Memoisation with auxiliary parameter in Haskell - haskell

I have a recursive function f that takes two parameters x and y. The function is uniquely determined by the first parameter; the second one merely makes things easier.
I now want to memoise that function w.r.t. it's first parameter while ignoring the second one. (I.e. f is evaluated at most one for every value of x)
What is the easiest way to do that? At the moment, I simply define an array containing all values recursively, but that is a somewhat ad-hoc solution. I would prefer some kind of memoisation combinator that I can just throw at my function.
EDIT: to clarify, the function f takes a pair of integers and a list. The first integer is some parameter value, the second one denotes the index of an element in some global list xs to consume.
To avoid indexing the list, I pass the partially consumed list to f as well, but obviously, the invariant is that if the first parameter is (m, n), the second one will always be drop n xs, so the result is uniquely determined by the first parameter.
Just using a memoisation combinator on the partially applied function will not work, since that will leave an unevaluated thunk \xs -> … lying around. I could probably wrap the two parameters in a datatype whose Eq instance ignores the second value (and similarly for other instances), but that seems like a very ad-hoc solution. Is there not an easier way?
EDIT2: The concrete function I want to memoise:
g :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
g xs n = f 0 n
where f :: Int -> Int -> Int
f _ 0 = 0
f m n
| m == length xs = 0
| w > n = f (m + 1) n
| otherwise = maximum [f (m + 1) n, v + f (m + 1) (n - w)]
where (w, v) = xs !! m
To avoid the expensive indexing operation, I instead pass the partially-consumed list to f as well:
g' :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
g' xs n = f xs 0 n
where f :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> Int
f [] _ _ = 0
f _ _ 0 = 0
f ((w,v) : xs) m n
| w > n = f xs (m + 1) n
| otherwise = maximum [f xs (m + 1) n, v + f xs (m + 1) (n - w)]
Memoisation of f w.r.t. the list parameter is, of course, unnecessary, since the list does not (morally) influence the result. I would therefore like the memoisation to simply ignore the list parameter.

Your function is unnecessarily complicated. You don't need the index m at all:
foo :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
foo [] _ = 0
foo _ 0 = 0
foo ((w,v):xs) n
| w > n = foo xs n
| otherwise = foo xs n `max` foo xs (n - w) + v
Now if you want to memoize foo then both the arguments must be considered (as it should be).
We'll use the monadic memoization mixin method to memoize foo:
First, we create an uncurried version of foo (because we want to memoize both arguments):
foo' :: ([(Int, Int)], Int) -> Int
foo' ([], _) = 0
foo' (_, 0) = 0
foo' ((w,v):xs, n)
| w > n = foo' (xs, n)
| otherwise = foo' (xs, n) `max` foo' (xs, n - w) + v
Next, we monadify the function foo' (because we want to thread a memo table in the function):
foo' :: Monad m => ([(Int, Int)], Int) -> m Int
foo' ([], _) = return 0
foo' (_, 0) = return 0
foo' ((w,v):xs, n)
| w > n = foo' (xs, n)
| otherwise = do
a <- foo' (xs, n)
b <- foo' (xs, n - w)
return (a `max` b + v)
Then, we open the self-reference in foo' (because we want to call the memoized function):
type Endo a = a -> a
foo' :: Monad m => Endo (([(Int, Int)], Int) -> Int)
foo' _ ([], _) = return 0
foo' _ (_, 0) = return 0
foo' self ((w,v):xs, n)
| w > n = foo' (xs, n)
| otherwise = do
a <- self (xs, n)
b <- self (xs, n - w)
return (a `max` b + v)
We'll use the following memoization mixin to memoize our function foo':
type Dict a b m = (a -> m (Maybe b), a -> b -> m ())
memo :: Monad m => Dict a b m -> Endo (a -> m b)
memo (check, store) super a = do
b <- check a
case b of
Just b -> return b
Nothing -> do
b <- super a
store a b
return b
Our dictionary (memo table) will use the State monad and a Map data structure:
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map.Strict
mapDict :: Ord a => Dict a b (State (Map a b))
mapDict = (check, store) where
check a = gets (lookup a)
store a b = modify (insert a b)
Finally, we combine everything to create a memoized function memoFoo:
import Data.Function (fix)
type MapMemoized a b = a -> State (Map a b) b
memoFoo :: MapMemoized ([(Int, Int)], Int) Int
memoFoo = fix (memo mapDict . foo')
We can recover the original function foo as follows:
foo :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
foo xs n = evalState (memoFoo (xs, n)) empty
Hope that helps.


