Unable to delete a document with passed "email" and "_id" anyhow - node.js

I wanted to delete a document with concerned _id and email when I click on "Remove task" in the HTML file.
Following is the code which removes that task:
I've passed value of email and _id(only hexadcemial string value) to the code:
collection.findOneAndDelete({email:email,_id:taskid},function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
But, the function is not recognizing _id that I've passed. The value of "taskid" variable is 566836bd8db43d3d56e23a4a i.e. only strings value from _id:
var taskid=566836bd8db43d3d56e23a4a;
I've tried every possible declaration of taskid to convert it so that the function could recognize the value of _id and match it:
var taskid= "ObjectId("+'"'+req.param('taskid')+'"'+")";
But till now, I am not able to match the _id with the taskid. Any fix?

if you are going to compare with ObjectId then
var ObjectId = require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId
collection.findOneAndDelete({email:email,_id:new ObjectId(taskid)},function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
Should work for you.
If you feel the job too hard for each and every query then you can create an new method.
String.prototype.toObjectId = function() {
var ObjectId = (require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId);
return new ObjectId(this.toString());
// Every String can be casted in ObjectId now


Node.js mongodb update over ObjectID

I want to update my Document but it's not working 100% .
// Initialize connection once
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/testDB", function(err, database) { //"mongodb://localhost:27017/test"
if(err) throw err;
db = database;
My collection row looks like:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53f9379ce9575bbe9ec29581"), "name:paco",
"status:student" }
Now if I want to update the row over the Document as follows:
db.collection('user', function(err, collection){
collection.update({'_id':ObjectID(req.session.loggedIn)}, {image : filename}, {w:1}, function(err, result){
I am getting just:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53f9379ce9575bbe9ec29581"), "image:filename" }
How can I make an update to get my data like this??:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53f9379ce9575bbe9ec29581"), "name:paco",
"status:student" , "image:filename"}
Doing an update the way you did it is going to retrieve the document in your collection with the specified _id, then it is going to replace the content of this document with what you specified as your second parameter. In your case, it will retrieve the document with _id 53f9379ce9575bbe9ec29581, and replace the existing fields with the field you passed, image:filename (that means the existing fields will be removed, as you noticed).
What you want to do is use the $set operator. This operator will not touch the document retrieved, but only modify the field that you specified, or add it if it does not exist.
So your update command should look something like this:
db.collection('user').update({'_id':ObjectID(req.session.loggedIn)}, {$set: {image : filename}}, {w:1}, function(err, result){
to update record by _id
var ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
exports.updateUser = function(req, res) {
var collection = db.collection('users');
collection.update(where, $set:req.body, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error updating user: ' + err);
res.send({'error':'An error has occurred'});
} else {
console.log('' + result + ' document(s) updated');

Cannot applying find() method with Native MongoDB becaus of ID type

I have a function that is needed to get results.
When I give 1 as _id filter everything is OK.
.find({ '_id' : 1 })
.toArray(function (err, personnel) {
If I give filter another way for instance user[0]['personnel_id'] -that is store 1- then I get only [] result;
.find({ '_id' : user[0]['personnel_id'] })
.toArray(function (err, personnel) {
And then I've tried another way. But it doesn't work because I used a string(user[0]['personnel_id']) instead of an ObjectID.
var ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
var personnelPK_Hex = (user[0]['personnel_id']).toHexString();
var personnelPK = ObjectID.createFromHexString(personnelPK_Hex);
What should I do?
All of my codes are below;
module.exports = {
show: function(req, res) {
User.native(function(err, collectionUser) {
if(err) {
console.log("There is no exist a User by current_id");
.find({'_id' : req.param('id')})
.toArray(function (err, user) {
Personnel.native(function(err, collectionPersonnel) {
if(err) {
// handle error getting mongo collection
console.log("There is no exist a Personel by current _id");
if(!collectionPersonnel) {
console.log("There is no exist a Personel by current _id");
// var ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
// var personnelPK_Hex = (user[0]['personnel_id']).toHexString();
// var personnelPK = ObjectID.createFromHexString(personnelPK_Hex);
.find({ '_id' : user[0].personnel_id })
.toArray(function (err, personnel) {
And console's output is;
Just like apsillers's said. I had given a numeric _id to collection, incorrectly.
I've fixed _id value and everything is OK.
Thank you all...
user[0]['personnel_id'] might be a string. For Mongo, "1" is different from 1, which is why your literal number 1 worked, but your variable (which holds a string) does not.
Instead, try using a unary plus to convert the string to a number: +user[0]['personnel_id'].
try to use like user[0].personal_id instead of user[0]['personnel_id'] please provide your schema design that would be better to figure out what exactly you are missing.
i tried like this
.find({ '_id' : user[0].personnel_id })
.toArray(function (err, personnel) {

MongoDB two same records

I'm doing a project which is backed by Nodejs and MongoDB. I am quite new to MongoDB and I am lacking a clue why I quite often(almost always) get two same records in collections when I do posts. The two records only differ by ID, which are for example ObjectId("53aefb0fc68a0810504d2066") and 53aefb0fc68a0810504d2066, is this normal or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any pointers.
Here is some node code:
app.post("/:collection", function (req, res) {
var object = req.body;
var collection = req.params.collection;
collectionDriver.save(collection, object, function (err, docs) {
if (err) {
res.send(400, [err, object]);
} else {
res.send(201, docs);
save: function(collectionName, obj, callback) {
this.getCollection(collectionName, function(error, the_collection) {
if( error ) callback(error);
else {
obj.created_at = new Date();
the_collection.insert(obj, function() {
callback(null, obj);
getCollection: function(collectionName, callback) {
this.db.collection(collectionName, function(error, data) {
if (error) {
} else {
callback(null, data);
Everytime you ask MongoDB to save an object without an _id field, it automatically generates a new, globally unique ObjectID for that field and saves the object under that ObjectID.
When you want to use save to update an existing document, you need to make sure that the _id field is populated with the _id of the document you want to update.
Alternatively, you can create an unique index on those fields you consider relevant for determining what's a duplicate and what isn't. However, in that case an attempt to save an already existing document will throw an error instead of replacing the document.

