.2
Word: you, start_time: 1467.2, end_time: 1467.3
Word: a, start_time: 1467.3, end_time: 1467.4
Word: call, start_time: 1467.4, end_time: 1467.6
Word: back?, start_time: 1467.6, end_time: 1467.7


How to structure (take out) JSON from a text string. (Python)

I have a text string/script which I took out from a webpage. I would like to clean/structure that text string/Script so that I can only get JSON out of it. But its very long that I lost finding beginning and ending of JSON from that text. Does anyone help me out or advice a online website which can help to find the beginning and ending of JSON from that text. Many Thanks
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Android styresystemet giver dig let adgang til Netflix, Viaplay og TV2 Play samt mange andre apps og med indbygget Chromecast kan du let caste indhold til TV'et.",display_list_price:l,display_sales_price:l,energy_class:"A+",energy_class_color_code:"lev_3",energy_label:i,erp_product_id:o,gallery_images:[i,"","",""],hybris_code:n,id:n,image_primary:"",in_stock_stores_count:15,is_approved_for_sale:t,is_exposed:t,is_reservable:t,name:'Prosonic 32" 32and6021 LED tv',online_from:16000344e5,online_to:2534022108e5,primary_category_path:"/elektronik/tv",product_url:"/produkter/prosonic-32-32and6021-led-tv/100553115/",sales_price:e,show_discount_message:a,sku:o,specifications:'[{"features":[{"code":"text-TvMemory","label":"Tekst TV hukommelse","value":"1000"}],"label":"Tekst TV hukommelse"},{"features":[{"code":"tvFeatures","label":"TV funktioner","value":"Netflix"},{"code":"tvFeatures","label":"TV funktioner","value":"SmartTV"},{"code":"tvFeatures","label":"TV funktioner","value":"Wi-Fi 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Chromecast",msg_sales_price_per_unit:l,package_display_sales_price:l,promotion_text:e,f_campaign_name:[]},loadingProduct:a}],error:e,state:{User:{UID:l,isLoggedIn:a,nickname:l,address:{firstName:l,lastName:l,address:l,postalCode:l,city:l,mobile:l,email:l,country:l},isDeliveryMethodSet:a,lastSeenProducts:[],wishlistProducts:[]},Tracking:{trackedOrders:[],activeRoute:e,oldRoute:e,cookieConsentGiven:a,initialRouteTracked:a},Search:{showDrawer:a,hideGlobalSearch:a,query:l,queryString:l,queries:[],brands:[],categories:[]},Products:{products:[]},ProductDialog:{showType:a,productId:e,quantity:e,error:e},plugins:{Cart:{checkoutErrorPlugin:{},productDialogPlugin:{}},TechnicalError:{technicalErrorPlugin:{}},Tracking:{gtmPlugin:{},gtmHandlers:{appInitializedHandler:{},bannerClickedHandler:{},bannerViewedHandler:{},checkoutStepChangedHandler:{},clickCollectCompletedHandler:{},cookieConsentGivenHandler:{},externalLinkClickedHandler:{},helpers:{},notFoundPageViewedHandler:{},orderCompletedHandler:{},plpProductsViewedHandler:{},productAddedHandler:{},productClickedHandler:{},productDetailViewedHandler:{},productQuantityChangeHandler:{},productRemovedHandler:{},recommendationsClickedHandler:{},recommendationsViewedHandler:{},routeChangedHandler:{},