fibonacci function by implementing Monad instance of a newtype

I just got into Monads and have been trying to convert a simple fibonacci function into a new one using Monads. In addition to getting the fibonacci number, I also want to get the number of recursions. So basically I am looking to combine the two functions
rec :: Int -> Int
rec n
| n == 0 = 0
| n == 1 = 0
| otherwise = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) + 2
fib :: Int -> Int
fib n
| n == 0 = 0
| n == 1 = 1
| otherwise = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
to something like this
import Control.Monad
newtype Test a b = Test { getTest :: (b, a -> a) }
deriving Functor
gett :: Test a b -> (b, a -> a)
gett = getTest
instance Applicative (Test a) where
pure = return
(<*>) = liftM2 ($)
instance Monad (Test a) where
return :: b -> Test a b
--something like ?: return b = Test $ (b,\a -> a)
(>>=) :: Test a b -> (b -> Test a c) -> Test a c
--something like ?: Test b >>= f = Test $ \a -> gett(f a)
add :: (a -> a) -> Test a ()
-- something like ?: add a = Test a ()
getFib :: Test a b -> b --getFib (fib 10) -> 55
getFib = fst . getTest
getRec :: Test a b -> a -> a --getRec (fib 10) 0 -> 176
getRec = snd . getTest
fib :: Int -> Test Int Int
fib n
| n == 0 = return 0
| n == 1 = return 1
| otherwise = do
a <- fib (n-1)
add (+2)
b <- fib (n-2)
return (a+b)
I have been stuck on the implementation of return bind of the newType Test and add. My idea is that the Test Monad will accumulate the test function and focus on the computation of b. Any pointer is appreciated.
Your monad is essentially the Writer (Endo a) monad, up to isomorphism.
Your proposed definitions are mostly correct:
instance Monad (Test a) where
return :: b -> Test a b
--something like ?:
return b = Test $ (b,\a -> a)
Yes, that's correct. The identity is the neutral element of the endo monoid.
(>>=) :: Test a b -> (b -> Test a c) -> Test a c
--something like ?:
Test b >>= f = Test $ \a -> gett(f a)
No, this is not correct since you discard value b, and do not produce a pair. You want something like
Test (x, f) >>= g = Test (x', f' . f) -- or f . f'
where Test (x', f') = g x
add :: (a -> a) -> Test a ()
-- something like ?:
add a = Test a ()
looks correct.
That being said, here's a few suggestions:
For your fib example, using your monad seem to be overkill. You are using Writer (Endo a) when Writer (Sum Int) would suffice. Instead of storing a function a -> a in your monadic type, you could simply store an Int and sum it in >>= to achieve the right count.
You could reuse the monads from the libraries. Right now, you are reinventing them. Still, what you are doing right now is a great exercise to understand how the libraries work, so it's not pointless at all!

Haskell - Count occurrences from multiple elements and return tuple

Heyy, I'm Haskell beginner and I pretend to do the following function:
occurrences 3 7 [-1,3,-4,3,4,3,-8,7,7,3]
Output that I want:
I made this try but doesn't worked so well, guess I having troubles to count the elements individually and to return the tuple
occurrences a b [] = 0
occurrences a b (x:xs)
| x == a = 1 + occurrences a b xs
| x == b = 1 + occurrences a b xs
| otherwise = occurrences a b xs
I appreciate any tip and help, thanks ;)
A good approach is to add a type signature, and use the error messages to guide you:
occurrences :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> [a] -> (Int, Int)
occurrences a b [] = 0
occurrences a b (x:xs)
| x == a = 1 + occurrences a b xs
| x == b = 1 + occurrences a b xs
| otherwise = occurrences a b xs
The first error is “Could not deduce (Num (Int, Int)) arising from the literal 0 from the context Eq a”. This means that we can’t use 0 in the first equation because it’s not a tuple, or more precisely, there is no Num instance that allows us to convert from the literal 0 to a tuple via fromIntegral. In the base case, we should return a tuple containing 0 for both sums:
occurrences :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> [a] -> (Int, Int)
occurrences a b [] = (0, 0)
occurrences a b (x:xs)
| x == a = 1 + occurrences a b xs
| x == b = 1 + occurrences a b xs
| otherwise = occurrences a b xs
The next error is “Could not deduce (Num (Int, Int)) arising from a use of + from the context Eq a. This means we’re trying to use + on the result of occurrences, but as with the previous error, it doesn’t have a Num instance to provide +, because it’s now a tuple. The fix here is to match on the result of occurrences and add to the first or second element of the tuple accordingly:
occurrences :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> [a] -> (Int, Int)
occurrences a b [] = (0, 0)
occurrences a b (x:xs)
| x == a = let (m, n) = occurrences a b xs in (m + 1, n)
| x == b = let (m, n) = occurrences a b xs in (m, n + 1)
| otherwise = occurrences a b xs
Now this produces the expected result:
> occurrences 'a' 'b' "ababcb"
But we can improve this solution in a few ways. First, a and b remain the same throughout the computation, so we can do the recursion in a helper function instead of passing a and b around to every call.
