Haskell pattern match on content of list - haskell

I have a list of elements:
data Foo = A Int | B Int | C Int
myList :: [Foo]
myList = [A 1, B 2, C 3]
I want a function that gets the value of a specific constructor, if existing:
-- returns value of the first A constructor, if exists:
getA :: [Foo] -> Maybe Int
-- returns value of the first B constructor, if exists:
getB :: [Foo] -> Maybe Int
Any elegant solution?
And what about a getX function, capable of getting the value of any specified constructor in the list?

This will work
getA theList = listToMaybe [x | A x <- theList]
getB theList = listToMaybe [x | B x <- theList]
You will need to import Data.Maybe.
Generalizing this would be possible, but tricky.... What type would you even want this function to have? ([a]->somethingToRepresentAConstructor->Int).

And what about a getX function, capable of getting the value of any specified constructor in the list?
Regarding the generalization, the somethingToRepresentAConstructor could be a String?
You can generalize a bit more and get
firstJust :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
firstJust f xs = case filter isJust (map f xs) of
x : _ -> x
[] -> Nothing
getA = firstJust f
where f (A x) = Just x
f _ = Nothing
getB = firstJust f
where f (B x) = Just x
f _ = Nothing


Haskell: for every even appearance in an array, concatenate an int to the final list

I'm currently trying to write a function that takes as arguments an Int and an array of Ints and for every even value in the array, it concatenates the Int to the final array.
So, something like this:
f 3 [1,2,3,4,5,6] = [1,2,3,3,4,3,5,6,3]
This is the code I imagined would work (I'm just beginning so sorry if it's bad):
f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f(x,[]) = []
|even head(y) = (head(y) ++ [x] ++ f(x,drop 1 y)
|otherwise = head(y) ++ f(x,(drop 1 y))
The error I'm getting is "Couldn't match expected type of 'Int' with actual type (a3, [[a3]])'. I understand the parameters types are mismatched, but I'm not sure how a proper syntax would look like here
You use (x, []), so that means the input type would be a tuple, so f :: (Int, [Int]) -> [Int].
I would also use pattern matching instead of head and tail, so:
f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f _ [] = []
f x (y:ys)
| even y = y : x : f x ys
| otherwise = y : f x ys
You can also generalize the type signature, and work with an inner function to avoid passing the x each time:
f :: Integral a => a -> [a] -> [a]
f x = go
where go [] = []
go (y:ys)
| even y = y : x : go ys
| otherwise = y : go ys
Another way of looking at this would be using a right fold to insert the desired element after even numbers.
f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f x lst = foldr (\y i -> if even y then y:x:i else y:i) [] lst
Which we can simplify to:
f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f x = foldr (\y i -> if even y then y:x:i else y:i) []
Note that without specifying the type, the more general inferred type of f would be:
f :: (Foldable t, Integral a) => a -> t a -> [a]

How I can set the signature of a function right?

I'm practicing some Haskell to understand the \, case.. of and Maybe better.
I've got this little function here which should return Nothing if the array is empty, Just y if y is equal to the head of the array xs and Just (tail xs) if y is not equal to the head of the array xs.
I set the return type of the function to Maybe a because in one case it should return an Int and in the other an [Int].
funct :: Int -> [Int] -> Maybe a
funct = \y xs -> case xs of
[] -> Nothing
xs -> if ((head xs) == y)
then Just y
else Just (tail xs)
What am I missing? I am getting the error that it couldn't match type a with [Int]. Isn't the a in Maybe a generic or is it influenced by the fact that I "used" the a as an Int in the Just y part?
EDIT: Ok my suggestion was bs, I tested it with Just (tail xs) in the then and else part and I'm still getting the same error.
set the return type of the function to Maybe a because in one case it should return an Int and in the other an [Int].
Haskell is statically typed. Meaning it can not - at runtime - have a different return type. It can only have one return type. a is not an ad hoc type (in the sense that it can be any type at runtime). It means that a will be determined - at compile time - based on the types of other parameters.
For instance you can write: foo :: a -> a -> a to specify that if foo takes two Ints (again known at compile time), the result will be an Int.
You can however use Either a b to say that you will either return a Left a, or a Right b. So you can rewrite it to:
funct :: Int -> [Int] -> Maybe (Either Int [Int])
funct = \y xs -> case xs of
[] -> Nothing
xs -> if ((head xs) == y)
then Just (Left y)
else Just (Right (tail xs))
Your function however is quite verbose, you can make it more clear and compact as follows:
funct :: Int -> [Int] -> Maybe (Either Int [Int])
funct _ [] = Nothing
funct y (h:t) | h == y = Just (Left y)
| otherwise = Just (Right t)
Furthermore we can generalize it to:
funct :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe (Either a [a])
funct _ [] = Nothing
funct y (h:t) | h == y = Just (Left y)
| otherwise = Just (Right t)
Here Eq is a typeclass that specifies that there exists a function (==) :: a -> a -> Bool that we can use. Otherwise using == in the body of the function would not be possible.
Furthermore we use patterns in the head of every clause. [] is a pattern that describes the empty list. (h:t) on the other hand is a pattern describing a list containing at least one element: the head h, followed by a (possibly empty tail t).