siteSearchHandler:{}}},User:{userPlugin:{}}},Payment:{paymentMethod:e,termsAccepted:a},OAuth:{accessToken:e,expiry:0,timestamp:e,trackingId:e},Navigation:{hierarchy:e,path:[],loading:a,lastFetchedTopNode:l},Layout:{eyebrow:{default:e},footer:{default:e},layout:s},InfoBar:{infoBars:[],infoBarMappers:{}},Delivery:{isFetchingPickups:a,deliveries:{},pickups:{},selectedDeliveries:{}},ClickCollect:{loading:a,showDrawer:a,baseMapLocation:e,stores:[],selectedStore:e,product:e,quantity:1,form:{name:l,email:l,countryDialCode:"45",phone:l,terms:a},reservation:e,error:a,filters:{inStockOnly:t}},Checkout:{panelState:{userInfo:{},delivery:{},payment:{mustVisit:t},store:{}},desiredPanel:"auto",panelValidators:{}},Cart:{data:{id:l,lineItems:[],totalLineItemsQuantity:0,totalSalesPrice:r,totalShippingSalesPrice:r,employeeNumber:e,loyaltyNumber:e,deliveries:[],totalLineItemSalesPrice:r,totalLineItemListPrice:r,totalLineItemDiscount:r,totalShippingListPrice:r,totalShippingPriceDiscount:r,orderNumber:e,totalSalesPriceNumber:0,isActive:t,isAllLineItemsValid:t,shippingAddress:d,billingAddress:d,hash:l,discountCodes:[],source:"USER_DEVICE"},loading:{},error:e,assistedSalesMode:a,assistedSalesStoreNumber:e},Breadcrumb:{categoryTree:{},productCategory:l,lookupBreadcrumbTasks:{},currentCategoryPage:[],helpers:{}}},serverRendered:t}}(null,"",!1,!0,"0,00","default","","91052931-EA","100553115",void 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You can use a RegEx to get the Jsons from your string.
I have used this pattern: {(?:[^{}]*{[^{]*})*[^{}]*}
The above regex checks only the Json in one level deep.
import re
import json
input_data = """window.__NUXT__=funct ... A","100553115",void 0)"""
def json_validate(input_str):
founds = re.findall(r"{(?:[^{}]*{[^{]*})*[^{}]*}", input_str)
valid_jsons = []
for x in founds:
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return valid_jsons
getting_jsons = json_validate(input_data)
for one_json in getting_jsons:
It can find several (32) valid Jsons in your string:
>>> python3
{'features': [{'code': 'text-TvMemory', 'label': 'Tekst TV hukommelse', 'value': '1000'}], 'label': 'Tekst TV hukommelse'}
{'features': [{'code': 'tvFeatures', 'label': 'TV funktioner', 'value': 'Netflix'}, {'code': 'tvFeatures', 'label': 'TV funktioner', 'value': 'SmartTV'}, {'code': 'tvFeatures', 'label': 'TV funktioner', 'value': 'Wi-Fi indbygget'}], 'label': 'TV funktioner'}
{'features': [{'code': 'TV.tvApps', 'label': 'TV Apps', 'value': 'Amazon'}, {'code ...
I have found another solution which approaches the issue from totally different way:
I have tested the code from the above answer and I got the same output. It means the result is correct (probably).
Would it not be easier to do something like
import json
data = json.dumps(your_string)
Then iterate over it to find the values. Alternatively you can look for the value locations with
Don't know if this is what your looking for but thought it may spark an idea / alternative view

