Can't run NodeSchool workshops in Git Bash. "TypeError: process.stdin.setRawMode is not a function" - node.js

From the research I did for the topic, I saw some recommendations to install tty.js with npm, but it wouldn't install as well - some sort of python exe missing from the system error.
I am able to run the program from Git CMD but it is all confusing for me because I am familiar with unix based consoles :(
The way I installed node.js and npm : All was doen with the installer provided by node.js.
Any insights? Thank you in advance!

I have installed tty.js in a linux enviroment and it works great, you should some building essentials installed, such as:
As well as Python 2.7. When installing using npm, it will look for all the dependencies and as I understand it will compile some C code that does the magic behind the scenes. I haven't tried it on Windows, but what I have seen there is the C code designed for windows, so it probably will run.
Maybe I will be of more help if you copy what you get on the npm installation.

have you tried using Git Bash? That is what I used for the most part as well and acts more unix like. If you're on a PC, an alternative is using ConEMU as they give you a shell that is unix like. Just wanted to give you some options if you're still running into trouble, I know this is super late :)


Mac zsh: django-admin command not found

I have zsh on my mac. I did simlink as you recommended in here django-admin command not working in Mac OS so in my directory /usr/local/bin I have another folder bin with files __pycache__
However there is still the same problem and I receive zsh: command not found for django-admin as well as
Any alternative guys? I am pretty new into programming and computer science :(
Python 3.8 Django 2.1
before going any further in your discovery of Python and Django, you should take a moment to learn about virtual environment in Python.
Virtual env are highly recommended when working with Python. Among many other advantages, they simplify the access to installed packages, or command line utilities like django-admin.
I picked a tutorial that looks ok but there are plenty of them on the web :
Good luck in your pydventure ;)

Installing Python2.7 on a linux server without root privileges

I am trying to install python2.7 over given python2.6 on a web server. I am stuck at the last step trying to link new python install over the old one.
The steps I have done:
Downloaded and extracted Python 2.7
configured with --prefix=$HOME/.local
make install
What I don't get is how to link by making changes in .bashrc (and what changes to make). I looked over all the places but most the answers are not generic.
Also, I have to install couple of other lovely python stuff, like pip virtualenv, django, nltk over this. A little help on that would be too great.
Ok, without root privileges you will have to have all the python stuff and your code in your home folder. And also you won't be able to configure your nginx/apache/whatever http server you use. Does not seem like a good idea for production, but for development - sure, why not.
This means you will need to install python in your home folder. You can download and compile, but probably the simplest way to do so is pyenv - Some reading is required to understand its concepts, but it is much simpler than fiddling with manual compiling if you are not sure what you're doing.
Also it kinda replaces virtualenv, but you can still have it if you want. And of course, it all works with your non-root user. There is an installer that doesn't require root either.

Lua cannot find LuaRocks-installed modules on Linux

I installed the luarocks package on Linux Mint, and afterwards installed a couple of rocks such as sudo luarocks install telescope, but when running a script via lua script.lua, require cannot find the module.
Meta: Doing this Q&A style, because while questions that answer this exist, none seem to be generically titled or easily findable, and I hope that I can help someone with this.
In this specific case, the problem was simply that on my distribution, the default Lua version installed was at the time of writing this 5.2, whereas the LuaRocks package was built for 5.1, meaning that Lua 5.2 could not find the rocks due to using different paths for modules.
The solution to the problem was downloading the LuaRocks source code from its github repository, and compiling it for 5.2
./configure --lua-version=5.2
make build
sudo make install
To make sure I can also install packages for LuaJIT, which as of the moment uses 5.1 libs, I have also executed the above lines with lua-version=5.1 beforehand (if I executed them after, the default luarocks command would point at the 5.1 build.
To build LuaRocks, you need liblua5.2-dev and/or liblua5.1-dev
The solution for me is this.
I try
eval "$(luarocks path)"
and it works.
Hope it works for others.