occurrences :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> [a] -> (Int, Int)
occurrences a b = go
go [] = (0, 0)
go (x:xs)
| x == a = let (m, n) = go xs in (m + 1, n)
| x == b = let (m, n) = go xs in (m, n + 1)
| otherwise = go xs
The idiom here is to define f a b … = go where go = …, and replace calls to f a b … with go—because they’re defined as equal! This is a great example of equational reasoning, replacing one side of an equation with the other.
Finally, since every equation of go except the base case contains a tail call to go, it suggests we can express this pattern of recursion with a fold. Here, our accumulator is the pair of results, and the combining function can increment the results accordingly as we step through the list. Since our accumulator is just a pair of integers, it’s a good idea to use a strict fold (foldl').
import Data.List (foldl')
occurrences :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> [a] -> (Int, Int)
occurrences a b = foldl' go (0, 0)
go (m, n) x
| x == a = (m + 1, n)
| x == b = (m, n + 1)
| otherwise = (m, n)
Finally, instead of keeping an accumulator and adding elements one by one, we can just map each element to a value (0 or 1) and reduce them by summation. This map/reduce pattern is captured by foldMap :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m, which maps each element of a container (t a) to a value (m) and combines the results using a Monoid instance. The monoid to use here is Sum from Data.Monoid, whose Monoid and Semigroup instances define mempty = Sum 0 and Sum a <> Sum b = Sum (a + b) respectively.
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
occurrences :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> [a] -> (Int, Int)
occurrences a b = coerce . foldMap go
go x
| x == a = (Sum (1 :: Int), mempty)
| x == b = (mempty, Sum (1 :: Int))
| otherwise = mempty
We can make use of functions like first :: Arrow a => a b c -> a (b, d) (c, d) and second :: Arrow a => a b c -> a (d, b) (d, c) to construct a tuple where we apply a function to one of the two items of the 2-tuple. For example:
Prelude Control.Arrow> first (1+) (1,4)
Prelude Control.Arrow> second (1+) (1,4)
We thus can use this to update the tuple with:
import Control.Arrow(first, second)
import Data.List(foldl')
occurrences :: (Eq a, Integral i, Integral j, Foldable f) => a -> a -> f a -> (i, j)
occurrences a b = foldl' (flip f) (0, 0)
where f c | a == c = first (1+)
| b == c = second (1+)
| otherwise = id
For the sample input, this produces:
Prelude Control.Arrow Data.List> occurrences 3 7 [-1,3,-4,3,4,3,-8,7,7,3]
We can easily extent this behavior, by making use of lenses to update one of the elements of tuple.
#emg184 gave a good way to solve this problem, but there could be cleaner, easier to read ways to go about doing this. For example:
occurrences x y xs = (count x xs, count y xs)
where count = (length .) . filter . (==)
count could also be written in a more readable:
count x = (length . filter (== x))
You could approach this problem a lot of different way's here is an example of doing it with a fold.
occurrences :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> [a] -> (Int, Int)
occurrences a b list = foldr (\y (a', b') -> ((isEqual y a a'), (isEqual y b b'))) (0, 0) list
where isEqual listEle tupEle count = if (listEle == tupEle) then (count + 1) else count
One of the problem's is you have a type mismatch. you want a type of:
(Int, Int)
Yet you are returning a type of int here once you have an empty list:
occurrences a b [] = 0 -- Int
occurrences a b (x:xs)
| x == a = 1 + occurrences a b xs
| x == b = 1 + occurrences a b xs
| otherwise = occurrences a b xs
You need some type of an accumulator you could do this by where binding a local function that takes your starting tuple of (0, 0) or you could pass it to occurrences like this:
occurrences :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
I would suggest using a local function since you'll always want to start with (0, 0) in this approach.