Dealing with timeout error while web scraping

The link i am trying to scrape is specifically the 'Names' and 'Reviews'.
I keep getting the timeout error while requesting the url, i haven't defined the timeout limit in this case. Is there a way to make my request more manageable or should i use some other libraries/modules for this purpose.
Error message : ' TimeoutError: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond '
Here is my code:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
from urllib.request import Request
url = ''
req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
uClient = uReq(req)
page =
page_html = soup(page, "html.parser")
containers = page_html.findAll("div",{"class":"sc-eetwQk hAcPWO"})
import requests
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0'
params = {
'sort': 'dd',
'filter': 'reviews-dd',
'res_id': 18439027
def main(url):
with requests.Session() as req:
for page in range(1, 11):
print(f"{'*' * 30} Extracting Page# {page} {'*' * 30}")
params['page'] = page
r = req.get(url, params=params, headers=headers).json()
for x in r['entities']['REVIEWS'].values():
print("Username: {:<20}, Comment: {}".format(
x['userName'], x['reviewText']))
****************************** Extracting Page# 1 ******************************
Username: Nitisha Dwivedi , Comment: I tried veg manchurian, veg noodles, pasta arrabiata, virgin mojito from sky hilton and the food was great, freshly cooked, very tasty and well presented. The waiters were attentive and service was overall good but some of the waiters are rude even. I would suggest you to come to this place and enjoy food!
Username: Sakshi Jaiswal , Comment: this place is lovely rocking<br/>the party place <br/>best saturday place<br/>live music great taste<br/><br/>
Username: Atul , Comment: They send me gravy chicken while I ordered tava chicken listed under DRY snacks and beforehand informed Mr. Dinesh Dixit as well about the order.But this is what I received. Gravy can be clearly seen with Oil spilling all over. When I informed ZOMATO and the manager about it, ZOMATO said they will give the feedback to the restaurant (unsatisfactory resolution) and the manager said this is how dry tava chicken looks like. Do not order online as no one will listen to you even if you are right . Pathetic experience from SkyHilton and ZOMATO as well this time.
Username: Sweety Singh , Comment:
Username: Aman Bhardwaj , Comment: the food is awesome you can even visit here with your family the taste of food is ❤️❤️❤️
****************************** Extracting Page# 2 ******************************
Username: Akanksha Singh , Comment:
Username: Harsh Mehrotra , Comment:
Username: Sheetal Kapoor , Comment: I have given them 4 stars because of the service as the restaurant need to really work upon that. <br/>
Username: Mâñvéñdrâ Singh , Comment:
Username: Vishal Yadav , Comment: Good food
****************************** Extracting Page# 3 ******************************
Username: Avni Singh , Comment:
Username: AVNI SINGH , Comment:
Username: Avni Singh , Comment:
Username: Vanshika Shukla , Comment:
Username: Anushka Singh , Comment:
****************************** Extracting Page# 4 ******************************
Username: Anushka Singh , Comment:
Username: Priya Singh , Comment:
Username: Chandramohan Yadav , Comment: Staff and ambience is too good and a healthy and friendly environment
Username: Kavita Vishwakarma , Comment:
Username: Govind Bahadur , Comment: Good food good taste all time to choose this place for ordering and dining very good place and serve very good
****************************** Extracting Page# 5 ******************************
Username: Govind Bahadur , Comment: Such a recommended place to all.<br/>Here food serve good with hygiene way and with a superior good taste.
Username: Anuj Kashyap , Comment: My friend was suggested me to order from here and i verry surprised by there taste and food quality.<br/>Thank you Sky Hilton to serve us verry well.
Username: Anuj Kashyap , Comment: My friend was suggested me to order from here and i verry surprised by there taste and food quality.<br/>Thank you Sky Hilton to serve us verry well.
Username: Akash Choubey , Comment: Good food and very good taste my friend was suggested to order from here and I will totally appreciate the food taste and hygiene packing 😋😋
Username: Akshat Anand , Comment: fine dine restaurant is very excellent and the service person is very kind ; dheer singh who is so amazing and overall experience is very amazing
****************************** Extracting Page# 9 ******************************
Username: Anushree Nigam , Comment: Dheer was very courteous while serving!
Username: Agosh Baranwal , Comment: Amazing staff. Very dedicated and polite.
Username: Sameer Agarwal , Comment:
Username: Vinod Kushwaha , Comment: Awesome food and service by Dheer singh
Username: Manendra Singh , Comment: Nice ambiance music was soo good i love skyhilton exxillent service given by ajeet patel
****************************** Extracting Page# 10 ******************************
Username: Vandana Singh , Comment: awesome service very nice food 🎎🎎🎎🎎🎎🎎🎎🎎<br/>Service dheer singh
Username: Harpreet Singh , Comment: Best service by shubham kanchan
Username: Shruti Mirchandani , Comment: Heard about this restaurant cum bar as one of the trending outlet in Lucknow in Alambagh.<br/>Can visit for good food simply served in very simple way have tried Handi Mutton, Pasta, Paneer Tikka Masala, jeera rice and of course drinks.<br/><br/>Paneer tikka masala is actually good not like any other restaurant who put All that capsicum and onion in paneer tikka masala it's blend of flavor full masala and taste good.<br/><br/>Handi masala was also tasted good.<br/><br/>Though didn't like the ambience at all as it could be done better.<br/><br/>Also can eenjoy Hukka in open sitting area at fifth floor.
Username: Anmol Kacker , Comment: I am writing this review after my fourth visit to this place. Rest all my visits were on a weekday afternoon so, decided to give this place a try on a Saturday night.<br/>The ambiance though a lot changed than before, was good but that's pretty much it. The music was way too loud and deafening. They are currently having a street food festival
so, decided to try a couple of items. Vada pav and omelette were the items ordered. Despite repeatedly telling the person who took the order to give a masala omelette, he got a plain one and that too cold. The crispy corn ordered was awful. Sweet corn soup, was simply cold water with some half boiled vegetables and traces of corn. It had just no taste at all. Tried finishing the items, unfortunately, couldn't even eat half of the meal.<br/>Finally, decided to get up and walk away. Saturday nights can be maddening with overflowing crowd but atleast do something about your food. Quick service stands nowhere if what you are delivering is so bad. Really thought the place would be a bit different this time. Unfortunately, it was as bad as before. Done with this place ! Never again !<br/><br/>Also, I am not big a fan of saturday night parties but all I have to say here is that people were coming in, looking around and walking away. Seeing heavily drunken men dancing is not what a saturday night means to me or I guess to anyone.
Username: Piyush Kumar , Comment: Please increase the salary of mr. Bhanu he is good in f&b Service skills