Node.js Cygwin not supported

I am trying to install node.js. I followed this tutorial and i am stuck in the middle.
When I write ./configure in my cygwin terminal it says "cygwin not supported". Please help me out
Thanks in advance.
Node in my experience runs fine in cygwin, what Node usually has EINVAL errors in seems to be MINTTY which is a terminal emulation 'skin' that is default to cygwin. I still am not sure why these EINVAL errors happen 100% but the following are the steps and tricks I use to get node working.
In my /cygwin/home/{username}/.bashrc I add node to path so cygwin can find it
export PATH=$PATH:"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/nodejs/"
If you run a 32 bit version of node:
export PATH=$PATH:"/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/nodejs/"
Then to make npm run without windows to linux issues I launch cygwin in admin mode then run:
dos2unix '/cygdrive/c/Program Files/nodejs/npm'
At this point running files and most npm packages will run in MINTTY just fine, although every once and awhile you will run into EINVAL issues with certain npm packages as karma. Also you will not be able to run the interpreter directly in MINTTY, anytime I want to do these things I run:
cygstart /bin/bash
This will open a native cygwin bash.exe window, from here you run the interpreter or an any troubling package command that results in a EINVAL. It slightly sucks you have to do this but I rarely use this day to day, and I love MINTTY too much to not use it.
Also note that you can run any one line node code in MINTTY by just running something like:
node -e "console.log('hello node')"
As a simpler derivative of troy's answer for those just looking to install NPM packages:
Install Node.js with the Windows installer package.
Add it to the PATH with export PATH=$PATH:"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/nodejs/" (obviously replacing the path to Node.js's installation directory with where you installed it).
There's a current bug in the Windows version that can be fixed by running mkdir -p ~/AppData/Roaming/npm. This is a bug for all of Windows and not just Cygwin. At some point of the future, you won't have to do this anymore, but the command shouldn't have any negative side effects.
Test it. Eg, npm install pretty-diff -g.
In order to be able to run the newly installed software, you'll need to add the install locations to your PATH. You can find these with npm bin -g and npm bin (the -g flag is the "global" installation location).
Not really anything special that you have to do to get it to run in Cygwin (although I can't say if everything works).
Use Console2, it allows you to run create tabs of CLI shells. It seems running cygwin inside console2 allows me to use node REPL just fine. I have no idea why :P
Follow this guide to add cygwin to console2:
With Bjørn's suggestion (using Console2) and Soyuka's alias (steps here), my node.js v0.10.13 and npm v1.3.2 are now working under Babun v1.02, a Cygwin distribution.
For windows, Just run bash.exe in cmd, so that you could have a bash work around with cmd console directly, which could support ALL NODE WORKING PERFECTLY.
$ node
I'm using this wrapper in /usr/local/bin/node (note no extension!)
_cmd="$(cygpath -lw -- "$1" )"
"/proc/cygdrive/C/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe" "$_cmd" "$#"
This is far from perfect, as Node do not understand Cygwin directory tree, but works relatively well with relative names.
From Windows, run Cygwin.bat (instead of Cygwin Terminal) then in that run node: see and reply on this answer on this effectively-same question asked 1.5 years later.
Grab and run the node.js Windows installer.
In the Cygwin prompt type node
See if it works.

How to install something on Linux without Makefile (lessc in this case)

I am relatively new to the Linux world so forgive this question if it is simple. I have cloned the lessc repo from this url:
However I cannot find a way of installing it. Am I missing something or is there a manual way to install things setup like this. I have encountered this problem several times and would appreciate any input you could offer. Thanks!
You don't have to install lessc with make install.
It is not a binary program, it's a javascript, so you jut have to copy in the correct position of your website.
Unlike programs, which have a specified position where they have to be installed, files that have to be served by webserver do not have an install script, because there's not fixed position in the filesystem where a website is stored.