occurrences' :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> [a] -> (Int, Int)
occurrences' a b list = go list (0,0)
where go x (e1, e2) = if (x == []) then (e1, e2) else (go (tail x) ((isEqual a (head x) e1), (isEqual b (head x) e2)))
isEqual v v' accum = if (v == v') then (accum + 1) else (accum)
This isnt the most idiomatic way to do it but it shows the point. You should try to use types to help with this.,

Pattern matching in `Alternative`

I have a function that pattern matches on its arguments to produce a computation in StateT () Maybe (). This computation can fail when run, in which case I want the current pattern match branch to fail, so to speak.
I highly doubt it's possible to have something like
compute :: Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
compute = return
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f (Just n1) (Just n2) = do
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
f (Just n) _ = do
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
f _ (Just n) = do
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
behave in the way I want it to: When the first computation fails due to the guard or somewhere in compute, I want f to try the next pattern.
Obviously the above can't work, because StateT (as any other monad might) involves an additional parameter when expanded, so I probably can't formulate this as simple pattern guards.
The following does what I want, but it's ugly:
f' :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f' a b = asum (map (\f -> f a b) [f1, f2, f3])
f1 a b = do
Just n1 <- pure a
Just n2 <- pure b
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
f2 a _ = do
Just n <- pure a
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
f3 _ b = do
Just n <- pure b
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
A call like execStateT (f (Just 42) (Just 1)) () would fail for f but return Just () for f', because it matches f2.
How do I get the behavior of f' while having elegant pattern matching with as little auxiliary definitions as possible like in f? Are there other, more elegant ways to formulate this?
Complete runnable example:
#! /usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver=lts-11.1 script
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
compute :: Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
compute = return
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f (Just n1) (Just n2) = do
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
f (Just n) _ = do
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
f _ (Just n) = do
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
f' :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f' a b = asum (map (\f -> f a b) [f1, f2, f3])
f1 a b = do
Just n1 <- pure a
Just n2 <- pure b
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
f2 a _ = do
Just n <- pure a
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
f3 _ b = do
Just n <- pure b
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
main = do
print $ execStateT (f (Just 42) (Just 1)) () -- Nothing
print $ execStateT (f' (Just 42) (Just 1)) () -- Just (), because `f2` succeeded
Edit: I elicited quite some clever answers with this question so far, thanks! Unfortunately, they mostly suffer from overfitting to the particular code example I've given. In reality, I need something like this for unifying two expressions (let-bindings, to be precise), where I want to try unifying the RHS of two simultaneous lets if possible and fall through to the cases where I handle let bindings one side at a time by floating them. So, actually there's no clever structure on Maybe arguments to exploit and I'm not computeing on Int actually.
The answers so far might benefit others beyond the enlightenment they brought me though, so thanks!
Edit 2: Here's some compiling example code with probably bogus semantics:
module Unify (unify) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
data Expr
= Var String -- meta, free an bound vars
| Let String Expr Expr
-- ... more cases
-- no Eq instance, fwiw
-- | If the two terms unify, return the most general unifier, e.g.
-- a substitution (`Map`) of meta variables for terms as association
-- list.
unify :: [String] -> Expr -> Expr -> Maybe [(String, Expr)]
unify metaVars l r = execStateT (go [] [] l r) [] -- threads the current substitution as state
go locals floats (Var x) (Var y)
| x == y = return ()
go locals floats (Var x) (Var y)
| lookup x locals == Just y = return ()
go locals floats (Var x) e
| x `elem` metaVars = tryAddSubstitution locals floats x e
go locals floats e (Var y)
| y `elem` metaVars = tryAddSubstitution locals floats y e
-- case in point:
go locals floats (Let x lrhs lbody) (Let y rrhs rbody) = do
go locals floats lrhs rrhs -- try this one, fail current pattern branch if rhss don't unify
-- if we get past the last statement, commit to this branch, no matter
-- the next statement fails or not
go ((x,y):locals) floats lbody rbody
-- try to float the let binding. terms mentioning a floated var might still
-- unify with a meta var
go locals floats (Let x rhs body) e = do
go locals (Left (x,rhs):floats) body e
go locals floats e (Let y rhs body) = do
go locals (Right (y,rhs):floats) body e
go _ _ _ _ = empty
tryAddSubstitution = undefined -- magic
When I need something like this, I just use asum with the blocks inlined. Here I also condensed the multiple patterns Just n1 <- pure a; Just n2 <- pure b into one, (Just n1, Just n2) <- pure (a, b).