Node.js - Parse raw text to JSON using RegEx

I´m still new to Node.js and currently developing a small app for my kitchen. This app can scan receipts and uses OCR to extract the data. For OCR extracting I´m using the ocr-space web api. Afterwards I need to parse the raw text to a JSON structure and send it to my database. I´ve also tested this receipt using AWS textract, which gave me a even poorer result.
Currently I´m struggling at the parsing part using RegEx in Node.js.
Here is my JSON structure which I use to parse the receipt data:
receipt = {
title: 'title of receipt'
items: [
preparation: 'preparation text'
As most of the receipts have a items part and afterwards a preparation part my general approach so far looks like the following:
Searching for keywords like 'items' and 'preparation' in the raw text
Parse the text between these keywords
Do further string processing, like missing whitespaces, triming etc.
This approach doesn´t work if these keywords are missing. Take for example the following receipt, where I´m struggle to parse it into my JSON structure. The receipt is in German and there are no corresponding keywords ('items' or 'Zutaten', 'preparation' or 'Zubereitung').
Following information from the raw text are necessary:
title: line 1
items: line 2 - 8
preparation: line 9 until end
Do you have any hints or tips how to come closer to the solution? Or do you have any other ideas how to manage such situations accordingly?
30 g Chiasamen
350 g Quinoa
70 ml Olivenöl
1/2 TL Speisenatron
1 Prise Salz
Saft von 1/2 Zitrone
1 Handvoll Sonnenblumenkerne
30 g Schwarzkümmelsamen
1 Chiasamen mit 100 ml Wasser
verrühren und 30 Minuten quel-
len lassen. Den Ofen auf 200 oc
vorheizen, eine kleine Kastenform
mit Backpapier auslegen.
2 Quinoa mit der dreifachen
Menge Wasser in einen Topf ge-
ben, einmal aufkochen und dann
3 Minuten köcheln lassen - die
Quinoa wird so nur teilweise ge-
gegart. In ein Sieb abgießen, kalt
abschrecken und anschließend
gut abtropfen lassen.
Between each line there is a \n tabulator.
The parsed receipt should look like this:
receipt = {
title: 'Quinoa-Brot',
items: [
'30 g Chiasamen',
'350 g Quinoa',
'70 ml Olivenöl',
'1/2 TL Speisenatron',
'1 Prise Salz',
'Saft von 1/2 Zitrone'
'1 Handvoll Sonnenblumenkerne'
'30 g Schwarzkümmelsamen',
preparation: '1 Chiasamen mit 100 ml Wasser verrühren und 30 Minuten quellen lassen. Den Ofen auf 200 oc vorheizen, eine kleine Kastenform mit Backpapier auslegen. 2 Quinoa mit der dreifachen Menge Wasser in einen Topf geben, einmal aufkochen und dann 3 Minuten köcheln lassen - die Quinoa wird so nur teilweise gegegart. In ein Sieb abgießen, kalt abschrecken und anschließend gut abtropfen lassen.'
Pattern matching solutions like RegExp don't sound suitable for this sort of a categorization problem. You might want to consider clustering (k-means, etc.) - training a model to differentiate between ingredients and instructions. This can be done by labeling a number of recipes (the more the better), or using unsupervised ML by clustering line by line.
If you need to stick to RegExp for some reason, you keeping track of repeated words. Weak methodology: ingredient names (Chiasemen, Quinoa, ) will be referenced in the instructions, so you can match on multiline to find where the same word is repeated later on:
(?<=\b| )([^ ]+)(?= |$).+(\1)
If you do run this on a loop, plus logic, you can find pairs ingredient-instruction pairs, and work through the document with silhouette information.
You might be able to take advantage of ingredient lines containing numeric data like numbers or words like "piece(s), sticks, leaves" which you might store in a dictionary. That can enrich the word boundary input matches.
I would reconsider using RegExp here at all...