Memoisation with auxiliary parameter in Haskell

I have a recursive function f that takes two parameters x and y. The function is uniquely determined by the first parameter; the second one merely makes things easier.
I now want to memoise that function w.r.t. it's first parameter while ignoring the second one. (I.e. f is evaluated at most one for every value of x)
What is the easiest way to do that? At the moment, I simply define an array containing all values recursively, but that is a somewhat ad-hoc solution. I would prefer some kind of memoisation combinator that I can just throw at my function.
EDIT: to clarify, the function f takes a pair of integers and a list. The first integer is some parameter value, the second one denotes the index of an element in some global list xs to consume.
To avoid indexing the list, I pass the partially consumed list to f as well, but obviously, the invariant is that if the first parameter is (m, n), the second one will always be drop n xs, so the result is uniquely determined by the first parameter.
Just using a memoisation combinator on the partially applied function will not work, since that will leave an unevaluated thunk \xs -> … lying around. I could probably wrap the two parameters in a datatype whose Eq instance ignores the second value (and similarly for other instances), but that seems like a very ad-hoc solution. Is there not an easier way?
EDIT2: The concrete function I want to memoise:
g :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
g xs n = f 0 n
where f :: Int -> Int -> Int
f _ 0 = 0
f m n
| m == length xs = 0
| w > n = f (m + 1) n
| otherwise = maximum [f (m + 1) n, v + f (m + 1) (n - w)]
where (w, v) = xs !! m
To avoid the expensive indexing operation, I instead pass the partially-consumed list to f as well:
g' :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
g' xs n = f xs 0 n
where f :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> Int
f [] _ _ = 0
f _ _ 0 = 0
f ((w,v) : xs) m n
| w > n = f xs (m + 1) n
| otherwise = maximum [f xs (m + 1) n, v + f xs (m + 1) (n - w)]
Memoisation of f w.r.t. the list parameter is, of course, unnecessary, since the list does not (morally) influence the result. I would therefore like the memoisation to simply ignore the list parameter.
Your function is unnecessarily complicated. You don't need the index m at all:
foo :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
foo [] _ = 0
foo _ 0 = 0
foo ((w,v):xs) n
| w > n = foo xs n
| otherwise = foo xs n `max` foo xs (n - w) + v
Now if you want to memoize foo then both the arguments must be considered (as it should be).
We'll use the monadic memoization mixin method to memoize foo:
First, we create an uncurried version of foo (because we want to memoize both arguments):
foo' :: ([(Int, Int)], Int) -> Int
foo' ([], _) = 0
foo' (_, 0) = 0
foo' ((w,v):xs, n)
| w > n = foo' (xs, n)
| otherwise = foo' (xs, n) `max` foo' (xs, n - w) + v
Next, we monadify the function foo' (because we want to thread a memo table in the function):
foo' :: Monad m => ([(Int, Int)], Int) -> m Int
foo' ([], _) = return 0
foo' (_, 0) = return 0
foo' ((w,v):xs, n)
| w > n = foo' (xs, n)
| otherwise = do
a <- foo' (xs, n)
b <- foo' (xs, n - w)
return (a `max` b + v)
Then, we open the self-reference in foo' (because we want to call the memoized function):
type Endo a = a -> a
foo' :: Monad m => Endo (([(Int, Int)], Int) -> Int)
foo' _ ([], _) = return 0
foo' _ (_, 0) = return 0
foo' self ((w,v):xs, n)
| w > n = foo' (xs, n)
| otherwise = do
a <- self (xs, n)
b <- self (xs, n - w)
return (a `max` b + v)
We'll use the following memoization mixin to memoize our function foo':
type Dict a b m = (a -> m (Maybe b), a -> b -> m ())
memo :: Monad m => Dict a b m -> Endo (a -> m b)
memo (check, store) super a = do
b <- check a
case b of
Just b -> return b
Nothing -> do
b <- super a
store a b
return b
Our dictionary (memo table) will use the State monad and a Map data structure:
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map.Strict
mapDict :: Ord a => Dict a b (State (Map a b))
mapDict = (check, store) where
check a = gets (lookup a)
store a b = modify (insert a b)
Finally, we combine everything to create a memoized function memoFoo:
import Data.Function (fix)
type MapMemoized a b = a -> State (Map a b) b
memoFoo :: MapMemoized ([(Int, Int)], Int) Int
memoFoo = fix (memo mapDict . foo')
We can recover the original function foo as follows:
foo :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
foo xs n = evalState (memoFoo (xs, n)) empty
Hope that helps.