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f a b = asum
[ do
(Just n1, Just n2) <- pure (a, b)
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
, do
Just n <- pure a
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
, do
Just n <- pure b
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
You can also use chains of <|>, if you prefer:
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f a b
= do
(Just n1, Just n2) <- pure (a, b)
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
<|> do
Just n <- pure a
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
<|> do
Just n <- pure b
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
This is about as minimal as you can get for this kind of “fallthrough”.
If you were using Maybe alone, you would be able to do this with pattern guards:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
ensure :: Alternative f => (a -> Bool) -> a -> f a
ensure p a = a <$ guard (p a)
compute :: Int -> Maybe Int
compute = return
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
f (Just m) (Just n)
| Just x <- ensure (== 42) =<< compute (m + n)
= return x
f (Just m) _
| Just x <- ensure (== 42) =<< compute m
= return x
f _ (Just n)
| Just x <- ensure (== 42) =<< compute n
= return x
f _ _ = empty
(ensure is a general purpose combinator. Cf. Lift to Maybe using a predicate)
As you have StateT on the top, though, you would have to supply a state in order to pattern match on Maybe, which would foul up everything. That being so, you are probably better off with something in the vein of your "ugly" solution. Here is a whimsical attempt at improving its looks:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Foldable
ensure :: Alternative f => (a -> Bool) -> a -> f a
ensure p a = a <$ guard (p a)
compute :: Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
compute = return
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
f a b = asum (map (\c -> f' (c a b)) [liftA2 (+), const, flip const])
f' = ensure (== 42) <=< compute <=< lift
While this is an answer specific to the snippet I've given, the refactorings only apply limited to the code I was facing.
Perhaps it's not that far-fetched of an idea to extract the skeleton of the asum expression above to a more general combinator:
-- A better name would be welcome.
selector :: Alternative f => (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> f b) -> a -> a -> f b
selector g k x y = asum (fmap (\sel -> k (sel x y)) [g, const, flip const])
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
f = selector (liftA2 (+)) (ensure (== 42) <=< compute <=< lift)
Though it is perhaps a bit awkward of a combinator, selector does show the approach is more general than it might appear at first: the only significant restriction is that k has to produce results in some Alternative context.
P.S.: While writing selector with (<|>) instead of asum is arguably more tasteful...
selector g k x y = k (g x y) <|> k x <|> k y
... the asum version straightforwardly generalises to an arbitrary number of pseudo-patterns:
selector :: Alternative f => [a -> a -> a] -> (a -> f b) -> a -> a -> f b
selector gs k x y = asum (fmap (\g -> k (g x y)) gs)
It looks like you could get rid of the whole pattern match by relying on the fact that Int forms a Monoid with addition and 0 as the identity element, and that Maybe a forms a Monoid if a does. Then your function becomes:
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
f a b = pure $ a <> b >>= compute >>= pure . mfilter (== 42)
You could generalise by passing the predicate as an argument:
f :: Monoid a => (a -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> StateT () Maybe a
f p a b = pure $ a <> b >>= compute >>= pure . mfilter p
The only thing is that compute is now taking a Maybe Int as input, but that is just a matter of calling traverse inside that function with whatever computation you need to do.
Edit: Taking into account your last edit, I find that if you spread your pattern matches into separate computations that may fail, then you can just write
f a b = f1 a b <|> f2 a b <|> f3 a b
where f1 (Just a) (Just b) = compute (a + b) >>= check
f1 _ _ = empty
f2 (Just a) _ = compute a >>= check
f2 _ _ = empty
f3 _ (Just b) = compute b >>= check
f3 _ _ = empty
check x = guard (x == 42)

How to know in Haskell in what row and column of a table ([[a]]) you are

I want to make a sudoku solver in Haskell (as an exercise). My idea is:
I have t :: [[Int]] representing a 9x9 grid so that it contains 0 in an empty field and 1-9 in a solved field.
A function solve :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] returns the solved sudoku.