How to fix my RE to get my expected arguments of group

I m new learner to python and learning Regex at this moment.
I made a Regex that is supposed to find all phone numbers.
I think I did it right but my code doesn't seem to be working correctly.
phoneRegex = re.compile(r'''(
(\d{2,3}|\(\d(2,3)\))? # first 2-3 digits
(\s|-|\.)? # -
(\d{3,4}) # second 3-4 digits
(\s|-|\.) # -
(\d{4}) # last 4 digits.
(\s*(ext|x|ext.)\s*(\d{3,4}))? # extension
)''', re.VERBOSE)
phoneRegex.findall('010 1234 5678 ext1234')
I am working on automatetheboringstuff tutorials, and read the Regex chapter through for 3 times.
If there are some minor things that I should read or consider, sorry for my hasty, but I spent roughly 2hrs, and I am happy to any of your suggesting reading materials and help.
I appreciate in advance.
Expected result:
[('010 1234 5678 ext1234', '010', ' ', '1234', ' ', '5678', ' ext1234', 'ext', '1234')]
Actual result:
[('010 1234 5678 ext1234', '010', '', ' ', '1234', ' ', '5678', ' ext1234', 'ext', '1234')]
what is the 3rd thing ('') and where did it come from?

Dictionary text file Python

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Join me live in Springfield, Ohio!
781619038699094016,1475201875,United States,Twitter for iPhone,31968,17246
While Hillary profits off the rigged system, I am fighting for you! Remember the simple phrase: #FollowTheMoney...
def read(text):
with open(text,'r') as f:
for line in f:
Is there a way that i can separate each information for the candidates So for example for Donald Trump it should be
[Donald Trump],
[791697302519947264[[791697302519947264,1477604720,'Ohio USA','Twitter for iPhone',5251,18951895], 'Join['Join me live in Springfield, Ohio! Lit']Lit']],
[781619038699094016[[781619038699094016,1475201875,'United States','Twitter for iPhone',31968,1724617246], 'While['While Hillary profits off the rigged system, I am fighting for you! Remember the simple phrase: #FollowTheMoney...']']]
The format of the file is the following:
So basically after the 6 headings, everything after that is a tweet till '<<
Also is there a way i can do this for every candidate in the file
I'm not sure why you need a multi-dimensional list (I would pick tuples and dictionaries if possible) but this seems to produce the output you asked for:
>>> txt = """Donald Trump:
... 791697302519947264,1477604720,Ohio USA,Twitter for iPhone,5251,1895
... Join me live in Springfield, Ohio!
... Lit
... <<<EOT
... 781619038699094016,1475201875,United States,Twitter for iPhone,31968,17246
... While Hillary profits off the rigged system, I am fighting for you! Remember the simple phrase: #FollowTheMoney...
... <<<EOT
... Another Candidate Name:
... 12312321,123123213,New York USA, Twitter for iPhone,123,123
... This is the tweet text!
... <<<EOT"""
>>> buffer = []
>>> tweets = []
>>> for line in txt.split("\n"):
... if not line.startswith("<<<EOT"):
... buffer.append(line)
... else:
... if buffer[0].strip().endswith(":"):
... tweets.append([buffer.pop(0).rstrip().replace(":", "")])
... metadata = buffer.pop(0).split(",")
... tweet = [" ".join(line for line in buffer).replace("\n", " ")]
... tweets.append([metadata, tweet])
... buffer = []
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(tweets)
[['Donald Trump'],
'Ohio USA',
'Twitter for iPhone',
['Join me live in Springfield, Ohio! Lit']],
'United States',
'Twitter for iPhone',
['While Hillary profits off the rigged system, I am fighting for you! Remember the simple phrase: #FollowTheMoney... ']],
['Another Candidate Name'],
'New York USA',
' Twitter for iPhone',
['This is the tweet text!']]]
I am not quite understanding... but here is my example to read a file line by line then add that line to a string of text to post to twitter.
candidates = open("FILEPATH WITH DOUBLE \") #example "C:\\users\\fox\\desktop\\candidates.txt"
for candidate in candidates():
candidate = candidate.rstrip('\n') #removes new line(this is mandatory)
#next line post means post to twitter
post("propaganda here " + candidate + "more propaganda)
note for every line in that file this code will post to twitter
ex.. 20 lines means twenty twitter posts