Idiomatic way to fetch the first occurrence of a specific constructor from a list

Is there a nice way to find the first occurrence of a constructor in a list, without the explicit recursion in the sample below?
data Elem = A Int | B Char deriving Show
getA :: [Elem] -> Maybe Elem
getA [] = Nothing
getA (e:es) =
case e of
A a -> Just (A a)
_ -> getA es
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
getA xs = listToMaybe [e | e#(A _) <- xs]
Addendum: even better, future-proofed using an empty record pattern (kudos hammar):
getA xs = listToMaybe [e | e#(A{}) <- xs]
Note however, that this only works out so neatly for matching constructors. For general properties, find is nicer:
get prop xs = listToMaybe [e | e <- xs, prop e]
get prop xs = listToMaybe (filter prop xs)
get prop xs = find prop xs
You can use Data.List.find.
getA = find isA
where isA (A {}) = True
isA _ = False
You could use find:
data Elem = A Int | B Char deriving Show
getA elements = find (\x->case x of (A _) -> True; _ -> False) elements

Unwrapping datatypes in Haskell without extraneous code

Say I have
x = Just 2
Is there a way (preferrably a builtin mechanism/function) to use x in a single statement such that if it is a Just, then the 2 is automatically unwrapped and used, and if it is a Nothing, an exception is raised?
That is,
(f x) + 2 == 4 if x == Just 2, and raises an exception if x == Nothing.
Data.Maybe.fromJust has been mentioned by other answers already:
fromJust :: Maybe a -> a
fromJust Nothing = error "Maybe.fromJust: Nothing"
fromJust (Just x) = x
There's also maybe (found in both Prelude and Data.Maybe):
maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe n _ Nothing = n
maybe _ f (Just x) = f x
fromJust can be written using maybe:
fromJust = maybe (error "Maybe.fromJust: Nothing") id
As you can see, maybe allows you flexibility in handling both cases without requiring pattern matching:
\x -> maybe 0 (+ 2) x -- Nothing -> 0, Just 2 -> 4
Similarly, Prelude and Data.Either have either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c:
\x -> either (subtract 1) (* 2) x -- Left 5 -> 4, Right 3 -> 6
If you define a data type
data MyDataType
= TypeA { foo :: Int, bar :: String }
| TypeB { foo :: Int, baz :: () }
| TypeC { bar :: String, baz :: () }
like this, you end up with partial functions for accessors.
foo :: MyDataType -> Int
bar :: MyDataType -> String
baz :: MyDataType -> ()
They're called partial functions, as opposed to total functions, because they only return results for a subset of their inputs.
foo (TypeA { foo = 15, bar = "hello!" }) -- 15
bar (TypeB { foo = 12345679, baz = () }) -- error
For this particular case, fromJust. In general
let Just k = x in f k + 2 == 4
This trick works with any datatype constructor and is very commonly used with (:) for nonempty lists.
fromJust should do what you want.