Here is a rough sketch of it (i'd like to point out i'm a beginner, i know it is not the most optimal code):
solve :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
solve t
| null (filter (elem 0) t) = t
| t /= beSmart t = solve (beSmart t)
| otherwise = guess t
The function beSmart :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] tries to solve it by applying some solving algorithms, but if methodical approach fails (beSmart returns the unchanged sudoku table in that case) it should try to guess some numbers (and i'll think of that function later). In order to fill in an empty field, i have to find it first. And here's the problem:
beSmart :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
beSmart t = map f t
where f row
| elem 0 row = map unsolvedRow row
| otherwise = row
where unsolvedRow a
| a == 0 = tryToDo t r c --?!?!?!?! skip
| otherwise = a
The function tryToDo :: [[Int]]] -> Int -> Int - > Int needs the row and column of the field i'm trying to change, but i have no idea how to get that information. How do i get from map what element of the list i am in at the moment? Or is there a better way to move around in the table? I come from iterative and procedural programing and i understand that perhaps my approach to the problem is wrong when it comes to functional programing.
I know this is not really an answer to your question, but I would argue, that usually you would want a different representation (one that keeps a more detailed view of what you know about the sudoku puzzle, in your attempted solution you can only distinguish a solved cell from a cell that is free to assume any value). Sudoku is a classical instance of CSP. Where modern approaches offer many fairly general smart propagation rules, such as unit propagation (blocking a digit in neighboring cells once used somewhere), but also many other, see AC-3 for further details. Other related topics include SAT/SMT and you might find the algorithm DPLL also interesting. In the heart of most solvers there usually is some kind of a search engine to deal with non-determinism (not every instance must have a single solution that is directly derivable from the initial configuration of the instance by application of inference rules). There are also techniques such as CDCL to direct the search.
To address the question in the title, to know where you are, its probably best if you abstract the traversal of your table so that each step has access to the coordinates, you can for example zip a list of rows with [0..] (zip [0..] rows) to number the rows, when you then map a function over the zipped lists, you will have access to pairs (index, row), the same applies to columns. Just a sketch of the idea:
mapTable :: (Int -> Int -> a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]]
mapTable f rows = map (\(r, rs) -> mapRow (f r) rs) $ zip [0..] rows
mapRow :: (Int -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapRow f cols = map (uncurry f) $ zip [0..] cols
or use fold to turn your table into something else (for example to search for a unit cell):
foldrTable :: (Int -> Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> [[a]] -> b
foldrTable f z rows = foldr (\(r, rs) b -> foldrRow (f r) b rs) z $ zip [0..] rows
foldrRow :: (Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldrRow f z cols = foldr (uncurry f) z $ zip [0..] cols
to find which cell is unital:
(\x y v acc -> if length v == 1 then Just (x, y) else acc)
by using Monoid you can refactor it:
import Data.Monoid
foldrTable' :: Monoid b => (Int -> Int -> a -> b) -> [[a]] -> b
foldrTable' f rows = foldrTable (\r c a b -> b <> f r c a) mempty rows
unit :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> Maybe (Int, Int)
unit x y c | length c == 1 = Just (x, y)
| otherwise = Nothing
firstUnit :: [[[a]]] -> Maybe (Int, Int)
firstUnit = getFirst . foldrTable' (\r c v -> First $ unit r c v)
so now you would do
firstUnit [[[1..9],[1..9],[1..9]],[[1,2],[3,4],[5]]]
to obtain
Just (1, 2)
correctly determining that the first unit cell is at position 1,2 in the table.
[[Int]] is a good type for a sodoku. But map does not give any info regarding the place it is in. This is one of the ideas behind map.
You could zip together the index with the value. But a better idea would be to pass the whole [[Int]] and the indexes to to the function. So its type would become:
f :: [[Int]] -> Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
inside the function you can now access the current element by
t !! x !! y
Already did this a while ago as a learning example. It is definitely not the nicest solution, but it worked for me.