MongoDB node native driver creating duplicate documents

I'm getting a duplicate document when using the mongodb-native-driver to save an update to a document. My first call to save() correctly creates the document and adds a _id with an ObjectID value. A second call creates a new document with a text _id of the original ObjectID. For example I end up with:
> db.people.find()
{ "firstname" : "Fred", "lastname" : "Flintstone", "_id" : ObjectId("52e55737ae49620000fd894e") }
{ "firstname" : "Fred", "lastname" : "Flintstone with a change", "_id" : "52e55737ae49620000fd894e" }
My first call correctly created Fred Flinstone. A second call that added " with a change" to the lastname, created a second document.
I'm using MongoDB 2.4.8 and mongo-native-driver 1.3.23.
Here is my NodeJS/Express endpoint:
app.post("/contacts", function (req, res) {
console.log("POST /contacts, req.body: " + JSON.stringify(req.body));
db.collection("people").save(req.body, function (err, inserted) {
if (err) {
throw err;
} else {
console.dir("Successfully inserted/updated: " + JSON.stringify(inserted));
Here is the runtime log messages:
POST /contacts, req.body: {"firstname":"Fred","lastname":"Flintstone"}
'Successfully inserted/updated: {"firstname":"Fred","lastname":"Flintstone","_id":"52e55737ae49620000fd894e"}'
POST /contacts, req.body: {"firstname":"Fred","lastname":"Flintstone with a change","_id":"52e55737ae49620000fd894e"}
'Successfully inserted/updated: 1'
Why doesn't my second update the existing record? Does the driver not cast the _id value to an ObjectID?
What you are posting back the 2nd time contains a field named "_id", and it's a string. That is the problem.
Look at the document, what the save method does is a "Simple full document replacement function". I don't use this function quit often so here's what I guess. The function use the _id field to find the document and then replace the full document with what you provided. However, what you provided is a string _id. Apparently it doesn't equal to the ObjectId. I think you should wrap it to an ObjectId before passing to the function.
Besides, the save method is not recommended according to the document. you should use update (maybe with upsert option) instead
I don't exactly know why a second document is created, but why don't you use the update function (maybe with the upsert operator)?
An example for the update operation:
var query = { '_id': '52e55737ae49620000fd894e' };
db.collection('people').findOne(query, function (err, doc) {
if (err) throw err;
if (!doc) {
return db.close();
doc['lastname'] = 'Flintstone with a change';
db.collection('people').update(query, doc, function (err, updated) {
if (err) throw err;
console.dir('Successfully updated ' + updated + ' document!');
return db.close();
And now with the upsert operator:
var query = { '_id': '52e55737ae49620000fd894e' };
var operator = { '$set': { 'lastname': 'Flintstone with a change' } };
var options = { 'upsert': true };
db.collection('people').update(query, operator, options, function (err, upserted) {
if (err) throw err;
console.dir('Successfully upserted ' + upserted + ' document!');
return db.close();
The difference is that the upsert operator will update the document if it exist, otherwise it will create a new one. When using the upsert operator you should keep in mind that this operation can be underspecified. That means if your query does not contain enough information to identify a single document, a new document will be inserted.

find results of attributes in mongodb are always undefined

I really really need help in this. I am using node.js with mongodb and mongoose. So far I've managed to create a schema and save those into my database.
var Bericht = new Schema({
name : String
, mail : String
, betreff : String
, inhalt : String
, datum : Date
var Bericht = mongoose.model('Bericht', Bericht);
I habe a html formular where I can transmit with misc. fields data, by querystring I converting those into readable strings
var bericht_data = {
name: tempo.Name
, mail: tempo.Mail
, betreff: tempo.Betreff
, inhalt: tempo.Inhalt
var testoro = new Bericht(bericht_data);
testoro.save(function (err) {
if (!err) console.log('Success!');
so tempo.Name for example is a string and it also successful in saving it.
So far I can save all data from this formular into my mongodb.
Now the very problem: I want the data back as string to handle for dynamic html.
To get the info into my console, I use
{ '_id': 0},
function(err, docs) {
if (!err){
// process.exit();
else { throw err;}
The console gives me all data which was ever saved in my schema Bericht excluding the long _id stuff. Sample output:
[ { name: 'Hans', mail: 'hans#wurst.de', betreff: 'I lost my wurst', inhalt: 'look at me, I am amazing' } ]
That's just one, normally there would be a huge amount of data.
The idea is right now to extract only the name into a string like "Hans". I want to get this name into a var, but hell it seems impossible!
I've tried
{ '_id': 0},
function(err, docs) {
if (!err){
// process.exit();
else { throw err;}
But the I get only "undefined" delivered. I appreciate your help!
Take a look at Mongoose QueryStreams. I haven't used it myself, but I've modified their example code to fit your Model, to give you an idea of how it might work in practice:
var stream = Bericht.find().stream()
, names = []
, i;
function closeHandler() {
stream.on('data', function (doc) {
if (doc.name) {
stream.on('error', function (err) {
// handle err
stream.on('close', closeHandler)
Mongoose find return an array of documents so you should try the following:
{ '_id': 0},
function(err, docs) {
if (!err){
for(var i=0; i<docs.length; i++)
// process.exit();
else { throw err;}