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
data Position = Position (Int, Int) deriving (Show)
data Sodoku = Sodoku [Int]
insertAtN :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
insertAtN n y xs = intercalate [y] . groups n $ xs
groups n xs = takeWhile (not.null) . unfoldr (Just . splitAt n) $ xs
instance Show Sodoku where
show (Sodoku s) = (insertAtN 9 '\n' $ map intToDigit s) ++ "\n"
convertDigit :: Char -> Int
convertDigit x = case x of
'-' -> 0
x -> if digit>=1 && digit<=9 then
where digit=digitToInt x
convertSodoku :: String -> Sodoku
convertSodoku x = Sodoku $ map convertDigit x
adjacentFields :: Position -> [Position]
adjacentFields (Position (x,y)) =
[Position (i,y) | i<-[0..8]] ++
[Position (x,j) | j<-[0..8]] ++
[Position (u+i,v+j) | i<-[0..2], j<-[0..2]]
u=3*(x `div` 3)
v=3*(y `div` 3)
positionToField :: Position -> Int
positionToField (Position (x,y)) = x+y*9
fieldToPosition :: Int -> Position
fieldToPosition x = Position (x `mod` 9, x `div` 9)
getDigit :: Sodoku -> Position -> Int
getDigit (Sodoku x) pos = x !! (positionToField pos )
getAdjacentDigits :: Sodoku -> Position -> [Int]
getAdjacentDigits s p = nub digitList
digitList=filter (\x->x/=0) $ map (getDigit s) (adjacentFields p)
getFreePositions :: Sodoku -> [Position]
getFreePositions (Sodoku x) = map fieldToPosition $ elemIndices 0 x
isSolved :: Sodoku -> Bool
isSolved s = (length $ getFreePositions s)==0
isDeadEnd :: Sodoku -> Bool
isDeadEnd s = any (\x->x==0) $ map length $ map (getValidDigits s)$ getFreePositions s
setDigit :: Sodoku -> Position -> Int -> Sodoku
setDigit (Sodoku x) pos digit = Sodoku $ h ++ [digit] ++ t
field=positionToField pos
h=fst $ splitAt field x
t=tail$ snd $ splitAt field x
getValidDigits :: Sodoku -> Position -> [Int]
getValidDigits s p = [1..9] \\ (getAdjacentDigits s p)
-- Select numbers with few possible choices first to increase execution time
sortImpl :: (Position, [Int]) -> (Position, [Int]) -> Ordering
sortImpl (_, i1) (_, i2)
| length(i1)<length(i2) = LT
| length(i1)>length(i2) = GT
| length(i1)==length(i2) = EQ
selectMoves :: Sodoku -> Maybe (Position, [Int])
selectMoves s
| length(posDigitList)>0 = Just (head posDigitList)
| otherwise = Nothing
posDigitList=sortBy sortImpl $ zip freePos validDigits
validDigits=map (getValidDigits s) freePos
freePos=getFreePositions s
createMoves :: Sodoku -> [Sodoku]
createMoves s=
case selectMoves s of
Nothing -> []
(Just (pos, digits)) -> [setDigit s pos d|d<-digits]
solveStep :: Sodoku -> [Sodoku]
solveStep s
| (isSolved s) = [s]
| (isDeadEnd s )==True = []
| otherwise = createMoves s
solve :: Sodoku -> [Sodoku]
solve s
| (isSolved s) = [s]
| (isDeadEnd s)==True = []
| otherwise=concat $ map solve (solveStep s)
s=convertSodoku sodoku2
readSodoku :: String -> Sodoku
readSodoku x = Sodoku []

Haskell pattern match on content of list

I have a list of elements:
data Foo = A Int | B Int | C Int
myList :: [Foo]
myList = [A 1, B 2, C 3]
I want a function that gets the value of a specific constructor, if existing:
-- returns value of the first A constructor, if exists:
getA :: [Foo] -> Maybe Int
-- returns value of the first B constructor, if exists:
getB :: [Foo] -> Maybe Int
Any elegant solution?
And what about a getX function, capable of getting the value of any specified constructor in the list?
This will work
getA theList = listToMaybe [x | A x <- theList]
getB theList = listToMaybe [x | B x <- theList]
You will need to import Data.Maybe.
Generalizing this would be possible, but tricky.... What type would you even want this function to have? ([a]->somethingToRepresentAConstructor->Int).
And what about a getX function, capable of getting the value of any specified constructor in the list?
Regarding the generalization, the somethingToRepresentAConstructor could be a String?
You can generalize a bit more and get
firstJust :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
firstJust f xs = case filter isJust (map f xs) of
x : _ -> x
[] -> Nothing
getA = firstJust f
where f (A x) = Just x
f _ = Nothing
getB = firstJust f
where f (B x) = Just x
f _ = Nothing
